Photoshop :: How To Use Eyedropper To Select Color In A Layer
Aug 30, 2012
if I bring a photo in to Photoshop, at that point I have just a layer and the eyedropper will work just fine selecting which ever color I want from that image. However, if I then bring in and place a second image into photoshop, so that now I have two layers that I'm working on, the eyedropper will not select any color on that new image. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, but can't figure it out. I just want to be able to select a color from that second layer image.
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Nov 4, 2004
I am trying to use the eyedropper tool to select the font color, but when I click on the eyedropper tool, the font color box disappears.
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Nov 30, 2013
What i do is use the direct selection tool and click an anchor and then click the eyedropper tool on that anchor point What is happening is the the outline color is being selected. So i found out Illustrator CS6 you have to hold shift while clicking the eyedropper. I tried that and still can't get the color of the underneath layer, the fill color stays white? Here is pic:
As you can see in the navigator window, the shade of red is that of the outline and not the apple underneath the outline. I tried shift+eyedropper and white is the only color that get's sampled.
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Feb 22, 2012
is there a way to choose black as a layer color (for text)? I frequently print USGS map sections with notes added on. I would prefer the text simply be black rather than dark gray (or any of the other dark colors). Typically my drawings are all monochrome, so its not an issue. However, USGS prints are all in color, white text is not automatically recognized as black due to the colored background. Therefore it prints white (absence of color over background) and can't be easily read.
Currently I use color 250. Is there a trick or add-on that would let me select straight black for my text or layer color?
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Jul 3, 2012
I am switchin over from photoshop and would like to do the following
1) Select a color: I have a logo with a green and red text and would like to select only the green text. The logo is a flat file so I do not have access to the text-layers. (In Photoshop I would now use the "select color range" tool)
2) Keep the selection of the color active (as a selection)
3) Create a new overlay-layer and fill the selection with a blue color.
How would you do this in Xara Designer?
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Apr 17, 2012
Using the "current layer" sampling setting for the eye dropper before I apply any top layer adjustments (adding a top layer with a different blending more or adding an adjustment layer) it works fine. When I use any adjustment layers or any layer that has a blending mode, it affects the way the eyedropper picks color especially when set to current layer.
For instance, If I paint a new blank layer with random colors, I create a black and white adjustment layer on top of that one, I select the first color layer I go to pick a color using the eye dropper with the current layer sampling set, it picks a grey color (which is wrong). BUT!! if I open up the color picker with the color layer selected it picks the correct color. Now, if I delete the black and white adjustment layer, and I am back to only having the color layer, I then go to pick a color with current layer sampling still set, it chooses a grey color again?!?! There are no more layers on top of the original color layer I painted first, and yet it chooses a grey color?
I am working on Photoshop CS5 12.1 64bit
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Aug 28, 2011
I am interested in a program that can select layers by its color, and then change those layers to a different color and add a prefix of Z- in front of those layers.
Layer Names: Layer Color: New Layer Names: New Layer Color:
Wall 2 Z-Wall 100
Berm 2 Z-Berm 100
Fence 2 Z-Fence 100
I found a program (below) that works pretty close to what I am looking for but not quite.
;;; Change the color of a layer to another color by Jeff Mishler July 9, 2003
;;; Usage - (lay_col_chg oldcolor newcolor
;;; example: Command: (lay_col_chg 142 100)
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Apr 5, 2013
Consider this simple document with 2 layers and an adjustment layer:
Note the eyedropper targets. They read as expected:
Now, observe what happens when I click my adjustment layer (this is a new Levels adjustment that has NOT YET BEEN TOUCHED - so there should be NO CHANGE)
It doesn't matter whether the adjustment layer or its layer mask are selected, the results are the same. Here are my eyedropper settings:
Proof Colors is off. I can't think of any other setting to play with. This looks like a pretty huge bug to me, and it's not something I remember from earlier versions.
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Feb 11, 2013
My eyedropper started picking the wrong color! I ahve reset and reinstalled PS - and still have this problem. No matter what color I click the eyedropper on, it picks a shade darker than what I want. Like I said, I am running PS CS6 on OS Mountain Lion.
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Jun 4, 2011
Is there a way to make the color select tool not only select a specific color but related shades as well. I have a graphic that is mainly shades of gray but with black outlines and divisions as well as other colors mixed in. I want to shift all the shades of gray to shades of dark yellow without have to select each shade individually.
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Jul 2, 2013
Began using ColorMunki Display calibrator with my Apple 30" Cinema Display a few months ago. Going back into an old web project to make new graphics, I notice that the eyedropper samples known colors slightly differently. Mostly indistinguishable differences, but different is different. I am accustomed to getting a dead match, so this is worrisome.
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Mar 30, 2013
I get this message whenever I try to use the eyedropper tool or the foreground / background color picker
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Aug 8, 2013
Using Photoshop CC on a Mac running the newest versions of everything and I am having trouble getting the eyedropper to work properly. I have a text layer selected and I've always been able to switch to the eyedropper and change the color of the text directly.
I chatted with Adobe support and they got me to delete my preferences folder. It worked after that the next time I opened Photoshop but then the next time, stopped working again. Delete preferences folder again and it works but after the first try it stops working every time.
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Apr 2, 2012
I have the full CS Suite 3 and my issue is with the Photoshop aspect. It has worked for me beautifully for many years and, unfortunately, has come into a problem recently. When I select a color using the eyedropper tool (sample size 3 by 3 Average) it selects the color. Then, upon attempting to paint that color, it uses a color that is washed out by comparison. It selects the right color but the paint brush (I'm using the standard, 27 pixel soft brush, normal mode, 100% opacity, 100% flow) will not paint that color. It looks like it's adding more white to it or adding a muddled grey color. I'm not amused with this at all.
I'm not certain whether it is my having accidentially hit something as to make this happen or if it is the program glitching. I uninstalled and reinstalled and, unfortunately, am still finding the problem. I will try uninstalling and reinstalling again (this time deleting all the preferences) to see if that may fix it. It does this with multiple images (all .psd files, multiple layers) so I know that it's not the single file being corrupt.
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Jun 12, 2012
Running CS5 on a MacPro 10.6.8
A few days ago, I suddenly cannot find the eyedropper to select color, either in type or color functions. When I click the color boxes, it now opens up the color menu with the usual sliders, crayons, specturms, etc, but no eyedropper.
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Nov 21, 2005
if there are keyboard shortcut keys to these two operations?
1. Selecting a different layer than the active layer w/ keyboard key and selecting an item on that layer on the canvas?
2. Shortcut key strokes to select > Transform > Scale?
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Jun 25, 2013
I've placed an rgb image and on top of that a vector square which I wanna give the same color as the bright green one in the rgb image. So I used the eyedropper tool on that bright green color. But as you can see it give a more dull greenish color. The document is in rgb mode. I would expect this more when I was working in cmyk but I ain't. Why isn't the eyedropper tool picking the bright green color? The image is in rgb, illustrator is in rgb, in photoshop I can see the bright green color in the rgb image. So why isn't illustrator using this bright green color with it's eyedropper tool?
Turns out the eyedropper tool only works correctly (while illustrator is in rgb color mode and the image placed is also in rgb), when the image placed is embedded and not just linked. After I dragged the image on the page and go to Links to have the image embedded and then use the eyedropper tool, I get the exact same color.
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Feb 28, 2013
I have been scrolling through this forum and google, and have not found an answer.My Illustrator CS5 has been working all day, and I went away from it momentarily to pack some boxes for moving and the eye dropper tool started picking up colors that didn't exist in the placed image i'm grabbing from.(clearly not black within that circle...)
I "found" a solution on this site where you go into your eyedropper options and make sure your appearance boxes are checked, and they weren't so I did that, and now the eyedropper tool won't pick up any color at all. I have a project deadlines that require this program, and i've tried just about everything but re-installing.
Here are the way my settings are now:
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Nov 15, 2013
How do I use eyedropper to pick up a gradient color? I have a color that has 45% opacity on it and I want the exact code of that color. If I use eyepicker, it will only pick up the original color (with 100% gradient). I tried using colourificator. Illustrator picked up that color but when I applied it to the object, it became a different color.
Is there any other way to pick up the exact code of colors that has an opacity? If I am to find the color that has an opacity manually, how would I find it in the color picker?
Below is an example:
1) First circle does not have an opacity.2) Second circle has a 45% opacity on the stroke, and I tried using colouricator to pick up the color3) Colourifator picked up the same color, but when I applied to the third circle, the colour is off.
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Jan 30, 2014
When I use the eyedropper to build a secondary color correction mask (rgb curves, three-way, etc) I have to click the eyedropper with the + and then go over to my source monitor and click on the portion I want to build the mask for. If I need to select multiple colors to dial in the mask further I have to keep going back over and clicking the little eyedropper + and then back over to the source monitor and back and forth over and over again.
I know there is a better way, or at least a short cut to reselct the eyedropper +
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Mar 10, 2012
Is there any way when the Eyedropper indicates a RGB color from an image to see the same code it has for Cmyk as well?
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Mar 3, 2014
I've been having this problem for a while with Illustrator CC but not with older versions. If I use the eyedropper to pick up a color, it captures that color and acts like it is applied but object/text continues to stay the older color. With text I have to use the type tool, highlight all of the text, and then select a color. This process if very annoying when I need to highlight and change several text boxes at once. I would like to just be able to click on the object/text and use the eyedropper tool to capture whatever color I need.
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May 30, 2013
When I run the script for an object selection, I want each object to have its color set to the underlying color as if I had used the eyedropper tool. Is this something that can be scripted?
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May 4, 2009
I'm trying to pick up color from an image using the eyedropper tool. But it only will pick up white as a color and fill the other object with white, and not the actual pixel color I am trying to grab. This doesn't always happen but I can't figure out why it is happening in this instance.
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Nov 26, 2013
I'm on MacOS 10.9 (Mavericks). Using GIMP 2.8.8 (lisanet edition).
GIMP has been installed for many years on my computers, but first since it runs natively (without x11 or xQuartz) have I finally and entirely switched to GIMP for my raster graphic work.
I really like GIMP and I'm working on expanding my knowledge and respect this excellent programme very much. There are of course a couple of oddities when you are used to Photoshop (until 3 months ago). I'm getting there. Though one issue sticks out:
The use of the eyedropper tool for example in the Color to Alpha Dialogue. First of all I'm aware about the difference between the Color Picker (set colour from image pixels) in the toolbox and the eyedropper. I'm writing here about the latter. It simply doesn't work at all. When I open Color to Alpha... and then click on the color field (by default it's white #ffffff) the Color to Alpha Color Picker opens. When I select here the Eyedropper tool (Click the eyedropper, then select a color anywhere on your screen to select that color.) the following scenario happens: the cursor doesn't indicate a particular function (stays as standard pointer) - when clicking anywhere on my screen both dialogues, Color to Alpha and Color to Alpha Color Picker disappear (respectively they slip behind the main GIMP interface). I can't select any color! And when I manage to get the two dialogue windows back into focus, I have to wait a certain amount of time before any pressing of OK or Cancel shows any response.
Sometimes a random color gets selected but this is beyond my influence.
I guess it's a weak spot of the new native GIMP without any X11 wrapping. The windows managements has several weaknesses (i.e. GIMP/Hide). I also thought that it might be caused by the Single-Window Mode. But even without that the problem remains. All in all it's a very important function and without it the workflow involved gets very tiresome.
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Apr 27, 2012
I have two questions for CS4, which may not be possible, and I didn't find in the feature forums.
1) Is there a way to do a color range selection created from all the colors that were selected from the magic wand tool. See attached image one.
2) Is there a way to crop an image based on histogram? For example if I wanted to remove all px that were above level 200 for all colors (or a specific color). Can effect the image at all from the histogram (without an side step to something like select color range)?
I'm working with very large images on multiple systems (both 32 and 64 bit, all CS4). Normally in the 50,000x30,000 -- 50,000x70,000 px range. For the sake of argument and ease of use I could scale down but eventually need to be operating in this range. The images are created by stitching a series of images taken under high magnification. I would like to find ways to quantify certain regions of interested based on color, but that do not have great color separation (see image 1). The hope would be take this information from several images and export the histogram information. As far as cropping the histogram is concerned: the scanning process used to create the stitched images produces a lot of near white color variation that so far I've been unable to select entirely (via color range select using clusters). I would say my best effort is only 85% of the "white" (see image 2) I want to drop out the white px for size reduction and noise reduction when it comes to histogram statistics.
Also I know this is pushing the limits of intention for PS, but we tried this on three other software packages-seemingly designed for these purposes--and failed.
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Nov 10, 2012
I can do one or another, but both at the same time? It is annoying because a mask selection turns into layer selection when you select a second layer/folder.
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Jan 8, 2013
how to restore the Color Eyedropper tool at the bottom left corner for some reason it completely disappeared.
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Oct 31, 2008
How can I select a shape on a layer in PSD in the layers palette?
In my past version of PSD, I was able to simply click on the Layer and hold either select or control to have marching ants go around my image - but with CS2 I am not able to do that.
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Feb 19, 2008
I have an image with 8 layers and i want to draw lines. So I make a new layer. While this layer is selected, i select the line tool and draw a line. Then, as I want to move this line, I select the move tool and try to move it. But instead of moving the line I just drew, photoshop automatically switches to my background layer (although i'm not sure it's defined as "background layer") and moves the entire content of the layer.
To see what actually happened, i hid each layer in the layer palette... And still... here was my line. (with all layers hidden, is it POSSIBLE to have anything?)
I tried to select my line and then, using the move tool, move it, but the message "could not move the selection because the selected area is empty"...
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Sep 2, 2012
Today i opened a psd file which 200 layers. is very slow then (as all layers are flatten, pdn is missing hierarchical layers), but that is another problem.
I wanted to hide some background layers and "copy merged" a selection.
It took me 10mn to find all the backgrounds layers without this tool.
In photoshop the tool exist as a property of the "move selection" tool. Ie: you must first select the move selection tool, then select "layer" in the properties toolbar.
Any way to get that for v4 ? Will v4 be on github so we can clone and make patches ?
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