A jpg image I'm working with loses resolution when placing. I'm suing a canvas of 695x423, trying both 72 and 300ppi (there's no difference). What silly mistake could be overlooked here? The shift in resolution is akin to looking at a image in InDesign in standard vs high quality.
I had an 18MP picture (3456x5184 pixles) and I was trying to fit it into an A1 canvas of a 100 dpi so I used free transformation to scale it down. Later on, I have decided to make the canvas of 150 dpi instead of 100. Would increasing the resolution now make my picture look pixelated on the canvas? I know that the original photo would look alright on a 150 dpi.
I have a vector image in CorelDRAW X6 which i recently purchased. If i export the image as a JPEG or png at the original size the file is fine in the export preview screen. If i reduce the size of the image and than go to export it, the image is very poor, even tho it is still a vector format and haven't exported it.
I never had this issue in X5 and it seems that X6 doesn't hold the resolution when i resize it.
I realize the nature of my question maybe asking the impossible, but I have a low res image I downloaded from the internet, placed in an InDesign page, blew it up and printed it out. I was going for the distressed look that it has, it looks ok when I print it out considering it's low res and I blew it up fairly large. However, it's a little too pixelated to look professional when printed. Are they any tricks or things I can do to make it look higher res for print. I've attached the image as well as a screenshot of the InDesign file so you can see it in context.
I am a Photoshop newbie and I have a series of graphics (all 72dpi from a website) that I would like to print in 300dpi. Is it possible to take a 72dpi .jpeg or .gif file and easily convert it to a higher resolution printable graphic? If Photoshop can't do it, is there any type of program that can?
I'm trying to create a high resolution version of a low resolution texture used in a game. I've found a pattern that I think is acceptable, from a real image.Now the question is this: how can I colorize the large image to that it is as resemblant as possible to the original one? I've tryed a simple colorize, but the result is not so good...
I have recently installed Photoshop CS3 on a newer PC which runs Windows 7 Home Premium, after the programme was locked on a PC running Vista which died on me and which I have just had repaired. However since installing the programme, every time I turn my PC off and then on again next morning, I have lost the internet.
I have been getting around the problem by running the HP network check and the automatic repair that it performs is to "reset the Realtek PCIe FE Family Controller Adapter". However this only works until the PC is turned off again and then I have to do the whole process again. Is there a way to fix this problem permanently? I was hoping there would be an update from Adobe that might sort the problem, but Adobe don't seem to be able to work with that as they say the programme is too old and don't have online support for this.
I have followed everything that is suggested by HP i.e. rebooting the modem and router.
If I reset the PC to before the programme was installed the problem goes away. When I reinstall the problem comes back. Its definitely to do with the Photoshop programme, but I don't understand why.
there is Old picture in sizs 5" x 7". I want to print this picture from lab of size 16" x 20". Please can anybody tell me How I convert this picture in to biger size without any lose of resolution and Quality.
I convert the original picture in to TIF. then Go to Image size increase the Percentage by 100 to 125. and Again save this file into Tif with Name A1. Then Again Open A1 do same size change 100% to 125% and save this by name A2.tif. continue... This is right way or any method.
why I suddenly lose all my loaded presets and also preferences (like zooming with the mouse wheel). I don't lose the presets altogether, but I have to go back and reload them again. This doesn't happen all the time, only occasionally and I can't fathom out why.
When I take a screenshot and paste it into photoshop I am losing a lot of color. Here I took a rainbow gradient and placed consecutive screenshots side by side.
The first bit is the original, then the first screenshot, then a screenshot of that, and so on. I've been looking for answers and found a few people with similar problems, but I seem to have all of the settings correct according to those solutions. I am using Win7 x64, I have the latest drivers for my video card (GeForce GTX580), the image is set to RGB, and my working space is sRGB IEC61966-2.1.
Whenever I try to save a picture (see guitar picture on website) to my hardisk, and open it in photoshop, the color quality substancially degrades. the black guitar from the website seems to turn to brownish black. how come? but when i open w/o using photoshop (within windows only), the color seems fine. just like the original from the website ....
I created a collage type image in CS3 . It had 4 layers with a tiff size of 60mbs. as a psd file it was about 20mb. when i saved it as a jpeg it shrunk to below 1 mb. I can't print the jpeg larger than larger than a 5 x 7. what am i doing wrong? why would the jpeg shrink so much?
In order to save hard-drive disk space I want/need to start compressing my Photoshop files. The Tiff-LZW or Tiff-ZIP compressions seems like a great lossless format alternative with apparent significant compression. Is anyone aware whether there is truly no loss of file information with these formats, or does some minimal degradation occur? Any thoughts on JPEG2000 lossless compression?
Wondering if there is a loss of original full RGB information if changing color mode from RGB to CMYK and back to RGB. I understand that RGB has a wider color gamut and that if changing to CMYK that I will have a narrower color gamut. BUT, I want to know how if Adobe retains full RGB data after changing color mode to CMYK?
In other words, If I change from RGB to CMYK and back to RGB will I have all the original color data that I did with the original image? Does Photoshop "throw out" the full gamut information for RGB when switching to CYMK, so that when I do convert back to RGB, it is jsut looking for the comparable RGB color within the CMYK gamut now?
Does Photoshop "know" the full color information regardless of in RGB or CMYK, but only changes that color information to fit within the CYMK color gamut while "remembering" what it's full color gamut WAS outside of CMYK?
If I do lose full RGB info, what's the best workflow option when using for print in indesign? Keep two seperate Photoshop files, one original RGB and one CMYK? OR just place into InDesign as RGB and change to CMYK when exporting as PDF?
Full HD Prores videos are after Photoshop (removing dirt from scanned film) and render back to Full HD Prores less sharp(best seen at the pointed feathers).Giving it back as psd or jpeg frames keeps the resolution but changes brightness and gamma.We also miss Prores HQ?
This is just something that i have been wondering...
Basically, I saved a copy of of a PSD to a JPG (max quality)
Then I opened the saved JPG and removed a few guide lines and re-saved the file still at max quality.
My questions is, did data loss, or re-compression occur during this "re-save" process? Is the re-saved file now of lower quality than the originally saved JPG?
Im trying to turn in a image into a photocopy. In the filters drop down there the sketch option is not highlited so i cant access this option as well as extract, filter gallery and pattern maker in one section. The section with sketch is also not letting me acces artistic, brush strokes, pixalate and texture. also dimarc isant highlighted. i have reset to default work space reset all tools and brushes what else can i do.
Windows Explorer and some software bundled with digital cameras [Canon and Panasonic] warn when rotating a picture that there may be loss of image quality. Presumably it must re-compress the jpg image file?
In order to avoid that problem, I have been rotating image files in PS7, since no such warning comes up there.
Is there loss of image quality by rotating or cropping in PS7? I usually save jpg files at quality level 10.
I worked on an image in Lightroom, got the contrast and color perfect, and when I went to "Edit in Photoshop" it completely flattened out my photo by darkening most of my lighter areas and it looks awful. Check out the sky in these two images to see what I mean. I have LR3 and CS4.
I would like to create a gloss varnish effect like the below image. To apply to a logo or text to make it look like it has a spot varnish gloss coat. Looking at the image, it looks like it would be quite simple and not too technical but I can't seem to replicate the effect.
I'm editing digi photos about 6mb in size and dragging/copying them into another file (template) which is much smaller. When the photo appers in the new file it's huge. So I use the free transform tool to get the image down to the size and position I want and all is good.
I lose the focus of my subject (close up of Rolex-Omega watch's). Now the original shot is perfect and most of the time I dont have a problem in that the focus remains perfect after reducing the image down. Have I clicked on something that I shouldn't? I cannot work it out, the photo's are all in a batch, the first 4 were perfect and the 5th, just not having it, even after re-taking the picture.
When I use the polyagonal lassoo (or whatever it's called), select copy, then paste the selected image onto a new blank file, the selection changes from colour to black and white-
I used CS2 to edit my photos but I notice that when i flatten the image and save it, the images saved has some quality loss in it. It really has started to annoy me and I cnt edit my images. Please tell me a way to reduce this quality loss. I have to save the images in JPEG as I have to post them on the internet.
and i hv also noticed that sme colors change when i save the image..like the saved image is a bit darker than what i see in photoshop...
A few days ago, I suddenly cannot find the eyedropper to select color, either in type or color functions. When I click the color boxes, it now opens up the color menu with the usual sliders, crayons, specturms, etc, but no eyedropper.
Trying to apply the oil paint filter to a 45" x 30", 300dpi, 16-bit image I an error dialog that says: "The filter you were using encountered an unknown graphics processor error that caused an unexpected exit. Check the manufacturer's website for the latest software."
The menus all become gray and the software freezes so I can't quit, but Force Quit does not show "not responding".
Today somehow the setting on my camera had raw file saving turned off. To try to minimize loss from post processing of the jpegs I assume I should save the edited files as PSD and develop my final pictures from that?
My tablet is a new Wacom Cintiq Companion with a Windows 8 platform, which I recently got Photoshop Elements 12 for. I use this software mainly for drawing. When I first started using the software everything was fine, but somewhere along the line I noticed that it would randomly loose pressure sensitivity. This occurs more often when I am making short strokes or sketching. I have experimented with other software that I have on my tablet, and am fairly certain that it is a Photoshop Elements problem. It impairs not only drawing but also writing notes.
I tested it out by making a bunch of short lines in a row, and found that it will also sometimes connect two strokes with a straight line (while loosing pressure sensitivity) for no apparent reason. This happens especially while I am writing notes. I also discovered that if I make enough small strokes it will sometimes loose pressure sensitivity entirely. However if I leave the program alone for a couple of minutes and then come back, everything is back to normal.
My tablet is a fairly new model, so I wonder if it is a compatibility issue of some sort (I am only guessing and have no knowledge of problems like this).