Photoshop :: Is It Possible To Match Shapes In PS?
Sep 19, 2005
Ok, so an example would be like in Flash how you could select an object and then match another object to it's dimensions. Is there a way to do this in PS? It could definately help me get a little faster with some of my editing.
why i can't not match properties (MP) multileader texts, as you can see on the pic, i want the Mleader text on the right to be the same size as on the left, they are in the same layer, same mleader style but when click MP to match with the one on the left, nothing happen?
I would like to use a vector object made in AI as a custom shape to be used as a cookie cutter in elements.. I imported the AI file in photoshop but the "define custom shape" entry under "edit" was grayed out.
Using Lasso i have created a good shape that i require in my work. so now i want to save that shape i have drawn to custom shapes so that i can use it later also in my future works.
I currently use Mep 2012 although my question I believe is general in nature. As a sheet metal contractor I do drawings that have many different entities at various elevations. Many times I use change propeties to match the propeties of on entity like a linetype to change another. What I really need to do is have the ability to use a similiar button and match or change the "Z" elevation of a specific entity just like I do for linetype, color etc.
I drew something up on a sheet of paper, scanned it, then traced it's bitmap as line art. I then proceded to edit the vectors to recover all the detail I lost with the tracing. It took forever!
Now that I´m done, I realised there is a problem... how can I color in the drawing, if the lines themselves make up the shape? Essentially, I´m left with blank spaces in between all the lines instead of solid individual shapes that can be colored in.
What can I do? I´m so desperate I´m thinking of creating a gazillion individual shapes with the colors, and slapping them underneath the lines to "improv" a fill. But that will take waay too long, so is there an easier way?
If I could "invert" the shape I have now, so that the blank spaces become individual shapes, and the lines become blank spaces.
is there any way to add shapes, in the "basic shapes" bar?
or maybe in any other locations.
I use a lot of predefines shapes, that are saved in various files. i wanna make a way to directly import these shapes, whithout open files and copy/paste the dsired shapes.
Working in Photoshop 6, I have a .png file where I want to select a portion of the image and adjust the RGB values to particular numbers (in this case, R = 66, G = 79, and B = 87). Normally, I could use the Paint Bucket tool to fill in the selected area, but in this case, the selected area has fine lines in it that would be wiped out by the Paint Bucket tool.
I went to Image --> Adjust --> Color Balance, where I can fiddle with the RGB values. Is there a way, using this tool, to adjust the color levels to match the desired R, G, and B values? Or is it trial and error?
If not, is there another way, other than Paint Bucket or Color Balance, to achieve what I want?
I scanned a document to use its background and border. On the screen it looks perfect but the colors are totally different when I go to print. I am using a new Mac Book Pro, CS5, and printing on an HP color laser CP1525. Also its printing with a gloss and I want it flat how can I do this??
Been messing around with photoshop now for a little bit, but I can't seem to find the correct adjustments, or filters to get anywhere near as the desktop in "40910".
Im recreating a fancy letter I saw with Photoshop 7. Everything seems pretty easy except some of the paragraphs are in baby blue. When I try to recreate this color in Photoshop using the PS7 color palate, on screen it seems baby blue, but when I print it(Epson C62)the end product looks light greenish. I scanned it & printed it, and the color didnt match the original copy. I tried RGB & CMYK & Im having a hard time trying to match to the original. How do people match colors?
I'm doing a Photoshop as a joke, I'm making some of our girls bald. I've gotten all of the hair removed, using the clone stamp, now I only need to match the skin tones to make it look natural, what is the best way to do that?
Trouble with PS5 and LR4... when I go to "edit in Photoshop" from Lr... it opens and doesn't match the image in LR (colors)... same goes when saving edited image back to LR... also, when Saving from PS to desktop, it looks terrible unless I "Save for internet" ... how can I get this to all match?
I have CS6, Epson 3880 printer. Both monitor and printer have been calibrated. When viewing a pic that I wish to print, I go to view, proof setup and chose printer and paper, preserved RGB box is check. This gives me a proof, which is very accurate to what is actually printed. Here's my problem: There is a color change when viewing the pic in proof print mode, which is what in fact, gets printed. Most of the color change involves alteration in red. A red bowl is changed to a brownish read bowl for example. I have been unsuccessful in trying to match the proof to the original color scheme. I've played with hue, color mixing, all to no avail. Is there an easy way to match colors original pic and proof/print?
I have read through discussions on this but am still doing something wrong apparently.I have a Lenovo Ideacenter all in 1 (520), and an Epson R3000.My monitor is calibrated with ColorMunki. I shoot in Adobe RGB and use that color space in Photoshop CS6.
After edits, I softproof by choosing custom, and then select the profile of the epson glossy paper that I use.I choose photoshop manages colors and make sure printer color adjustments are off. My prints look nothing like the monitor. Very dull and washed out. I feel like I'm doing the right things but what could I be missing?
Anything edited in photoshop appears different when viewed in another application. For example, I edit a photo in CS3, and then view it in Firefox - it is muted, the colors are drab examples of the bright hues displayed in Photoshop. If I bring anything done in photoshop into The Gimp, Polyview, or anything else I can think of, they all look identical in those other apps, they only appear different when compared against what an image looks like in Photoshop. I first noticed when uploading an image to Flickr, it looked great in Photoshop, and dramatically drab when uploaded. I then started doing some investigative work and discovered the system wide behavior. I'm a little stumped. Similarly, anything created in Gimp brought into CS3 looks different, it appears darker in CS3.
Attached is a picture of a Casablanca movie poster, my wife's favorite movie. I'm hoping to insert our faces, yet not quite sure how to really make it seamless. I played with filters, colorizing, hue, adding noise, etc.
I've dealt with this issue forever and I still don't know WHY it happens. The problem is that when you create two images of different formats (jpg, gif, png) in photoshop with the same color and then put them next to each other in a browser, the colors no longer match.
whats the best/easiest and effective way to paint or adujst the color so that the blue of the car is also the color of the front end? Basically I want to make the whole car blue.
I'm trying to merge 10 images of a larger "painting". All images were taken on the same camera setting and most are the same colour. I've done a match colour modification as well to make sure but when I merge them, there are about three which are causing problems.
Is there a way of calibrating the colours of other images against a control one other than by using match colour? Or does anyone have way of doing it that works?
i want to save the palette and use it with another picture to have the same color-palette on two different images.
The "match color" tool comes close to the result i want to have...but it works with the contrast too and adds colors that i don't want..I JUST want to work with the available colors... simply extract a color palette from an image and use it with a second one to get them match...(without adding something)
I found some tools to do this with 256 color images but I want to to this with my 8bit or 16bit files from my camera.
I think it's a simple answer but I can't find it....I hope someone can help me....
i have found others with the same problem but not found the solution. here is a screen shot of the same photo open in both programs, this is the final image so its a 16bit psd, both working spaces are set to prophoto rgb. and viewing in the develpe window as well.
the problem is more noticable in the blacks (darker side of the histogram)
i am duel monitor from my MBP to a Dell U2410f and use colour munki to calibrate
I have been printing with an epson [artisan 50] for a long time, always great colors on my pc.
just switched to a mac and latest version of ps cs6 and my prints are not color correct [very muted colors on the print] It is definitely not the printer [prints perfect from otherc applications]
I have tried many of the settings / color management options, but none seem to do the job. Right now I have it set on 'photoshop manages color' and then for printer profile my printer type with correct paper.
I don't know what to do- share their knowledge on color management/printing
I have a document that is 1in x 1in and the resolution is 10ppi. The grid spacing is 1px but you can see the grid is not aligned with the pixels (which are coloured green in this image).
I am using CS6 and for some reason you have to set up the gridline every 2px with a 2px subdivision.
My color settings are synchronized across all CS applications. I'm trying to see document both as a soft proof and not. Neither mode improves the color differences I'm seeing on screen. Photoshop displays color TOTALLY differently from all other CS applications: Bridge, InDesign, Illustrator & Acrobat.
In the image below, Indesign is on the left. Photoshop is on the right. Image appears in Bridge, Acrobat and Illustrator just like InDesign.
Fireworks has so many horrible bugs, I am making the switch to Photoshop cs5.5 --- I have used Fireworks exclusively since 2001.Here's my question: {URL}....