Every time I create a new document, no matter what dimensions I put, it always makes it a square. Just tonight it has. I've been using the program for almost a year now and haven't had this issue at all.
I don't think I messed with any settings or anything. I read somewhere that it might have to do with the Pixel Aspect Ratio or something, but I've been trying different things with that and it hasn't worked. I'm on Mac OS X 10.8.2 Mountain Lion running Photoshop CS5.
I made a logo using elements. I have tried numerous ways to make it transparent but when I put it on my pictures there is a white square box that appears with it. I want my whole logo to be transparent. I have saved it png, png 24. And still nothing works. How to get this box to disappear. Just to make sure I wasn't doing something wrong I took a photo and made the background transparent and took the selection that was not and put it into a different photo and the white square edge was still around it.
make a rusted metal square in Gimp. I managed to google to make a square selection and fill it with a color. Now I would really like to give it a effect like in this tutorial. I can sort of get it working, but my starting square is not good enough and I do not know much about colors. How do I make a good starting square with some gradient added to it (well I can make one in inkscape and export it, but how do I do it in Gimp), and most importantly, what colors would work well and how do I give the rust a rust-color.
Inventor 2012, in an *.idw, can you make the detail boundary box square? I see there are two options for two different circles but not an option to make it square. Is it not possible or am I missing something?
How I can cut a circle from a square image so that the circle is cut from the exact middle of the square? I use the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M) and drag outwards from the approximate middle of the square (Holding Shift and ALT) but after doing so the transform buttons are greyed out.
So then, how can I position the "circle selection" to the exact center of the square? A few pixels out in any direction will not suffice. I'm using CS6.
I have a .gif image (actually an animated gif) that is currently square, but I've been desperately trying to destructively trim it to a perfect circle to use in a flash animation.
I don't want to use a mask or have the white corners showing where I've trimmed in in GraphicConverter as a circle, unless there a way to make the excess outside of the circle trim transparent, since the backgound image is complex (I cant simply collor the background outside a normal circular trip) and only has a circular "frame" to place this image.
I simply want to take an image (which has a complex logo in it and trim the resulting image to a perfect circle.
I want to crop a square section from an image, using the rectangle tool, under options i choose square but then it blacks out the section of the image and is not movable, in PSP7 when doing a similar action, this square part of image is movable, how can i make this the same in photoshop?
I would like to create a layer with the selected image only. In other words just the outlined image with no square box container the image. These images will go into other publications and on line and I don't want to see the square white boxes with th eimage inside.
After cropping a photo in cs4 i have tried hitting the return key as well as edit/crop and then my photo disappears and the image box reduces in size to about 1 inch square with no image. I have expanded the image box but nil photo. This has never happened before.
I reloaded cs4 onto my computer but the problem still exists. I have also tried out opening the file from Bridge as well as Photoshop with the same result.
I used the free select tool to free select an area of an image that is not a square (odd shape), how do I make that selection a perfect square if pasted to new image or new layer??? rectangular would be fine too...
I am really new to photoshop... i have been trying to make vector art from live images but failed ...make this given live image like the another image which is vector.
I just need a square image with a letter on it. Here is what I have done:
1) File - new. 256x256. OK. 2) Click the 'A' button in the toolbox 3) Click 'Use Editor (since nothing seems to work) 4) Drag a rectangle onto my image. 5) Click on the editor 6) Type the letter 'x'
Guess what happens? Absolutely NOTHING! If I type other random letters, the editor disappears. What am I doing wrong? (and why is this so difficult?).
I want to crop an image and make the edges round instead of square. Do I do this with a mask? Can't figure out how to use a mask. I went to Mask Outline->Smooth and it cut the image out and left the round edges.
I'm new to Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 6 and to graphics in general.
In layman's terms I would like to know how this programme can auto detect a foreground image (any non-square/non-rectangular image), select it and then delete everything else around it.
Whatever is deleted around it needs to be transparent, not white, so that I can copy and paste the sole foreground image into Powerpoint so that the image doesn't end up with a square white background around it (especially when my Powerpoint template has a non white background).
I'm not working with finnicky images or detailed photos. They're mostly two colour stock images like black silhouettes of people against white backgrounds, so I thought that kind of image would be relatively easy to 'smart select' and separate from the contrasting background colour.
Can this Xara programme do this for me? If not, is there any other basic and cost effective programmes that can do this for me? It's literally the only editing function I need in a graphics programme.
If I use 2 monitors to display 1 image with the image extending from one monitor into and across the second monitor, can I make a screen shot of the entire image without any break in the middle where it crosses from one monitor to the other? Will it be one continuous screenshot of the entire image, even though the image is displayed on 2 monitors?
I'm trying to take the square cd cover image and make a cassette tape cover, or j-card, with that image.
Here's a picture of a j-card template.
Right now all I want is the front cover, spine and tail. I wasn't sure if the templates I found were compatible so i tried to make my own template. What I did was make three separate ones. One for the front cover, one for the spine and one for the tail. I was able to take the square image and use the scale tool to make the image fit inside the front cover. The first problem I had was not knowing if the image quality was good enough to print. It seemed easier to use inches when I made the template and not pixels. So I made the front cover template 4 in by 2.5625 in. I exported the image as a jpg but the final image looked too small. So now I'm not sure how many pixels I need for a printable picture.
Now with the spine and tail most likely I'll just chose a background color and type over it...Artist, Album Name, Song Titles ext. My plan was to use the jpg images I exported and paste them together, then save that final image as a jpg. and print.
My question concenrs this photo: [URL] ... (this is my own photo by the way). Just so you know what I mean with 'sky' later on: you're looking at balconies.
I want to extend it on the left so I can make it a desktop wallpaper. However, the original photo does not extend far enough to allow me to just crop differently. How can I, using GIMP, fill up the new space so that it looks like the sky that's already there?
I have two images. I want to make one image look as though it is coming out of the other. In the middle of the image. I have an image of a forge. and the other is a saxophone. I want to combine the two so that it looks like the sax is be made from the fire in the forge. I just want the bottom of the sax not be shown.
I am trying to make a silhouette of the Ford Fair lane in the zip file attached below, and place it into the BANNER_ONE.psd document. This is for a contest (redesigning the banner), so I have attached the current banner as well (profile_header.jpg).
The requirements for the banner are as follows:
incorporate "the driver's seat of youtube" and "the most automotive variety" (DONE)incorporate featured in car and driver, perhaps with that October 2011 issue cover (DONE)incorporate something related to the make a wish foundation silhouette design possibly using the 65 fairlane.
So, what is the best way to trace a silhouette of the Fairlane, similar to the one in the original banner? I was thinking the Pen Tool, but seeing as how I'm on a laptop and don't have access to an external mouse until late tomorrow (I'm away for the weekend), that's not the best option at the moment.
i'm wanting to make some banners for my site, i just wondered how i would make a SIMPLE banner thew has moving text on it. Are there any guides out there?
I make banners for our company newsletter that we do every month and they vary from month to month in design. I am working a few months ahead and creating a banner for our March newsletter, which I'm doing a Saint Patrick's Day design.
To do this, I am using a JPG of a four leaf clover that I want to remove the white space behind it and then set it to different opacities to add to a plain, green banner.
I do these steps:
1. Open the file.
2. Create a new layer.
3. Drag the new layer under the original file.
4. Use the magic tool, set to appropriate tolerance and select all the white space. It does the moving dotted lines around all the space I want removed.
5. Press "Delete" to remove the white space.
I did the same procedure yesterday and it worked fine. Today, it won't delete the white space. Is it because this image is a JPG?
I wanted to make a mirror image from a jpg but I cannot figure it out with Photoshop 6 or 7. I have the book, "Photoshop 6 for dummies", and I cannot find any references to making a mirror image. I am trying to print the (reversed) image onto a heat transfer for a T-Shirt.
I want to take an image (doesn't matter what) and lay a finely bordered grid over it.
Then I will be filling in certain spots of the grid with the background color, essentially making it look like a large digitized image.
Now imagine an image filled in that grid. If the web page background was green, then I'd take random squares and fill them in as green.
Should I be drawing the grid? Erasing the background of an existing image? I've experimented with different things but really haven't come close to the desired effect.