Photoshop :: Changing Shirt Color To Off White

Jun 15, 2007

I have a picture of a shirt that I need to show in several color options. I figured out how to use hue/saturation to get all the colors I need except off white/natural. I can get close to the right color, but by the time I do the shirt looks all washed out.

Attached are two photos. The red shirt is what I am starting with, the white is the color I am trying to achieve. I've tried various combinations of H/S, Levels, B/C, variations and curves but can't seem to get it without losing the shadow detail. I'm using PS6.

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Photoshop :: Changing Pattern / Print On A Shirt Into Solid Color?

Mar 8, 2012

I need to know if there is a way to change a pattern/ print on a shirt into a solid color while keeping the shadow details and natural bends and wrinkles in the garment?

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Photoshop :: Black And White Picture With Changing Color Of One Object

Feb 22, 2007

I have a color picture and I wanted to change it to black and white but I want to keep a necklase that im wearing the same color (green). How can I turn my picture into black and white without changing the color of my necklase?

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Photoshop :: Changing Piece Of Photo To Black And White And Leaving A Part In Color

Mar 27, 2008

Can anyone tell me how to change a photo to black and white but leave a handband in the photo in color? I just can't quite figure it out!

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GIMP :: Changing White In Foreground To A Color?

Mar 13, 2012

I can crop images, resize, and do a few other things but that is about the extent of my skills.

I am currently attempting to theme some images in an Android ROM but I'm not able to change the colors the way I want. Essentially I have a bunch of images with transparent backgrounds and white in the foreground. I simply want to swap out the white for another color (red, green, blue, whatever).

I have attached a sample image that I am working on. How on earth do I change the white to red (FF0000) for example? I tried using the select by color tool and clicking in the white area. Then I changed the foreground color to FF0000 and tried to paint into it. It doesn't seem to do anything but paint more white?

Some options were completely disabled for my image. For example, I went to Colors > Map and found that both Color Exchange and Rotate Colors are disabled. Why?

P.S. I have roughly 200 images that I need to perform this action on (and I may even do this with multiple colors -- create a blue set, a red set, etc.) so if there is some way to automate this process I would love to know. I'm a software developer and run Linux so I typically just write bash scripts for tedious tasks such as these. I know there is script-fu in gimp but I'm not familiar with it. Can I just call gimp within a bash loop and pass it some option to do this color change and save the new image for me?

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AutoCad :: Changing Color Of Background From Black To White?

Jun 27, 2012

I just finsihed setting up this new computer. I reloaded AC 2012 LT. I need to reset my settings. I do not rmember how to change that black background to white.

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Photoshop :: Color Seps For Tee Shirt Art In PS

Jan 8, 2005

How does a guy color seperate art for screenprinting in PSCS. I build spot color work in Illustrator, but I want to take my designs to another level and I was told you can design art in PS and sep it for screens.

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Photoshop :: Legit Shirt Color Change

Jun 28, 2007

how to do a legit shirt colorchange on the attached picture. The color of the shirt needs to be a solid light color such as white or a light blue, but must look like a real shirt. If anyone could do it for me and tell me the steps id be very much obliged.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Changing Color Of Background In Image From White To Transparent?

Jun 23, 2012

How can I change the color of the background in an image from white to transparent?

I am using PSP v7.04

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: TIFF Images - Changing From Black And White To Color

Sep 14, 2012

I am trying to bring in a couple of Tiff Images into autocad civil 3D. The issue is when I preview the image its in color, however when I insert it into Autocad it is black and white. Is there a way to change the image in Autocad to show up in color?

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Photoshop :: Changing All Of White In A Pictrue To A Slightly Off White?

Oct 14, 2008

I need to change all of the pure white in a picture to a very slight offwhite, since a program I'm using interperates pure white as clear.

Is there any way to select all of a certain color in a selected region and turn it offwhite?

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Xara :: Changing Color Of Bullets Without Changing Text Color

Sep 28, 2013

I am having trouble in changing the color of the bullets without changing the text color. Problem is I cannot select/highlight just the bullet so any new color selected applies to the whole line including bullet and text. I am using DP v 7.

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Photoshop :: Can't Get White Color To Stay White...

Jul 3, 2009

I installed Photoshop CS4 and am using a Samsung flat panel monitor. I do web design and print design. Here is the problem: Web design:Color profile is set to Monitor ColorProof color is set to Monito RGBProof Colors is checkedWhen I save image through Save For Web,

it looks fine in the preview box but in some browsers it has blue tint (even the white color now looks blue)I tried embedding the monitor coor profile into the exported JPEG and tried converting to sRGB and it always is a problem Print design:When I make a new CMYK document 300dpi the white now has a yellow tint.

I tried to paint the entire image white (and the foreground color is clearly white) then go with the eyedropper it says its fff6db (yellowish)Proof Color: working CMYKCMYK Color: US Web Coated (SWOP) v2Color Managment Policies are all off What I want is an explanation of how I can make sure that the colors are correct on my screen such that what I see on the monitor is exactly what everyone will see on their browsers.

And that there are no color shifts. I had version 6 at work and its fine, when I converted from RGB to CMYK the colors just got a little washed out but the whites remained white.

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GIMP :: How To Take White Background Off Of Picture Using Select Color On White

Feb 4, 2013

Okay so I'm trying to take the white background off of a picture using the select a color on white, but it takes out a lot or the fur and eyes(it's a picture of a cartoon cat) How can I remove the areas of can from the selection without removing the pieces of cat too.

It's creative commons, so I guess I can post screen shots...

The cat is from [URL]...

A general idea of the selected area

What happens when I take out the selected area

So how can I take the pieces of the cat out of the selected area so when I try to delete the background I don't get an invisible cat?

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Photoshop :: Changing Black PNG File To White

Jun 4, 2011

I have a logo in the form of a png file. It is text with a drop shadow and has a transparent background. This works well on a sites light background but they want to be able to use it on black backgrounds also.

How to change this black logo to white and keep the subtle, faint opacity of the drop shadow? Also, keeping the transparent background?

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Photoshop :: Changing A Picture Into Black And White??

Apr 17, 2008

I am a glass artist and I have some projects that revolve around being able to turn a photo into black and white. I notice that when it is in black and white it is actually in about 10 shades of gray as well. I need it to be only in black and white. It would also be nice to know how to turn a colored photo into maybe four or five different colors and still have it look somewhat normal.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I am working on a project that has 10,000 glass pieces in it, but it revolves around knowing how to do these things.

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Photoshop :: Changing Black Person To White...

Sep 15, 2004

I have a bddy that's seen me do some fun things with PS, and I'm always looking for a challenge so he asked me if I could turn him into a white guy to see what he'd look like. My first thought was to use the color replacement tool, i used all the default setting for it but hanged the color part to background swatch. I then used the background swatch from his skin tone, and for the front color I chose a peach colored tone, but the problem is al it does it slightly lighten up his skin tone. I tried alternative colors such as blue, and it hanged his skin tone to blue right away...

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Photoshop :: Changing Colors - Blue To White

Apr 9, 2005

I understand the technique for changing colors of an object (New Adjustment level | Hue and Saturation). The question I have is I am trying to change a t-shirt color from Blue to a white color. I have used all the adjustments and cannot get close to white.

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Photoshop :: Changing White Background To Blue

Mar 30, 2009

I have about 200 pictures that have a white background that I need to change to blue. Normally I would use the wand, crop it with the pen or do a color selection. The only one that is working is the pen but it is taken way to long and was hoping someone would know on a better faster way to change the white background to blue and possibly even making it a action so it wouldn't take that long.

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Photoshop :: CS5 Showing Creme Color Instead Of White Color

Nov 1, 2012

I have Photoshop cs5 . When I am trying to select white color from foreground / background color giving color code "ffffff" ,255,255,255 but showing creme color.

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Photoshop :: Color Picture To Color + Black And White

Dec 22, 2005

I have a color picture which I took, of a red berry bush. I want to remove all the color except for the red from the berries. I know how to lasso the berries, but I can't remove the color from the bush/background and leave the red berries.

Note: I did this once a couple years ago, and can't remember how I did it..I have some memories, but probably remember just enough to make me dangerous. I have done some searches but obviously the results are numeorus and I haven't found what I am looking for yet.

I know the solution involves selecting the berries and then inversing it and then setting all 3 colors to 0 for the background.

What I can do is
1) lasso the berries

2) inverse
what I can't figure out
1) it seems like there was 1 step about layering which enabled me to get started, but I don't remember this, it does seem like I am missing something very basic when I try to do this

3) Where is the color scale, the only thing I can find is the grayscale option which switches the entire project to black and white.

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Photoshop :: Changing Black Background To White Or Transparent

Dec 24, 2012

I'm currently deployed in a computer came in the mail broken so I'm unable to do this. How to take away the black background to make it white or transparent.

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Photoshop :: Changing A Colour Photo To Black And White.

Jun 21, 2006

How do I change a colour photo to black and white? I'm embarrassed to ask this but I've spent about an hour going through everything and even looked at the help page. I bet its so simple but I just cant work it out.

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Photoshop :: Changing Product Photo From White To Black?

Feb 13, 2008

see the same image is used in all color variations of this product. I would imagine they shot something with contrasting dual colors since it would be harder to mask the solid white or black but my question is how do they change the color from black to white or visa versa without loosing any shadow integrity in the process?

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Photoshop :: Changing Black Textured Fabric Tshirt Into White

Jan 18, 2013

I am just facing a challenge  — I need to convert black T-shirt into whithe, but the fabric is textured. See the attached IMGs:
I tried several things, but the best result I got looks somehow close to this disaster:

Despite strong Curves Adjustment layer, there seems to be not a chance to get some contrast.
See how looks similar shirt from a slightly different material — just to get a brief idea:
Inversion will not work because of shadows, Shadows/Highlights does not work much. Converting from White to black is much more easier & almost perfect — because of this, there should be a reverse way…

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Photoshop Elements :: Changing A Scanned Newspaper Article To Black And White?

Feb 12, 2014

I scan newspaper articles then add them to a PDF collection.  I want the newspaper tones of grey to disappear. What is the easiest way to change the greyscale to black and white?

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Lightroom :: 3.4 - Making Color Photo Into Black And White With One Specific Area In Color

Nov 24, 2011

I am very new to photography and Lightroom 3.4 64 bit. I have a photo of an apple on the table. I want to get the photo black and white (did that already). Now I want the apple it self to remain its own red color. How do I do that?
Also, I have this apple and its reflection is on the knife that is cutting the apple. How can I get that in color too?

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Paint.NET :: Change Background Color Without Changing Image Color?

Mar 4, 2012

How do I outline an image so I can change the background color without changing the image color ?

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GIMP :: Changing To White Background

Nov 21, 2013

I am trying to whiten my photo background .I used the levels tool but now i want to adjust the tone on my photograph to make the picture brighter .I am using the instructions on this link URL.... but i am lost on the instructions to fix the tone.

how to make my image brighter. i am trying to change the background on .

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CorelDRAW X5 :: Changing White Background To Transparent

Aug 6, 2013

How do I pick one color (white) and make it transparent.  I am importing .tiff images and need to make the white background transparent.

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GIMP :: Changing A White Background To Transparent

Jan 20, 2012

as an example using a earlier post "Changing a white background to transparent (.png)" I have zoomed part of the edge of the logo.It varies from white through grey then up to the logo colour.My Query how do you decide at what point in this change do you stop the transparent section? As when you put colours or pictures as a background you would I think have to reblend the edges for each type of background.

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