Whenever I've got an image and Im placing text on it, I try to drag it to the middle of my 100X30 Pixel blank image, but photoshop will either allow me to move it side to side, or the top of my text hugs the top of my image, or the bottom of my text has to hug the bottom of the image. I can't just put my text in the center of my 100X30 .
Is there some preset I need to turn off in order to move this text around freely and place wherever. I want to be able to have my text in the center and not have any of it touching any of the sides.
When you open a text box how do you center the text in the middle from top to bottom(vertically), not left to right. The text starts immediately in the top left corner. I need it in the center of a predefined text box size, so that if you drew a line across the center of the box from left to right, the top half of the letters would be above the line and the bottom half would be below the center line. In other words there should be the same distance above the words to the top edge of the text box, as to the bottom of the text box, from the center.
I'm in the process of creating a textual watermark for my photos in photoshop but have come across a big problem.
I am using the horizontaly text mask tool but I cannot rotate nor center (both horizontally and vertically) my text before turning it into a layer.
If IÂ rotate and center the text after putting it into a new layer it wont work since the text will move and leave the writing embossed onto the picture.
When placing the text of a dimension, it is logical that you can place it anywhere you like. But shouldn't there be a way to choose "centered" or "home" right away, if you want the text centered? I know you can follow up with a second command to do this, but that just isn't efficient.
How do I center a piece of text generated with the 'Text' tool in the tools tab on Smac 2013 - I know how to centre it with the text pane, but how do I center the text within my entire frame ?
I'm trying to vertically center text in a cell (in a table of course). So far, I have tried Align and Distribute when the cell is active, using text selector. Â I have also tried selecting table tool and highlight a column, then trying Align and Distribute functions. Â Both are no-go.
So I just recently upgraded from LT2005 to LT2009 and am having trouble creating a Dynamic Block.Â
I am trying to create a 6-sided polygon with a text attribute of either 1 or 2 digit numbers to be used as a hex note. The problem I am having is getting the text to be centered within the polygon and the correct text height.Â
I am trying to align text in a row of my parts list vertically, but I can't seem to find an option to accomplish this. Please see the row for item #5 in the attached jpeg. The default behavior seems to be top justification.
I have found the ability to change left/center/right horizontal alignment in the 'format column' dialogue, but nothing for the vertical alignment. I have also tried changing the settings within the 'styles editor' by going to the parts list style I am using, then the text style that is specified for the data, and changing the justification for that text style to middle justification (see 2nd attachment), but it does not seem to effect the text within my parts list as I had desired.
I've used photoshop 7 for a while, I have not found a way to find the center of an image. Is there a way to do that? Such as if I were going to put my sig at the bottem but centered on the image. Without it looking... lopsided.
1) I'd like to center certain compotents of my image into sections of the frame. I'm trying to go about this by creating my sections with the slice tool. Then, for any objects within that slice, I select it, but then I'm at a loss. How do I center the objects within my selection, and for that matter, how to I tell it that I want it to be centered in the sliced section only?
2) I'm trying to draw simple lines with the Line Tool, but I get this huge arrow instead of a line. I don't want an arrow, and I only want it to be 1 pixel thick. How can I do this?
Im a total noob to photoshop, but Ive decided to make it my new hobby and am trying to learn everythin about it I can, but the going is a little slow.. Ive been doing good so far, but I have had a proble with centering within selections or images.. is ther a shortcut key to place my selection tool in the exact center of an image? another problem i am having is creating my own patterns.. is ee the pattern maker.. but I make a pattern and cant save it it.. and cant apply it using the pattern stamp.. how dop i make my own patterns?
How can I get photos to print centered on photo paper when using borders? I always end up with a large area on either the right or the bottom, no matter what I do. They print this way even if they show fine in Preview.Â
is there a way to center a pattern sample in Photoshop in layer effects? If I scale the pattern it doesn't seem to allow me to center it, it just grows it left to write and as a top to bottom expansion. Â Same issue with making a selection and filling it with a pattern. The only way to get a single copy of the pattern is to use EDIT/FILL, then crop it via selection. But I want to get a single sample of the pattern block via a layer effect fill.
I am using CS5.5 Extended on a PC with Windows 7. Â I am centering a layer with a smaller photo,with a larger background color layer - no biggie, done it many times with no problem...however for some reason when I center horizontally now, it is off by about 3/16th's to the right. I have set up vertical guides, sized the photo layer so both sides are on the side vertical side guides to make sure, selected both layers then do the horizontal centering....still off.
I am using photoshop elements. I would like to scan in a book cover, and make it appear on a white background and center the picture there. Is this done by some layer? How do I do this?
I would like the image showing little america to have the setting shown in the book next to it. That means to have the white background and the image being centered.
I'm sure there has to be an easy way to crop a video and center it, but I can't figure it out. I don't want the video zooming in and out, no panning, etc. Just simply cropping and centering.
Q1: I am trying to do something that has always baffled me in 3ds Max. Something very easy to do in AutoCAD! Being a technical animator alot of my client supplied models are often missing components. Most notably bolts and other fasteners! This tends to look bad if they are missing so I take the time to put the proper fastener (in the EXACT center) of each hole. Pretty easy to do with AutoCAD snaps and a solid model but what about 3ds max?
Q2: The motor when imported from an ACIS file has the pivot set to the center of the motor. Unfortunately this pivot is off center of the motor shaft because of the electrical box on the side. How can I move the pivot to the center of the motor shaft accurately? Can I somehow move the pivot to the center of a sub-object shaft selection? Having this pivot (or an appropriate dummy object) at the exact center is critical when aligning other rotating objects. Otherwise the wobble looks bad!
The attached images is a motor (body object) with four bolt holes in the base that need to be filled with the bolt (4 times). how I might achieve this easily as well as Q2. Keep in mind that I will be doing this for hundreds of bolts in some cases.
how to center a window seat that extends out like a bay window. I cannot for the life of me figure this out. I am trying to center the 6' extension between an exterior (7 1/4") and interior (4") wall. I need it to be center on both interior and exterior and do not know where to measure from to accomplish that.
I have the student version 2011, and when attempting to plot my drawings, some of my dimensions are overlapping the watermark and are unreadable. Not sure if my instructor will dock me points for this on my assignments. Is there a way to resize a drawing so all of my drawing is visible within the watermark?
i am part way through a C&G cad course and am struggling breaking away from drawing in a traditional pencil and paper style by using layout lines to position and centre things. the exercise i am working on is a basic building front with a doorway centrally positioned, this is all drawn using plines. you can hopefully see where i have put layout lines to position the roof apex and the doorway but i am sure there is an easier way of drawing it? The dimensions i have are 60 wide between the inner walls, 20 from the floor to the roof base fillet and 19 from the roof base fillet to the apex, the outer walls are just offset 1.5 from the inner. the doorway is 12*12*12.
I have been modeling something with a symmetry modifier, and it has been working great. But, recently I feel like something has changed...  When I select, for example, a vert (or anything for that matter) and attempt to center my view and orbiting origin in the viewport -- max seems to think I am selected BOTH the vert I selected and the mirrored vert on the other side of the symmetry.  Has this simply always been the case? I feel like, in the past I was able to center in on a single vert in the past... but accedentally I think I toggled something where it is behaving like I am selected both sides, and centers BOTH selections in the view.
I am trying to print an US Letter sized print, no matter what I do in the page setup and print settings, it still comes slightly off center, top and bottom are goo, but the print area is offset about 1/8" to the left?
I am trying to find a simple way to center part(s) to some reference within an assembly such that if any part sizes are changed, then the assembly will stay symmetrical when updated. I would imagine that this is simply possible without adding any constraint containing a numeric value.
See attached part and assembly files showing a 4 piece frame with the angles unconstrained NE to SW. All i want to do is maintain symmetry of the frame if any parts sizes (cross-sectional or length) are changed. I've tried to add a centered plane to the angle and aligning that with a sketch point made in the assembly but i can't select any sketch features when i try to apply an assembly constraint.