Photoshop Elements :: Change The Eyedropper Mode so It Will Work?
Jun 26, 2013
I'm usually fix the color in the photo by using the eyedropper to choose the color that I want from the photo. sometimes the eyedropper is in a grey mode and than its doing nothing. how can I change the eyedropper mode so I'll get the color that I want from the photo that I'm working on?
Having trouble with my Photoshop 7. When I want to use the Brightness/Contrast adjustment within the Image/Adjustment section the scroll bars for brightness/contrast do not come up. An eyedropper tool appears. When this happens I can only click on the image and change the color squares on the left in the tools area. I can't even close the image or close the program. I have to Alt/ctrl/delete to close the program. I've also uninstalled the program & reloaded but this problem continues.
Today I downloaded last version - Gimp 2.8 and when I wandted to use eyedropper tool in color dialog, I found out that it doesn´t work. So I uninstaled it and downloaded it again. But it doesn´t work too.I´m on Windows XP SP3.
Using Photoshop CC on a Mac running the newest versions of everything and I am having trouble getting the eyedropper to work properly. I have a text layer selected and I've always been able to switch to the eyedropper and change the color of the text directly.
I chatted with Adobe support and they got me to delete my preferences folder. It worked after that the next time I opened Photoshop but then the next time, stopped working again. Delete preferences folder again and it works but after the first try it stops working every time.
Is it possible to change the color of the work area, in PhotoShop Elements 10, from dark grey to light grey. And....maybe do a contrasting Font color for the Toolbar ?
Been working with PSE11 for a few months. Yesterday it developed a problem. I can no longer click on the layer in the main work area but have to go to the layer panel to select it. What do I need to do to change this back to where it works like it should??
I've been having this problem for a while with Illustrator CC but not with older versions. If I use the eyedropper to pick up a color, it captures that color and acts like it is applied but object/text continues to stay the older color. With text I have to use the type tool, highlight all of the text, and then select a color. This process if very annoying when I need to highlight and change several text boxes at once. I would like to just be able to click on the object/text and use the eyedropper tool to capture whatever color I need.
I'm in the IT department of a smallish company where a few people use Photoshop. A user is complaining that previously when using the eyedropper tool, she was able to click once and it would populate the foreground color and once to populate the background color. She says that she never had to hold down Alt or use X to swap the foreground and background.
Is this user just confused or is there some sort of setting that would allow one click with the eyedropper tool to populate foreground, then one click to populate the background?
My eyedropper tool has suddenly gone awry. Selecting the eyedropper (or alt clicking the open window while on another tool) makes the colour selected the background colour and not the foreground as it always has done. Whereas and alt-click with the eyedropper selected makes the colour the foreground one.
Not a huge problem but one that's getting increasingly annoying as I try to work and keep painting the wrong colour.
When using Curves to increase contrast for an image, I see that some people will use the eyedropper to define an anchor point on the Curve to manipulate, and others just seem to drag on a spot on the curve without first using the eyedropper.
1. Is there a reason to not use the eyedropper, and instead just drag a point on the curve?
2. Won't using the eyedropper always be more accurate than just eyeballing a spot on the curve to drag?
press i or select the eye dropper tool, the colour you pick becomes the foreground colour. You can also press alt to select the colour for the background. However somehow this action has been reversed and now i have to press alt to select the foreground colour.
Really annoying as it slows down my workflow when painting. Anyone have any ideas how to fix this, there doesn't seem to be anything in the prefs dealing with this. Also reinstalled ps a week ago which fixed it, but has now happened again!
Why does the eyedropper not read all layers? If I have an adjustment layer above the one I'm reading the eyedropper does not take that into it's reading like it did in PS 5.0
Working on a Macbook. PS CS5. When I am painting using the brush tool I press the option key to switch to the eyedropper temporarily to sample a color. It samples the color but makes it the background color. I have to go swap colors to paint in the color I sampled.
I use the Curves Toolbox (I invoke this command thru the shortcut Ctrl + M) and select the grey eyedropper to color correct my image. It crashes immediately upon clicking with the eyedropper to select my source color. When I am using the Brush tool in Color mode and I hit "option" to invoke the eyedropper it will crash as soon as I choose my source color.
Here is a link to the text in the crash report:
The only other programs I have running are Finder, Firefox, Text Expander, and Bridge. Mini-Bridge is open as well. I'm going to try to work solely with Mini-Bridge to see if that works at all.
I am running PS v7 with XP pro, and I have replicated the following problem many times, but only on my machine. My laptop PS is fine. Here is the problem...
Whenever I double-click on the foreground color in the color palette (or otherwise try and change the color), PS goes into eye-dropper mode, disables everything else (including the ability to shut the program down) and will not let me do anything. I end up having to go to task-manager to kill the process. This is very strange, but unfortunately happens 100% of the time I try to change colors in PS.
when I select a colour with the eyedropper tool, isn't the corresponding colour supposed to be set to the foreground colour? But mine sets it to the background colour so I have to switch it around when I want to use it - trust me, big hassle.
When I try to launch PE 11 when the net is down an activating component comes up and it will not let me add media or do any thing to my project. It says that I need to go to the adobe site and paste in the code. This was done with the software was installed and works fine when the net is up and running, but when the net is down it acts as if these step was never done.
if I bring a photo in to Photoshop, at that point I have just a layer and the eyedropper will work just fine selecting which ever color I want from that image. However, if I then bring in and place a second image into photoshop, so that now I have two layers that I'm working on, the eyedropper will not select any color on that new image. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but can't figure it out. I just want to be able to select a color from that second layer image.
Where is the option to have the Eyedropper only select solid colors and not multiple colors when sampling colors? I select the Eyedropper tool and do not see any options for this in the control panel.
I only have options for Sample Size, which layers to sample from, and whether to show sampling ring.
I am working on a some graphics that need to be completed very soon, and suddenly photoshop is freezing on the eyedropper tool. I've tried force quitting, which does not work, and then restarting multipe times, but this has not worked either. Every time I reopen my file (which is an 8.5 x 11, 350 ppi,grayscale image), and try to work with the paint bucket tool, the problem persists. I'm not able to click and change the tool, use any options under file/edit/view/etc, go to another layer, click out of the window/close photoshop. I am still able to zoom in and out with keyboard short cuts, but that is about it.
I am working with CS5 on a Mac OS X 10.6.8 , 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon processor.
My eyedropper started picking the wrong color! I ahve reset and reinstalled PS - and still have this problem. No matter what color I click the eyedropper on, it picks a shade darker than what I want. Like I said, I am running PS CS6 on OS Mountain Lion.
Late 2008 Unibody MacBook Pro, running OS X 10.7.4 Lion, and Photoshop CS6 13.0.
In Photoshop CS6, I have noticed that when using my Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet, the eyedropper tool will very often (almost always) display erratic behaviour when using the brush tool and pressing Alt to switch to the eyedropper tool temporarily. The "source location" (the pixel which is being sampled), along with the color picker ring will rapidly "vibrate", making it difficult to choose a precise color. The eyedropper cursor will NOT vibrate, however, showing that the problem isn't with the pointing device.
When switching directly to the eyedropper, the issue does not happen, it only happens when pressing Alt while using Brush tool, as far as I can tell.It also does not seem to happen when using the MacBook Pro's built-in trackpad.[URL]...
Here is a thread about a similar issue, though I cannot tell if this is the same problem, as I have not had this issue with CS5 with the same exact setup:[URL]...
Using the "current layer" sampling setting for the eye dropper before I apply any top layer adjustments (adding a top layer with a different blending more or adding an adjustment layer) it works fine. When I use any adjustment layers or any layer that has a blending mode, it affects the way the eyedropper picks color especially when set to current layer.
For instance, If I paint a new blank layer with random colors, I create a black and white adjustment layer on top of that one, I select the first color layer I go to pick a color using the eye dropper with the current layer sampling set, it picks a grey color (which is wrong). BUT!! if I open up the color picker with the color layer selected it picks the correct color. Now, if I delete the black and white adjustment layer, and I am back to only having the color layer, I then go to pick a color with current layer sampling still set, it chooses a grey color again?!?! There are no more layers on top of the original color layer I painted first, and yet it chooses a grey color?