AutoDesk Smoke :: Centering Text Within Entire Frame?
Jul 24, 2012
How do I center a piece of text generated with the 'Text' tool in the tools tab on Smac 2013 - I know how to centre it with the text pane, but how do I center the text within my entire frame ?
how can we create freeze frame like we do in FCP. i tried with Command U but that comes with audio and when i stretch on time line it gives handles. where in FCP when i create freeze frame it is like a still frame of JPG or any other file. when i stretch it just increase the duration of the still file.
Secondly if i did chroma key in FCP and i take the freeze frame of the clip, it creates the freeze with matte(alfa or transparent). how can we create that?
I have a very long sequence on CFX (3000 frames). Its a pain everytime a have to render in proxies (30 min). Is there a way to render in the timeline on proxies and from a certain frame? The default is a render starting at frame 1.
Smoke 2013 Ext1 17" Mac Book Pro OS X 10.8.5 16 GB RAM
I use pr5. I got a clip (.mov with audio) and imported the clip and enable the cache source media so it will be transcoded into stone. Now after i edit the clip into the timeline , i want to reveal the master clip. so i select the clip and the audio as well (sync) and try to do match frame (F key). I got new clip reveal in my desktop but only the video, it got no audio. How to get the audio back from the original source ? why the match-frame is ignoring the audio ? so far i have to do silly steps by re edit the source clip back to the timeline to pair back with the audio. is this a bug ?
I've tried Match Source, Match Content and Match Frame and while they do different stuff, none of them are doing what I'm expecting.
To be clear, if I organize my clips into bins for an edit, I'm hoping to hit match on a cut sequence and the Smoke will take me to that clip in the media panel, and then I would be able to look through alternate takes of the same shot. It's more useful to me for finding similar sources than making a copy of the source which is already in the timeline.
I tried using the frame rate tool and it does convert the frame rate to 25 fps but the length of the clip (in this case it should be :15) isn't changing. I'm not sure what the correct workflow would be in Smoke to do this conversion.
the possibility of displaying a random frame from the timeline in one of the views. Pure luxury if this was wipeable over the result! A lot of people ask for lustre, I would be happy enough with that "wipe" at the moment. CFX works fine for grading, but without reference..How are you dealing with this, is there a "secret button"?
I'm in thumbnail view (desktop) and i want to create a single coloured frame (right click and select new/colour source). i want to choose color by picking up from a clip in my desktop. The problem that as soon as i choose 'colour source', for whatever reason.... the background (desktop) become darker, so whatever i pick from background will be invalid color.
I have a single frame clip in my library, i want to put this clip into my timeline and i want it to be 10 seconds. I can just easily in/out in timeline and 'overwrite'. i don't like where i'm repeating a single frame and then still need to render it as 10 seconds clip.
This should be done like 'repeat' in the desktop tools. So in timeline when doing 'overwrite' , Smoke has to be smart to detect 1 frame edit so it just need to 'repeat' it not to 'timewarp' it.
And the another BAD thing , i can't have 'repeat' tool inside cfx . why ? so have to repeat the clip outside the cfx and go back into cfx.
In cfx, i have a source clip which i want to grab just 1 frame of it. So what is the best way to do it in term of efficiency ?
If i'm in timeline editing outside cfx then i can use alt-E and drag the clip to have a 1 frame copy. It's cool but how to do the same thing inside cfx ? i want to do it inside cfx schematic. Actually I can use a timewarp node or mux or maybe there's some other node that can do the same function. But is it gonna affect the speed of the whole tree ?
i'm comparing the two scenarios : 1. i did 1 frame grab in the editing then bring it into cfx 2. i bring the full source clip inside cfx and apply timewarp to get 1 frame to work with.
Is there gonna be different in speed ? if only single clip , i won't see any different. What i want to know : what is happening internally ? does the second scenario will eat up more processing ? If yes, then we need to feature to extract 1 frame inside cfx (just like in editing).
As an addition, in media bin, when i'm in editing module (outside cfx) , i can ctrl-E (cursor change to red icon) to grab 1 frame . But when i go to cfx then it won't work. ctrl-E in media bin won't do anything. It will be great to have that feature in cfx.
Just spent about 4 hours working on a cfx in a timeline then came back and discovered the clip it was linked to had disappeared from the timeline. Luckily I'd been saving setups along the way. But when I reload the setup, all I see are black frames with red text underneath as my sources. It's all copies of the file the connectfx was originally attached to, and the new clip name and length is the same, but somehow smoke doesn't know to connect them in the same way. Each of these clips were locked on a particular frame which I then had a paint node attached to (trying to paint up individual clean plates). I can replace each of the clip nodes manually, but how do I see which frame it was locked on originally?
Smoke 2013 EXT1 iMac i7 3.4Ghz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB 32GB RAM MAC OS X 10.8.3 Promise R6
I was wondering, is there no more option to simply create a colored frame like you were able to in smac 2012 (without having to create a cfx or go into paint)? Or maybe I just haven't found it...
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
When I start a new project, it give me no frame rate option, beside what i see in the .cfg folder. How to i set a frame rate of 29 but with a custom resolution size ?
When I park on a frame in the timeline, using the hotkey MarkOut places the outpoint 1 frame later in the sequence. The same thing happens when using the MarkOut button.
I'm trying to import some clips from Avid and the clips are playing back too fast.
In Avid, the clips originated as HDV 1440x1080i 59.94 fps. I transcoded them to DVCPro 1920x1080i 59.94fps. I exported the clips from Avid using "same as source."
In Smoke, I went through the library to select and import the clips. My Smoke Cfg settings are:
30i 1280x720@5994p, project settings 1280x720.
The clips playback as if they are running at 120% (best estimate).
in the Cfg template there are settings that are similar, such as 30i 1280x720@5994p and 1280x720@5994p. Is the "30i" for interlaced footage (ie HDV and uprezed SD)?
Quite often I'll paint up a frame, having forgotten to switch 'current frame' to 'sequence'. Is there any way to copy and apply a current frame's paintups to the sequence after the fact?
smoke 2013 EXT1 iMac i7 3.4Ghz NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2048 MB 32GB RAM MAC OS X 10.8.3 Promise R6
I'm using fcp hotkey , by default the 'drag copy (single frame)' is mapped to ' alt-c' . Normally this will work fine. But in some case where a cfx clip is selected or my time indicator is parked on top of a cfx clip in active timeline , then do 'alt-c' will give an error message "connectfx cannot be modified inside the containers. Proceed with edit ? "
So to solve this temporarily, i have to first deselect the cfx clip or move the current positioner on top of a non-cfx clip.
Part of my daily workflow is to export a single frame of my edit for client approvals. In the export menu, is there a way to NOT have Smoke add the zeros to the end of the file name?
Also, what's the best (fastest) way to export a single frame? The way I'm doing it now is that I'm copying a segment to the the desktop then going into tools then using the repeat function. is there a better way?