Photoshop Elements :: How To View All Images In Viewer
Apr 15, 2013
After using the tool "Process Multiple Files" I can't seem to view all images in my viewer? Im just taking images down from about 40MB to 15MB and some , mostly the vertical images are not viewable. Meaning I just see the "Jpeg Icon" and thats it. I'm on a Mac Platform...
I'm working with AutoCAD 2012 x64 and I need a control to view DWG files selected in my ListView. I tried using DWG True View 2013 and it worked well, but this is more than my requirement. My requirement is to simply show a preview of the drawing. But DWGTrue View is an advance control and is not standalone i.e. Users have to download and install its full installer.
This might require some customization to code in order to fix TOP View and do a Zoom Extent: Currently not succeeded.
I also seek using DWGThumnailviewer.ocx referenced in this post but unfortunately, I couldn't find DWGThumnailViewer.ocx with AutoCAD 2012. I guess it was discontinued.
Other option could be to generate a raster graphic file (*.jpg, *.gif, *.png, *.bmp) and display that into a picture box. I tried some code from this thread and this one but at some small dwg files, it is unable to read bytes.
view on my images they were shot in RAW from camera, downloaded to computer with operating system windows 8, tried to downlaod a DNG converter already no go, tried to re read the previous forums about the converter and plug ins, nothing. viewing my images on my computer once taken off camera shooting in RAW?
After taking a large batch of pictures, I want to place them in a folder and rapidly view the full images one at a time to select which to keep and which to discard. IN PE-8 how can I display two panes - one pane containing the image file names contained in a folder and the other pane which displays the image of the file name selected? Using the arrow keys, I want to move through image file names one at a time while displaying the image associated with the file name in the other pane.
I'm pretty new to using multi view blocks and rendering etc etc... basically all I want to do is show my surface (lake and landscaping) as grass, show a clear blue hatch to represent the water line and add some multi view blocks.. people and trees...
Using the multiview blocks toolpalette I have dragged and dropped some blocks into model space and ensured they are at the correct elevation to sit on the surface...
I have noticed that only one of the multi view blocks within the landscape tab is showing as I would expect - the rest all look like an extruded cross... I don't know how to fix this or whether this is correct.
This is not a YUV headroom issue just to be clear and Im not looking at a broadcast output. Using my Eizo monitor with smoke I just did a color correction and exported a prores 422 hq with and with out yuv headroom. What Im noticing is that the color of the image in the smokes viewer is more saturated than the output which is being viewd in qt 7 and whatever the other qt is. Im not talking fine details here, Im talking about whoa whats going on with this isnt remotley close to being in the same ballpark. In short when I tab over to the qt file and shrink it and place it side by side by what is in the smokes viewer they do not match on the same monitor.
After selecting the first image, I cannot select the subsequent images I want to include in the the multiple image views available in PSE. How to override the PSE and choose the images I want in the multiple views?
I've been having problems selecting images in the library module when multiple images are in view (not down in the timeline, but in the main window). It seems sporadic with which ones it won't let me select, it somehow manages to be the ones that I need to click....!! I just literally can't click it as if it were an image I already imported or something, but it's not grayed out like that. I've been having to select a nearby image then use my arrow keys to navigate to and click the image I need.
I have a 3D view and when I turn on the clip boundary everything disappears, which leads me to believe that the clip boundary is off to the side somewhere. I zoom out & out, but can't find it.
Is there a way of resetting it? I could just make a new view, but I'd have to set the perspective again.
In this view I have hidden all the objects except for the one (a book case) that is being detailed. Every time I model something new it shows up in this view. Is there anyway of stopping new objects showing in a given view?
I just bought a D90 and I am trying it out with HDR for the first time. I imported the files but they will not show up in PS. They won't even import. I tried converting them to DNG but that failed as well. Does anyone have an Idea on how I can get this to work.
I like to compare and see what images I've worked on and would like to have them all open at one time. In CS4 you could have up to 15 open and reduced so you could compare them at once and quickly move from one to the other. Is this possible in CS6?
I have installed CS6 trial version and an unable to view opened images (jpg, psd). Bottom of screen sayd "waiting for Bridge CS 6". What do I need to view my images?
how can i view all of a 200mb tiff file of scanned images in Ps? "windows photo viewer" opens all 5 pages of the tiff file. Ps appears to only open the first page of images. how can i view all 5 pages of images in Ps.
If i zoom in image so it's bigger than "Fit on Screen" then if open/create or go to other opened image and return to 'zoomed' one, PS reposition area i see to right upper corner.
I have Photoshop Extended as part of CS4. I am trying to open RAW files from my Canon 5D Mark II for batch processing. Each time the RAW file is opened it brings up some form of viewer where I need to click OPEN Image. This prevents me from automating my actions on multiple files.
I am trying to use Lightroom and whilst it imports images successfully, I cannot view them at all. I do not have the '?' so this isn't a problem but I don't know what else it can be. I am using 4.1 but currently downloading 4.2 (very painful, almost impossible in Indonesia), but I would imagine this shouldn't be an issue either.
As you can imagine, I've just upgraded to X3. I just saved a .tiff image as a pspimage, without any editing. When I close it and go to re-open it, I can open it in X1 and in X3, BUT NOT IN Paint Shop Pro 9, which is and probably will remain my workhorse. The browser in PSP 9 doesn't even show the pspimage, only the .tif image. I've tried to open it in PSP 9 via Windows Explorer, but get one of two error messages: "This is not a valid pspimage" or "no preview available". Monkeying around with the File Associations in PSP 9 doesn't seem to work.
The problem arises if I want to do the bulk of my editing/restoration in PSP 9 and then bring it up in X3 in order to use one of the newer tools, such as the Makeover tool. Once I do that, I've lost the ability to re-open it in PSP 9.
Is there a way that you know of to make an X3 pspimage available in PSP 9, or is it inherantly not possible?
I recently installed LR4 on a maching that is running LR2.7. I would like to be able to view the LR2 catalog or images in LR4, but not necessarily convert all the photos to LR4. I have been told that I should not do a wholesale conversion of the images to LR4. I am not sure how to view the LR2 images in LR4 without converting the catalog. Is there a way to accomplish this without a wholesale conversion?
Is there a PSD file viewer program that allows someone to toggle between Layer Comps so that one does not need the full blown Photoshop application to view layer comps in a Photoshop document or be limited to viewing only the default Layer Comp?
When I insert and image to my Autocad drawing for some reason I can only see the image from a top view. I change the view from top to left so I can try and rotate the image so I can see it from the front view. I am not sure what to do.
I have two different images. Both are set at Height and Width: 7 by 10.5 inches. However, whenever I view them, the one is always bigger than the other one. Does this have something to do with the pixel dimensions? I see that the pixel dimensions of the one is much larger.
Today I was browsing through my images library and I noticed that some of the images are dimmed. By dimmed, I mean that they appear desaturated... as though LR4 is trying to tell me something about the image... but I don't know what.
If I click on the image I can edit it. It appears normal when it is the "current image" (bright colors again). But as soon as I make another image the "current image" the other image goes back to the dimmed look.