Photoshop :: Creating Script For Enlargeing A Photo In A Web Site
Dec 14, 2007
Phtoshop CS3 had a function, filter, script or something that produced an HTML page or code that allowed you to post the image, view it in a browser and you could, "click to view larger image" but photoshop produced some extra code that would also allow you to zoom in on this image.
I have a photo in CS3 that is 3579x2352, Res. 2700 pix/inch.What is the best way to size and save for a photosite with the maximum sharpness. Site limits images to 700pix on the longest side.Been changing image size to 72 res then 700 px on longest side.
Im wanting to recreate a cloud vector from a stock image site. Unfortunately i'm rubbish with vectors and have no use making anything like this version.
I was hoping someone else might remember the URL of a site I'm looking for. It's a user group site for photoshop retouching and restoration. It posts photos that need work and anyone interested in trying their hand works to restore it and then reposts their version. The users then critique each poster's attempt.
Isn't there a way to make a selection of a piece of the bottom (or top), flip it and then paste a few times to make it seem as though the photo has more space (and is seamless-no line showing that the new space is a copy of a selected area from a different part of the photo) on the bottom?
I have been searching for a way to create a photo template, not a web template, but a photo template where I have a background, several layers with different stuff. What I would like to do is to have a couple more layers with cut out in different places where I can "insert" my pics. Different pics eact time. Is that really hard to do?
I'm trying to create a small bullet image with a transparent background that i can use on a gradient background.
I have a image with 2 layers. 1 for the image, and 1 for the background which I have tried either masking, or completing deleting. But when I try to save the image it retains a white background.
planning on designing some artwork for a DVD menu that we want to shoot some photos for. However, we want those photos to be in a specific style, namely japanese manga (japanese comics). I suggested the idea of shooting some pictures first, then editing them in Photoshop to make it look as though they were drawn by a manga-artist.
How can I create a 16"x24" photo collage in PSE8 with 5 photos? I want 1 photo to be the main focal point and to be the largest and then 2 photos medium size and 2 photos smaller.
Loaded my photos into an album. I am trying to create a photo book for Christmas and have started working with a company other than Shutterfly because of page design offerings ? Can I upload an entire album to that company? I have tried and I am having difficulty. Do these photos need to be uploaded to that company in folders or must I upload individually or can I do the entire album at once? I am dealing with hundreds of photos.
I have tried to create a Photo Collage in PSE 11 but everytime I do, the program closes on me. I have tried in both Organiser and Editor.
It starts off OK and comes up with the sizes. I choose 297 x 210, the landscape option, which is not the default and the only other option is Basic layout - no other options available.
I then hit OK and the screen comes up with Adobe PSE11 has stopped working. Check online for a solution to the program or Close the program. I have tried to check online but it just closes anyway.
I have not created a document yet and would like some thought on how to do this: I want to use a continuous tone black and white image which is somewhat close to what would be a 'knockout' but with soft edges - so it gradates appropriately over the background image I want to use, making the black part of the image used as the mask become much of the effect of a gradient mask: the background image shows through whereever there is the 'black' and 'tone' of the image.
my first thought is to create a layer mask and then paste the black and white image onto that, but I'm not sure if that will work to accept the 'soft tones' of the image and work appropriately. What steps I should take to make this effect work?
I am trying to create a FB cover photo in Photoshop Elements. I have a background color. I am inserting an image on top but it is not blending with the background color. The image has a white space I want to send to the background. Can not figure this out.
I am using Photoshop Elements 10, and in Organiser I am creating a photo slide show, but when I come to burn the slideshow to a DVD, Help seems to indicate that I can only burn the slideshow using the Premier edition.
I have photoshop elements 7.0 and I am having difficulty making making a photo with a transparent background. According to the tutorials I watched, I am supposed to bring the desired photo which I do and can be seen on the right in the layers box dialogue. Then there I create a copy which is "unlocked" which shows up on my screen. Then, I select the brush tool and I select the areas of the photo which I wish to make transparent and then hit the letter "D" on my keyboard, or the delete button. Although the background is seen gone in the photo in my layers box, the background is still shown in my photo on my screen. The perforated lines are seen and although I keep pressing the D button it does not work.
I would like to create a wallpaper in 2560x1440px. When I try to make a photo collage there are only 3 different sizes I can choose. How can I add a custom size?
I was trying to make an animated GIF with 30 static GIF images I made with PhotoPaint X5 itself.
The crash happened every time I tried to close the program without saving the animated file – which I couldn't make due to not achieving what I intended (I'll have to learn a bit more about background and objects).
It happened on a 64-bit Windows 7 Professional system with 12 GB of DDR3 RAM.
i am interested doing a galaxy background for one of my photos. i don'y know how to create another backorund for my pic but and i was wondering how to, and also i am wondering if it is possible to make is so like you can't see anything from the original background. This is the galaxy background i would like to use
How do I create a gradient with with a photo - a landscape photo, from white on the left going darker to your right with colors being more prominent on the right?
I am trying to animate a small thing. A smiley face which bounces up and down. I have set it all up etc. but when I preview nothing happens. On the right hand side, in the movie docker, it shows the correct frames, (all 6 of them).
In the main window, when I click through the 6 frames, they are all frame 1. And when I press play, nothing happens (it says processing in the bottom corner, and keeps filling up the bar and starting again (assuming it is playing, but playing the same frame repeatedly?)
Not sure what to do with it? When I saved it, and opened the file, it kind of worked, all though frame one stayed there throughout the animation, the others did appear and do their thing, just behind frame one.
I have been able to make a trace file in grey scale but can't seem to export to a .dxf file. When I do the file show a size when I do a properties but shows noting when I import it to EZCAD.