Photoshop :: How Do I Deselect A Path So I Can Copy

Jun 22, 2008

I can't seem to figure out why I keep copying a path when I'm selecting a layer and using the magic wand tool. Each time I copy and paste, I paste the path instead of the selected layer. How do I unselect the path so that I can copy my selection properly?

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Illustrator :: Shortcut To Deselect Path

Mar 10, 2013

When I'm working with the pen tool, and create just a stroke (not a full shape), I have to go all the way over to the direct selection tool and click in the margin to deselect that one path. I see people on you to make strokes and deselect the current stroke and make another one with out even flinching towards the direct selection tool.

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Xara :: Copy Shape And Paste As Path In Photoshop?

Feb 8, 2011

I just read a tutorial, in which a shape is copied from Illustrator and then pasted as a path into Photoshop.I tried the same thing with Xara (Xtreme Pro 4) and all it pastes is a bitmap, not even transparent.Is there any way, I could get this to work?

What I want to do, is create shapes in Xara and then convert them to Photoshop Custom Shapes in Vector (!) Format.If it does not work in XX4, is it possible with newer versions?

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Illustrator :: How To Copy A Path On Top Of Itself

Apr 23, 2013

There's two options to copy a Path or Object:
- Copy and then Paste
- Move while holding Alt (or Control on Macs)
Unfortunately, neither of these make an easy way to copy it directly onto itself in the exact same location. Basically just to duplicate a given Path in the exact same location as the currently-selected Path.
I usually copy it using the Alt-move method and then drag it back onto itself using Snap To Point, but seriously? That's retarded and should not be necessary. With very complex compositions, sometimes doing that and having it match 100% is harder than you might think.

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Revit :: Copy Path Of Ramp Into New File

Oct 30, 2010

I am totally new to Revit...basically teaching myself with this project. I need to create a ramp that goes from -1 level to ground, 12 feet up. I have created the walls for the path but I cannot, for the life, figure out a ramp. I have tried but I guess I don't understand how it works. I tried making a straight path with switch backs but I can't get that to work well either and that's not the design I want anyway. I copied the path of the ramp into a new file, which I have attached.

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Edge Animate CC :: Copy Motion Path From Other Symbols?

Oct 4, 2013

I need to apply the very same motion path to multiple objects. Is there a way to copy the motion path from a symbol to another? I can't find a way to do this.

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Illustrator Scripting :: How To Select And Copy To Clipboard A Path On Layer

Feb 7, 2012

how the Photoshop DOM works with this snippet but I can't get it to select a pathItem correctly. When testing in ESTK I sometime have to run a line to that sets the path Item selected property to true several times before the path is selected in the GUI.Here is the script I am working on.

function copyPathsToPhotoshop(){
    var currentLayer = app.activeDocument.activeLayer;
    var count = currentLayer.pathItems.length;
    var shapeNumber = 105
    for( var p=1;p<count;p++){

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Illustrator :: Copy Path Between Files Without Making Duplicate Brush?

Jan 21, 2014

So, I use many of the same brushes. If I copy a path from a file that uses a certian brush to another file that uses the same brush, I get a duplicate of the brush in the brush panel.
Can I stop this from happening?

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Photoshop :: How To Deselect By Clicking Outside The Area

Dec 17, 2012

When I select an area in Photoshop CS6, I can no longer deselect by clicking outside the area.  My tool tip displays the cross with the plus sign in the lower right to indicate I am in additive mode.  I can right click for a dropdown menu and choose "deselect" , but that is a drag that interrupts my thought flow and so annoys me. 

I've tried going into preferences and making sure the cursor is "standard." I've reset my preferences. No caps locked, etc. What is going on?  More importantly, how can I make it so that all I have to do is click outside the selection to deselect it.  I'm working on a Mac, if that makes any difference.

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Photoshop :: CS6 - How To Deselect Any Active Layer

May 12, 2012

I feel really dumb right now but for some reason I'm having trouble deselecting. First off, I'm talking layers and vector objects here. I know Cmd D deselects selections. But how you do deselect any layer which might currently be active? I'm working in PS CS6 for the first real time and it's like I suddenly got dumb or something.

I know you can select a blank area of the Layers Panel to do it, but my Layers Panel is full right now, so I don't even see any dead space. This is especially troubling because I'm making a lot of shape layers and if I do that while a layer is selected then I wind up making masks.

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Photoshop :: How To Deselect Part Of Image

Aug 14, 2011

I'm having a hard time figuring out how to deselect part of an image. When I use the magic wand to select the white background it includes part of the thumb nail. How do I deselect the white part of the thumb nail so I don't remove it with the background?

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Photoshop :: Deselect Tool .. Using The Mouse?

Oct 27, 2008

Great Site! Hi!

CS2 / WindowsXP - Usually when I DESELECT an image (the marching ants) by keys CONTROL-D, or by right-clicking the drop down DESELECT, isn't there another way to DESELECT by...

... just r-clicking away from the image using the mouse to deselect the marching ants? I'm drawing a blank and I have tons of copy, pasting to do, and my right hand is getting very, very tired. I'm sure I used this function before, I just forgot how to enable this function.
I have been to the EDIT> KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS and PREFERENCES, but nowhere can I find this.

Am I tripping, or is there a way to actually do this?

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Photoshop Elements :: Can't Deselect Without Switching Tools - Can't Reselect After

Mar 12, 2014

I have been using elements 11 for months with no problems.  Yesterday, out of the blue, I started to be unable to go back and edit anything I did when working in the program.  I cannot deselect an image or text unless I change the tool I am using.  I cannot then reselect something I have moved on from to edit it. I am very, very confused as to why I cannot use basic functions anymore in this program and it is making it impossible to use. 

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Photoshop :: Quick Selection Tool - Select Or Deselect Object

Mar 12, 2013

On one computer when I select my selection tool I have a circle with a + inside or - whichever I choose to select or deselect an object.  BUT, on my other computer I have a large cross hair type thing and I can't tell whether I am selecting or deselecting...  what the heck is going on!!

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Copy Shortcut C Doesn't Copy Multiple But Typing In COPY Does

Aug 23, 2013

I have a keyboard shortcut for Copy (see directly below). This command doesn't copy multiple. But if I type "Copy" at the comment prompt (AutoCAD 2013) the copy multiple is the default. Copymode is already set to "0".

(setvar "SNAPMODE" 1)(COMMAND "_COPY")

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Deselect Object With Esc Key?

May 25, 2012

I used to be able to deselect an object by simply pressing the Esc key but I can't seem to figure out how to make X6 do this.  I think its been set up that way as default on previous versions.

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Illustrator :: Objects Don't Appear To Deselect

Mar 15, 2010

We are having an odd behavior in Illustrator CS4 in our office.  Multiple users try to deselect objects by clicking in blank space, but the last object still appears as if it is selected onscreen. When they select another object (without holding SHIFT), it looks as if the old object AND the new object are selected...but when they delete or otherwise manipulate the newly selected object, it only affects that particular object and does not alter the old object that appeared to also be selected. Although the actual functionality is correct, it is extremely distracting and annoying because it looks like they have more objects selected than they actually do...and they can never really tell what's what!
For one user, this happens frequently when selecting objects with clipping masks. For another, it happens when simply using the selection tool on any old object. All users on Mac Leopard 10.5.5. Aside from resetting preferences which I've had one of the users do.

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VideoStudio :: Deselect Title Preset In X5?

Nov 21, 2012

How do I return to non animated text after changing my mind and not wanting to use a previously selected preset.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Macro To Deselect One Of Two Objects

Jan 7, 2013

Draw a rectangle. Record macro

use the interactive contour to create an inline. Cntrl+k (break apart). It works but leaves both selected. Now what I need it to do is deselect the outer rectangle leaving me with just the inner one still selected.

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GIMP :: Deselect A Tool When Finished Using It?

May 14, 2013

not be able to go on to something else in a project because I have lines trailing behind my cursor, forcing me to use the undo key or to choose a different, less intrusive tool. Small problem I know, but this has kept me stuck for two days. I did find an answer for an older version that involved about 4 or 5 steps, which I found incredulous, since all I have to do is click once to select a tool. Anyway, the instructions didn't match my version (2.8.4) I hope the answer turns out to be simple, and does not involve multiple steps, because I use the tools a LOT.

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AutoCad :: Selecting Second Items Causes First To Deselect

Jul 13, 2012

I am currently running into the problem where i will select 1 item by simply clicking on it, and when i go to select a second item, the first is then deselected. I can click and drag and select multiple items that way, but that doesn't work when the items and on different sides of the drawing and there are other lines and what not in between them.

I am also aware that i can hold shift and select the second item, and all is fine, but that is not my desired operation. I have been working with Autocad for almost a year under the notion that i can just select multiple items by clicking on them all individually and would love to have this operation reinstated, primarily for ease and convenience, which increases productivity.

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GIMP :: How To Deselect Area After Selected It

May 28, 2011

Is there any way to deselect an area after you've selcted it.

EX: I create a cut out, move my cut out and the dotted line area of cut out is still there. Or I create a box , but I cant get rid of it....

I know.. It's probably simple but I have been trying and I searched the forums before posting.

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Script To Deselect Circles Of Particular Size?

Apr 25, 2012

On the bottom of this page, there is a script to select objects based on fill color.

so that it deselects the circles of 1mm in diameter?

I have a group of objects and 1mm circles and I wish to export all but those circles.So I select the group and then I need to start some script that will cyclethrough all selected objects, check if it is a circle of 1mm in diameter - and deselect it.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Deselect With Image In Background

Mar 27, 2013

How do I deselect when there is an image in the background? I'm used to using shift+right click to deselect, but if there is an image in the background then all it does is select the image?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deselect Portion Of Profile

Feb 7, 2003

Let's say I draw a rectangle and extrude it. I then go into the sketch and draw two lines perpendicular to two existing lines, which gives me a smaller rectangle in one of the corners of my large rectangle. I then want to go into the extrude feature and "deselect" the small rectangle. How do I deselect?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deselect Show Get Started Tab

Sep 21, 2011

I want to deselect the "Show Get Started Tab" in the Help drop down menu; I don't want the "Get Started Tab" to show in the ribbon.  But, I can't; it is watermarked (greyed out) in all environments.

How can I do this in Inventor 2012?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Deselect In Viewports When Panning?

Sep 13, 2012

I have an issue when working in paper space in an active viewport. As a quick change i want to move a few items and im zoomed in to do so. Problem is, when i select some items, then pan with the 3rd button on the mouse to select more items, it deselcts all the items i previously just selected.

Is there a fix or something i need to change in options for this? In AutoCAD 2011 there is no problem, but my upgrade to 2013 has the issue and its such a pain, i've reverted to the old program.

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GIMP :: After Copying And Pasting Cannot Deselect Area?

Jul 3, 2011

I want to get rid of it, so i'm copying various parts of the background, and pasting them over the signpost. unfortunately, after pasting a section, i can't seem to deselect the newly pasted section. I've had a google and many forums are telling me to go Select -> None, but this is greyed out. I can save the picture, close it, and reopen in GIMP, but i dont want to do this everytime I paste.

I'm using 2.6.8 by the looks of it.

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GIMP :: Unable To Flatten And / Or Deselect Image?

Dec 21, 2011

I opened a jpg that need more width of any color on each side. Set background to black and changed canvas to new width. However the original center image remains selected and Select>None is grayed out, so I can't flatten and save as new jpg. Merge Down command also grayed out. Looked through online docs but didn't find what step I'm missing?

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AutoCad :: 2012 Locked Viewport Deselect?

Oct 13, 2011

When in a locked viewport on AutoCAD 2012, i select an item, Pan in the locked viewport and when i come back to the item it has been deselected

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Illustrator Scripting :: CS 5.5 - Deselect Objects Script

Nov 8, 2012

Is there any way to script the deselection of for example 9 out of 10 selected lines, sorted from left to right?
So if I have 100 lines selected, the result will be only 10 selected lines evenly spread out.
I'm using CS 5.5.

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