Photoshop :: Creating A Light Bulb Filament That Represents A Signature
Nov 21, 2005
i have two weeks to produce a persoanl promotion, so thinking i had done what was necissary, i used illustrator to produce some lgihtbulbs and the filament was the signature, it just so happened that my signature looked like a filament!
It got told that what need to be done, and was very doubtful i could do it, would to take a photo of the lightbulb with the filament made inside... where will i ge that from!! Dont think so
So, because i'm fairly compitent on photoshop ive decided to shop it up.
Only problem is im unsure really how to go about this... its quite difficult i find to get the lightbulb looking perfect and also to make the filament look like its iside the lightbulb and glowing.
I'm working on a picture book and I have a set of illustrations by two different artists. I want to put an initial on each illustration to indicate the artist, and I'd like the initial to end up looking like it was stamped on with a Chinese Chop I have the illustrations scanned as TIFFs and I have also scanned an initial "stamp" for each artist as TIFFs.
What is the easiest way to accomplish this? (I tried unsuccessfully to make a custom shape.) I have PS-CS5 and an iMacOS10.6.8. I'm eventually putting the book together in InDesign, with some pre work in Photoshop.
I'm trying to make an object glow and I want to have small rays of light coming off it. The effect I want is something much like a tirquoid glowing aura surrounding objects of complex shape, similar to the blue glow around characters from Star Wars when they die and come back in ghost form (like Obe-one). I can get the glow effect by selecting the brush tool, setting the size to about 9, setting opacity to 50%, and tracing over the object. What I'd like to do on top of that is create rays of light coming off the object. I don't want them coming off exactly straight or from a central point, but more scattered and random, and not very long either, such that the end effect looks more like fuzz rather than streaks of light. How can I do this?
I tried to create a rendering utilizing the IES file from a light fixture manufacturer and I can't seem to get the photometric web to distribute along the full length of the bulb. It looks like the light is being distributed from a point in the middle of the light fixture although it is a 4' T8 fluorescent bulb. In the light family Light Source Definition, I set the Emit from shape to be a line and set the Light Distribution to be Photometric Web and set the Emit From Line Length parameter to be 4'. The distribution of the light looks correct, but just only from a point.
I use AE CS5  The Issue as the title suggests is light source flickering off the asteroids... the asteroids were created using VCP plug in "Element 3D"  I havent had much experience using element as this is the first time I have tried it.. The light source is just standard AE light set to spot. It doesnt seem to make any difference changing it to "point" light or anything else.  I tried a few renders with different settings.. quicktime with sorenson 3 codec and animation codec didnt seem to do anything but I dont know alot about codecs to be honest  I've also posted a 4 sec vid for you to see my issue.. the flickering only seems to exist directly on the edge of some of the asteroids.  UPDATE --- Now that I have uploaded it to youtube for this forum post alot of the flickering seems to have dissapeared.. theres still a little I hope you can see it.. The anomoly is still very strong tho before uploaded....strange !
why the side view (Heavy Timber-Side.rfa) represents the thickness of the members rather than the face dimension?  For example: A 2x10 (which isn't really heavy timber anyway) is shown 1-1/2" thick rather than 9-1/4" when the side view family is used to draw items.  Wish the family names had been a little more logical (i.e. Heavy Timber-Thickness.rfa  and Heavy Timber-Face.rfa)  Seems like these families should at least coordinate with the section view so the top view was thin and the side view was wider.
I am new to autocad, and just want to know what the dotted line in the paperspace window represents, and if I can move it, adjust it, hide it or delete it? Also, does it show up if I print the sheet?
I have pasted a title block from another drawing onto it, and it doesn't quite fit.
I am trying to use a title block I made as a template in a paperspace. I made the title block in the model space of a separate drawing, its origin is at 0,0. I used the WBLOCK command to make the title block into its own saved block, but when I insert it into the paperspace of the drawing that I want to use the title block in the drawing of the title block is larger than the white rectangle which represents the paper. I can insert viewports and print the drawing fine, but the drawing of my title block being larger than the white area of the paperspace bugs me. How do I make it bigger?
i need to create a light ray image that's going to come off of a huge "hollywood light". i just need a big yellow diagonal beam that gets wider as it goes on.. sorry if this sounds confusing, but i dont' know how to describe it. i would also like it to fade?
I have contacted Adobe about issues with Photoshop brushes recently. My issue is that the brush size is smaller than the circle that represents the brush. In other words, when I hoover over the area that I want to paint or erase with the circle and then click, the painted or erased area is smaller that the circle. It's really frustrating when fine tuning an image, you never know how close you are to what you want to correct. This is only visible when you zoom in quit a bit. I worked with an Adobe tech for over an hour and he could not simulate the problem. Then he finally asked if I was using a retina display, (he was not).Â
I am trying to animate a casino-like light board made of tens of light bulbs/leds. I thought the easiest way to do it would be creating a matrix of bulbs arranged by material ID and then design a pattern in multi sub-object materiel so I could somehow scrub through it and achieve animation effect. The material modifier allows to change ID for the whole object only and MaterialByElement shuffle ID`s in a random manner.
I am attempting to build a facsimilie enigma machine, I would like to know how best to create an effect so that when a key is pressed a corresponding letter appears to light up. Btw I am not looking for an animated image, I can take care of the transitions between on and off, I just need to create the two image states.
How do you lock the pivot point of a light to the light itself? I thought just adding a Axis node would move the light and pivot point but the pivot does not move. Is there a way of parenting them together?
How do I use the standard Revit can lights in a wood joist floor with drywall applied to the bottom? If I place in a suspended ceiling, can lights light up just fine. However, if I use them in the floor space of a wood joist floor, the light itself gets covered with the floor. How can I get the light to cut the floor out so I can see the light when it is rendered?
I was wondering if you had any tips on making a nice signature to sign work with. If you have any recommendations for some beautiful cursive text to use for the signature, that would be great too. I don't have a scanner to scan my own signature to make it into a brush but I would like to make one into a brush. I'd like a nice glowing effect, not too much, just a bit of a shimmer to it.
I came past a signature from someone on another forum and was astounded by it. Especially the framework is done really nice in my opinion.
Now since i'm a forumholic and want to make one of those of my own i was wondering if any of you could give me some tips or a tutoriual where everything is explained step by step.
how to make a web signature that looks like a simple ID badge. I am trying to create a standard signature for use on the forums that support a faction within an online role playing game i am a member of. The basic image I have in my head is this. A white or maybe grayscale/silverish back ground layer, with the standard techy inlays. a spot in the top left corner for each individual members avatar. Then pushed off to the center-right side, their information, I.E Rank, name, email, member identification number. With a barcode font on the bottom. Finally with the faction logo well cropped and placed to be an underlying layer below the whole thing set at a very low opacity.
I want a background that’s black with blue lighting. I also want to be able to make raised looking lettering, and put in 3 objects side by side, and have a 4th one to be transparent behind them.
I've created my signature (for Lotus use) in Photoshop, in order to get the same pantone as my company's logo. My pblm is now I don't know how could I import my logo in CS2?
My signature block with personal info appears when I post a question. How can I eliminate this? This question was sent via email where I erased signature block as a separate step.
I have a signature on a piece of paper which has been done with blue pen. It has been scanned at resolution of 600x600 dpi. I want my signature to look like original one after printing. Is it possible? There is a plenty of tutorials how to do that with normal black pen or how to do transparency etc. I need signature which looks like originals blue pen.
I have many many pictures (more than 1000) ...and i like to put a signature on the right-buttom cornar of each pic...I tried to use batch processing to do that but the problem is there is no way in adobe photoshop to align the signature in the left-buttom corner of the picture...
I tried to use positioning, and another problem float to surface..the different resolutions of the pix cause signature to be set in defferent positions other than the corner...
Finally I tried to flip the picture upside-down as well as flip it the right-bottom corner will be the upper-left ..with flipping the signature as will, I positioned the signature in the 0,0 point of the picture...but still adobe photoshop print the signature in different positions other than the desired position..
in addtion to different resolutions of the cause of that is adobe photoshop just measure the distances from starting point to end point (= (0,0)) and the first pix , and move the signature in all pix with same distance..even if one pic has different dimentions
I want to use photoshop becuase I can do a lot of effects in the signature, not just a plain text on the pic