Why does the image processor increase the filesize of pictures? I'm trying to resize a bunch of jpg's which are between 5-10kb, and when put through the image processor to save as jpg's with a setting of 0 quality, they come out as about 25kb each, even though the dimensions are smaller.
I am a newbie - so sorry if this is a dumb question. But when I open a JPG file with CS3 it will make it very large. For example - when I open a 2.75MB JPG file taken from a digital camera, CS3 somehow increases the file to 14 MB. When I open a 2MB JPG image sent from a graphic designer, CS3 shows the image as 31MB.
I am working on a x5 and file size seems to be very less approx 553kb when saved but when made a conversion to 12 version it is increasing to 24mb... how may sought this out by keeping the file size low..
Also i wonder what made the file size to increase so much.i converted all fonts to curves too.. decreased the resolution and tried but nothing seemed to decrease the file size.
I am using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2009.I have a project files suddenly file size becomes @ 10 MB after saving. Even Titlblock size is 7 MB.
I had installed a latest update over my system as well i tried to clean a file as per below thread. URL....After doing this file size reduced to KB. But if open it again and saved the file size go to MB.
The issue that I'm having really resides in AutoCAD 2012 after the file has been opened and saved in Civil 3D 2012.
For example, I can use AutoCAD to open a new or existing drawing that has never been used in Civil 3D. I'll run two audits, purge all twice, purge regapps, reset the scale list, then save the drawing. If I open it in AutoCAD again, the file size remains the same.
If I open it in Civil 3D, the file size increases that one time, which is fine. No matter how many times I open it and run the above commands, the file size doesn't change any more than 1 Kb while in Civil 3D.
BUT if I were then to open that same drawing in AutoCAD after closing it out of Civil 3D, then save - it will increase the file size by almost 100 Kb. No matter how much I run the previously mentioned commands the file size will not decrease in size. Additionally, every time I open that particular drawing in AutoCAD again and save it, it increases by another 100Kb+/-. These files are not very large, but I have wblocked some out to save more than 10 times the space.
I've seen similar posts, but they were regarding older versions and seem to be a little different than the problem we are experiencing.
I don't understand why a video increased in size so that I cannot burn a DVD. The video was originally a 1 hour 26 min TV show on a VHS tape. I used a VCR/DVD combo unit to create a DVD, and created a MPEG2 on a hard drive using a conversion program. The size of the DVD is 2.89GB and the size of the MPEG2 is 2.85GB.
I imported the MPEG2 into a library folder in VS Pro X5, and dragged it into the video track. A right click to look at Properties in both the library and video track shows a size of 2,998,518KB, which is 2.86GB. I went straight to Share without adding titles or anything to the video. I selected Create a Disc and took the basic defaults for the menu in Share and didn't edit any of the menu text. When I get to the Output section, the Required/Available Disc Space is in red and has the following information:
5.08GB/4.38GB (5.45GB)/(4.71GB)
Where did I get the 2.23GB in video growth? I saw a post from Jan 2012 that mentioned data rates for a 60 min. and 120 min. DVD. My Properties shows a data rate of Variable bit rate (Max 6124kbps). Could this be a reason for the growth? If so, how do I change it?
Last week one of my Lightroom databases had a size of 400MB. After I installed some new hardware components last weekend I continued to work in that same database and three days later the size had increased up to 800MB. I didn't import any new images. I just worked on several files, added some Adjustment Brushes and created 1:1 previews for a small part of the images in this catalog.
What is causing this increase in file size? Which info is actually stored inside these lrcat-files? What about the History, where is that info stored? Can I create a new catalog from scratch and keep the settings and changes, using Export as Catalog?
 When I save a file to jpeg the image size in photoshop remains the same as it was as a tiff file BUT according to the information that comes up in windows properties the file is much smaller (300k vs 2.9mg).  Can you advise me which is the correct file size?  If the correct size is the one showing in windows (300K) does mean that the file compressed in JPG and lost a lot of information?
 and if this is the case how can I prevent that from happening and still save the file as a JPG?  [ I would like the image to remain the size photoshop shows it to be] . Thank you very much.
Why when I'm in Bridge and use the image processor, it's not closing the files after processing in Photoshop cs5? It did about a day or so ago and now all of a sudden it wont.
I usually use Image Processor to apply an action on tons of files on CS2. When I upgraded to CS3, I simply copied the actions over to the new action folder. Problem is, with long actions, CS3 doesn't close each file after it has performed the action unlike CS2, leaving the desktop filled with processed photos. Also a dialog box appear at the end with the message "Sorry, I could not process the following fileslist of files)". still, the processed files are saved in the destination folder. But here's the funny thing, when I run short actions, everything is ok.
I am trying to automate - image processor. From open files i am just trying to save theese pdf's as jpg's. Should be straight forward but I get this error...
"There were no source files that could be opened by Photoshop."
When I run Image Processor, I tell the files to go to a specific folder. All of the processed images go to a folder named JPEG in the folder I specified. But, it also creates another copy of each image on my desktop which means a lot of cleanup after running 100 images. Anybody know how to stop that?
We got several image files every 2 weeks which should be edited and mainly reduced in size for web purpose. This work needs 1 work day for one man/woman to do, because he/she has to open the file save for web and then set the quality to a value were the file is nearly about 150-200 KB in size.
The images are different, some have few colors, some have a lot of colors and there are also different in resolution. But they should not be reduced in resolution, only in quality. All other specs of the image should be kept
Is there any possible script, plug-in or similar which can do the same (Saving with a specific max. file size) in some automatic and faster way?
Im trying to create an action where I move image folder onto a droplet, which is image processor script and have all psd files turned to images. However, each time I get the dialog box asking me input/output folder information and so on... Is there are way to suppress this popup? I'm trying to automate as much as possible, including not having to click the same button in a box each time .
When I use the image processor from Bridge, I specify that I want it to process the images selected in Bridge, save as a PSD and run a set of actions.
The files do get saved to a PSD folder, but they do not get closed, so they all remain open. This slows the process down dramatically and it used to close them all, as it should.
I have CS6 (CC) on a Mac (2013). I wrote an action for saving my work. In my normal .psd file, I use multiple layers for editing, etc. I also use a group folder for my B&W conversion. I made an action to utilize the saved .psd file to save both the color and the B&W versions. The B&W action works completely fine. However, the Image Processor will not properly run the color action. It tells me that "The object “layer “B&W”” is not currently available." If I open a .psd file and run it manually, there are no issues.
what do I need to change to have the IP correctly run the action?
I am not sure if this is a change in CS4 or something that I am doing incorrectly. But when I run Bridge CS4 < Photoshop < Image Processor (running an action that I have been running since CS2) the files do not close in photoshop after running the action. In all prior versions of PSCS#, photoshop closed the file after finishing the action. The files all save properly. But having hundreds of files opened inside of photoshop causes the scratch disk to go low and slows everything down.
I am completing the dialog executing the Image Processor on a batch of files.
In section 4, I can specify to run an action.
When is this action run? I can't find this documented anywhere.
If, in section 3, I specify to save as JPEG and Resize to Fit and also convert Profile to sRGB, will the action be executed after all these changes have been made? That is, just before saving?
I need to resize a batch of pngs and would like to use scripts/image processor. My original files are png files. There appears to be no option for outputting pngs -but i must output the files as tranparent pngs.
Is there a maximum number of files in a folder that can be processed by the Image Processor in CS5?
I'm trying to convert a bunch of jpgs to tiffs and I have to run an action (high-pass filter+threshold) before it saves them. This works out fairly well when using a small amount of files. When I try to load my main folders then Photoshop stops responding as soon as I try to initiate the processor. I sometimes get an error if I let it sit for a long time. I've tried this on two computers with the same result.
I have over a million files across 9 file folders that I need to process.
I use the image processor in Bridge to batch convert my finished .PSD images to JPEGs for final distribution. I have been doing this for a long time and it fits my needs and my workflow perfectly. Unfortunately, though, something seems to have changed in CS6. In CS5 this would delete all paths in the file, but it seems in CS6 the paths are still there in the final JPEGs. This is not ideal for a number of reasons (e.g. clients don't need to see that I used a path called "fat guy's belly" during editing...). How can I loose them?
I was trying to resize some images to 1080 x 1920 (tiff) using Image Processor but the resulting images came out as 1080 x 1620 and the filesize appears to have remained unchanged. Similarly, another time 720 x 576 came out as 720 x 540.
When using Image Processor on Photoshop CS5, what does the following error message mean and how can I fix this issue? ReferenceError: Window does not have a constructor : 327
When I use the image processor in PSCS4 to process a large number of raw files using ACR 5.1 (Nikon D3 NEFs), I consistently receive an error message after about 10-11 files have been processed that the instruction at 0x696336ab tried to read memory at 0x6C (or thereabouts) and the memory could not be read. I am saving as JPEGs with the color space set to sRGB.
I de-installed and reinstalled PSCS4, but the error persists. The image processor worked fine with PSCS3. A workaround that solves the problem is to process the files as a batch using a simple action to accomplish the task.
I am running Windows XP Pro Service Pack 3 with a dual Xeon processor and 2G of error correcting memory.