Photoshop :: Modifying A Path In CS6?

Nov 13, 2012

I have a problem since I upgraded from Photoshop CS5 to CS6. I draw a path with Pen tool, with two points. I used to move the path beetween the points to change the path without moving the tangents.
I tried to explain it with an image :
1/ my path with two points, I want to modify the path without moving the tangents

 2/ with Photoshop CS6, when I move the path beetween the points, it changes my tangent's angle
3/ before it only moved the lengths of the tangents
Can I get this comportment back ?

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Photoshop :: CS4 / CS6 - Modifying A Saved Action?

Jul 26, 2013

In CS4 I was able to create an action that resized images and then saved them for web. I would use this action over and over and would always be able to change where the images saved to in the batch setup panel. In order to get the save for web as part of the action I had to define a folder for saving. But choosing a different folder in CS4 would save them to the location I chose.
 In CS6 I have not been able to modify where the images save, the original saved export always save  to the same folder. I have tried this with the override option clicked and unclicked with the same result. I am working on a PC in windows 7.
I have reverted to the scripts image processor but the images I am modifying are tif files with meta-data that I need to remove because when these images are uploaded with my wordpress loaded they all load with the same name based on the meata data, the photographer has all metadata as the same info. Having to manually clean these all out is making me crazy and I'd like to go back to using my actions.

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Photoshop :: Creating And Modifying Brushes?

Jun 17, 2012

Photoshop / Creating and modifying brushes?

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Photoshop :: Modifying Linked Images

Jan 14, 2013

I'm making a booklet (in InDesign) that will have a few pages filled with collage-type visuals that I'm planning on making in PS. I'll be using a few low-res images that a photographer has given me but hasn't yet retouched, converted to high-res nor color profiled - but he will need to see my collages before being able to retouch them. I was wondering if there was a way to relink placed images in PS the way you can in Illustrator, but after rasterizing the images (since I'll be needing to lasso-cut into them to make the collage happen)?
Basically, what I'm doing right now is creating a canvas, placing two JPG images saved as TIF for testing, selecting "Edit Content" and cutting into them with the lasso, saving and switching back to my canvas. The modification is applied and correct, but when I select "Replace Content" and choose the same test file from its original source place (as I would do when the photog hands me over the retouched image), the relink removes the data I've just created and just inserts the full-sized image, thus destroying my "collage".
What am I missing here?

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Photoshop :: Modifying Brush Strokes?

Nov 19, 2013

Lightroom is the ability to partially 'subtract' brush strokes using the ALT key, rather than deleting the entire brush stroke and starting all over again. Is it possible to do the same thing in Photoshop? If so, how?

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Photoshop :: Modifying Text In Images?

May 29, 2005

Any idea how to do this since I heard it was possible - say I have an scanned image with text in it - say the words 'Blue' in a certain font, I would like to change those words to the words 'Red' in the same exact font and font size. Any idea how to do this and which function do I invoke in Photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Modifying Image Around Object

Jan 9, 2008

I have a rectangular shaped image.

I also have a cylindical image and I want to wrap the image around it - I dont mind it cutting of some of the image if need be or whatever.

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Photoshop :: Modifying Imported EPS Files

Jul 22, 2006

I have been recently and reluctantly put in a graphics position for large format printing. a customer sent a job in an e-mail, and called to say he wanted the text a different color. For the life of me I can't figure out how to do it. Is it possible? it's an eps file that has some graphics, but mostly text.

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Photoshop :: Modifying _Known_ Font

Dec 2, 2008

The _known_ font I alluded to is... simply any font that can 'read' the Cyrillic alphabet. This basic font should be an example. (Test: ������.)

My goal and/or challenge is to modify this alphabet using Photoshop (or another way...?) into a more university-looking style.

My explanation is poorly written, so let's make this more visual.

How would I get a basic letter like �, �, �, �, �, � into a font that looks like:

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Photoshop :: Modifying Elements Of A Car Lights On Etc

Sep 13, 2004

how can I make it look as it was night..

Also how can I make the lights, fog lights, flash lights and brake lights glow?

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Photoshop :: Modifying Web Photo Gallery Templates

Jul 21, 2008

I created a web photo gallery in Photoshop. I want to modify the template so that I can make the gallery look more in line with the rest of the site I'm designing. I see in the Help Center that I need to modify the "tokens" in the html,

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Synchronize Catalog After Modifying Metadata With Another Program

Sep 26, 2012

I'm using Geosetter to add GPS coordinates to my photos, it also happens that I add keywords to photos directly from Windows Explorer (it's the fastest way in some cases).

The problem with doing that is : PSE8 does not "see" the update. Any other way than removing the containing directory from catalog's scope and readdint it ?

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Photoshop :: Creating Work Path On New Layer The Path Is Grayish Black Color

May 6, 2013

When creating a work path on a new layer, the path is a grayish black color is there a way to create that path to be a different color, yellow for instance? Using CS6, I don't see it in preferences anywhere

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Photoshop :: Can't Select Stroke Path While Work Path Is Selected (CS6)

Aug 20, 2012

I'm trying to stroke my work path with a brush I tailored myself. now, when I create a workpath from my text layer and switch to my top layer to try and choose 'stroke path' the option is shaded out.

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Photoshop :: How To Convert Shape Path In Work Path

Jun 23, 2012

I'm trying about 8 hours to convert a Photoshop shape in to a working path in order to put a brush border around it. I don't understand why the "stroke path with brush" is grayed out and not usable directly on the shape path itself.
"Load path from selection" is not an option because it deforms my path.

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Photoshop :: Why Can't Create A Path And Then Drag Nodes On That Path

Mar 22, 2012

I want to be able to transpose the perspective of the existing image to my new 3D prism shape.Why can't I create a path.. and then drag nodes on that path.. and warp the pixels at the same time???

It shouldn't apply to just 3d.. because I should be able to draw a rigid path around anything and warp / stretch the image from those points.

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Illustrator :: Modifying CS5 Graphs In CS6?

Mar 17, 2013

After selecting the graph, I then select data under Object>Graph>Data. The window comes up, but no data - to modify!

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Photoshop :: Path-within-path - How To Turn Into Selection

Jul 8, 2013

Having made a (ex circular) closed path within a (ex square) path, I want to turn this into a selection in which the inner circle is omitted from the selection.  But when choosing "Make Selection", only the first option,"New Selection" is available, the other three are grey (Add to, Subtract from and Intersect).
This used to work in CS7,

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Photoshop :: Export Path To Clipping Path

Mar 28, 2012

I'm wasting time having to place my image in Illustrator then manually line up the clipping path. You used to be able to save a file with a clipping path as an EPS in photoshop, select "retain vector data", place in illustrator and hit cmd Y to see the clipping path. I need the image and the clipping path in Illustrator and the image is too complex to create a mask in Illustrator. I tried to save it as an EPS but "retain vector data" is grayed out.

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VideoStudio :: Modifying Movie Proportion

Apr 16, 2012

In VideoStudio Pro 4, I was able to modify the proportions of my movie : stretched it or squeeze it, in or out of proportion. I can't seem to do this in Video Studio Pro 5. A strategic admittance to promote the next "Hyper Super Ultimate" 6th version 6 ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Modifying 3D Dimensions

May 23, 2012

Quick question...

Once a 3D object is drawn/completed in Inventor LT, how does one go back to the object to change the length/radius of certain objects without having to completely redrawn the object.  For instance, imagine a bike wheel that is fully draw.  Later perhaps one wants to go back to the wheel and adjust the radius of the spokes and the length.  How does one do this quickly.  In 2D I see how, but can this also be done in 3D with Inventor LT?

Working with... Autodesk: AutoCAD Inventor LT Suite 2013 | OS: Windows 7 | GC: ATI 6670 | Mem: 8 gigs RAM | Proc: Intel core i5 | Monitor: Acer V213HL

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Xara :: Modifying Clone Shape Later?

Aug 14, 2012

under Photo Clone Tool, there are a few comments, which I'm not sure if they're conflicting or I'm not reading them correctly, but I cannot seem to be able to change the clone shape...:

"After you've drawn your freehand clone shape, you can adjust the smoothness of the line. This is exactly equivalent to the Freehand tool smoothness control. This is only active immediately after you've drawn the clone shape. If you edit the clone outline using the other tools such as the Shape Editor, this control become disabled."


"Clone shapes are normal vector editable shapes, and once selected you can switch into any of the normal line or shape editing tool to make further adjustments of the outline."


"A photo with clone edits, is stored as a new 'Photo Group' structure. This acts like a normal photo for many purposes (you can resize it, rotate it, enhance it etc, and it will act as a single photo object). But using 'select inside' (Ctrl+click) or using the Page & Layer Gallery to view the group structure, you can select and edit the individual clone objects within the Photo Group."

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3ds Max :: How To Update All Group Instances When Modifying

Nov 12, 2011

I have a group made by several objects, and cloned as group instances many times. If i want to add/delete/move an object inside the group, the modifications are not cascaded to other instances. It is possible that this feature does not exist in 3d studio max?

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3ds Max Modeling :: Locked Polygons While Modifying?

Mar 18, 2013

Is it possible to lock some polygons in a object and when e.g. twist it a little bit? I'd like those polygons to keep their shape while rest polygons deforming.

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3ds Max Animation :: Modifying Mesh On Character?

May 12, 2011

I'm using purchased characters in Max, with their own skeletons, skin meshes, animations and so on, but I want to modify them. More specifically, I'm trying to scale down my main avatar, and also change the proportions of the body. Is there a way to change my skin according to the changes of the skeleton, and keep the original envelops as well?

Thus far I can only do the scaling part, but that is for the whole avatar. I want to make the same avatar shorter and say more fat, with shorter legs, and bigger head. But to do this I also need to change my mesh, and this is where I was wondering if I can do it.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Modifying Attribute Alignment With UCS

Feb 27, 2013

I have created this function that is to move all the attributes based on a startpt and a newpt. If the last argrument to the function is true, all attributes move the same amount in the x & y direction(this part is working fine). If the argument is false. I want the attributes to align with the x value of the first attribute. It works unless the user has set a UCS. I need to align the attributes to the UCS not the WCS. Can't seem to figure out the right transformby to apply.

Public Sub MoveAttributes(ByVal Blockobj AsObjectId, ByVal stpnt AsPoint3d, ByVal endpt AsPoint3d, ByVal alignatt AsBoolean)      
If Blockobj.IsNull ThenExit Sub       
Dim attributeDistFactor AsDouble = 0.1371425
Dim xmove AsDouble = stpnt.X - endpt.X
Dim ymove AsDouble = stpnt.Y - endpt.Y


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Importing And Modifying DWG?

Mar 22, 2013

I am trying to do a "quick and dirty" stopgap.

I am in the process of repairing and assembling the various systems for a luxury yacht - electrical, mechanical etc. The ultimate goal is to get a full 3D layout of parts and assemblies, then using tube and pipe and cable and harness to run conduits, aircon ducts, fuel lines....

All I have to go on are .dwgs

In the meantime I need to submit a modified .dwg to the engineers overseas to get the O.K. on swapping the order of certain components. All I need to do is change the labels text on the layout, nothing else.

I have imported the .dwg into an Inventor sketch and edited the text.

Now I am stuck. Placing the view into a new drawing shows nothing.

RMB export sketch as .dwg works, but not a single line of text shows, only the layout.

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AutoCad :: Modifying The Shape Of Line?

Apr 10, 2012

I have been fortunate enough to have been given access to use a plasma cutter at a local community college, of which I am employed. It is a new Torchmate system (4'x8'), The design computer is loaded with Torchmate 5 CAD. I wanted the ability to design at home and then import the .DXF file into the torchmate to burn my designs. I have loaded Autocad 2012 and only work in the 2d mode, which leads me to my question.

If I draw straight line and want to modify the line in Torchmate CAD/CAM I can edit the nodes and pull the line into whatever shape I would like.

Can this be accomplished with Autocad as straightforward as this? If so can you explain how I would do this? I have played around with this for a few hours but the closest I can get is using a the Polyline tool, but I am not able to add or delete nodes that allow me to customize my line.

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AutoCAD LT :: Modifying Objects Change

Nov 15, 2012

Does AutoCAD LT support feature like this?! : If I have the same objects copied in different locations in design and I need to change something in this object! Is it possible that I modify the original or one of the objects and all other(copies of the one I modify) objects change accordingly?!

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AutoCAD .NET :: Updating Drawing / Database After Modifying It

Jun 30, 2012

I have written a command that replaces the given annotative scale of all objects in a drawing, with another annotative scale. Works great, except I can't remove the replaced annotative scale (with SCALELISTEDIT - DELETE button), unless I save the drawing and then open it again.

An annotative scale that is in use, can't be deleted. But since I can delete it after reopening the drawing, I am sure it is not in use anymore.

Is there a way to "refresh" the drawing/database, without reopening it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Modifying Component Pattern Through API

Mar 15, 2012

I have a component pattern with 3 components in it and I need to remove one of the components from the pattern. How can I modify the pattern through the API? I have tried various things but I do not appear to be able to change the pattern.

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