Photoshop Elements :: Why 11 Alias In Folder

Jul 13, 2013

I sucessfully (apparently) downloaded Elements 11 and Elements Premier from a purchased disc. BUT, in my apllications folder, within the Elements 11 folder, I have an Elements 11 ALIAS (which does not open) and a folder named 'Support Files' in which is Elements Editor which does open. What do you think happened to the apllication for Elements 11?
In the Premier 11 applications folder, there is a Premier ALIAS. Then in the 'Support Folder'  there is a Premier application (which opens) and another Premier Alias.
So, what are these Alias' about?
Is Adobe Photoshop Elements Editor the name of the application for Adobe Photoshop Elements 11?
And are the support folders the right location for these apllications? My other Adobe applications are within the folder of the same name.

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Photoshop Elements :: Open Folder Location / Image Displayed Are Not In Highlighted Folder

Jul 27, 2013

When I open Elements 9 in Folder Location the images displayed are not those in the highlighted folder.  Similarly if I select another folder I see another selection of images from elsewhere in the structure. 

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Photoshop Elements :: Folder Location And Click On A Folder Doesn't Display Any Pictures

Dec 9, 2012

I'm new to Elements 10 and I'm having a hard time figuring things out but 1 thing in particular.  I'm on a PC and use Windows 7.I already import a lot of pic's to Elements or so I thought.
When I'm in  "Folder Location" and click on a folder it doesn't display any pictures and says "No files from this folder have been imported into Elements Organizer. To add any files, right click on the folder and select "Import to Organizer"
So I do as I'm told and then i get this error."Nothing was imported. The files or folders selected to import did not contain any supported file types or the files are already in this catalog."

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Photoshop Elements :: Cannot Add Desired Folder To Watch Folder Service

Aug 17, 2013

I just finished importing my photos to Elements, and was going to add the folder I keep them in to my watched folders, to keep them up to date.  Since everything imported just fine, I was surprised to find that I got the following error when trying to add the folder:
The Watch Folder service returned an error: Access is denied.
I looked around the site using search and Google, and found a few other occurences of this error, but they all only show answers that apply to network shares.  The folder I am trying to watch is not a network drive that I have to use a \serverfolder format to access, as the folder is located on my hard drive under C:UsersusernameGoogle DrivePictures.
Elements Organizer
Core Version: 11.0 (20120830.r.32025)
Language Version: 11.0 (20120830.r.32025)
Current Catalog:
Catalog Name: Google Drive Photos
Catalog Location: C:ProgramDataAdobeElements OrganizerCatalogsGoogle Drive Photos
Catalog Size: 31.5MB
Catalog Cache Size: 68MB
Operating System Name: Windows 8
Operating System Version: 6.2
System Architecture: AMD CPU Family:15 Model:10 Stepping:0 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP
Built-in Memory: 7.2GB
Free Memory: 5.2GB
Important Drivers / Plug-ins / Libraries:
Microsoft DirectX Version: 9.0
Apple QuickTime Version: 7.74
Adobe Reader Version: 11.0
Adobe Acrobat Version: Not installed

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Get Back Original Folder / Sub Folder System

Feb 26, 2014

Installed Elements 12, converted catalog but now my sub folders are shown as main folders in Organizer folder view. How can I get back my original folder/sub folder system? When I look at Windows folders my system is as it was so the two don't match any more. On searching further came across more info on Community-powered support for Photoshop Family and it seems Adobe have removed the option of sub folders. 

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Photoshop :: No Anti-alias?

May 13, 2003

I created a pixel/blocky style of logo in Illustrator. Need to bring it into Photoshop for scaling/coloring/etc. Unfortunately, when I try to scale the logo down in Photoshop 7 (via drag/drop/scale/place), it applies anti-aliasing to the logo. This is obviously no good since the logo is pixel based, including a pixel style font.

How do you resize/scale things without anti-aliasing in Photoshop? (Especially with the Transform/Scale tool, as opposed to using "Image > Resize" (with "Resample Image: Nearest Neighbor").)

I'm not used to using files back and forth between Illustrator and Photoshop.

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Photoshop :: None Anti-Alias Brush?

Nov 4, 2004

I am trying to modify a brush to draw fine dotted lines. Even with the hardness cranked all the way to 100%, the edges are still soft and anti-aliased. Is there a way to completely turn off anti-alias for brush?

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Photoshop :: How To Anti-Alias A Selection

Aug 23, 2006

how to anti-alias a rectangular selection. I'm trying to create a solid filled rectangle with a thin border, but it (Photoshop 7) doesn't seem to give you that option. It gives you that option for the freeform selection, but not the rectangular margquee.

I've used Paint Shop Pro to create that type of shape using its vector features.

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Photoshop :: Anti Alias - Feathering

Jan 5, 2003

I am trying to separate the foreground and background of an image as i want to blur the background.

I have tried a couple of methods of selection and then layer by cut command.

I have tried with feathering and without but i get a line around what i have cut out.

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Photoshop :: Anti Alias Isn't Working

Feb 3, 2004

When I select the rectangular marquee tool, I am unable to check the anti alias box. It is unavailable to me or "greyed out". My text is quite jagged, and I am thinking it is because of the unavailibility of the anti alias effect.

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Photoshop :: How To Alias Shape Strokes And Fills

Apr 8, 2013

In Photoshop, I realized that the shape tool is divided into three prefered styles - Shape, Path, and Pixels. In Shape, I have the option to to change the stroke and fill but not alias it. In Pixels, I have the option to alias it but not change both the fill and stroke. If I create a shape as one style, I cannot convert it to another. Is there a way to change both the fill and stroke of an aliased shape?

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Photoshop :: Where Are Anti-alias Options For 3D Rendering In CS6

Apr 15, 2013

I am trying to make a 3D globe, but using CS6 (i have designed in 3D in CS5 before but want to familiarize myself with the process for CS6). The problem is that the edges of the sphere are a little sketchy and I want to change anti-alias settings to solve the problem but cannot seem to find them anywhere .

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Photoshop :: CS6 JPEG Anti-alias Missing?

Dec 10, 2012

Photoshop CS6 JPEG Anti alias missing.

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Photoshop :: Illustrator Paste Anti-alias

Aug 12, 2008

I have Creative Suite CS3.

I'm copying some vector art from Illustrator and pasting into Photoshop - for some reason it isn't anti-aliasing it. Even when I select Smart Object and rasterize, it's jaggy.

I've also tried saving as an EPS and importing into Photoshop - same behaviour. I can "open" the file, but that flattens it.

What makes it stranger, is I have another machine with CS3 and it imports correctly, so I'm guessing there's a preference somewhere...

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Photoshop :: Anti-Alias On Text To Be Printed

Apr 24, 2004

working with printed material and the CMYK enviroment.

I'm designing some full color business cards entirely in photoshop 7 and I have a couple questions:

1) Is it true that one should turn off Anti-Alias when creating text for printing? I know it looks jaggy on the screen but I heard it is suppose to be better for printing.

2) Should I set the text layer to "Multiply" not "normal"?

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Photoshop :: Anti-alias Graphic Using Transparency?

Feb 9, 2009

concerning anti-aliasing a graphic. Im currently using Photoshop CS2 running on Windows XP.

I have a graphic that I want to use with backgrounds of different solid colors and even the occasional multi-colored background. I want to smooth out the jaggies of the graphic in such a way that the smoothed graphic can be placed on a separate layer and the desired background can be inserted on a layer below.

I can successfully import an anti-aliased graphic IF I import the graphic and its background at the same time. But then the anti-aliased graphic is suitable for use only with that particular color background. I would like to eliminate this extra step if possible.

Suppose the graphic were black on a white background. The anti-alias pixels might be 75% gray, 50% gray, and 25% gray. Conceptually, it doesnt seem like it should be all that difficult for the anti-alias pixels to be black at 75% transparency, black at 50% transparency, and black at 25% transparency. Then, in theory, wouldnt this type of transparency anti-aliasing work for any color background placed underneath it? Is this possible in Photoshop CS2? If not, is it possible in a later version (might be a good reason to upgrade)?

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Photoshop :: How To Anti-alias Smart Object After Transformation

Sep 13, 2012

I have a 72 dpi smart object with text & images inside another 72 dpi SO and need to transform it (distort and/or perspective). Once I do so the anti-aliasing becomes very poor thus making the SO's text almost illegible. Is there a way to improve this? Maybe change the way the SO is being anti-aliased?

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Photoshop :: Paint Bucket Dump Won't Anti-Alias

Aug 24, 2013

I made a selection with the magic wand (with the anti-alias box checked), made a new layer, and dumped a color in with the paint bucket (anti-alias box is checked). But, the edges are not anti-aliased. I am running Photoshop CC on Mac OS 10.6.8, and this problem occurred in a .tiff file and a .psd file.

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Photoshop :: Open Camera Raw Alias Or Light Room / Bridge

Jun 22, 2013

I have about 20 images that I was trying to Burn in a DVD but , I ended up getting CR2 Alias  files with an arrow at the bottom left corner.

I want to open the images either in Photoshop CS6 or in Light Room 4 or in Bridge. How to open the images in jpg. or in RAW.

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Photoshop :: CS6 13.0.5 - Files Being Saved To SMB Volume Have Alias And Invisible Bits

Jul 31, 2013

We are running CS6 13.0.5 on multiple Mac Pros, most Mac OS X 10.8.3 but one 10.8.4.  We've experienced the issue on both OS'es.
Sometimes when saving files to our primary share (an SMB share on an EMC Celerra) the files are having their alias and invisible bits (for Finder) set.
Not the flags (chflags), the bits (can be changed using SetFile in Mac Dev Tools). 
So these files are showing up as hidden aliases.  Seems to be no problem saving locally.

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Photoshop :: Alter Anti Alias Method For All Text Layers?

Apr 11, 2008

I'm trying to create a new design based on a grid, so I need pixel-exact text layers. For this I always use "None" as anti alias method. This is pixel-exact, but it's absolutely not beautiful. So from time to time I'd like to check how the full impression of the layout is on a modern browser that support anti aliasing. Sadly it's quite a pain to do and then again undo it for every text layer separately, so maybe there's a way to speed things up? :-)

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Photoshop Elements :: Where Is Folder View

Nov 6, 2012

I just upgraded from PSE 9 to 11. Where is the folder view that allows me to browse my hard drive, right click a folder and import all of the images in that folder that are not already in the catalog?

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Photoshop Elements :: Generate A Tag From A Folder Name?

Nov 3, 2013

This was a handy feature in previous versions, but I cannot find it in the '12' version.Is there an alternative way to generate a tag from a folder name?

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Photoshop Elements :: 12 Changes To Watch Folder

Oct 8, 2013

I want to make changes to Watch Folders.   In Organizer
When I click on Watch Folders I get the following? "To enable watch Folder Functionality Please start the Adobe's Active File Monitor service from Service Manager (Control panel --> Administer Tools-->Services).

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Put Attachments In Folder - 10

Sep 5, 2012

In the manual is indicated that you can resize pictures (under the Share tab) to use them as eamil attacments and then put them in a folder to manually attach them to a message in the email client of your choice. Unfortunately I cannot find this option in the Organizer part of the program. Using the Fotomail or Adobe mail options is not possible in a Win 7 64 bits Outlook environment and I don't want to change to a 32 bit version of Outlook.

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Photoshop Elements :: How To Delete A Folder

Nov 10, 2013

New to this Photoshop lark, I imported a load of pictures (via PSE11) and then cut and paste them into a new folder in Windows 7 (I know, probably where I went wrong). So I have three folders on PSE11 that I want to get rid of. To be honest I still have the files on my SD card so I would like to get rid of all the files and folders I have messed about with today and start again.

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Photoshop Elements :: Create New Folder In 11?

Jan 23, 2013

I have not been able to create new folders in Elements 11. I have only been able to rename folders, not make new ones.  In v7 & 9 it was easy, but not so in v11.

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Photoshop Elements :: Rearrange Photos In Particular Folder?

Sep 2, 2012

Basically, my problem is that I imported some 300 pictures into one folder but the organizer hasn't organized the pictures correctly. Which way it's organized the files but they're not in date/time order which is what I want them to be. The video tutorial seems to show that I can sort the photos by date/time taken (and I would be amazed if it didn't do that) but I can't get any option on the screen to sort by date/time taken, file size, file name etc., all of which I'm assuming I should be able to do. how to sort by date/time and, at the same time, how to change the defaults so that it normally shows files from the earliest date/time to the latest.

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Photoshop Elements :: Can't Save Photo In Folder

Jan 25, 2014

cannot crop and rename a photo and save it to a folder. Instead of the photo I get a blank icon that looks like a page with one corner folded down. The new name is below the blank icon. If I try to save it again I get a message that the name exists do I want to replace it? if I do, I get a second icon with no photo image.

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Photoshop Elements :: Moving Catalogs To Different Folder?

Feb 11, 2013

In ##backed up and restoring a PSE6 catalogue from an XP based PC to my Vista based laptop I chose the Restore to New Location / Maintain Existing Folder Structure option and both the catalogue files and the picture files were successfully created in my main Pictures folder. The new catalogue was recognised in PSE6 and all files and thumbnails seemed to be connected. However, in retaining the original folder structure I had inadvertently created a lot of unwanted subfolders from the old XP address and the cataloguing info was not in the default /Program Data location where my other catalogues reside. I therefore decided to first move the cataloguing files, and tried to use the Catalogue / Move command for the purpose, thinking, erroneously as it turned out, that this would move only the cataloguing files, and I could then eliminate the unwanted subfolders in my picture file structure by a subsequent drag and drop approach in PSE6.
Catalogue / Move process as to a destination folder for the move, as it never asked, but it seems as though both cataloguing and picture files were moved by the command to the Vista default /Program Data location. I'm not sure whether I asked to make the catalogue available to all users or just myself when asked,but think it was probably the latter. The move resulted in all of the thumbnails in the catalogue becoming disconnected from the picture files, and I then carried out a Reconnect All process which has worked for all but a handful of files.
The problem is that whilst I can see the picture folders I've moved in the Folder View within PS6, and most seem connected to the catalogue thumbnails, I cannot find them, or indeed the /Program Data folder that they sirt inside, by searching outside of PS6. It is as if they don't exist, or are hidden from Windows Explorer. All of the old picture folders have also disappeared when I look at the Folders View within PS6, except for those that contained the few picture files that are now disconnected (and these are greyed out). I could try to drag and drop the new folders back to Pictures within PS6, or try to delete the catalogue and files entirely, and begin the restore process again.

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Photoshop Elements :: Move Pictures From One Folder To Another

Nov 2, 2012

How are photos moved from one folder to another?  Second question:  How can a folder be renamed?

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