to change the Blend Mode on a "Folder". I'm assuming they meant a Group since there's no option labeled "folder" that I'm aware of. How is this possible? When I right-click a Group I do see an option for "Blending options" but it's always grayed out.
I see that the new default blending mode when you create a Group From Layers is Pass Through. I will never use this configuration, and would prefer to set my default to Normal.
I have "group1" and inside that group, only one layer: "layer1". The blending mode for "group1" is vivid light and for "layer1" it's "normal".
Now, if I change "group1" to "pass through" and "layer1" to "vivid light" ... the result is completely different, while it should be the same, shouldn't it?
I've recently downloaded Photoshop CS6 trial version and i've tried to add a flare to a transparent background image and turn the blend option to color dodge or screen but when i do so the black bg does no go. It stays there but i have seen in many other examples video and i've even done it myself at school computers and at my home computer once but this time it just wont do it?
Example: I open a signature for a forum i made with a transparent background. I import a flare. It has a black bg. Turn blend mode option to screen and the flare goes above the text but the black bg is still actually there.
I have 10 layers and I want to blend them such that the resultant flattened image represents the average colour. i.e. If layer 1 has a white pixel and layers 2-10 have black pixels the result will be 90% black.
I have a logo that I want to layer on top of a background image that will together act as the header for the webpage.
The easy thing to do would be to create an image on photoshop layering the background image and the logo, with the logo blend effect, and then save and upload. Problem is that I want the background image to resize with the browser window - without resizing the logo.
Therefore, I figured I could save the background image and logo files separately, and then layer them using HTML and CSS. For it to look comparable therefore, I want to keep the background of the logo transparent. I would also like to set the blend mode of the logo to linear dodge (add) - so that whatever size the background image is scaled to, the logo remains the same size, with the same blend mode. The problem is that when I save the logo as a transparent png file (24-bit), it is not maintaining the blend mode.
I'm using CS6 and wondered of there was a way to change the default blend mode of an adjustment layer?
For example, if you use the Curves adjustment, as well as increasing contrast it also increase saturation. I like to use the "Luminosity" blend mode so that I get the contrast without the saturation. By default, I'd like to be able to specify that any Curves layer I use should use Luminosity blend mode.
I am working on a project and i am surprised to find a strange multiply blend mode behavior. When i open a new blank document to try again the multiply behavior, all seems to work well.
Is it possible that the document i am working on became corrupted ? I work on a 2012 Macbook Pro Retina 15", Mac OS X 10.8.5 and Photoshop CC 14.1.2.
don't know if it's a mac/pc problem or if it's a CS6 problem. I have been working with photoshop on PC for the past 9 years or so. I recently had to switch to CS6 on Mac.
I can no longer place my cursor in the blend modes field and use arrow keys to quickly toggle through them to find the ideal mode. I used to be able to preview 15 blend modes in just 5-6 seconds and land on the ideal mode... and get on with my project. NOW i have to click this button and click again on each blend mode... lengthening my process by up to 2 minutes. This is an ENORMOUS problem for me as choosing blend modes is critical in my day to day design work.
See the menu right next to it where you can type in the opacity? I can put my cursor in there and use arrow keys to adjust values. Blend mode NEEDS to work this way too. And this is on a mac. You simply HAVE to do something here. productivity impacted severely.
Also.. this problem exists in After Effects CS5 on pc. Let's get it fixed there too. I will hand-write you a letter of praise and send flowers if you can do this.
I have a final image of my image to which I want to apply an alpha as a mask of an adjustment layer.
The image and the alpha have come out of 3ds Max. The problem is that there is a halo around the edge of the mask. This is caused due to transparency at the border of the alpha. I don't know how to get around this.
I was told that there may be a way to do it by dividing the alpha. I see that Photoshop CS5 has a divide blend mode. I don't have CS5.
I've attached the render passes that I'm working with. [URL] ........
I thought with normal you would not get any effects, but in fact, if you boost contrast on adjustment layer and keep at normal you get huge saturation boost -- unless you change to luminosity. So normal is not neutral?
I'm doing some painting with a lot of layers set to different blend modes. I find that every time I want to paint on one of these layers, I have to go to that layer, set the opacity back to 100, change the blend mode back to "normal" sample the color, then change everything back and continue painting. I realize I can save a swatch for the color, but it can get confusing when you're using subtle color differences on multiple layers. It seems like there should be a modifier key to the tool that samples the layers "true" color discarding opacity and blend mode.
i want layer 1 to overlap layer 2 as if i had erased the white background on layer 1 but i want do it quickly eg by applying a layer style instead of using the magic eraser which can be unpredictable without using the lasso tool to restrict it.
what if the multiply blending mode was applied more intelligently: here's what i mean in pseudo ..IF at least one of the overlapping pixels in either layer is white..THEN apply multiply mode as normal ie multiply the pixel values and divide by 255.
IF neither of the pixels is white THEN only display the pixel in the uppermost layer (in this case layer 1).
i want to speed up the whole process by selecting multiple layers and applying a saved layer style or some other equally rapid method of making the white background transparent.I am not interested in solutions involving the magic eraser, layer masks or anything that can't be applied in one go . I have looked at the 'blend if' sliders in the layer style window but this needs per layer adjustment so is not a time saver and does not always give a smooth overlap anyway.
I do a lot of work for TV and as such have to often provide flattened layered art to broadcasters. I flatten most layers and flatten layer styles as well.
Question: is there any way to preserve a layer style blend mode when flattening i.e. I have some rasterized text with an Outer glow. The outer glow has a Linear Burn blend mode (or similar).
Is there a way I can merge this layer complete with style to a flat layer and PRESERVE the way it looks? Often I try this and it looks different (obviously because there is a blend mode being implemented with the layer style.
Any pointers how to get around this? I use CS2 by the way.
Another one - I often whack stuff into After Effects and put on an adjustment layer at the top with a gaussian blue (so it blurs everything below). Is there a way to do this in Photoshop i.e. an adjustment layer placed at the top of the layer stack with a BLUR? Any workarounds people know of or is this just something I can do in After Effects?
I'm setting up several squares in rows that left to right the value will change (i.e. +5 % Cyan), and up and down the channel will be defined for the the value changes (as in CMYK).
Underlying each of these squares will be a named global CMYK swatch to easily change the color.
Above each of these will be a static box that overlays with 0-0-0-15 (with blend mode multiply) which would add 15% black to any color below.
My question here is how to do the opposite accurately within Illustrator, to subtract 15% interactivley from the colored box below, the closest I've come is to use; lets say I want to pull 10% from Magenta; is to: 100-90-100-100 with a blend mode of the top object set to Screen. It always seems to result in a jump that is 2 to 3% off.
Multiply allays seems to work corectly, in PS, Illustrastor etc... But I have yet to find a subtractive method that is reliable.
I'm using this to create an simple pick a color and print similar swatches around it, as my workplace has a lot of materials and heat processes that change the final color, and color swatches are in a constant need.
When X7 and its Group Editing mode first came out, there were grumblings about the "Closing Document" dialog that appears when clicking on the little "X" found on the Edit Inside tab.
I am sure most folks have found that can all be bypassed (assuming you want to keep the edits you just made). But for those that haven't, simply click the Save Icon in the Standard Toolbar.
It used to be that if I took, for example, a flattened image, and I duplicated it as a new layer (cmd-J), inverted it, and set to 50% opacity, it more or less cancelled to a flat grey. This is how it was from photoshop 3 through CS5. I just noticed that is not the behavior in 13.0.4, rather fill acts as opacity used to, while opacity now solarizes. Is this a bug or is there some reason for the change?
I have an image made out of a stack of layers of vector shapes, grouped together. All layers have same (10 px stroke) effect. Is there a way to change it all at once, without clicking and editing every layer effects?
How can I change the range at which blend shapes are created? In other words, blend shapes are created with ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. How could I change it to, for example, -0.4 to 4 without using a custom attribute?
I'm aware I can type -0.4 or 4 in a blend shape target. However, that will mutiply the effect which is not desirable.
When using the blend tool to blend colour between two objects is there a way to see the anchor points so I know where to click the blend tool. I realise the cursor changes when over one but its seems very cumbersome to have to move it around until it changes rather than click directly on one which I could do if I could see it.
I'm using Illustrator CC (on a Win7 Pro machine) at a beginner level, probably halfway to intermediate. I'm trying to learn how to blend colors together for highlights of various types (skin tones, clothing, light on objects, etc.) so that when I'm making a graphic for a project I'll have a decent idea of which tool/technique is best for the specific effect I need.
I'm trying to use the Smooth Color option in the blend tool. Late yesterday afternoon I recall creating two ellipses (one of which was a solid fill and one of which was a gradient going from black to transparent) and getting a smooth color transition between the two. It was a much harsher effect than I was looking for so I didn't keep it. This morning, while trying to replicate the same thing, I seem to be unable to use smooth color between two objects if one or more of them has a gradient applied. I only get what you see below, which is a step between the two objects.
I've done searches and found multiple references to blending gradients in this way and have followed those instructions (create the shapes, fill with the gradients, then either click on the Blend tool and click on the center of each shape, or click on Object -> Blend -> Make) but I can't seem to get a Smooth Color blend if either object has a gradient applied. Am I missing an important step somewhere? I'm 95% sure I accomplished it yesterday and nothing has been changed since then.
how to change mode of one layer if i have to layers same image in RGB mode . and i want to change one the layers mode to grayscale without changing in the mode of the other layer.
I am trying to blend two different art brushes with different colors using the blend tool. I'm trying to use two fixed-size line segments of the same length and then applying the two different brushes to those segments ( each art brush is a different color). Then I want to blend them the regular way so their colors transition. However, when I do this, the first shape is a different color, but all subsequent blend steps are the color of the second blended shape. Why is this? It doesn't blend the colors for some reason.
When I copy (to my clip board) something that I grouped in a file, and then paste it in that same file it breaks the group. Is there a setting that I can change to not allow it to break the group when pasted?