when using gradient map or gradient map adjustment layer in cmyk mode, colors values after apply are different from values that i entered,for example:entering:C=0M=0Y=0K=100after apply on image, read values are like from RGB:C=77M=75Y=62K=81Importing file with gradient map from cs3 are ok until i click on the adjustment layer.I have catalog printed with this bug and colors was printed bad!
I've only ever created graphics for the screen, now I'm trying to create something for print.I started a Photoshop document with a CMYK colour mode and soon discovered it would only let me choose colours that look murky on screen.
I've been all over the internet to read about CMYK vs RGB etc and I've seen things to suggest that printers can't print the vibrant colours we see on screen. Fine, but what about the magazine I have next to me where I can see beautiful vibrant turquoises and fushias? How did THOSE colours get on to the paper?
If a CMYK colour looks murky on screen will it look more vibrant when printed?
Is there a way to keep the visual effects of the RGB modes like, multiply, screen, etc. when converting the file to CMYK. All of my images get muddy and I loose the bright colors when converting to CMYK. I know there are colors that a printer can print, but my CMYK files loose their bright colors when converting to CMYK for printers...
I need to create a document, which i want to print, in CMYK mode, but this is not possible on Photoshop elements 5. Apparently Photoshop doesn't support CMYK. Some of my colleagues are graphic designer who also work with Photoshop and they say, that CMYK is always available... I don't understand why it's not available on my software. Do i need to change the setting or something?
This has started to happen to me recently, working across indesign and Photoshop, for some cutouts it is easier to have a "pure white" background (0%c, 0%m, 0%y, 0%k) rather than transparency, it keeps down file sizes and speeds up workflow etc - plus sometimes press images just come like that.
recently I have noticed that some images, despite being saved as a "pure white" background, are coming out with 1%c, 1%m, 1%y, 0%k backgrounds once I re-open them. Doesn't matter if I save, Save as, copy the image, duplicate it, I keep getting the 1% color back in. This is occasionally causing problems with printers.
Create a new document in X5. Choose CMYK as the "Primary Color Mode" in the "Create a new document" dialog box.
Draw a rectangle. The Eyedropper Tool tells me it is RGB 0, 0, 0. Shouldn't it be CMYK 0, 0, 0,100? Is there a simple way to fix this to default to CMYK?
Every time I try to choose a color in CMYK it always gives me the exclamation mark with a color that isn't even close to what I'm trying to use. When I click on the color below the exclamation, it still won't give it to me. What is the purpose of this and how can I get it to give me the proper color?
Having a bit of trouble as Illustrator CS6 (that I've set to a default color mode of CMYK) is opening CS5 CMYK files as RGB color profile. I don't get a choice. And so it is messing with my color palettes when I convert back to a CMYK color profile.
In RGB documents, the 'Darken' transparency blend mode doesn't change colours, but only shows a colour if it is darker that the colour underneath it.
In CMYK documents, 'Darken' acts differently. It does the same thing as 'Multiply': it darkens the top colour based on the colour underneath. In CMYK mode, 'Darken' and 'Multiply' seem to do exactly the same thing.
How can I get an object in a CMYK document to do what 'Darken' does in an RGB document - only show if it has a darker value than the colour underneath?
(why does 'Darken' behave like 'Multiply' in CMYK mode? What's the point of having two different blend modes that do the same thing?)Here's Adobe's official description of Darken. This matches how it behaves in RGB, but not how it behaves in CMYK:
Selects the base or blend color—whichever is darker—as the resulting color. Areas lighter than the blend color are replaced. Areas darker than the blend color do not change.
I have over 900 barcodes provided in EPS format. When I open them in illustrator, they are coming in as an RGB color space file. I need them gray scale solid black in CMYK color mode. I can batch using actions to convert the artwork using "Edit Colors > Convert to Grayscale". However, the document color mode remains RGB. It appears, even after using "Convert to Grayscale", that the RGB color mode goofs up the placed .ai file in InDesign, treating it as RGB and seeing it as a mix of CMYK rather than the 100% black only it needs to be for proper sharp printing.
The actions pallet doesn't record converting the document color mode. Is there a way to automate that file conversion so they are all saved as CMYK rather than RGB, or am I stuck opening each of the 900+ files manually?
The problem is when i import a pdf file in coreldraw.
Mode cymk change all colors in RGB and i don't want this. How is possible?I need import pdf file cymk in the same mode. The pdf file is vector and cymk like source.
I am working on a 2-color newsletter in Indesign CS5... black and Pantone 227U.
Whenever I place a duotone .eps (black + 227U) or an Illustrator vector .eps with 227U in it, the color mode for that swatch changes to CMYK. An Illustrator vector which is 100% 227U also gives me the same issue.
I did some battery wraps for a company and they are being printed in China. The background is the default cmyk gradient "copper" and one is "silver" in AI. They are asking me to provide the Pantone or CMYK color code for these colors. Since they are a gradient I am not sure what to tell them.
If you take blend tool to gate one color to other or same or gray scale it give correct result. But if you use New color style and new gradient it show wrong effect in CMYK.
Is there a way to export a document @ a different resolution than 72DPI? I know I can set the horizontal/vertical scale to save it at a larger dimension at 72DPI, but I need the file to be actual size and 300DPI.
This is part of a larger process, and I'd prefer to do the entire process from Illustrator, and not have to open the files in Photoshop to change the size/resolution.
Also, is it possible to change the color mode to CMYK or Greyscale for the exported Jpeg?
I've recently received a small batch of calendars from a local commercial printers. The colours are OK, but do not match the originals, especially the blue's. I've had similar problems with greetings cards from a different printer. The problem appears to be that I supply the original files in the RGB color space, but they print using CMYK.
I Raw process using Lightroom 4, with adjustments if necessary being made using Elements 10. To the best of my knowledge neither of these programs have the option of editing or saving in the CMYK color space. For more accurate colours is my only option to purchase the full version of Photoshop (CS6 or CC), then convert and colour correct my images in CMYK mode before sending to the printers ?.
The project is a photo montage. It was 4-color, now must become 2 colors. So I've changed each of the original 4-color photos (jpg and eps) into separate psd files (as grayscale/duotone/montage-and assigned it One pantone color)
In a new psd "montage" file, I plan to place each photo on its own layer, adjust tints, transparency, etc, to create one new montage/flattened.I'm not sure which color mode is best when setting up this new file, CMYK or grayscale?
Once the PS doc is done, the job will be saved as a PDF for 2-color printing.I want to insure the 2 pantone colors separate properly at press.
Is it possible to create a gradient similar to radial gradient, except that the shape is other than circular? This image would be the starting point, but I would like the white part fading to black to be another shape (say, a rectangle, a banana, etc.).
I've been experiencing problems with the Gradient editor since I got PS and the problem is that whenever I create a gradient through the gradient editor and then load it, it does load it and instead just duplicates the ones that already exist.
In the Printer Settings drop down menu both Color Mode and Print Mode are grayed-out. This just happened I cannot think of anything I've done differently.
I'm using OS 10.6.8 and the latest Epson drivers for the 3880. I have re-installed both PS and the Epson drivers. If I print from Acrobat Reader everything seems to work fine, this only is happening in Photoshop CS5.
I’m not sure about the current “annotation scale” in case of lay out mode.
Annotation scale option is displayed only in the model and viewport mode but not in the lay out mode (attached)!
Based on what annotative objects living on the lay out but neither in the model (or viewport) are re-sized? At this mode, there is no option to choose the annotation scale?
On other words, how to choose the annotation scale in the lay out mode?