I do a lot of photography and like to create pages in Photoshop to be used with companies who create albums such as SharedINK and AsukaBook.
There are a few nice software options out there such as Yervants Page Gallery, You Select It, Fotofusion, Pixel Creator Pro, etc. that help in designing album layouts. There are also some sites catering to Photoshop actions that create pages based on templates as well.
I'm seeking advice about the best way to create my own templates in Photoshop. Currently I am thinking of the following way.
1. Create my page template with guides and proper dimensions for the book company I plan to use. So I would create a 10x10 inch page and set guidelines for dpi/bleed/trimming for example.
2. I then would create clipping layers for each image and then arrange them all on a copy of the canvas background.
3. I would also add some line art, colored boxes, and perhaps adjust the opacity on some of the images.
Finally, I would save the file into a PSD format.
My thinking is that I could re-use the file again and simply replace the images in the clipping masks.
A few other ideas for creating a template in Photoshop might be to experiment with Smart Objects or Cutout Masks.
I have an interest in supplying a few of these templates to friends and associates who design wedding albums, family albums, or simply to showcase their photography and artwork.
I'm curious what others think about the best way to create a template in photoshop that could be used in a Wedding Photo Book for example "without" having to purchasing hundreds of dollars worth of 3rd party template software. In fact, I've actually heard that Yervant's Page Gallery and You Select It will export to PSD, but they will not create a very good template in Photoshop. There are limitations I've heard, thus designing in Photoshop from the beginning seems the best way. Plus the sky's the limit with creating your own designs.
Finally, I should mention that there is nothing wrong with having a 3rd Party template workflow. I in fact just purchased a copy of Fotofusion and it's fabulous for creating fast photo collages and then mixing them up again to gain a fast view of alternate layouts.
This is a relatively new area I think for most Photoshop users, but with the advent of Digital Photography and the reduction in price for published styled albums, I think more and more people will be interesting in creating their own templates. Not to mention creating templates above and beyond the basics which I'm seeing a lot lately. You wouldn't believe how basic some of the Photoshop pages are floating around and how much people are charging for them. They're simple to make in Photoshop and thus the desire to create my own templates.
I just started with Elements 11 and imported my iPhoto library. I am unable to delete pictures and get the above error when trying to create albums. Why I can only have 3000+ folders and unable to organize? I also tried to import my albums from iPhoto without success. Can I just keep all photos in iPhoto and edit with elements?
How do I move just the final edited photo to an album but retain the original and edited versions in the catalogue. ? Every time I try, all the copies move to the album and when I try to remove the unwanted copies from the album it removes all of the particular photo.
It seems pretty simple to just select a few pictures from the organizer, select create, select slideshow. A box comes up asking my preferences and when I say OK, the program freezes.
once I click OK, my program freezes up... I can still use other programs on my computer. photoshop elements 10 freezes when creating slideshow from album.
By relaunching Organizer, I mean close Elements Organizer and Editor if they are open > Delete both the files I mentioned earlier > NOw open the organizer again. Attach the screenshot of the preferences dialog that comes up when you go for creating slideshow?
How long should it take for an album of photos to be uploaded? Is there any faster way to distribute an album or large batch of photos besides uploading an album?
I have been searching for a way to create a photo template, not a web template, but a photo template where I have a background, several layers with different stuff. What I would like to do is to have a couple more layers with cut out in different places where I can "insert" my pics. Different pics eact time. Is that really hard to do?
I wish to design a label for a bottle of wine, but the label isn't rectangular, it's kind of triangular, with the top cut off. How do I create a new custom background this shape. I believe I have to design the shape within the standard rectangular template.
I can't fix and wondered if anyone out there could provide some pointers. I was recently married and one of the photographs of my wife and I is absolutely great (taken by a friend). The ONLY problem is that at the time of the shot it looks as though my wife has a large piece of confetti on her tongue. This is a real shame because she looks absolutely stunning. Does anyone know how I can remove the offending piece of confetti and restore her teeth, tongue and lips?
I just started working with a sublimation printer - We have a lot of different products and I am wondering - can I create a library where I can layout/create all my (box, circle, etc) containers to place my photos in on a specific size page. We may use several diff containers on each page. I would love to create one library and work from there?
I have a small project that I'm working on that inserts a new layout based on a user selected template size (A, B, C or D sizes). I need the program to insert the layout along with the titleblock geometry from the existing A, B, C, or D dwt files.
I know how to add a new blank layout. However, I'm having some trouble determing how to insert the titleblock geomtry. I've read a number of posts on here related to layouts, and while they were informative, none of them covered exactly what I need to do.
I'm recently using inventor a lot. But now IM try to make a .IDW template with my own line styles and thickness and stuff. This is what I do:
I open an exciting IDW file. I go to manage and click style editor. Then I create a new style. Called test style. I make sure I activate my new style and I go to layers, where I change the line weight from 0.51mm to 0.25 mm (example)
I save my change and close style editor... After that I save my copy as template (called test 6-1) and close the drawing. I open inventor and create a new file. Select the template I created. I get this style conflict.... I don't fully understand this error... How can I fix this problem?
When my new template opens, I check the line weight by the style editor but the weight detente change... Its still 0.51 mm.
Is there anything wrong with creating a new template this way:
1. Create a new model for a new client. 2. Create new drawing based on the standard template. 3. Bring in model views and create new title block, notes, symbols, etc. specific to new client. 4. Save drawing as a client specific template in my template directory. 5. Open new client template and erase all drawing views but leave notes, symbols, title block, etc. 6. Save.
The question is, doing it this way, will it cause problems? Will the drawing views somehow still be linked to the template? Should I erase the drawing views BEFORE saving as a template? Is there a better way ti create a template?
Any ability/plug-in for illustrator cs5 to allow for creating a rhinestone template? I make custom apparel and use illustrator to create the vector artwork. When I need a design in rhinestones, I have to send out the art to have the template created (the template is the material with the holes in it where the rhinestones will be placed.) Rhinestone creation software lets you "place" the stones in the on screen design, choosing size of stone, etc. and then allows that design to be sent to a cutter to cut the holes in the template. If I could do it in-house, it would save me some money. I know there are plug ins that are compatible with CorelDraw, and there is stand alone software out there for apparel decorators, but I would rather not invest in more software if I could accomplish it in illustrator.
I submitted the only picture I have of my sister wearing her wedding ring. I needed a good picture because she lost her ring. Endless hours of searching the internet, for something similiar proved unfruitful. Several guys on this forum took the time to blow up the photo, however my computer crashed and I do not have the pictures anymore.
I am struggling to make a custom movie template for sharing to a video file. I use the menu Setting, Make Movie Template Manager.What I want to make is:
- Compression: H.264 - Resolution: 800 x 480 - Audio: AAC Stereo - Video bitrate: 1500 - Container: MPEG-4
But it seems I cannot use this X3 software for that. Especially the resolution, why the "custom" resolution is greyed out (disabled)?The reason for the above movie template is for playing on Android mobile phone.
I was trying to make new .idw (inventor) templates based on .dwg (autocad) templates. For some reason the type face Simplex is not showing correctly on screen and on print outs. I have checked on various machines and result was same.
Want to create a drawing border, a box on the right hand side containing all the information about the drawing. I want this to be a template so each drawing I create will have the drawing border on the right.
What I am trying to do is create a custom sheetset template that will have ALL my sheets embedded, that way all my notes, details and sheets will always be ready. I would just need to update some text and details from time to time.
These are the steps that I have taken
Created a new sheetset and called it Sheetset Template In this sheetset template, I created all my sheets and inserted notes/details.
At this point I thought all I would need to do is copy the sheetset file and all by sheets would get copied too, but that was not the case, just the sheetset file was copied and I have to create all the sheets again.
Is it possible to set up Inventor 2014 so that a new project will already contain custom libraries?
We have several part libraries as well as material/appearance libraries, and I don't want the users to have to select and add each time the start a new project...
I successfully exported the catalog from my old Vista Computer running elements 6. I imported the catalog to a Sony Vaio running Windows 8.1 . All pics and albums are in the organizer. However I cannot add additional pictures from a file folder in the organizer to an album that is also in the organizer that was previously created in elements 6
I'm only used to using illustrator and am struggling with what should be a simple task in photoshop. I have a wedding photo and I'd like to make a circle around the couple, make that a separate image, resize it, copy and paste to eventually make labels.