Photoshop :: CS6 Color Lookup Tables?

Sep 7, 2012

I've quickly come to admire the new adjustment layer 'color lookup', but I feel the presets are too few.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Lookup Tables And Visibility States

Nov 27, 2012

This is my first dynamic block, and I am trying to make a pipe elbow that is selectable for pipe diameter, arc angle of elbow, AND radius of elbow. I got the diameter and the arc angle just fine, but I can't figure out how to do the radius of the elbow. I used a lookup table for the diameter constraints and I used my visibility state for the angle, seeing as I couldn't find a way to accomodate arc angles with a lookup table. What I'm stuck on is the radius bit.

I need to be able to select the radius or the elbow as either 1.5x, 2x, or 2.5x the diameter of the pipe. So for example, if I have a twenty inch pipe diameter, I need to be able to set the centerline radius of the elbow as either 40, 50, or 30 and then have the outside and inside radii fit proportionally. So in the case of a 20 in diameter, I would need one block with one variation that has radii of 30, 40, and 50, another variation with radii 20, 30 and 40, and yet another variation with radii 40, 50, and 60. I could easily make a reverse lookup table to do this for a single size pipe, but in order to do it for each pipe diameter I would need to be able to cross reference the other lookup table to pull the diameter value, and then have the radii respond to that value.

If this is even possible? And if it is not possible, how I could edit the arc angles with a lookup table instead of a visibility state? Because if I could do that I could use my visibility state to do the radii instead. My other options are to create a second and third dynamic block for each variation, or to add each individual radii variation to my lookup table. The latter of which I won't do because that is far too many options for a lookup table that already spans beyond the extents of my monitor. How I could accomplish all three of these tasks with a dynamic block.

Attached is the block as I have built it so far. 

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Photoshop :: What Color Space Are Color Lookup Presets

May 15, 2012

I've noticed that if I convert the same image to multiple color spaces and apply a 3D LUT with the new Color Lookup adjustment, the result is noticeably different.  From experimenting, it seems that the lookup tables operate on whatever RGB value is given to them no matter what color space. 

Is there a certain color space these were optimized for?  For instance, would a certain color space give me a more authentic 2-strip look than another because of the space they were sampled in?  And if I create my own 3D LUTs, would I have to create a separate one for each color space in order to get a consistent look in all spaces?

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GIMP :: Color Correction Lookup Texture?

Aug 2, 2013

Is it possible to use GIMP to produce a color correction texture look up? I am hoping to use GIMP to create texture correction lut to create moods in Unity, as described here.

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Photoshop :: Building Color Conversion Tables?

Sep 29, 2013

Photoshop CS6 crashes while "building color conversion tables"  I reinstalled the program but it still hangs up at this point. 

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AutoCAD Print / Plot :: Printing - Color Tables Not Being Recognized

Mar 12, 2013

all of a sudden in AutoCAD 2013 and C3D 2013 my printing dies on me. usually it won't even print anything and when it does it prints WYSIWYG, no effect at all from the color table.

Some toggle I accidentally hit? (That Gizmo thing is suddenly showing up too)

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Tables - Multiple Cell Text Color Change

Oct 12, 2012

I've cut and "paste special" a table from excel to autocad, and would like to edit several (not all) cell's text color from the default (in this case white) to the bylayer color.

When I set up my table style I specified the text to be bylayer, however apparently a paste from excel ignores the setting.

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InDesign :: Incorrect Process Builds Pantone Color Tables In INDD CS6 And CC?

Apr 21, 2014

Why are the Pantone Color tables/libraries in INDD CS6 and CC giving the incorrect process builds?

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Block Lookup Table?

Jun 20, 2011

Ok over the past few weeks I've got pretty much most of the Dynamic Block stuff down except this feature.

I've attached a drawing. In the middle I used VISIBILITY to have all the different weld types. I need something at the end to where Weld Tails can be added if they're needed but you can only use one Visibility per block. I'm also going to need something at the front of the block for different symbols like "Field Weld" and "All Available". If I can figure the Tails out then I can do the other one.

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AutoCad :: Create Lookup Parameter And Add All Of Necessary Parameters

Feb 22, 2012

I am currently working in AutoCAD 2012 and have been creating dynamic blocks for a while now.What i am running into is this: When i create a Look up Parameter and add all of the necessary parameters (flip1, flip2, visibility and distance) to the block, it acts as it should. However, when i select the LH or the RH look up state the check mark defaults back to the "Default" state. If the "LH (Reversed)" or the "RH (Reversed)" state is selected, the check mark will stay on the selected state.

In AutoCAD 2009 i know that if you set the "Custom" look up state (found at the bottom of the look up window) to the first listed state, it will correct this issue. But in 2012 this is not the case.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Dynamic Block - Lookup Table

Oct 22, 2012

I have created a dynamic block and have applied some lookup tables to it but its not working just the way I want it. I think its to do with the custom entry on the lookup tables. If I delete the custom entry when i select the block in model space the drop down select box to allow me choose a selection is no longer available. How can I remove the custom entry and still have the block working normally. I've attached the block.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Array With Lookup Table?

Jun 3, 2013

I have been looking for about three days on how to do the array with-in the dynamic blocks, but have been very unsuccessful. What I am trying to do is make a TJI joist that you can have a look up table that is classified as 'offset' so that you can eventually strech the joists to standard spacing, and use the array to work. So that I dont have to have a ton /  zero visibiliy states.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: AEC Schedule - Lookup Table For Different Manufacturers?

Nov 25, 2013

So, I'm familiar with creating Property Set data and schedule styles and all, but I am having trouble wrapping my brain around the following, I would love to know how you tackled it in the simplest way possible:

I need to show a schedule for Windows and Doors, that will read the drawing or selection, and list all the door and window types.  Now, that is not so bad, but there is a caveat that I can't get past. 

We offer two or more Manufacturers for said windows and doors and are being asked to show tags on our floor plans that reference a table that says:

"For window type "1", ship either Manufacturer A - Part No. X, or Manufacturer B - Part No. Y  

What I can't wrap my brain around right now is how to get Property Set data to know that "1" means both of those parts, and not one or the other.  The way this is supposed to work, is for each of our plans we are to have only the types ("1", "2", etc.) that are currently shown on that plan, and if one of those windows or doors change to a different type, have the schedule update automatically.

I would prefer not to need to write a LISP or Vlisp that does this, but am open to using VBscript in the Property Set Data, I am just unsure of how to write that into a Formula.

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Block Visibility / Lookup / Chains?

Jul 28, 2011

I found this block online. I'm trying to do something similiar. I want the attribute to be dynamic (in context). The author of this block set a visibility and then 92) lookup actions, but only (1) lookup parameter.


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AutoCad :: 2011 System Variables Lookup Sheets?

Feb 25, 2011

I have developed a handout for my students and graduates I thought I would share here:


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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Allow Properties To Vary From Lookup Table?

Jun 16, 2011

Dynamic block is for a title block which can be horizontal or vertical and a few different positions.

My lookup table controls the orientation and position of all the items including a number of attributes. But for two attributes I have allowed a grip on the Point Parameters so they can be dragged left/right if there is not enough room when the text is longer.

I can reposition the attributes but if I reposition twice then the Lookup table resets to its "Unmatched" configuration which I don't want. I believe I have to have an "unmatched" setting and "allow reverse lookup" and at the same time I want the user to be able to customize the position of these attributes.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Parametric Lookup / Creating Separate Drawing

Sep 6, 2012

I am currently designing oil pipe gauges, So the sizes are all out of a standard and therefore I can use the parametric manger, and create parameters match them with the right dimension and we have our drawing.

Now for each gauge, I am going through creating a separate drawing and typing in the selected data for that gauge, is there any way to link parametrics manager to look up from a table for the selected data, instead of me typing through each separate gauge data.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: How To Add / Remove Signature From Lookup Table

Nov 2, 2012

I created a dynamic block of signatures when i was messing around with dynamic blocks and have been using it since. i have to update this dynamic block and add another signature to it but for the life of me i cannot remember how to add/remove from the lookup table. i added the name to the visibility table i just cant remember how to edit the lookup table ?

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AutoCad :: How Multiple Lookup Toggle Created Without Any Visibility State

May 7, 2013


Since weld symbols are regularly used in my day to day work, i thought of making a dynamic block. I had zero knowledge of dynamic blocks at that time. I realized that its actually very difficult to make a type of dynamic block i wanted. So instead of breaking my head to create it, its better to downloaded it.

Attached is the drawing i found on a forum. Its extremely cool, that's exactly what i wanted. The multiple toggle is extremely useful. That's what i wanted but was unable to create.

How this multiple lookup toggle were created without any visibility state?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Controlling Diameter From Lookup Table

Jan 25, 2013

I have been off playing in the Inventor world for awhile and now that I am back in the 2D world, I find my memory fails me. I am trying to create a dynamic block for terminal boxes. Some of these boxes are round so I need to control the diameter from the lookup table. Just how do I do that? Placing a diameter constraint parameter gets me the various diameters I need but I cannot get those into the lookup table.

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AutoCad :: Geology Dynamic Block / Visibility And Lookup Action?

Feb 14, 2013

I made dynamic block with hatch and strech action and I have a poblem, when I press lookup action 0.5m it strech and i need to text value the same 0.5m. I attached dwg file where i do that.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Lookup Table Properties Value Returned Within Field

Aug 24, 2012

I am unsure weather to post this in Dyn Block technical or Fields as it comprises elements of both.

I am trying to get a field to return a 'lookup properties' value...

Actually, what I am trying to do is use a field to display either a + or a - depending upon upon the state of a flip parameter.

How I have been trying to achieve that is by using a lookup table to assign:

Input Properties.....Lookup Properties
Not flipped........=............+

Then I'm setting a Field to look at the Object 'Lookup Parameter' and return 'Lookup Action'.

The field then displays '#########' when testing the block.

When I return to edit the field it complains 'the object referenced y the field has been erased'. Both the table and parameter are still there, so I don't know what the problem is. Is there a better way of having a field return a specific value based upon a parameter state?

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Photoshop :: Slices And Tables

Oct 11, 2003

I did my layout with PS, make slices with ImageReady or Fireworks. Putting it all together in Dreamweaver is the problem. Making the second page, and so on is the problem. Becouse if I just import Fireworks Html there is no room for text or somethling elese if you unerstand me.

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Photoshop :: Imageready Cs Tables

Jan 29, 2005

Is there a way to get imageready cs to write the html using a percentage for each slice so the website will adjust to different resolutions I have many templates that I have downloaded and that is the way they are and they fit any resolution

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Photoshop :: Graphics Placed In Tables Or Divs?

Mar 10, 2013

The html code that is produced by the SaveForWeb command in Pshop does it place graphics in tables or in divs?

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Photoshop :: Linking Excel Tables

Nov 20, 2012

I'm really in trouble at work on linking Microsoft excel tables to Photoshop. I have some excel tables. I want to import them into Photoshop (not as an image) that when i changed the values in cells (excel) i want the Photoshop file to update.. Should i use a script or any programs?

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Photoshop :: Why Should Export As DIVs Instead Of Tables

Aug 3, 2013

I am still stuck in the world of exporting my websites out of photoshop into table formats.why I should export as DIVs instead of tables?  Also, is there  a way to export a project where each layer or groups of layers is a DIV, so don't have to slice the PSD file?

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Photoshop :: Slicing Images - Better Way Than Tables?

May 24, 2004

I recently redesigned my website using an image which was sliced using imageready and then put back together using tables.

I was told that tables were okay for this but I should have used css, surely I owuldn't have to do an absolute position for each small segment of the interface - can anyone describe how this technique may work and is it better than using tables?

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Photoshop :: Slice In Html Tables ---

Sep 28, 2003

I want to put a border for my html table as a cirlce.

i draw a circle using ms-word.
after that i saved it as a webpage.

I opened the saved circle image in photoshop then using the slice tool. i sliced to top,left,right,bottom and middle part.

after that i jumped to imageready. there i saved the optimized as html page.
after saving i removed the middle part of the image i replaced the middle part with some photoalbum script.

Here the problem starts. All the pictures are separating in the html table.

I want to put a html table border as an ellipse shape.

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Photoshop :: Email Templates To Slice Into Tables

Oct 12, 2012

I have a bunch of email templates that need to be sliced into tables in Photoshop. So far, i've setup the slices then export for web. From there I go into the code and take the image thats inside the cell turn it into a background image, then write my text in the cell.

If the background is a solid color,I can just change the cell to no image, choose the background color, type the text that belongs in the cell all from within Photoshop when setting up the slices, but when there's an image I can't make the background the image. I have to go into the code and change each cell separately, then go and write all the text in the cell.
Is there a way to get Photoshop, Use the image as a background for certain cells or do I have to go into the code and change it all by hand?

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Photoshop :: Sharp White Borders Around The Tables

Mar 19, 2004

How do you do borders for a web page nav bar in photoshop? I use edit->stroke, but it looks funny, its too light and blurry. I just want a thin sharp white border around the tables.

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