Photoshop Elements :: How To Disable ElementsAutoAnalyzer
Nov 20, 2012
Phoshop Elements 10 AutoAnalyzer runs all the time and it needs all the CPUs effect. Is AutoAnalyzer necesssry and if not how can I stop it for running so that I don't need to stop it always than I start the computer?
How can I default the Save in Version Set check box to unchecked so I do not have to remember to unchecked it when I save. I _never_ want to create a version set.
Snap to grid absolutely will not disable in PSE 9!! I tried previous posters' instructions to make the grid veiwable, then uncheck "snap to grid," and it unchecks, but still snaps!! Amazing. how on earth to actually get it to turn off? Holding down the CNTRL key does at least temporarily disable the feature, but I really hate to have to do that every time.
"Snap to" doesn't seem to be able to be shut off. When I hold down the control key snap ceases, but with any normal movement, even with both GUIDES and GRID unchecked... the system is still snapping to some setting somewhere, and I can't seem to turn it off.
can "Auto Align Selected Layers Based on Contents" be disabled during photomerge?
=> First, most of times the auto align result is not good
=> it takes time to wait for window to appear, sometimes hangs
=> When all images are jumbled together, it is like making jigsaw puzzle.
Actually I got used to Photoshop CS2 where I disable auto align check box...And I manually create the "mosaic" (not just a flat panorama) from images taken from microscope.
I have elements 12 and a new iphone. It seems that all of camera pictures from my phone have automatically been included into my elements library without plugging it into itunes. What process is doing this? Is revel syncing the camera roll with elements and how can I disable it?
I recently bought PSE 10.I have an Intuos 3 Wacom tablet and whenever I switch to the Eraser tool, in the brush preview icon (top left corner) I see this ~ type of a shape with narrow-pointy edges, indicating that the size-pen-pressure feature is on. This is always true, even when I switch off all the per-pressure options via the Brush tool.
how to control or at-least disable the pen-pressure feature while in the Eraser tool?
For my organisation, I need to remove some menus in Photoshop CS6.However, when I use Edit --> Menus, and uncheck which menus I don't want to see, "Show All Menu Items" appears.
How I can completely remove some menus, without seeing "Show All Menu Items"?
I'm on a Mac, 10.6.8 and PS CS5 12.0.4 with a Wacom Intuos3.
I select a hard round brush and turn off the Transfer > Opacity Jitter > 'pen pressure' option. However as soon as I thouch the tip of my pen down pen pressure turns back on. This is annoying when trying to do a detailed cutout in a layer mask as it leaves behind opaque areas that aren't always visible right away.
Even if I create a new preset with pen pressure off, it comes back on once saved. There must be a way to turn off pen pressure while using the Wacom tablet. Am I missing something?
It keeps messing with my workflow as I use the backspace a lot and the help key (Mac) is really easy to press. Keeps opening my browser which is not a good idea when you're working huge images and you're on a schedule.
While working in SolidWorks, AutoCAD, etc. performing ctrl+V launches PhotoShop. Repeatedly. This is in no way desirable. How do I disable the ctrl+v/PhotoShop relationship when not using PhotoShop?
In Preferences/Interface, I have both OPEN DOCUMENTS AS TABS and ENABLE FLOATING WINDOW DOCKING unchecked. Yet when I drag in files, they TAB themselves! I really don't like tabs, each time I have to manually FLOAT all windows. How can I totally disable tabs?
I try to draw on my graphics tablet, the brush pop-up comes up instead. Aiptek and Vista are unable to correct their problems so I need a way do disable that pop up in Photoshop (CS2). This is the same pop up that comes up if you right-mouse-click on the drawing while the brush tool is selected.
I'd be glad to disable ALL of the right-click pop-ups in Photoshop in order to work around this behavior.
Ever since CS4 came out I feel like I've been less productive in Photoshop due to annoying window dock/snapping. Windows are constantly sticking and resizing themselves in ways that blocks the work I am trying to do.
Also the main image itself automatically resizes to feet the work space and I find this also an annoyance. This is my main question: How can I disable "sticky" windows? In fact if there a way to get the old classic skin back that would be great, also...
because all the programs in CS4 are missing a handle bar at the top of the window, making it difficult to find a place to click to drag the window around...which also wastes time. Sometimes the classic skin is visible underneath buttons in graphic glitches..
Finally, is there a way to disable hardware acceleration completely? My processor is fast enough that it can complete tasks faster than the latency of accessing the GPU, so hardware acceleration actually slows things down. Also the hardware code has bugs in it that prevents me from opening massive images (eg, 21600 x 21600 image crashes).
If I select Free Transform on a selection, and then try to move that selection around on the screen, while I'm moving it, it snaps, and I don't want this 'snap'. How do I disable it? I KNOW that you don't always need to select Free Transform to move a selection, but I NEED to in this case.
I'm having issues with LogTransport program that keeps on creating handles on folders or files that I open/manipulate with Photoshop CS6 (x64).
When I close photoshop, this program is still running and it still has handles open on those folders etc, so I can't delete the folders or files.
Can I permanently disable this program from runnign? I personally don't need it anyways so it's just another annoying crapware that I never intended to install with PS and that keeps making problems. I can't imagine general users dealing with this all the time.
I'm currently trying the Adobe CC (still in trial, 25 days to go) and one thing I really do A LOT is Cmd+Shift+C-ing a file in Photoshop and paste in illustrator to keep working on my layout.
in my old iMac (2duo 2.66ghz with 4gb ddr2 ram) I can do it no problem, even with big files. Usually around 5000px and 150 to 300dpi. It takes a few seconds, but it works.Now I got a little retina 13", with an i5 2.6ghz and 8gb ddr3 ram, and it can't handle a 3000px-1500px copy and paste from Photoshop to illustrator without popping up that "Clipboard is too big to export" window.
Both are running OSX Mountain Lion updated. iMac on the Adobe CS6 and Retina with Adobe CC.Both have 70% of ram for Photoshop alone, plenty of space in hard disk (no idea if this interferes) and only Illustrator and Photoshop open at the time. Both Cmd+Shift+C-ing, flattening and copying, cutting, etc. doesn't work.
I don't want to disable clipboard export, I want to be able to do what I use to do in my iMac.
NVDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430. Just updated the driver from NVDIA. When I try to do much of anything (like oil painting) it locks up and says it needs to shut down because the GPU isn't supported. Compaq Presario CG5300F 2G ram 320G HD AMD Sempron LE-1300 2.3 64 bit
After 3 years of use without doing it before, CS5 just started to add and leave a bounding box on items once I select them. How do I stop this? Of course I tried the simple fixes, but they do not stop the box from staying visible.
Is a way to disable Photoshop from opening two files with the same name?
Test this:
Open Photoshop. Create a quick file. Save on desktop. Do not close the PS file. Open Illustrator and place your PS file. Now "option double click" the placed image in Illustrator to edit original. BANG. You now have two identical PS files open.
I am not a fan of the application frame. I disabled it because I want my files in separate windows the Mac way. But when I open a second file, it appears as a tab in the first window. I hate these tabs. I want my files to open in a separate window, the same way I have always worked. Can Photoshop CS6 be made to behave like previous Mac versions?
i can only find the quick selection tool. What i really need is the selection tool that only selects what you want it to and not everything around it. where can i find this?
when I created a 3D layer photoshop asked me if I want to jump to 3D view I clicked yes and selected don't ask me again (I don't know why I did), and now I don't want to jump to 3D view everytime I create a 3D layer, how can I disable that?!