Photoshop :: Mess Up Transparent PNG Files

Feb 24, 2006

I'm thinking it's IE 6 Windows, but whenever I use png files that are transparent in IE 6, some weird gray overtone is cast over the image.

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Photoshop :: Colors Are Mess Up...

Oct 26, 2007

when I opened Photoshop all the colors were mess up... CS2 or CS3... don't matter... both were all mess up... I try to unistall and install again but that didn't help... the colors were still mess up... Here is what I mean... the yellow is supposto be "white"...?

But after I save the image and open it its all normal... but in photoshop the colors are mess up... any help is gladly appriciated!

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Photoshop :: Nikon Digital Mess

Mar 2, 2009

I have a custom-made PC with a 146 gig hard drive and 3.25 gigs of ram, and am using PS 11.01 as part of CS4 Extended. And I think I've made a mess--maybe not.

I recently acquired a Nikon D90, and with it I shot some 450 frames of an outdoor show in Raw + fine. Instead of using the Nikon software, I imported them all into PS, reduced their physical size, and saved the reductions as TIFS for further editing. Eventually, I thought to convert them to JPEGS at 72 dpi for the customer's on-line slideshow. (This is how I've always done things with scanned film and slides.)

My 450 TIFS all have a slight magenta cast. I called Nikon tech support, and they told me that as long as I didn't do any color correction to them, my final products would be without a magenta cast on my client's computer. However, when I copied a few of the files to my laptop, they turned out to have a heavy magenta cast.

Is there anything that I can do to save the 450 TIFS, or should I just start all over again and import with the Nikon software?

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Photoshop :: Paint Break Up/splash/mess

Oct 16, 2004

i was thinking maybe illustrator, but im sure theres gotta be a way to make a very detailed look such as that. i have no scanner to make customs, and the search results gave me a useless post selection.

im looking mpore at the paint mess more than the broken up lettering.

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Paint.NET :: Draw Smooth Curves With Brush / Pencil Without A Mess With Vectors

Sep 15, 2011

Does it exist? If not, why not? I discovered it in SAI and it's amazing how easily one could draw smooth curves with the brush/pencil without a need to mess with vectors but SAI is seriously lacking in many basic things that has (i couldn't even change the size of a cut/pasted object). It would be perfect if had it.

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Photoshop :: Layer Blending Option Mess With Other Layers Option

Oct 2, 2011

As you might see in layer panel. there is a blending option applying on text. and when i try to applying new blending option i-e drop shadow or inner shadow to layer shape 5. it will mess with also to text layer.

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Photoshop :: CS4 Opens All Files As Transparent

May 6, 2013

I installed the CS4 Suite. When Photoshop comes up the background layer is transparent. This happens even if I open a file with Photoshop. In that case, the Layer icon shows the image but what I see on screen is only the checkerboard pattern. The proper way for the New file to show up is with the background a solid (specified) color and for an opened file the actual image being opened. 

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Photoshop :: Transparent Background In Jpg Files

Jun 29, 2005

I create a new file in PS CS, and set the 'Background Content' as Transparent.

Then I create some graphics. PS is showing that the background is transparent.

Then I 'save it for web' as .jpg file. However, now when I open my .jpg file, the background of the .jpg file has turned into white.

How can I maintain a transparent background in my .jpg file.

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Photoshop :: Saving Transparent Tga Files

Aug 8, 2009

I've been using Photoshop 7.0 for awhile now. I haven't upgraded to any other version yet because the original 7.0 actually has a certain bug in it that has been very useful. The bug has something to do with transparency, alpha channels, and TGA files. Somehow this bug lets me save transparent TGA files without creating an alpha channel. All I have to do is save the image as 32 bit and it will come out exactly how I made it. No white backgrounds, just smooth transparent edges. Its easy since I don't have to waste time manually painting a black/white map. I'm wondering if theres a way to do this in the newer versions, but after trying the demos it seems like there isn't.  I don't know much about alpha channels, but I make dozens of TGA images with clear backgrounds so I really hope there is an easier way around this. To have to manually color the clear/solid areas with a paintbrush and lasso for each image seems like a nightmare. I wanted to get CS4 but I think it would be easier to just stick with this old version for this reason.

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Photoshop :: 24bit Transparent ICO Files

Feb 25, 2004

I can save non-transparent files as 32x32 BMP and rename the exention to .ICO but how to I make 64x64 24 bit transparent icons from photoshop?

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Photoshop :: Export Layers To Files; Transparent

Jul 8, 2008

I have a .PSD with 43 layers that I want to export to separate files. Works just fine using Scripts > Export to Layers...

...except that there are some transparent areas in each of the layers that I want to have a specific background color (the same for all 43 layers). PS keeps making those areas white.

Setting the background color in the toolbar seems to have no effect.

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Photoshop :: Trying To Save Transparent Photo Files For Website Use

Oct 6, 2012

I've got several photo files I've taken for a friend, edited them to display a transparent background, to use on his website. They're saved right now as layered psd's.

They're pretty large files (40-70 MB).  My challenge is that the webmaster asked for them to be sized "at least 1800 pixels @ 72 dpi longest side." I'm a bit confused at the 1800 pixels @ 72 dpi.
I'm planning to save them as .png and .tif (this is what was requested).
I'm using PS CS5 and my OS is Win 7.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - Pasted Transparent PNG Files Have Black Background?

Mar 27, 2013

all transparent png files copied from Chrome and pasted into Photoshop CS6. The background is black rather than transparent. These images are one I created and exported using "save for web". It worked fine in CS5 so it must be a bug.
I constantly have to edit images taken from our website so being able to copy an image quickly with transparency intact is very important. I'm running CS6 in Windows.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Create PNG Files With Transparent Backgrounds

Feb 23, 2014

One of my requirements is to create .PNG files with transparent backgrounds incorporating imported images with backgrounds removed usung eraser and brush tools. Can this be done using Elements? If not, which product(s) from the Adobe suite will provide this functionality?

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Illustrator :: Why Does AI CS4 Export Transparent PSD Files

Aug 25, 2012

I'm now using WIN version of AI CS6, and I've used CS4, CS5 before.Why does AI CS4(and the newers) export transparent PSD files which are always with blank transparent thin border(about 2~3px) line in the right and down side ?
This situation hasn't happened in CS3 and CS2.The PSD files I intended to export are about A4 size with 300 dpi, sometimes with 150dpi, in RGB/CMYK/Grayscale color modes.

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Illustrator :: Opened AI Files / Now Empty Transparent Box?

Feb 20, 2014

I have been opening my Illustrator vector images in Photoshop to save as JPGs today. All was working fine when all of a sudden I open in PShop, Now all I get is a transparent box. On both rasterized and non rasterized images. This is the latest trial AI/CC by the way. Restarted both programs.

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Lightroom :: Modifying Transparent Areas In TIF Files

Aug 12, 2013

In LR 3.6 I worked with panoramas imported as 16bit TIFs from PTGui which, at their margin, are transparent. These transparent areas were initially marked white in LR 3.6. and, most importantly, it was readily possible to modify these areas with the brush or repair tools in LR. After updating to LR5 and importing my LR 3.6 libraries I realised that all of the retouche and modified transparent areas are white again and all the retouch I did is gone, where by e.g. the circles indicating where I used the repair tool are still in place.
How can I retrieve and retain the modifications I made in LR 3.6?
How can I turn transparent areas in TIFs within LR into areas I can modify?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Transparent Backgrounds And EPS Files?

May 17, 2012

I asked a publisher for a logo that I could add to some work I am doing and he sent me an eps file. The file seems to have a backgroundand I cannot alter the original color. It came black and I want it dark green. I tried to out line the object (irregular shape) but it very time consuming and I wondered if there was something obious that I am missing?

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AutoCad 3D :: Downloaded Files Are Defaulting To Transparent Appearance?

Oct 23, 2013

Basically what I said in the title, and I can't change it to something that's easier to look at. I can change the color of individual faces if I use the "adjust" tool, beyond that the only way I can change it is if I go to the "Realistically Colored Model" and turn on "Ray Shading" which basically renders it. When I select the body and hover over the current color it says "As Application Surface Color". Thats what the first attached picture is. In the 2nd attached picture, it is clearly not light red. And its still transparent which is bugging me more. format of the attached pictures. Untitled.jpg

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Lightroom :: Transparent Files Showing A Gray Background?

Mar 8, 2013

I have just noticed that new PSD files (with transparent backgrounds) are displaying in Lightroom with a gray background where the transparent areas are in the image.
Has this change happened in the 4.4 update on the Mac? I can see previously imported files show a white background but when I click on it to view in Develop mode it the tranparent area of the picture changes to gray.
I would prefer this to be white (as it was), is there a way to change this in LR as I really don't want to have to open each image in PS and drop in a white layer behind it.
This was working fine before but has now changed, I hope I haven't altered something in the preferences as I can't see a way to change it. I'm not referring to the Background colour in LR prefs as that just changes the area surrounding the image, I am referring to the transparent area of my pictures.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite 12 :: Export As New PNG Files - Transparent Backgrounds

Dec 5, 2013

My version is Corel Draw 12.

I started this exercise off using New from the File menu and then Imported a .png photo. I then feathered out the edges of the photo.

Now I have spent many, many attempts to try and Export this photo (in Corel Photo Paint) as a new .png file so that I can then use it later with other packages e.g. with the hopeful intention of it having a completely transparent background for use with say Power Point. I want the ability to take the new image with a transparent background and place it over an existing background in say PP so that the background "bleeds through" the feathered edges. What is happening is, the feathered edges that I created are no longer transparent when the image gets exported out of Corel Photo Paint as a .png file. They show up as a white glow. I was successful if I followed the steps as given by "Hunter" but I had to create the image wholly in Corel Draw using the transparency tool which does not seem to allow for feathering of the edges of an image. The only way I can see to feather the edges is by using Corel Photo Paint but then I don't get them transparent when I export the file. If I was to create an image with say a circular hole in the middle of it with NO FEATHERING edges, all would be fine.

Is it possible to do this in Corel Draw 12?

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GIMP :: Distorted Rainbow Color Bleed In Exported Transparent PNG Files

Dec 27, 2012

exported transparent png fiiles get this rainbow of color distorted bleed when previewing or importing into programs that cannot read the png's transparency!!! even program that can read the png's transparency after you check a 'make transparent' checkbox (such as Memorex Expressit label design studio) have this distorted color bleed!! like in the label program checking 'make transparent' leaves the rainbow color distortion in!!!

this seems to be ONLY happening with Gimp exported PNGs!!! other PNGs and other programs that can generate transparent PNGs don't have this issue!

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Paint.NET :: Plugin To Export Files As PDF / Make Section Of Picture Transparent

Mar 6, 2011

1. Is there a plugin available to export files as pdf?

2. How to make a section of a pic transparent. I've spent a couple of hours on this now, and I've searched the documentation section, and I've searched the forums. Most specifically, how do I set a transparent color for a gif? But how do I make an AREA of ANY file transparent? One thing I tried to do was use the "Wet Floor Reflection" plugin, and it requires a transparent area below the existing image. I couldn't do that, either.

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Photoshop :: Sliced Transparent PNG 24 Not Saving As Transparent When Exported

Dec 7, 2012

I am working on a Mac (Snow Leapord) with Photoshop CS6. When I try to save a sliced and transparent PSD in the Save For Web dialog box with PNG-24, the transparency dissapears once exported. I have the transparency and interlaced boxes both checked.  The images appear transparent in the Optimized Save for Web dialog box, but the transparency dissapears once exported out of Photoshop.
I never had a problem with this when I was using CS4...

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Photoshop :: Transparent Images :: How To Create Transparent Background

Aug 25, 2005

I need to strip my current image of its background color so that the background color on my website goes thru my image. In other words I need a transparent background for my image.

I have create a new layer that is transparent, but the background color on my website does not go thru it. The background color of this image appears to be grayish not transparent.

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Photoshop :: Transparent Gradient Is Not So Transparent

Jan 30, 2013

Hey, I'm having troubles with applying a gradient tool to a rectangular marquee in Photoshop CS3 for Mac OS X 5.8.  Instead of getting a black color to fade into the background, I just get the black color. 

And I'm click and dragging about 1.5 inches long.  Sometimes I end up covering the entire picture with that color, not just the object (even though the object is selected).  Gradient maps and layer masks don't seem to work. 

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Photoshop :: Transparent Layer Not Transparent

Dec 4, 2008

I have an image with several layers. The background layer is transparent. When I merge the layers, the background becomes white. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong or didn't do that prevented my background from staying transparent.

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VideoStudio :: Overlay Logo On Top Of Titles - Transparent PNG Isn't Transparent?

Jul 11, 2013

I am trying to overlay a logo on top of my titles. The logo is a circle and is in PNG format. When I use this logo in documents it is totally transparent with only the circle showing. However, when I try to use it in my video the circle has a white square around it, the white being the transparent area.

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Revit :: Creating Transparent And Semi-transparent Documents?

Apr 24, 2013

Currrently, we print floor plans to pdf's, open them in Photoshop and make them part transparent and part semi-transparent so that we can overlay them in various visual tools.  Is there a way to create pdf's or images where the background is completely transparent and and solid patterns within the floor plan that are semi-transparent?

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Revit :: Transparent Filled Region Not Showing Up Transparent?

Nov 24, 2008

I have a solid gray filled region that is set to be transparent that is not being transparent. We are trying to put a gray tone over the existing area of the plan. what is weird is that I did the exact same thing to another view & it works perfectly with the region in the background & all the wals & doors showing up correctly. I can't figure out what is different between one view & another.

I've tried changing the filled region to be "moved to back" but nothing changes. if I override the graphics of the element & change it to be transparent the it goes away all together.

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Xara :: Transparent Object With Non-transparent Lines?

Feb 17, 2014

I'm sure there's a way to do this but for the life of me I can't remember and can't find it when I do a search. I have an object that is comprised of several lines that are grouped together, and I want to fill the entire group with a fractal cloud 3-color fill. In order to do so, I am creating the fill as a background, and making the object transparent, but when I do that, all my lines disappear (of course!) but I need the lines in it for details. Basically I want to layer this object

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