Photoshop :: How To Create A Halo Gradient For Webmaster Page
Mar 3, 2012
Working with PS CS5.5. I am needing to create a 1000px x 650px background image for a web application. I would like the resulting file size (PNG) downloaded by the web-site to be in the 50kb realm. What is the general strategy for creating a gradient like the attached file? Should I start with a solid background color and overlay the solid with a white gradient layer (center being less transparent) this in my mind would result in the smallest file size given that I could decrease the resolution (of the exported PNG file) without any visible effects on the web-page.
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Jun 4, 2013
How can I create a halo effect around an image in a photo? The actual photo is a single image.
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Jan 17, 2013
Is it possible to create a gradient similar to radial gradient, except that the shape is other than circular? This image would be the starting point, but I would like the white part fading to black to be another shape (say, a rectangle, a banana, etc.).
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Apr 1, 2014
Trying to set up a datamerge file to create multi page spread documents with fields on different pages. Attempting to set it up so it's as automated as possible as there are up to 20 different merge documents needing to merge with up to 100 different csv records from the same file each week . The merge documents have different and repeated merge fields on most pages.
I've set it up so that the document has facing pages, and most pages have images spread across the whole of the spread. the pages preview fine, they are created ok when using 'Create Merged Document' although the page numbers continue from one document to another (another problem). but when I come to export to pdf, then the merge only shows the image on the left spread but on both left and right spread single pages, and the page numbers don't show the correct page numbers eg it will go p1 p2 p1 p2 etc all the way through the document instead of p1 p2 p3 - p20 etc. I don't want to have to merge first then pdf but can't understand why the images and page numbers are not showing correctly.
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Apr 24, 2004
making a 3D halo? something like, on a black background, its in the shape of sort of a short, fat oval, and it looks sorta like round metal, i hope you all know what i'm talking about, because its 3am, lol.. you know if you were looking at a ring from straight above, it would be a circle, then if you were to sit it on a table, and look at it from an angle, ti would be a short, fat, oval, right? thats what I want this halo to look like, but with somewhat of a heavenly glow to it...
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Apr 19, 2009
White subjects (Egrets and Swans for instance) appear surrounded by a thin halo of light (when they shouldn't be). I don't know what causes it (possibly some kind of chromatic aberration). does anyone know of a way (other than very careful and precise cloning or patching) to eliminate it ?.....
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Jul 28, 2013
I'm trying to apply 2 gradients on a single layer. When I applied the second gradient, it replaced with the 1st one. Is that possible to do so without having 2 separate layers?
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May 17, 2012
I am trying to create a gradient background. I've created the gradient but when I open up the gradient editor to play with the slider the changes I make don't show-up in the gradient when I click ok.
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Mar 3, 2009
I want to create a blur effect that starts from one edge of a photo and gets stronger (more blurred) as it goes away from that point. This specific effect only needs to travel in one direction, so it doesn't need to be circular.
I don't want to use the method of creating a second copy of the photo on a separate layer, blurring it, and using a gradient on a layer mask, because this doesn't achieve the effect I'm looking for, since you can still see some of the non-blurred image under the blurred one.
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Dec 6, 2008
I want to create a gradient that only affects saturation, Example: I have an image that I want to hint at perspective in. I want the objects farther back in space (top) to be less saturated and those closer to the foreground (bottom) to be more saturated. I'm assuming I can do this with an adjustment layer and I've tried messing around with it, but it seems that I have to set colors to create a gradient but I don't want to affect the native colors at all, I just want to change their saturation. I'm not talking about going from B&W to color. I want to be able to set a particular level of desaturation grading to another level of saturation up to 100%.
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Jul 3, 2008
i use photoshop CS2. i would like to know how to create a curved gradient or fill gradient in a curved shape. the gradient should take the shape of the curved geometry.
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Apr 10, 2006
how did he make that halo effect?
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Nov 14, 2006
I'm not sure if this is part of PS 6.0 or some kind of technical glitch I caused but I've been using PS for a while now, but never tried doing a rounded bar via a rectangular marque feathered and then filled. However when I do this it gives a gradient effect around and outside of the marque. A "halo" if you will. On top of this it doesn't fill it completely. I can go back over it with the other paint tools and it dyes it more, yet still gives it the halo effect, but more pronounced.
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Aug 4, 2013
I am using the new Creative Cloud attempt from Adobe. In 6 months, the only consistent documented behavior from photoshop around transparency gradient adjustment layers is to deselect all layers and then select just one layer to use for the failed Photoshop transparency effect.
I have not found any tutorials that I can duplicate on my machine. Either the tools will not appear 99% of time, or when they do 1% of time they do not work as described, work erratically, or do not work at all. I have got the CC Photoshop to perform a linear gradient from layer to black background. That is all CC Photoshop can do consistently for me. For multi-step tutorials, the steps are consistent, but CC Photoshop popups and resutls literally change with each gradient attempt. Freaky application failures. 100% of time CC Photoshop fails, applying the gradient from an object in foreground to a black background.
Layer foreground to black background must be the default. Anything else fails and is highly erratic. It is as if this CC Photoshop is intended as a supplement to whatever they are using in the tutorials. For example, If I had the money for a full Photoshop CS6 box, everything would work fine? CC Photoshop is a total fail on this computer. Adobe telephone support results the same failure. I am always going to get a call back "with a resolution". but the callback never comes, or it comes with the excuse "we are working on this". All I want is a Foreground to Background transparency gradient for a selected layer... ever since the CC beta trial appeared a year ago. For example, how do I create a radial transparency gradient using CC Photoshop?
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Nov 5, 2012
Im having a hard time making a pattern out of my psd file below. Ive searched online and cant find an exact tutorial on what I need, and after following other tutorials, I just cant get mine to work.
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Mar 13, 2013
The customer wants a gradient background with the PMS Colors 485 c & 1375 c.. This file is going to china and china only takes illustrator files.. So how can I do this in illustrator cs5?
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Nov 24, 2004
how to create a circle with a gradient inside it that goes from one color to another as you move from the center outward.
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Jan 29, 2009
I need to create a greyscale step ramp gradient for use as a map in after effects.
I was hoping there was some automated way to do this. I don't think I could find it in the actions palate.
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Nov 17, 2006
I have been creating icons for a 3D program for nearly two years now and used to send the icons in PSD format to developers. Just recently I have been sending the icons as BMP at their request but the icons now seem to have the halo effect creeping into them. They want BMP files and they use the upper left pixel of the icon to determine the transparency in the icon as they need a gradient background, and active state and the icons are desaturated when not used.
Anyway, here is the procedure I am trying to solve this but something is going wrong.
1. I use a 3D program to make 3D objects then render the image with a white background at 300x300 as a JPEG. No Antialiasing.
2. I open a new image in CS2, drag the rendered image into it then use the magic wand with antialiasing turned off? and tolerance of 30-40 to remove the white background.
3. Then I use Layers>matting>Defringe to remove any artefacts. At this point the icon looks fine.
4. I resize the image to 26x26 and choose Bicubic interpolation. Finally I drag it into a PSD document as a layer.
5. To get the image into a usable format I have a background layer of pink (RGB: 255,0,255) so that it can define the transparency then I save it as a 24bit BMP.
Problem is, when the developer puts it into the program it has a noticeable pink halo around it. I cannot do any more to remove antialiasing which he tells me is the problem.
Changing file format is not an option...has to be BMP?
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Jan 26, 2013
Can i create a saturation mask based on a gradient map? For the example a gradient blue from 2441f6 to 6075f6 , and have a luminosity mask based of this gradient.
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Sep 19, 2002
how to accomplish creating a web optimized graphic with a smooth gradient using PS7.
it seems that you will not be able to generate such a graphic using the default settings in photoshop.
I am right now using the maximum number of colors allowable in the 'save for web' optimization tool (which is 256 for both jpg and gif apparently) I know JPGs are the file type for the job generally speaking, but without optimization the JPG is too large to use for a web page header.
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Oct 14, 2013
Applying the Oil Paint filter (CS6 Windows 7), I get a "halo" effect around certain common objects. Quite a few halos appear and they are not very natural looking. Click on image to get a better look.
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Jan 7, 2009
I'm trying to create the same or similar effect to the halo in the background graphic of the site how might I go about it?
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Feb 1, 2009
I have created 8 A4-sized PSD documents in Photoshop CS3 and I would like to create a single PDF document with 8 pages.
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Mar 14, 2011
Im using photoshop 6, and Im trying to apply an effect for a banner photo, that will be consistent for other banner photos of the same size.As you can see the gradient (which contains the text) starts with a grey color then transitions to white. The right edge that meets the blue sky isnt a hard edge but rather a soft edge.
Im not sure how to create that soft edge. I used a brush in this case, and as you can see, the line is uneven.Also I believe the Filter used here is Ripple or Ocean Ripple.
What are the correct steps would be to create that effect, so that I can use this consistently for several photos.
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Dec 16, 2012
Gray / black halo around feathered transparency objects. The halo occurs where the solid area of pic feathers to the transparent.
NOTE: Image looks fine in Photoshop(CS6) but when placed in Indesign (CS5) a black halo appears on page
This only happens when image is an RGB Tiff and layer mask is used to create transparency. If image is saved as .psd then it is fine. Also when RGB tiff is converted to CMYK then this is also ok.
Ideally I could just start using psd format, but I have to handle a lot of images that are already in RGB tiff and it is time consuming to have to open and re-save all of these.
Photoshop CS5 RGB tiffs are still working fine.
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Aug 7, 2012
I have a picture of a baseball player with grandstands and spectators in the background. To focus attention on the subject, I want to blur and slightly darken everything but the player (subject).
So I duplicated the background layer and created a mask over the player. Then I selected the background layer, added lens blur, and darkened it.
The problem is that this step blurs the image of the subject in the background, causing it to extend out beyond the masked image of the subject on the foreground layer, creating a ghostly "halo" effect.
I've tried creating an inverted mask on the background layer, but that doesn't work.
Photoshop PS6, Windows 7
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Mar 2, 2011
I have a final image of my image to which I want to apply an alpha as a mask of an adjustment layer.
The image and the alpha have come out of 3ds Max. The problem is that there is a halo around the edge of the mask. This is caused due to transparency at the border of the alpha. I don't know how to get around this.
I was told that there may be a way to do it by dividing the alpha. I see that Photoshop CS5 has a divide blend mode. I don't have CS5.
I've attached the render passes that I'm working with. [URL] ........
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Jul 16, 2011
Using photoshop a bit and have something I want to create but not sure how to.
I want to have a shadow effect hole in a white page and then put a button within the whole. To make it look like a webpage has a hole in it, that then has a button in it. i can draw a sketch
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Nov 27, 2013
How do I create a simple album with two or three photographs plus text per A4 page?
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Dec 28, 2012
I just upgraded from Photoshop Elements 10 to Photoshop Elements 11. One of the reasons I stayed with Adobe rather than Corel was the ability to work with multipage PDF's.
I noticed that I can't add more than one page to a project and save a multiple page PDF. I can open a multiple page PDF, but not create or save one.
Is this a new limitation, or just a software bug Adobe plans to fix?
Any way to work with multiple page PDF's in Photoshop Elements 11?
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