My signature block with personal info appears when I post a question. How can I eliminate this? This question was sent via email where I erased signature block as a separate step.
I was wondering if you had any tips on making a nice signature to sign work with. If you have any recommendations for some beautiful cursive text to use for the signature, that would be great too. I don't have a scanner to scan my own signature to make it into a brush but I would like to make one into a brush. I'd like a nice glowing effect, not too much, just a bit of a shimmer to it.
When I erase in Photoshop part of a drawing, gray rectangles appear. How can I eliminate them? In other words: every time I erase something, text or drawings, those gray rectangles appear. Is there a way to erase something leaving that part just white, so there I can write or draw whatever is needed?
I came past a signature from someone on another forum and was astounded by it. Especially the framework is done really nice in my opinion.
Now since i'm a forumholic and want to make one of those of my own i was wondering if any of you could give me some tips or a tutoriual where everything is explained step by step.
how to make a web signature that looks like a simple ID badge. I am trying to create a standard signature for use on the forums that support a faction within an online role playing game i am a member of. The basic image I have in my head is this. A white or maybe grayscale/silverish back ground layer, with the standard techy inlays. a spot in the top left corner for each individual members avatar. Then pushed off to the center-right side, their information, I.E Rank, name, email, member identification number. With a barcode font on the bottom. Finally with the faction logo well cropped and placed to be an underlying layer below the whole thing set at a very low opacity.
I want a background that’s black with blue lighting. I also want to be able to make raised looking lettering, and put in 3 objects side by side, and have a 4th one to be transparent behind them.
I've created my signature (for Lotus use) in Photoshop, in order to get the same pantone as my company's logo. My pblm is now I don't know how could I import my logo in CS2?
When I create a picture with my (Nikon) camera in the TIFF format, it appears that the picture file contains in addition to the full blown picture, a reduced version of the picture, something like a large thumbnail vrsion of the picture. I found it by trying to create a PDF file of the .TIFF file - Acrobat created a two page file, one with the full picture and one with the reduced picture. It looks that I can't tell the camera not to embbed the thumbnail version. Â how to eliminate that thumbnail version from the .TIFF file. Must be somewhere (hopfully one) location in the file that when modifying it it eliminates the thumbnail picture from Acrobat's view into the .TIFF file. Â As to the question why not simply erase that undesired page from the PDF file - the answer is that I actually going to assemble many (hundreds) such pictures into one PDF file. Acrobat will put all those pictures such that each main picture will be followed by its own thumbnail and therefore I will have to select manually each single thumbnail page before erasing them, extremely tedious. If I could process it at the individual .TIFF file as describrd above, I could easily write a program that does this modification to all my .TIFF files with one invokation.
I have a graphic of a card design and have added a graphic that goes off the outside border on the card. I've included a snapshot of the card showing the ribbon running outside the border. How do I eliminate (trim off) the part outside the border?
I'm using photoshop cs6 to create textile designs, and occassionally, (it hasnt happened with every tile) when i change the image size of my tile e.g. from 15cm sq to 10cm sq, then try to repeat the tile it forms thin lines between the tiles? Â heres the tile repeated after ive changed the image size and you can see the thin lines...when i zoom in on the tile edges where the line has formed it looks like this....almost as if theres empty pixels that can then be coloured in.
i dont think its a problem when creating the tile because before i changed the image size it repeated fine with no lines, its something thats happeneing when the image size is altered.
I took a picture when it was raining and I got a couple of drops in my lens. the corresponding images have a clear somewhat colored ovals from the drops and i was wondering which approach could be the best and fastest.
I scan my paintings and then send the scan to a print house to get them printed. The problem is that as I paint on a fine textured canvas I get some reflections in the dark areas especially. These look like hot pixels?
Is there any way i can get rid of these in Photoshop whilst still keeping the high degree of detail I need in the rest of the scan?
how I would make the background in my image completely disappear. I already have the background on my image transparent, but with a flashy orange background this so-called transparent background displays a grayish color. I want the background of my image to be completely eliminated and let the flashy orange flow thru it. I am missing a step here somewhere I know it. I am using Photoshop CS and when browsing online I saw mention of "alpha 1". Perhaps this will eliminate the background from my image completely, but I am unsure. The image is a GIF and PNG, so it is possible.
I want to eliminate all shades of yellow from a picture. It would be ok if they completely dissapeared or if I would be able to turn all shades of yellow into white or black. Is this possible with Photoshop? If not, do you know if it would be possible with other software?
There is a sun on a picture- I want the sun to be turned black. I am not talking about using the brush like in "Paint", but I want this to be done automatically.
I have a signature on a piece of paper which has been done with blue pen. It has been scanned at resolution of 600x600 dpi. I want my signature to look like original one after printing. Is it possible? There is a plenty of tutorials how to do that with normal black pen or how to do transparency etc. I need signature which looks like originals blue pen.
I have many many pictures (more than 1000) ...and i like to put a signature on the right-buttom cornar of each pic...I tried to use batch processing to do that but the problem is there is no way in adobe photoshop to align the signature in the left-buttom corner of the picture...
I tried to use positioning, and another problem float to surface..the different resolutions of the pix cause signature to be set in defferent positions other than the corner...
Finally I tried to flip the picture upside-down as well as flip it the right-bottom corner will be the upper-left ..with flipping the signature as will, I positioned the signature in the 0,0 point of the picture...but still adobe photoshop print the signature in different positions other than the desired position..
in addtion to different resolutions of the cause of that is adobe photoshop just measure the distances from starting point to end point (= (0,0)) and the first pix , and move the signature in all pix with same distance..even if one pic has different dimentions
I want to use photoshop becuase I can do a lot of effects in the signature, not just a plain text on the pic