Photoshop :: Filters Only Work As Embossed
Dec 5, 2005For some reason some of my filters seem to only work as "embossed." I don't get it. If I try to place a cross-hatch over the entire layer only the edges seem to be affected.
View 3 RepliesFor some reason some of my filters seem to only work as "embossed." I don't get it. If I try to place a cross-hatch over the entire layer only the edges seem to be affected.
View 3 RepliesIn CS3 you could change something to make all filters act like smart filters, even though they won't. I found this worked very well, now I have CS4 and would like to do the same but can't remember what to do to make it work.
View 6 Replies View RelatedDo all filters work with a 16bit image in Phoshop 13.0.1 x64?
View 14 Replies View RelatedI create new file, add 1st layer, pick colors on color pallette, and try to do difference clouds or halftone pattern and i get an error message saying that nothing is selected. I click on the layer in the layers pallette to be sure that the layer is selected, and it still won't work. Is there something special i need to do? i know in older versions, you could just use the filter...
View 1 Replies View RelatedI''m trying mystical light and others, but can't figure it out. I don't see anything happening even though I'm pulling all sliders. Don't see a preview box either. What am I doing wrong?
View 2 Replies View Relatedif there are any tutorials using PIP for VS X3. Also have found that some of the FX filters do not work and I was of the understanding that they were included with purchase = such as Ripple and Twist? I sometimes get a message when trying to use one of these FX filters asking me to register - what is that for is it for the newsletter from Blue FX?? I do not want the feature if it is only a trial and then you discover you can't remove it like previously.
View 2 Replies View RelatedNik Filters do not work with LR4. Contacted Nik three times today. At their request, un-installed all filters, then re-installed, to no avail. They then said "some are having success un-installing Elements, then re-installing." Tried it to no avail.
View 3 Replies View RelatedYesterday, Library Filters worked in Lightroom 4, but today they do not. Whenever I pull up the Metadata filters and select a parameter, the title of the filter switches to "Custom Filter" and nothing is selected.
View 1 Replies View Related In "Categories" of the filters window, it can be selected things which composes its mass, such as Mass Exterior Wall, Mass Glazing, Mass Roof. And these things can be clicked only after its mass become energy model.
I set up a filter rule of Mass Roof and applied it to V/G Filters of a view, but it did not displayed in Analyze Mass Model, the same as Mass Exterior Wall, Mass Glazing.
How do you make embossed labels?
This is probably simple compared to some of the questions that get asked here but I am not getting any answers anywhere else.
I know it is probably just a style but I can't get it right. I have an action to do it but it makes it to small and I need it for scrapbooking.
I'm trying to find a way of filtering the 'work in progress' section visibilities from a plan by view filters. The filter I use is 'Sheet Name' equal '<None>'. Then turning off visibility. It works when used in the Browser organisation filters but not in the view filter for the sheets.
I don't want to create a check box or dialogue box for the sheet as this will add to the required maintenance.
I would like to create a background paper like you see here:
I've tried every combination of bevel/emboss in the layer style with inner glow, outer glow, drop shadows added, but I can't get close to the example. Maybe the layer style of bevel/emboss is not the starting point.
I have a lot of photos with embossed paper in my family archive. I tried to use:Fast Fourier transform plugin Converting multiple scans to smart-object with median or mean stacking mode Many noise reduction filters (Noise Ninja, etc.)But I did not get the ideal result. How can I remove embossing paper pattern and get good result?
In attach crop of original scan (original-crop.jpg) and mean stack (mean-stack-crop.jpg) from multiple scans.
P.S. What I have: old photos, HP G3110, Digital SLR Olympus E 450, Adobe Photoshop CS6.
I just got PSE CS6 and the blur too will NOT work ....blur filters work, but not BLUR in the tools panel I have tried: unintstall/reinstall, updating, using it no a picture straight after opening it, duplicate layers, selecting an area and then blurring....flattening an image, every single different setting in the the blur tools menu bar NOTHING works. And everything I find about blur is the new blur filters....
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want embossed type in a form that lightens the underlying image on the highlight side of the embossing and darkens on the shadow side, but leaves the body of the type transparent. How would I do that? I'd be applying some amount of transparency to the text layer, so the type doesn't totally obcure the underlying image.
I generally apply a fairly transparent version of a copyright image in Lightroom, to keep it unobtrusive but still legible, if you really look for it. See the bottom left of the pictures at URL.... I created that copyright image in GIMP or something, but I need to generate some more, and I'd really like to stay in Photoshop.
how to create an embossed(metallic)header for my website.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have hardly ever used filters for any of my work as I have preferred using Xara's native tools and effects to get what I wanted. But recently, I was inspired by some animation work which used backgrounds painted in Photoshop. They used a lot of textures which enhanced the look of the animation and so I thought I'd try to simulate it within Xara.
It works very well and I can export it as a PSD retaining the layers and Alpha channel. But here come my questions.
1. How can I remove the two Alien Skin demo plugins as I already have the full versions.
2. Why don't the native Photoshop plugins--Artistic, Sketch, etc.--seem to work?
How do I add a copyright sign and name as a faint embossed watermark to images?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI just downloaded a bunch of filters and I dragged them into the filters directory under plugins, but when I open photoshop, none of the filters are there.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to make a sig, and for it I have a steel background, and I want my letters etched or embossed into the steel, but I can't figure out the best way to do it.
View 14 Replies View RelatedI'm creating an iPart for Content Centre authoring. I have an Emboss feature that I would like to cut 2 text values into a face. I'm having trouble figuring out how to acheive this through the iPart table. I started by making 2 User Parameters multi-value but came to an abrupt halt as I can't see them in the Table. And I suspect that this approach won't work anyway.
Windows 7 x64 -64 GB Ram, Intel Xeon E5-1620 @ 3.6 GHz
ATI FirePro V7800 2 GB, 180 GB SSD & 1 TB HDD, Inv R2013 PDS Premium SP2 Update 3 (Build 200), Vault 2013 Workgroup Update 2 (Build
I downloaded and installed GIMP 2.8.8 in Windows XP. The Filters menu option shows only Repeat last, Re-show last and Reset all filters.Nothing else in there. Where are the filters?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI’m trying to get the embossed text on a nameplate (done in sketch on a part) to change with updating a custom property in iProperties. Right now I’m using iLogic so I can change the text in User Parameters and that updates the embossed text. So where I’m having an issue is the Export Parameters tab is grayed out so I can’t get it work with my custom properties.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI had wanted to find a way to engrave/emboss the part number on a part model and have it be parametrically tied to the part number iProperty. Since it doesn't appear that I can create a text box and insert the iProperty directly, here's what I did to work around this. (I setup my part templates to have this out of the box....)
1. Within, the IPT file, add a user text parameter called "PartNo" and set its initial value to any text value.
2. Create your sketch for your text to be engraved. Insert the User parameter you just created.
3. Create the engraving/embossing for your text.
4. Create the following iLogic rule:
' Requires a User Text Parameter called "PartNo" prior to running' Set the appropriate event trigger to tasteIf Parameter("PartNo") <> iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") ThenParameter("PartNo") = iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number")InventorVb.DocumentUpdate()End If
5. I set this rule to fire using the "iProperty Change" event trigger. So if the iProperty is set or changed, your text will update. Obviously, you can set this to run with whatever trigger you like.
Inventor 2014 64-bit SP1
Win 7 Pro 64-bit SP1
I am working on a dormitory project and need to provide a required light and ventilation schedule. I have figured out how to create a schedule for each level, but I want to isolate only the Dormitories and the Kitchenette (weed out all the other rooms such as corridor, elevator, storage, toilets, showers, stairs, trash, electrical, etc.).
I tried using seclusion filters, but there are too many items to exclude and cannot fit them all into the 4 filter categories. I am trying to just get the rooms that begin with 'D' and 'K'. I tried providing the variable 'Begins With' for D and in the next line 'Begins With' K, but then nothing shows up.
Is there a way to provide information to the filter that would allow it to show only rooms beginning with D AND K? I cannot seem to get it to work. I have been playing around with separation values within one filter category (i.e. 'Begins With' D, K) but apparently you cannot add multiple variables within one of the filter items.
I downloaded the Pixel Bender toolkit for my mac. The file are under to get the filters in PS CS5.
View 13 Replies View RelatedPS CS5 filters are not all available. re-installed software, same result
View 4 Replies View RelatedWhen I'm editing a file in PS CS5, when I want to used Artistic Filters it's greyed out, as are most of the options in the Filters menu. This happens whatever type of file I'm working on, and it doesn't matter whether I'm working in layers, a flattened image or a fresh image that's completely unedited and am using the background layer.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI frequently use the BPelt Flatten and Multifill plugins and they have always worked perfectly until today. Now I get the following error: "Could not complete the [Multifill/Flatten] command because of a problem with the filter module interface."
I use Photoshop CS6 Extended with the Creative Cloud membership, and just recently updated to version 13.1.1 x64. I believe this may be related, as the plugins worked before the update and nothing else has changed.
Im makin this home page graphic...and im using a few PS filters. Is ther a way u can put a filter in a new layer on a transparent background so that u can edit it....(emboss....distort it?)
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm working on a Logo for my college projest right now and was wanting to put some texture into it, so I tabbed into Filter tab and it wont allow me to click on "Texture", nor will it let me use "Artistic", Brush Strokes" or "Sketch"...
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