Photoshop Elements :: 11 - How To Make Menu Text Larger
Dec 24, 2012
I am having trouble reading the menu text in Elements 11 that I juat purchased. I have found that with many programs there is a way to enlarge the menu text, but so far I have not been able to find a way to make the menu text large enough for me to read unless I am about 1' away from the screen which I am sure you can imagine is not reasonable or acceptible.
I am using Photoshop Elements 6.0. I need to make my text 600 pt, but whenever I go that large my text disappears. I can only go up to about 450 pt before it disappears.
I just installed elements 11. The font size on many of the selections is small, too small to easily see with my level of vision (bifocals). Examples are the Quick and Guided edit menu picks, the popups when you curser over a tool. How to make the type size larger?
I can't change the text fonts in Elements 9. Most everything else seems to work except the font family drop down menu. When I click on the arrow, the menu drops but immediately dissappears. The font size drop down works but not the family menu.
When cropping an image by using a specified W and H in the Crop options that are larger than the image, is Photoshop actually increasing the W and H of the image by stretching those pixels?
I am using an MAC OSX is Mountain Lion. I am have problems with the small folders and icons in Photoshop CS6. It their a way to make them larger permanently? They are very hard to see. Same goes for the text in PS CS6.
I re-opened a drawing this morning and found some text to be different height from the rest. When I attempted to adjust all of the heights to be the same using the properties method, they all became bigger. Instead of all of them going to 6", the 5" text went to 6" and the 6" text went to 7-3/16". So, I checked the formatting size and the properties size and they did not match. See PDF.
After upgrading to Gimp 2.8, I am loving the single window mode. But the brushes are working a bit differently to 2.6.
I work, mostly, on A4 pages at 300DPI. So when I want to enlarge a brush, I like to use a custom shortcut to quickly upscale the brush so that I can to a large size quickly.
This happened nicely in 2.6. However, in 2.8, I can't find a way to quickly upscale the brush in the same way. I've created the same custom shortcut, but the upscaling takes a lot longer to reach the desired scale. It's a case of holding down the keyboard shortcut and then waiting while the brush gets bigger.
Is there a way to speed up that upscale motion?
EDIT: In other words, is there a way to make the "increase brush size more" function increase its increments?
When selecting a sub menu from within a main drop down menu the arrow points to the right but the actual sub menu pops up on the left in most cases. I have only noticed this recently and wonder if I have inadvertently messed up a setting as in the past I cant recall this being so but I don't use the editor a lot so may be mistaken.
I do not mean "how do i use the scale tool?!" I have an xcf file that is 925X250 and it needs to be 925X450. If cropping removes specified parts of an image, how to I make it bigger, like in paint where you can just drag the edges out or go to image properties.
Just recently, any prints I try to make on paper larger than 8.5 x 11 is offset, small or both using my epson 3880. Up until about 2 months ago it was fine. Also, the colors appear somewhat muted on the larger prints. Plus, I am still having a problem with prints being too dark but that is minor to the skewed printing. I still have LR 2 & 3 installed and tried using these programs with the same results.
I am trying to make text transparent. I have Photoshop Elements 11. I have tried following 'adding transparency effects' and I cannot seem to open up the panel options talked about. Any easy way to make text transparent.
How to use a photo behind cut out text and everything was going fine until I tried to add text and change the color. The text is invisible even though I changed the color to white and the box resized itself really small and I can't see anything even though I set it to 150 px.
Try to unchecking the 'dynamic text' button but I don't see this button anywhere in my text tab.
I have never been able to successfully use GIMP for anything because of this problem with adding text. I have had 2 versions, Windows and Linux. Right now I am using it with Pangolin.
When I use the measure tool for the ruler an open centered cross is displayed - is there any way to make the size of the centre of the cross larger? this way i can get a more accurate measure of 2 points -
I am suddenly having a problem here with enlarging my photographs that I am editing. In the past, I would open an image and then click on Control + 0 (zero). This would enlarge the image to the working area. Also, it would do the same thing if I double clicked on the little hand on the toolbar on left side of screen. For some reason, this stopped working. How do I get this back?
I have found this post from April where the bug was acknowledged in the beta:
I now have the official release of CS6, and I am still seeing this issue. And for clarification, here's what the issue is:
- I start off creating a text layer with a font size of 20px. - I then transform this layer to make it larger. - I copy the layer over so I have identical text layers. - When I select each individually, I am shown the new, larger font size, we'll just say 40px. But when I select both together, it shows the original font size of 20px in the character palette. When I increase the font size with both selected to say 30px, it actually makes the text more like 60px.
I'm running PSPX3. the effect of no compression (or compression factor = 1) on saving files. I've got a JPEG image file straight from my camera that's approximately 4.1MB in size. If I do nothing else but "Save As" with a compression factor of 1, the new file size is approximately 50% larger, or 6.2MB. What has changed to make the file size larger? Both images are still 72DPI, 3648X2736px. I can't image that I have done anything to "improve" image quality, so why did the file size increase?
I am trying to use a title block I made as a template in a paperspace. I made the title block in the model space of a separate drawing, its origin is at 0,0. I used the WBLOCK command to make the title block into its own saved block, but when I insert it into the paperspace of the drawing that I want to use the title block in the drawing of the title block is larger than the white rectangle which represents the paper. I can insert viewports and print the drawing fine, but the drawing of my title block being larger than the white area of the paperspace bugs me. How do I make it bigger?