Photoshop :: Images Edited In ProPhotoRGB Now Have Wonky Colors?

Sep 1, 2013

Somehow my default in ACR changed without me noticing from sRGB to proPhotoRGB and now the images from 2 of my sessions have really wonly colors when saved on my PC... I did some reasearch and I guess I was supposed to convert back to sRGB.

if there is a fix for this that does not involve re-editing a number of images? I am really hoping there is a way to rescue these files!

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Photoshop :: Wonky Colors?

Jan 25, 2008

all of the colors in Photoshop decided to go more than a little "off". Every image I edit in Photoshop, and every image I copy into Photoshop from an outside source, loses a somewhat noticeable degree of color quality. What's more, all of the palette colors for my Tools have gone off, too- blue, for example, is less saturated and slightly more violet than it should be. Here's a couple examples to show you what I mean:

who seems to have inherited a sickly yellow sheen during her ten second trip to Photoshop Land.

Random bollocks I pulled off the internet, notice the shift in color quality.

Photoshop doesn't save the new colors, and everything it prints and everything it saves, when viewed with other image software, looks identical to when it went in. The image only goes funny when it's being displayed in Photoshop, but it's still annoying since it's giving me an inaccurate idea of what the picture will look like when finished. I'm using Photoshop CS2, all my drivers are up to date, Windows XP, no new hardware changes, etc etc if anyone wants more specs I can post them, but like I said Photoshop has been running fine since the dinosaurs roamed the Earth and only now decided to bugn out on me. If anyone knows what might be causing this, or what could be done to fix it (besides "buy CS3"),

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Photoshop :: Upload Edited Images Using CS5

Dec 5, 2012

I am having problems uploading my pictures into a sight called


and the pictures keeping the right color quality. I have been using Photoshop CS5 extended for about a year now, I never had a problem with colors before but now when trying to upload into


and they are looking very saturated instead of bright and bold colors like should. I don't know what is wrong if it's Photoshop or snap fish. I have been trying to contact snapfish and figure the problem out with them as well. I can take my images from one computer to another and they are still bright and bold until I try to upload them into


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Photoshop :: Image Looks Little Wonky After Saving As PDF?

Sep 14, 2012

After saving my business card design as a .pdf, when I open it in acrobat it look wonky. All the lines are squiggly, when I zoom in it changes, sometimes it looks like it should other times it looks worse
Is this like in photoshop when you zoom in, sometimes it looks stairstepped and other times it looks like it should? I'm sending these to print and I want to make sure everything is good.

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Photoshop Elements :: Won't Allow To Save Any Edited Images?

Jan 26, 2014

My elements 11 won't allow me to save any edited images. I reloaded Elements 11 ?

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Photoshop :: Glass Filter Acting Wonky

Jul 31, 2004

I have a layer with a shape on it and the rest of the layer is empty (transparent).

I applied the "glass" filter to the layer and got a cool effect where the glass rippling is translucent.

When I tried to reproduse the effect, the filter uses the background color (selected in the tool bar) to fill in the spots where in the previous version it became translucent.

The filter still works properly on a shape that is merged on a layer with no transparency (ie the layer is filled).

I don't know what I could have changed but obviously something changed.

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Save Edited Images

Mar 14, 2013

I am unable to save any edited images in the photoshop file format and also unable to save photobook or collage projects in ANY format.  I am using Elements 9.0.2 on Mac OS X 10.6.8.  Any solutions to these problems?  (I have used the Catalog optimize & repair tools with no change).

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Photoshop Elements :: Delete Originals For Pones With Edited Images

Feb 13, 2013

Photoshop elements 11:
- does this program have an organizational feature to see pictures in a calendar format older photo aalbum 3.2 had .. page for month showing dates like a  typical  calendar on wall would look like?
-- currently in media i have both original and edited versions of some pictures. Is there a way to delete the originals for the pones with edited images ?

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Photoshop Elements :: Using Images Edited On Instant Photo Printer

Jan 16, 2014

We downloAded pics from walmart picture CDs edited them. Burnt the images to new DVDs tried to use them in the machines at walmart. To print machines don't read CDs.

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Photoshop Elements :: Edited A Number Of RAW Images In Expert Mode

Sep 18, 2013

I have successfully edited a number of RAW images in Expert Mode cannot find where to click to show that I have finished editing.The result is that I have a lot of images displaying a red band  with a lock symbol showing that editing is still in progress and don't know how to let the system know that editing is complete.

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Lightroom :: 4 - How To Find Only Edited Images

Jan 12, 2013

I'm interested in identifying a set of pictures in a large catalog which have been edited.  There's 44K images in the catalog.
Is there some way to make a collection of only the images that were modified in Lightroom?  And conversely, only those images which were imported with no changes?

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Lightroom :: Exporting Edited Images To Mac?

Jun 3, 2013

I am able to export from Lightroom to my computer (iMac), but the file that shows up is NOT EDITED.

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Lightroom :: CR2 Images Unable To Edited In CS5

Feb 15, 2014

If I use the Develop module in LR to edit CR2(Raw) images and want to complete the editing it in CS5 there is no option to 'edit a copy with lightroom adjustments'. I get the option with Jpeg images but not Raw. If I choose Edit in CS5 I just get the original file and not the one I have been working on. How do I ask LR to edit my developed image in CS5? I am usung CS5 and LR4.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Saving Edited Images

Sep 8, 2011

I have psp X3.I often need to cut images (and paste into another) using the background eraser tool and the eraser tool.How do I save the "worked on" image so I can use it again say, another day, for pasting without having to go over the same operation each time?

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Lightroom :: Images Edited Externally Do Not Appear In Catalogue?

Aug 26, 2013

Before I upgraded to CS6 and ACR 8.1, LR would properly catalog the externally edited file and it would stack next to the original file.
But now, when I save the file in Photoshop, I would see that the filename change from RAW to Tiff, and the image would save into the source folder. However, there is no file of it in my LR catalog. I would have manually import the externally edited file into the catalog, which I'm sure this is not how it's supposed to work.

OSX 10.8.4
2.8 GHz i7
Software Versions:
LR 5.0
CS 6.0.13
LR 5 External Editing Settings:
Edit in Photoshop CS6
Format: TIFF
Color Space: ProPhoto RGB
Bit: 16
Res: 300
Compression: none (I keep choosing LZW, but it apparently never remembers my pref)
"Stack with Original" is checked
Additional External Editor is not setup.

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Lightroom :: Images Don't Show Up Edited When Uploaded?

Jan 5, 2014

I would edit some light work on my images and then export it into a folder. It would look fine and have all the features that I edited. Whenever I upload it to other places, it wouldn't take the edits I made and it shows up as the orginal image or maybe a darkened version of it (I'm not sure). The only place that actually takes my edited images as edited, is 500px. For facebook, there were times when I uploaded and it didn't take my edits, but when I exported the image again to a higher resolution of Jpeg, facebook would take the edits.
I wanted to print some photos so I uploaded them to costco or shutterfly, but the images are not the way I edited in Lightroom.

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Lightroom :: How To Find Edited Un-watermarked Images In The Library

Jun 6, 2012

I exported LR3 edited files as web files with a watermark on them. However, I can't seem to find the edited un-watermarked images in the Library, ony the original unedited RAW files and the watermarked web files. I need the edited files prior to my exporting them as watermarked web files.

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Lightroom :: 4 Folders And Files And Keeping Only Edited Images?

Jul 9, 2013

I have been exporting photos into a folder called edited in my originals folder. then i delete the originals and dump the edited into the main folder. but then i can no longer access the photos in lightroom because it says the file is missing. what am i doing wrong? do i have to keep originals and edited photos in my folders? i try to export to replace originals but that doesnt work and it will only work if i put in sub folder. i dont want to keep a copy of originals and edited, but i also dont want to not be able to make more edits in the future.

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Lightroom :: Taking Edited Images Backwards In Process

May 9, 2013

I have been using Lightroom 4 with a subscription on my personal computer. I am now taking a class at a college where they have Lightroom 2 on the computer lab's computers. Can I use/convert a lightroom 4 catelog or .dng picture from 4 to 2 without losing my editing work?

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AutoCad 2D :: Block With Attributes Inserting Wonky

Mar 29, 2011

Whenever I try to insert a block with attributes, the text comes in backwards/upside down... I've tried attedit, battman, mirror, properties, attsync, regen and torient. None of them work.

I've inserted blocks into drawings in the past with no problems, using the same template and workspace..

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Lightroom :: Why 4.4 Removing File Number Suffix For Images Edited In PS

Jun 4, 2013

I'm using LR 4.4 on an iMac with OsX 10.8.3.  As suggested in the following link [URL]...I created a Filename Preset with this format: Myname-YYYY-MM-DD-Filename Number Suffix.  This preset works as expected when I export files that haven't been edited in Photoshop CS5.  However, when I save a file after editing in PS and return to LR the file name look like this:  Myname-YYYY-MM-DD-4369-Edit.tif.   When I then use my Filename Preset when exporting, LR strips off the "-4369-Edit".  I don't care about loosing the "-Edit" but I want to retain the Filename Number Suffix.   How can I retain my filename number suffix?

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Lightroom :: Why Won't Edited RAW Images Show After Re-install Onto New Hard Drive

Apr 3, 2012

Recently my hard drive took a (hike) and crashed - data may or may not be recoverable (Geeks are working on that), and I needed to reinstall my CS5 and Lightroom software to a new hard drive (I had to buy a new one). All of my RAW photos are stored on an external drive and were not harmed.  Here is my dilemma. Most of the presets I used also went crashing with that hard drive, (yes I believe they were backed up but also on that hard drive...stupid I know-trust me I know!!) but most of them were the free ones from the adobe recommended users on this site. I actually found many of my favorites still posted on the Adobe site and re-downloaded and installed the presets I'd been using the past year and a half, and imade sure those presets were housed properly in their folder via Preferences in Lightroom. Great. I can continue on with my work. WRONG! When I went to go import a recent shoot that I had already edited, it imported the RAW files but none of the previous edits I had worked on for these photos were showing was as if I didn't even touch them and they came right from my camera. What in the world is going on? I'm baffled...and freaking out as I have thousands upon thousands of edited shoots in RAW, and I fear that none of the edits and enhancements made to those photos are going to be present and I'll have to start over. that all of my last 2 years of editing photos are still with the RAW files?!!!
I found a deal on a an HP Intell Core i7 processor) 2 TB hard drive tower, so I ended up needing to install the 64 bit versions of CS5 and Lightroom 3.6. I did test out the RAW (.NEF) file in Photoshop CS5 and my edited RAW image came up "correctly" - so I know that the information is still with the RAW image...I just need it to work and show in lightroom, as it is easier to export the files to the sizes I need them to be.

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Lightroom :: Lost Ability To View Edited Images Alongside Original In Library

Oct 8, 2012

I have done but I am using lightroom 1.4. Previously, any pictures I edited would show as an edited file in the library now all that happens is the original image shows as the edited image.

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Photoshop :: Images Have Different Colors

Nov 18, 2013

Seem to be having a problem with color, OK the attached image shows a tutorial that I'm learning, as you can see I have dual monitors, both are Dell 22 inch and not calibrated although they are both the same in relation to color profile and there's not a lot of difference when viewing the same image on both screens. The problem is that when I'm viewing a video tutorial on the left screen the colors are completely different from what I see in Photoshop, so when I open the tutorial image supplied the colors are completely different from what I see on the Video tutorial. Even if I change the video to the right screen and Photoshop to the left screen the results are the same. I use VLC player and have tried Windows media player but get the same results.

Graphics Card is nvidia gtx 660 2GB All settings are set to default, Windows color profile and Photoshop are both set to ProPhoto RGB.

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Photoshop :: Exported Images Have Different Colors

Jul 3, 2005

Recently, whenever I "Save for Web", the resulting images appear to be tinted (i.e. the colors are not the same as they appear in Photoshop). This applies to both GIFs and JPEGs. However, when I load the saved GIF or JPEG in Photoshop, the colors look just like the original PSD. I have tried saving with "Standard Windows Color", "Uncompensated Color", "Standard Mac Color", and "Document Color Profile", but there does not appear to be any difference between any of the above when the file is viewed outside of Photoshop. I have had Photoshop for some time and I never encountered this issue before. Did I change something in my settings by mistake?

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Photoshop :: Images When Uploaded To Web Colors Shift?

Apr 27, 2012

I have been having a problem lately with my images displaying funky when they are uploaded to the web. The images become over saturated. The color space is sRGB so I am not sure what is going on. I never have had this problem till this year. I use lightroom, then export the image and finish editing the image in photoshop. When I export from Lightroom I pick srgb color space.

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Photoshop :: Changing Rasterized Outline Colors / Strokes (images Inside)

Jan 31, 2013

I was wondering if there was a graceful way to change a thick stroke or outline in PS CS6? Normally I would be lazy and just use the paint bucket tool, but since this is for a higher profile client than I am used to, and it is a for print project (I normally do web projects) the quality is just not good enough. The lines I want to change are the yellow outlines of the yellow hand in the following logo:
Currently, the best approach I can think of is going back into AI and changing the outlines and strokes there, however that is going to be a lot of work because of the way in which different objects overlay each other means a lot of slicing, cutting, and moving things around. Is there an easier way to do this in PS?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X5 :: Colors For Images

Oct 18, 2012

The kind of graphics I do are used for a web site and also for printing with a Roland Versacamm wide format printer. My question is for graphics for a web site do you design in RGB colors and when you design for printing are you using CMYK colors.

Or are you using one type of color over the other for both purposes?

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GIMP :: Saving Images For Web Without Colors Changing

May 1, 2011

I probably overlooked something in the documentation, but I have a hard time saving an image with the exact colors I want:

1- I have created an image with a specific shade of blue in background: #e4eaef.
2- If I use the GIMP color picker, I can see that the background is exactly #e4eaef.
3- I save the image as a png.
4- I open the png in the browser (Firefox), and I measure the color of my background with a system tool (Digital Color Meter), and it has changed to #dde5ea, which is not cool, because it doesn't blend on my web page.

I also used Digital Color Meter to measure the color directly on Gimp, and I have also #dde5ea.

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Lightroom :: Why Do Colors Of Uploaded Images Change

Jun 5, 2013

When I upload images from Photoshop cs6 or lightroom 4.4, the uploaded images appear greenish and flat wehn compared to the original images. 

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Xara :: CMYK Colors And RGB Images With Alpha Channel

Oct 27, 2011

I'm exporting a design for the print shop, and have the following problem:

I have converted all colors to CMYK, and that's fine so far... however, I have imported a few PNGs with alpha channel into the design, and in the PDF output, these create a 'box' around them that seemingly has a flattened RGB version of whatever was behind it + the PNG image.

Same happens with any objects that have drop shadows.

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