Photoshop :: CS3 Pref File Corrupts Almost Every...
May 10, 2008
I have the latest version of CS3 and Bridge. When I open a photo from Bridge either by "open" or simply dragging the photo from bridge to CS3, the pref file gets corrupted and I have shut CS3 down, then relaunch with CONTROL/ALT/SHIFT to delete the pref file, reload my workspace, and try again. It typically takes 3 or 4 tries beife I can open a picture with out corrupting my prefs file.
This has been going on for months, since I upgrade from CS2. I can;t live with this anymore.
My drop downs just blinks, my cursor shakes like a tremble, and many other problems. Once I get a new pref file, and am able to open a photo, all is well for that editing session.
I upgraded to x5 from corel 11 last year. Crashes frequently and corrupts file. I have to make copy after copy to keep from loosing all of my work. I am at the point I can not do my work. Sometimes files just become so slow and then just crash. I can take the same file that is slow, save as ver 11 and open in corel draw 11 and works great. I have never had so many problems with a program in my life. I am now downloading hotfix 4 and service pack 3 and will install, but I am not very optimistic.
There is not particular situation that the files cause the program to crash. It is nothing that complex. Seems to be often when I try to save or when I have multi pages.
Here is my system info.
Operating System MS Windows 7 64-bit SP1CPU Intel Core i3/i5/i7 @ 2.10GHz 52 °C Sandy Bridge 32nm TechnologyRAM 3.93 GB Single-Channel DDR3 @ 665MHz (9-9-9-24)Motherboard Hewlett-Packard 167C (CPU 1) 51 °CGraphics Generic PnP Monitor (1366x768@60Hz) Intel(R) HD Graphics FamilyHard Drives 313GB TOSHIBA TOSHIBA MK3261GSYN (SATA)
I applied the lateset automatic update to Photoshop CS6 (the one that adds Retina display support) and it's corrupted the Photoshop icon (Mac OS X).
Here's a composite screenshot showing the icon in the Dock, the small icon in the Finder's Column View, and the large icon in the Finder doesn't display at all, and is replaced with a generic icon. They all exhibit a different type of visual corruption.
what/where is the pref to change the color of wire frame of a selected object- I'm trying to use the unwrap uvw and the fragile, winsome pale blue of a seam doesn't show up against the peak white of the wireframe.
(I must say my whole experience of 3dsmax has been awful because I can almost never clearly see what I am doing, as the whole interface color scheme is horribly designed)
here's a pic - spot the seam - this is in hidden line mode as you can/cant see, the pale blue line of the seam is blown out by the wireframe.
I wanted to upgrade from paintshop pro x2 to x5 (want to go to 64 bit)but I have a severe problem. Here the steps to reproduce it:
1. open only one big tif file at a time (edit window) (from canon scanner 600 dpi A4 scan around 100 mb per file i think around 5500 to 3200 pixels)
2. sometimes i turn/rotate the picture first with the rotate tool (0 to 0,2 degrees)
3. use the crop/trim function to cut a small part of the edge
4. save the image and close it ( there is never more than one file opened in psp) its now around 80 mb in size dont close psp x5 and repeat steps 1 to 4 with other images. (with smaller 30mb images it did not happen and if I close x5 and reopen it after every 5th tif-image it does not happen too, so somewhere memory is not given free) When doing this when saving somewhere at the 7th - latest at the 10th image that image is saved corrupted.(it shows in the lower half vertical grey lines)
The big problem is: there is no error message and you only see that the image is corrupted when you view it again or if you see it in the thumbnail view of windows explorer.
second problem is that after doing an undo after a crop/trim step (3.) the picture is gone and the area is white.(dont save now!!)
x5 version is the current trial version (15.2 something - when i try to install sp2 it says its not necessary)
this happens on 2 different machines
mach 1: intel nuc i3217u 8GB ram, c drive 128 gb ssd, pic-drive: usb hd with 500 GB
mach 2: i7 2600k, 16 gb ram, cdrive 128 gb ssd, pic drivé: internal 2tb hd or internal ssd 256 gb (makes no difference)on both machines psp x5 system info only shows 4GB ram free so it seems its not really 64 bit programm.
Using Lightroom 4.3 with Camera RAW 7.3 on latest MacBook Pro with 256 GB SSD harddisk, 8 GB internal memory bought 2 months ago. Hardware shows no other problems or malfunctioning, no issues with RAM or otherwise.
Started Lightroom 4.3 did an import from perfect images (viewed before using various other software packages) stored on the harddisk. Used option ADD to add to the catalog. Almost immediately certain images were showing missing areas or areas with pink/white stripes, etc.
I didn't even touch the images to view or edit them. The images were corrupted on disk as previewing them with other software packages showed.
Have some photos of a warehouse fire in Plymouth Indiana. Files were saved as .jpg Can't get them to open.
One message is "Pain't cannot read this file. This is not a valid bitmap file or it's format is not currently supported." Couldn’t display DSC-0023.jpg because a suitable graphics importer could not be found.
When I first installed Adobe Photoshop CS6 I was unable to run Photoshop or Bridge CS6. Photoshop would give me an error about "could not open a scratch file because the file is locked. If I ran either of these programs as an administrator they would run without issue, this led me to believe that there was a permission issue somewhere. After some digging I found out the both Bridge and Photoshop try to create a temp file (similiar to Photoshop Temp2777223910092) on the c: drive of the computer. In my case the user that I was logged in with did not have access to write to the root of the C: drive. Note that you run the program as the administrator and change the scratch disk location as that changes the preference for the administrator user and not the user that you are currently logged in as.
I first had to give the user that I was logged on with write permissions to the root of the C: drive. Next try and run Photoshop, you will get an error another error about the scratch disk and about and invalid or missing setting file. To correct this you need to have run Photoshop as an administrator, next you can go to Users AdminAppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings and copy Adobe Photoshop CS6 Prefs and/or Adobe Photoshop X64 CS6 Prefs to Users<your logged in username>AppDataRoamingAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6.Adobe Photoshop CS6 Settings.
Elements11: Trying to make a photo collage, but get the message : "Could not complete your request because the file was not a valid frame file". What does that mean? I follow the instructions given how to make a collage, but it comes to a halt when I try to import the pictures to the collage.
Everything I read says its version 6.4, but when I attempt to run the 6.4 patch I get the message that it does not apply? Has Adobe prevented PSE7 from opening .NEF files from the D5100 (without conversion) in an effort to force paid upgrades to the current PSE version?
I am trying to open a video to edit within Photoshop CS6 x64. I am getting the following message:-
Could not place the document ‘IMG_1664.MOV’ because no parser or file format can open the file.
The video was shot on my iphone 4S and ive even tried converting to other formats yet Photoshop still gives the same error. I have checked through Bridge and I have no option to send to Photoshop on the right click menu. try out the new features of CS6 for video editing.
I am running a 27" iMac with 12gb RAM and 1gb of Video RAM.
Getting this error when trying to use downloaded ACTIONS. "Could not place the document ‘Photoshop_Actions_03_by_ReehBR.atn’ because no parser or file format can open the file."
Trying to edit text in Photoshop CS3 file causes a crash - Tried on multiple PC's.File originally created in Photoshop CS6 with "Maximise PSD/PSB File Compatibility" set at "Always".
Document size A4, using Arial Regular. RGB. 8Bits. 72dpi Colour Profile: sRGB IEC61966 Multi business licence for CS3 and CS6 Design Standard/Premium/Master Collection all on PC
We got several image files every 2 weeks which should be edited and mainly reduced in size for web purpose. This work needs 1 work day for one man/woman to do, because he/she has to open the file save for web and then set the quality to a value were the file is nearly about 150-200 KB in size.
The images are different, some have few colors, some have a lot of colors and there are also different in resolution. But they should not be reduced in resolution, only in quality. All other specs of the image should be kept
Is there any possible script, plug-in or similar which can do the same (Saving with a specific max. file size) in some automatic and faster way?
I used to be able to just open any image and my copyright info would be inserted into the file data. I guess it was a droplet, "when the file is opened or created then add file info from a xmp file". I still have the xmp file with all the data in but i am unsure how to implement it being automatically opened and added to the file when i create a new one? I thought i could handle it, i assume its a droplet of some sort.
After I save a file for "Web & Devices," when I open it, it returns this message, "This file contains file info data which cannot be read and has been ignored." Will this cause any problem with the file once I place it in the website I'm building? I've never seen this message before on a photo I've edited. The changes I made involved color correction.
I'm new to photoshop. Why did some of my altered pictures not show up in the file? They appear as a blue file with PSD on it. You can see the pictures when you click on them in Photoshop elements 10 but not in your file.
How do I change a project file back to a normal .mov file so that I can play it on my iPad or send it to a freind. I have taken out all the bits that I dont want and woukd like to be able to play it as a normal file and not in "Photoshop"
I create short videos using the PS frame animation panel. I used to be able to FILE-export-render video- and choose MPEG-4 Video in the settings panel which would render my file into a small .mov file. Now in CS6 the new render video panel does not have that option. I tried the QT options in the export window and my file is hugh! The H.264 option gives me an .mp4. I put the .mp4 into my web page via Dreamweaver and my video does not play when uploaded into the sever. The video plays fine in Dreamweaver before I upload to the server. After I upload to the server I just get a Q and no video on my web page. If I render the same file in CS5 I am able to view it in my web page. ADOBE WHY DID YOU CHANGE YOUR EXPORT VIDEO RENDERING OPTIONS in CS6?
I did a search around, and did not find the answer. Basically I have attempted to create an action in Photoshop CS6 which will save a file in the tiff format after i crop the image. I want the file name to be the name of the image (which is supposed to change depending on name of the image) like this:
1280x720_MGXXX.tiff, where, in my case the XXX represents DIFFERENT NUMBERS.
I want to apply the action to one image at a time. Each image has a different number (name). I record the action, add the 1280x720 text to the image name in the Save dialog. I am saving the image in a different folder from the source file. The source file name is _MGXXXX.tiff (again XXXX is a number like 2220...).
When I run the action on a file, say "_MG2221.tiff" it adds the 1280x720, and saves the file. When I apply the action on the next file (_MG2222.tif), the action overwrites the existing file, 1280x720_MG2221.tif, with the image. The action always uses the name I entered in the Save dialog!! I think I was able to do this in CS4 and CS5.
I want to be able to open a file, crop and adjust it, and then save in a diff location with 1280x720 pretended to the file name.
I have been learning about Textures and I've been playing around with different ones and so I have come across a great site with lots of Texture files for download ...
Well, the files are small eg: 38x38 and 76x76 and how to create a larger image with these small images. Also, they are in .png format... if that matters.
From what I've read a Texture is a Pattern ... right? So, I have searched the FAQ's, the Manual etc. for things like: How to make a large Pattern, How to use a small file for a large Pattern and so forth but I can't find the right info.
Am I suppose to use them to create a Repeating Pattern? Can I do this and have them be seamless?
I am trying to find a way to save my image file as a jpeg and add -web or -print to the existing file name. This way I can easily see which files are lower resolution for web posting or high resolution for printing.
I need to redo raw editing of a file that I've invested a lot of time with, creating layer masks. Is it possible to save these layer masks and move them to a new .psd file of the same image; same size? (I'm using Ps Cs5, on Windows XP.) .
I am saving work as jpeg into desktop file.... sometimes (not always) when I go to retrieve it shows up as a file that I cannot open, not a normal jpeg. I just tried to copy and paste to show here..then draged into this space and it opened...tried to save it to desk top from here but it is still showing up as a very weid icon that will not open...? In the properties it shows as a jepeg, but the icon is totally different..