Photoshop :: CS5 / Why Do (extras) Keep Showing Up
Jun 14, 2012
I'm using CS5, and for some unknown reason a few weeks ago a line started appearing around elements in my photoshop files - whenever I click on any layer in a .ps document, the perimeter of that layer is outlined. I figured out that I can type Command+H to make it disappear, but it only happens for that moment. The next moment when I click on another layer, the outline appears again, and it keeps appearing for any layer I clicked on (including the one I had just previously high Command+H for).
if there are any packs out for like photoshop extras, for extra filters or something? Cause my girlfriends says her school uses 8.0, same as her version, but there more options under filter>digimarc. My 9.0 only has the two watermark options so I'm wondering whats up.
A friend of mine installed "live update" on my pc with the result that every time I opened Photoshop, it would check for new updates on the web. I meanwhile rid myself of that program, but am now stuck with this: Every time I open a new file, it comes with a blue dotted line around it and two little symbols in the upper left. I can make it disappear by unclicking "View Extras" or using keyboard shortcut ctrl-H but as soon as I open another image, it's back and it's driving me nuts! I am using Version 7.0 and I assume it came with an update because it didn't happen in the beginning. I've looked through the "preferences" menu and checked Photoshop Help without any results. how to make this dissapear?
A designer sent me some great logos. But she left grid lines on. I can get rid of them temporary (hide extras), but not permanently. Tomorrow and a year from now, when I open the file, the annoying grids are back. I'm out of ideas. I'd really like to open these files and not see the grid lines.
After 3 years of use without doing it before, CS5 just started to add and leave a bounding box on items once I select them. How do I stop this? Of course I tried the simple fixes, but they do not stop the box from staying visible.
I hit something on my keyboard and now my photoshop 7.0 version is continually "showing extras" which is under the View column on the top. a.k.a ctrl + h
I do not want it on there, and I want to know where in Photoshop I can alter this and save my settings, so that it will remember it the next time I open photoshop???
Another thing its as if the memory is completely off because PS is not remembering the last custom size I chose for a new PSD file, meaning I'll do 400 x 400 or whatever, and then 10 minutes later I'll need a new file open it up and if I want 400 x 400 again it makes me re-enter it.
I did something when using the grid and now Extras defauls on with each image load. I have to do a CTR H after loading a new image to turn it off. Anyone know how I can set it back to default off.
(1) Every time I open up a new project, I have been getting grid lines that pop up, then I have to go to VIEW, and unclick EXTRAS, or Control-H...EVERY time, which gets annoying. How can I Stop this from happening?
(2) another problem is even though my SHOW TRANSITION CONTROLS are clicked Enabled, they don't show up when I want to use them, SO NOW, I now have to click Control-T...How did that happened?
An annoying frame with interrupted lines periodically appears around my photo and goes away when I go to View/Extra and click on it. I can't figure out what causes it to happen--Also, I would like to permanently disable it. Photoshop CS6, Mac OS OS 10.7.3
I bought X2 Ultimate when it was available and X3 ultimate as well. When X4 was released, I purchased the normal version.
Is it possible to use some of the extras from X2 ultimate and X3 ultimate under X4? I try installing looks pro and it tells me that I don't have paintshop pro installed.
While installing Pro X5 the screen came up with options to download things like extra frames and picture tubes. I did not download everything at the time. How/where can I get back to that to download whatever I had not so far.
Some open fonts have extras for some characters and all. How are those accessible in PSP? I found a tutorial for Photoshop but i cannot see where, in PSP, those features can be accessed. Here is the video: URL....
Any way to get those fun extras from Open Fonts when they have them?
I have a building floor plan drawing which has many colours although the Layer Property Manager shows them as being all white so it seems every layer has had its colour modified manually.
it’s possible to set all layers back to their By Layer colour but take the manually modified colours with them?
There are three "plug-in extras" menu items in various places (one in file, one in library and one in help) in the library mode. Do they have different functions?
I previously used to work on a x86 xp with version cs2 of photoshop and never had any problems. Recently upgraded to x64 xp and installed cs3 trial.
The abnormal behavior is when ever u want to style a layer or want to select any preset gradient, shape whatever, the pallets that hold the previews have same thumbnail preview for all the items in the category. For example in the default gradient pallet the 1st item u see is the one that goes from white to black. That gradient preview thumbnail is repeated on all the items in the pallet. when I click anyone, the preview of that particular item changes to random gradient, same for shape / color etc.
So i installed Cs4 trial which i thought had better support for 64bti system but same happens on that aswell. Also while editing text it causes the text to deform into weird shape sometimes.
I havent tried installing cs2 back to see what happens cause i wanted to upgrade to cs3 or above.
Almost a month ago I purchased Photoshop CS6 for Windows from (in thr UK) and received an Adobe Licence Reference and a Product Serial Number. I downloaded the trial from the Adobe site and chose to immediately activate it with the Product Serial Number. All seemed to go through fine but when I now check the Adobe 'Myaccount' it does not show that the product is registered to me. What do I need to do to reactivate the product and ensure that Adobe acknowledge it as registerd to me?
Photoshop, as an application, opens fine. The toolbars and sidebars all show up, but when I open a file (i.e. a JPEG, PSD, etc) the layer shows up on the sidebar, but the window of the image never opens. To add to the issue, there is no error message, thus Tech Support was not useful at all.
Some of my filters in CS5 are greyed and can't be used. For instance: artistic, brush strokes, distort, others are black and I can use them, such as charpen, blur, noise, stylize. I've tried everything, and have also reinstalled. Patches are up to date. These filters used to work.
i just installed photoshop on my new laptop and it does not show any images when i open them. like you can see in teh image that i posted i have a picture opened (its also so in a layer) i can use photoshop but i dont see anyting changing in the normal area( is does change in the layer box.)
, i recently upgraded to Adobe Photoshop CS5 but I appear to have lost all my downloaded fonts from the CS4 version of the software, when I had CS4 and wanted to add new fonts I just included them into my mico word and for some reason they popped into Photoshop also, I done this with several fonts I downloaded and used often in CS4,
I thought as they where in micro word then they would not be replaced when updating CS4 to CS5, but they do not appear, i have looked in the woord fonts and they are still avalible to use there, but dont appear in the list of fonts for CS5, is CS5 set up a little different, like to i need to copy the fonts over into a file that resides in CS5
I am having the following problem, Every time that I am trying to create a text, appears as this image below and the text does not stay there, nor I can modify it. I already reset all the preferences, configuration, etc, Why I cannot set the text there? also every time that I create a text a new layer is not created for this text. I am using photoshop cs3.
My PS CS4 crashed the other night and erased all of my settings. Now, when I have a layer selected, I can't see the bounding box. I have checked auto-select, layer and checked show transform controls. I have view>extras checked as well. All I see are little tiny squares in each corner of the layer and in the middle of each side. I used to have a dashed line around the object and it is gone. Here is a shot of how it looks with the word strip selected: [URL]
I am useing Photoshop CS5 as I use to use Photoshop7.When I had my psd files in folders I was able to see a thumbnail of the pic that was on the file.I switched over to CS5 the only thing I see is the Photoshop icon and not the thumbnail of what on the psd file.How can I fixed this? I am using Windows 7 Pro 64bit.When I was useing photoshop 7 on windows 7 I was able to see the pic but seeing I got rid of it now I cant.
I'm using CS6 and have everything running as usual. I make a new file, normal size of my art and everything, but the canvas (background) does not show up.
I also have navigator open since I use full screen. So as I draw strokes, I see them appearing in the navigator, but I cannot see the canvas. All I see is the color of grey. Although the canvas is certainly there, since I can make visible strokes, it seems as if it were transparent, except I hadn't done anything with the image to start.
Apart form the many apparent issues with AAM and my solution of uninstalling all app and using cleaner tool, I have only been able to reinstall my apps via installing trial and licensing with CC ID I still cannot update any of my installed apps all fail to update.
However my specific quetsion here is, would it be expected the 3D men to show (having read many strins on this) with the following graphics card; NVIDIA GeForce GS driver version 301.42, 512 MB, directx support 9.0cOS windows XP, 32 bit SP3
The 3d menu does not show though PS recognises the graphics card and I have checked the use graphics card.I tried installing on a laptop with windows vista 32 bit with Upto 358MB Mobile Intel Graphic media accelerator X3100, this shows the 3D menu but all the actions are greyed out.
I have tried to install on an HP laptop windows 8, with intel (R) hd graphics, though AAM doesn't work here either, so using download assistant to try and download PS trial and license wit CC ID, only to have communication error 100 check your internet connection, though I know I am connected to the inernet.
Is the 3D menu likely to work on this laptop? if I can get it downloaded.
From the discussions I see this may be a licensing issue, I waited 45 mins on phone support (from NZ) yesterday and finally gave up, any feedback would be appeciated, I think adobe really needs to address the obvious AAM problems or the CC is only becoming a very frutrating experience I am only using it to learn new skills, not learning much with all the downtime trying to fix problems though. I would hate to be trying to meet deadlines in a real business.