I was trying to use the magic wand and then inverting but it is not removing the text.
I tried the clone stamp but it's on a tile background so very hard to make it look good. I just want to redo the text because it was written by someone that does not speak English/American.
effective method of removing text/font from an image. I've tried playing around with clone stamp and spot healing brush, but it never quite turns out right.
Edit: (I tried to include the image here, but it appears it's against forum rules. Oh well. I think having the image would be a good reference, so if there's a way that can be worked out...)
I accidently saved an image with my watermark & now the image is locked & also saved as a jpeg image. I can't remove the text without stamping it out or just starting over. How to remove text from an image that has already been saved?
I have been asked to remove text from an image but the owner does not have the original layered image but only the jpg. I wondered whether it is possible to remove the text from the image, or any recommendations on what to do?
With PaintShop Pro x6, is there a way to remove text from a shirt in the image and get the entire shirt one solid color? The shirt in the photo is not flat, it is wavy.
I need to remove the '.com.au' from this jpeg version of a logo I have to use it for a magazine print file I am working on in indesign. I have opened the file in Illustrator (it is a very large file because it was designed for outdoor sinage.) and I thought I had better ask about the best way to do it without it affecting image or print quality.
I'm using illustrator cs6. i did a smoke text in photoshop and saved it as png-24 file.I wanted to vectorize the smoke text in illustrator.
So i placed the png files and image trace it with high fidelity photo as my preset.
I tried out all the preset,mode and so on,but it changed my smoke effects.That's why i chose high fidelity photo,bt i can't check the ignore white box, i can't remove the background.I tried low colour.but the smoke part become white colour ,obviously when i change the background colour.
Second method that i used was image trace(high fidelity photo)>expand>ungroup>delete the white part..but it doesnt work...
I have some text blocks in Illustrator CS 6 that display the red plus sign that indicates overset text but there is no overset text. It occurs in files that were created with earlier versions of Illustator and now we are reworking them. It can't be deleted. I have cut the text in the box and pasted it into a new text box to no avail. It is not a screen artifact. I have tried copying everything in the file and pasting it into a new file and the little red plus sign comes along. It doesn't print, of course.
I was just wondering as to whether its possible to keep the checkered base which you get when you remove part of an image or have it transparent to stay in the created image.
I am sure you all know this.
Here is the YouTube background which I have created and wondering if I am able to keep the checkered base or whatever in the image after I have saved it rather than print screening and pasting it back like a jigsaw puzzle.
Instead of adding text as a prefix or suffix i would like to know if it is possible aswell to remove text from within text: For example:
I have these texts "I am not good", "he is not good", "what not to be" And i would like to remove the word "not" from all selected text so i would get "i am good", "he is good" , "what to be". The set word not will always be the same, so there is no need for user string input.
Can anyone show me how to remove EVERYTHING in a picture except for 1 layer which happens to be rasterized text. I want the picture to have no backround whatsoever, only this layer showing. I have no clue how to remove the backround area since deleting the backround layer doesn't do anything.
I used the Flaming text effect, and I was wondering if there was a way to have just the text (with flames) and no background. I am trying to use this text to put on a video clip with effects, and would like to have the text on clip, but if I use the background You will not be able to see video effect I want behind the text. I tried the wand, and unless I missed a step or something different, it didn't work. I am a noob, but trying to learn.
This is a jpg downloaded from the internet. For starters, I'd like to know how best to remove the row of text above the picture without disturbing the pattern underneath. Then I want to bring it into Encore as a DVD menu with a replacement layer where the picture is.
How to remove the name in the bottom right corner. I'm making a slideshow of similar wallpapers with girls like lela star and stuff.
But I find names on the walls not very attractive, makes it look like you're a fan boy or something. I only got paint.net and I can't do stuff like that with it.
I am new here and a bit new to photoshop. I have this photo and I would like to remove the word peace from it. I can't crop it because that would screw up the image. I also can't use the eyedropper and pick up color around it and paint over the text. The color around the text isn't solid. I would post the photo or a link to it but since I'm new I guess I can't. Can you please tell me how I can remove the text?
There is a strong possibility that I'm forgetting something. I want remove the black from this image, precisely. I gave channels a try, selection as well with a tolerance of 12 - 22 the results were not what I want.
how do you take a image and remove the background without messing up the image itself! like take my picture and remove the background and put another awesome looking background?
I have an image that has a lot of small areas of a solid black. I'm talking hundreds of areas, which I could go and individually select them all, but I was wondering if there was a way to use something like the Selective color tool, but instead of replacing the color with another color, to replace it with the clear background.
I have an image (jpg file) where some of the portions been smudged with paint brush. I dont have the base file with me. Is it possible to remove such layers from the image to see the original image.