Photoshop :: Missing Title Bar In PS CS4
Jan 20, 2009I've somehow managed to hide the title bar (the very top bar) in PS CS4. Is there a keyboard shortcut to bring it back? This is on a PC.
View 3 RepliesI've somehow managed to hide the title bar (the very top bar) in PS CS4. Is there a keyboard shortcut to bring it back? This is on a PC.
View 3 RepliesI have just upgraded to CS4 and am attempting to get acquainted with the new workspace options. Is there a way to maximize a floating window in Standard Screen Mode without losing the menu and title bars? I figured out how to drag images to CS4 and have them open as floating windows instead of tabs. However, when I maximize one of the images/floating windows, the menu and title bars are left out and are not visible. I would like to set the menu and title bars so that all images appear beneath them whether they or maximized or minimized.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI noticed today that the close, minimze and maxize buttons that are located at the top right are missing? Is this something that happened with 4.4
View 2 Replies View RelatedI added a title to my movie but the title is showing up on random clips now.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have created some dynamic title blocks with text attributes in title column. I have gone back an added some more attributes at a later date and these new ones will not move with my dynamic stretch! I have tried everything, modifying the action, re-doing the action, nothing works!
View 3 Replies View RelatedAny method when in the Library module to quickly edit the Title and Caption per image without having to use the mouse to click in the Title box each time. For instance - my current workflow is a bunch of products with their own SKU titles. Usually I would follow this step:
1. Import images from Camera -> Lightroom
2. Open Library and click on first image, select the Title field and enter the SKU (for instance : HG4356)
3. Now I would click in Title and type in "PROFILE" or "TOP" or "SIDE"
4. I would then use the right hand key on the keyboard to move to the next image in my filmstrip and then have to use the mouse to click into the Title field again.
5. Once all these images are completey named, I select them all and then select Library -> Rename Photos and use the Title_Caption as my fields and rename all my files to the correct SKU names.
I can usually automate option 3 somewhat by selecting all the PROFILE views and doing a sync etc... but the SKU section gets a bit tedious when having to mouse click each time into the field. Ideally, I would like a "Naming" feature where it asks for the name, upon typing it in and pressing enter, it jumps to the next image, into the same field and you can start typing again.
I know its sounds a bit lazy - but when you have over a 1000+ images to rename - it does take its time - and anything to speed up this process.
The title blocks that we use have prompted entries in them and I would like to find a way using iLogic to copy the entries from one title block to another within the same drawing; i.e.. if the user decides to change from an A2 to A1 drawing.
I already have an iLogic rule which allows the user to change the active border, title block and sheet size based on a form selection but would like it to capture the prompted entries already entered and re-use them after the change.
I have a title block inside my drawing and i want to link my title on the title of the file itself, so that if the title of the file was change, it will be change also inside the drawing.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI would like to change this title screen to english title screen at the precisely same picture on below but I want it to be in english title screen.
View 9 Replies View Relatedi'm experiencing some problems with the vieport in max 2012.sometimes when i restart max all my geometries in viewport are missing, while all are still there.
View 1 Replies View RelatedLR states that my photos are missing, but none of my photographs seem to be missing, ie, there are no question marks and all photos can be found, edited, and exported in the normal fashion.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just finished watching a tutorial by Deke McClellend about setting up my workspace. He talked about the Title Bar above the palletes and it shows as dark gray in is video. He showed how he could change some of the pallets to Icons.
I don't have a title bar above my pallets. Have I turned something off?
I know he is using a Beta Version of CS3 but I have seen the Icon Palletes on someone else's machine that was not a Beta Version. In the help menu it mentions the Dark Gray Title Bar.
A couple of weeks ago I installed CS4 64 bit in the 64-bit beta of Windows 7. All I did was open it, look at it, do a bit of minimal adjustment to the Prefs, open a couple of photos and pretend to edit them.
I opened it 2 days ago, and it was still fine. It Photoshop had a standard Windows 7 Aero title bar.
Today it has no title bar, just a bit of space above the menu line. Bridge still has a title bar, however.
How can insert a background image file (like one you would typically see used for a webpage) and tile it in photoshop? What I'm trying to do is have the background on the PS image match the background on a webpage, then create a logo overtop, but I can't figure out the first step.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI don't know if I am in the right forum, but I have a title...want to angle each letter in it (45 degrees, then 135 degrees, then 45 again..etc.) staggered. How the heck do I do that?
View 5 Replies View RelatedThe "title bar" (with the red yellow green circle icons) is missing on my Photoshop Elements 11 window. It used to be there and I used it to move the picture window up to my secondary display; that way I can keep the command windows on my Macbook screen and they don't cover the picture. How to get the title bar back? I've looked under the view and window menu items and can't find anything. I've also tried uninstalling and reinstalling but it looks like some information was maintained after the de-install. The window came back to the same size it was before the uninstall.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a ton of seamless images I want to make most into tile in this or that project but I don't want to make them all into .pat files because I hate hunting up .pat files plus if I am in the middle of a project with 25 layers. I want to simple pull in the image I want and use it without having to close everything to make a pat file then reopen the project I am on and have to hunt down my pat file to load it to use.
Now I have moved on to using 3D > New Title Painting which works great on a simple layer I need to turn a seamless tile into a pattern for that one project. However I am having one problem. Say I am working on a project where all the layers must be 2500 x 2500 pixels (for example) and I pull in an images onto one of the layers. Can I do one of the two:
Can I set photoshop cs5 to let me have different size layers in one project so the title paint can see image size it wants?
Can I set the title painter to have it set my layer size?Â
The problem I have is when I pull in a seamles image into a layer then make it a smart shape so I can resize it, make it smaller, then use title painter it makes spaces between the tiles.
I have collected 185 photos for my son's high school graduation. Many of them I scanned from old photos, the rest are digital. I painstakingly put them in chronological order and named them,scan1, scan2, scan3...etc. When I imported them into PS 9 they were all out of order. I saved them to an album so that I could re-order them, but I don't see "reorder by title" as an option. Is there a solution? I was hoping to create a slide show and photo book, but they need to be in chronological order. The ones I scanned are all dated the same even if some were infant pics and some teenager - so that doesn't work.
View 7 Replies View RelatedI just purchased, downloaded and installed PSE 12. I am running Windows 7. Everything seems to be working fine. My question is this: Why are the titles in tlhe menu bar (task bar?) at the top so small? When you actually pull down the menu it is fine but the titles (file, edit, image, filters etc) are extremely small and very hard to see. Also the path selection tool is just a dot (actually two tiny dots) and not the normal cursor arrow.
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhat do I do to see title bar above import items?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm having issues with my text editor. I have just completed a multilayered composite image with a border and want to add a title on the background layer and can't get the type font to be anything other than very I can't even see it.Â
View 7 Replies View Relatedim working on a PC , with windows 7, with photoshop CS5 i searched everywhere for answer , but none was given.. people did mention this problem, but for different photoshop versions , and, i had it good till i dont know what happened and changed it, so i believe it is fixable but people understood it wrong.
anyhow, the problem is, when you try to maximize the image window (assuming you changed it from tabs), the window maximize all over the screen, over the tools and title bar.
instead of staying inside the i mentioned, it used to be like it , but something happened and now its all over the thing.i tried double click the hand tool, all sort of things with the "F" and Tab shortcuts, the arrange documents thing on the top, even trying to restore default setting but nothing really did the trick.
i tried to look for something called "Application frame", that somehow suppose to do just that, under window->Application frame, but its not there. again, it used to be ok so i know there is still hope..
 here it is restored, under "fit screen" option, notice it only get the hight right, i would not call it "fit screen" but what ever..
red circels show the title bar and tools..
and this is when i hit the maximize button and unleash hell, red circles are where the title bar and tools were, not so nice and cool..
i noticed none of the others gave pictures, so i gave it a go..there are no words to describe how annoying it is.
The title page of my photobook has disappeared, and pages 2-3 now show in the pages panel as "title page". Can I create a new title page and put pages 2-3 back where they belong?
View 4 Replies View RelatedThe 'photomerge panorama' title on Photoshop Elements 11 is 'grayed out'. How can I make it work?
View 3 Replies View RelatedIn PS CS4 Mac, I used to be able to print the full document info that appears in the title bar, including the currently selected layer/group. This would print at the top of my document and might look like:
File Name.psd 100% (layer name, RGB/8)
I always thought this was a function of selecting "Label" in the Output window of the print dialogue box. However, it does not seem to be working anymore, and now it simply prints the file name, like this:
File Name.psd
How can I turn this feature back on so that I get the entire document window? Or another method to accomplish something similar? I am printing individual layers from a single document and having them automatically "labeled" is useful.
Mac OS 10.6.8
After updating the file title in a jpeg file, does PSE save the title by recompressing the file using the jpeg compression algorithm or does it simply update the file title without recompressing the file? Prgressive saves of unaltered files suggest that PSE is recompressing the file each time it is saved.
View 9 Replies View RelatedHow can I get a title to stand out on a dark background in Elements 10?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to convert all missing PlotStyles that are missing to one that is not missing.
I am working with the Style Manager and Display Manger. We use a custom .stb and in this custome .stb we have eliminated some of the standard PlotStyle Names such as Full Saturation, well as you may imagine some of the default materials, walls etc... under Style manager reference Full Saturation, right now I am going in by hand, one by one, changing this to AsDrawn.
Is there a way I can automate this for two purposes?
1.) so I don't have to do this all by hand
2.) as we "copy" elements from older jobs we can macro the change of plotstyle and so when we get drawings from outside we again can macro the plotstyle to AsDrawn.
Using PS CS6, Windows 7 x64.
I was under the impression that when hovering my mouse over the document title bar, I would see a tooltip showing the full file name, including the path. This isn't happening and I'm wondering if there is a way to do this. I know I can click File > Save As, or Ctrl+Shift-S to see the full path, but hovering over the title bar would be easier. (What I am seeing now in the tool tip is the file name, % magnification and which layer I have selected. Basically, the tool tip is just showing what's in the title bar without hovering.)
I have been using video studio with no problems adding title tracks before the video clips. Now for some reason I can't make the video clips run after the title but the first one runs at the same time with the title overlayed. I guess I could shoot some black video to add as the first clip but it was working before.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm currently using my VideoStudio X4 Trial before considering buying a license. I have a tiny problem with Title transitions in X4, as you now is able to put transitions on titles.
Look at the video i made for more information about my problem: [URL]........