Photoshop :: Have Two Photos Would Like To Merge Together
Jun 1, 2013
REVISED: I have two photos I would like to merge together. I have tried everything. I'm about to cry and pull hair out. My email address is URL.... I want to be sitting in the chair and not blocking the monitor. I have included the photos. I you can provide a step by step instruction and complete it I would be so happy. URL....
I have two photos that I want to use one as the back ground and the other one to insert a blue light. The first picture we can remove the sign talking of the blue light special. Then I want to add the blue light from the second picture.
I wished the wife had taken a tighter shot of the blue light. I can go back and take another picture.
I have two pictures that i want to merge into one (to make them look like the same picture). Does anyone know how to do this using photoshop? They both have different backgrounds, so will i need to cut around them both?
I am trying to merge three pictures in lightroom as HDR to photoshop CS5. A message keeps popping up, saying, "This version of lightroom may require the Photoshop camera Raw plug-in version 7.4" and I click open anyway. I downloaded the plug-in, and it keeps giving the same message.
i need to merge two photos (of persons)in photoshop which are of different sizes..i have to make them llok as if they are of the same to make them of same size in order to merge them..
I am creating a tradeshow banner (first time), 47" wide by 96" high, with two photos placed one on top and the other below it. How do I accomplish this task in Elements 10 (new user)?
I took several pictures, seven to be exact of a rocket launch at night, thinking that one long exposure might make some sections of the photo too bright. The beach is a little underexposed, but that is OK. how to join them? I thought I would use the first one as the base and basically merge the others after I take out all of the content except the rocket plume/flare, but when I try this, it puts the rocket plume in the middle of the layer and I would have to manually align the rocket trail, but can't seem to do it very easily. I'm only trying to cut and paste, and obvious newbie to elements. I have just upgraded to 12 but still have 9 on my machine if one is any better than the other for doing this type of thing.
When I have uploaded my three photos I desire to create an HDR photo with, I highlight them, right click, edit but it does not give me the option to "Merge to HDR". Why will it not allow me to do so?
Well I have tried all the video tutorials and instructions found on the net but NOTHING works as yet.As far as the printed results from net searches go I get so far along and then the instructions cannot be followed because the item it says is on the menu is just not there on MY menu.
What I want to do is to take a portrait from one photo (Freehand Selection tool to select JUST the face?) and blend/merge it on the background photo. I want to be able to change the size and opacity of the face so that I get the EXACT result I want.
Currently looking at buying either Lightroom 4 or Elements 11 at home - can I change image resolution and merge/join photos along with the standard photo editing - would be using this app for my travel pics, family photos and photobooks?
I need to put two pictures side by side to merge one person into a group shot. I had it once, but, the image of the one person was too big, and I could not figure out how to put that picture back and get another one to try.
I had to reinstall an OS in my computer due to a virus. As a result LR 3 in no longer installed. I still have the catalog on a backup disk and have just installed and updated to LR 4.4. What is the best way to merge the V3 catalog with V4 and are there any things I should expect or look out for?
Why cant I save a cdr job with all the merge fields setup so that next time I open the file I can go straight to 'merge to new document'.
So Ive set up a 10 to view raffle tickets job. Inserted 20 numerical merge fields, positioned, resized, applied font size color alignment etc etc etc.. Takes ages..... So then merge to a new document, works nice and I can save it fine.
There are a hundred reasons why i may have to close the 'master' merge file before the job has been successfully printed. It may be a repeat print job.
Any which way I really dont get why the live merge data fields are lost on closing the file.
For what I need Photoshop for, I use CMD-E all the time to create raster graphics from vector shapes. I often use this feature to combine shape layers to create buttons. So, this completely destroys my work flow. The only work around I've found is to create an additional raster layer to merge with the vector layers.
When opening my jpeg photos in Photoshop elements 9, once saved elements seems put the image in a format that my Apple Mac isn't compatible with. So when I then try and upload the images to Facebook or other software in a bulk upload the images are highlighted and I therefore can't select them and upload.
In CS6 when I enlarge a photo by pressing the spacebar I have got to go to 100% to get a sharper picture, is there anything I can do to get a better resolution photo without having to go to 100%
New user to PSE11. Is it recommended that ALL photos be in albums or is the idea that photos in albums are a subset of the photos in folders? With all the sort and search functionality, I don't understand the benefit of albums.I name my image folders using a standard naming convention with the date embedded so it makes them rather easy to manage.
The instructions in Adobe Photo Elements 11 Classroom In a Book are the classic Windows "Drag and Drop" Method. However, when I try to do it, the cursor/icon I am dragging turns into a gray circle with a gray diagonal when it reaches the Media Browser pane in the Organizer and the folder/photo is not imported into the Organizer when I "drop." Do I need to change setting in Windows (Vista, SP2) or Photoshop Elements 11?
My photos are OK in the Organizer, but the portrait photos are cut off at the top or bottom when used in a slide show. I have checked the "Crop to Fit" portrait selection but it makes no difference. I have Version 9 of Elements.
I just upgraded to photoshop elements 11. When I attempt to sync photos in iTunes (to synch with my iPhone), Photoshop Elements appears in the drop down and when I select it, it finds all the "albums" in the catalog. However, when I select an album to sync, iTunes indicates 0 photos are available in the album.
I'm running photoshop elements 11, iTunes, Windows 8 Pro.
if I try to sync "all photos and albums" it still reports that there are "0 photos" available to sync.
I've tried to make new albums, which iTunes "sees" the names, but there are "0 photos" available to sync.
I've also tried to sync with a folder (file system) which works just fine.
I'm trying to stitch 3 photos vertically-shot photos together (Photoshop CS5 extended), hoping the end results would be horizontal, but the following occurs:
The photo that it puts on the top should actually be the right-most photo in the pano. I tried photo merging the exact same three photos with a darker exposure, and it turned out perfectly.
I can not paste photos from my photos file. If I start a blank file I can paste anything photos want from the web in as many layers as I want. If I try to paste a photo from my own photos file it becomes the back ground by itself. I don't know how to stop this. Using photoshop elements 11.