Photoshop :: CC Font Preview Set To None After OSX 10.8.3 Update?
May 19, 2013
I own a Macbook Pro with retina display. When I last updated it I experienced problems in Photoshop CC with the color wheel spinning often for no apparent reason. I had never had this happen so I saw in the troubleshoot Photoshop article in Adobe help to set the preview size to none.
do I have to suddenly disable parts of Photoshop on such a capable machine as this? I am glad the color wheel stopped spinning but I'm not glad that I have to find a way around having no font previews in Photoshop CC.
I'm wondering if there is a Font Preview plugin available that will do what Illustrator SHOULD HAVE done for many years - which is to actually allow you to toggle through your font list and display the text you entered in the fonts you are clicking through - - kind of like what CorelDraw has had for the last 15 years.
Imagine that... being able to review text in a selected font to facillitate the selection of an appropriate visual reference for logos, etc. Earth-shaking, I seems there would be an Illustrator plugin by now that would do this???
Or do I have to continue to have CorelDraw opened up so that I can review text in various fonts to determine the best choice for a given project font?
I work in Mac OS Mountain Lion. PSD preview doesn't update when i change psd-file placed on external hdd or flash drive (ntfs or exfat).Create psd-file. Сhanged psd-file in Photoshop cs6 (preview don't update).
Once I have turned on font preview the only way I can get Photoshop to open and stay open is to manually delete the preferences. The font test script claims that I have no defective fonts. I have twon computers bothe running 64bit windows 7 pro. one with 12G memory 2TB disk space, quad core 2.5gHz processor with only 350G occupying the HD, and I have a laptop with only 4G memory, 222Gb HD (half full), and a 2gHz single core processor. Photoshop only has issues with font preview on the more powerful machine.
Now when I run the font test script it says I have 1600 fonts on my system, but I only show about half that in my font folder. Is photoshop reading fonts from elsewhere than c:windowsfonts
When I have a text layer selected (and then chose the font-size selector), I cannot use the scroll wheel (or the arrow keys for that matter) to change the font-size the way I do for the rest of text properties (let's say the font-family). In this particular case I have to click the font-size box in order to be able to manipulate it, and even so, there is not live-preview when the value changes, I have to press enter for it to take effect.
I know that with past versions, changing the word that was used to preview fonts ('sample') was not possible (in 2006 anyway). But, because I believe CS4 came out in 08, I was wondering if this was a feature that had been implemented since then for CS4.
If it wasn't done for CS4, is it currently available for CC? It would be a great feature to have! I know you can change the preview size but changing the word would be awesome if you're doing a 'try out' for how a specific phrase looks and want to glance at the preview list instead of going through each font with the arrow keys to change it.
I created a gradient and tried to save it for web, but the preview only showed me a dark orange color. That was the foreground color, but I don't know why that became the entire picture.
Also, I saved it anyways, and when I opened the image using picasa photo viewer, the gradient showed up just as I wanted it to. However, when I placed it on a webpage, there was only a dark orange color. URL.....
How do I 'resync' those settings? I'm completely new to photoshop so I have no clue how to do that.I also tried changing the foreground color to black, as he suggested. The preview still showed an orange color.
when you create some text, highlight it, then go to the font chooser dropdown menu and use the arrows to scroll through the installed fonts, the highlighted text will change in place to the fonts you are selecting.
Is there some setting you can use to turn this on/off, because I have never seen this work once, and i'm REALLY aching for this type of functionality. So far this is the one thing about Photoshop CS that kills me is choosing from my many fonts... I always end up having to open flash, in which that feature does work for me- but it's not the same when you don't have all the rest of the design right there to be able to see the difference.
this has been only happening since updating this morning from 13.0.1 - 13.0.2...I have a problem where if I create a new curve layer and then press the preview button on/off it fails to re render the preview and nothing else happens until I OK it. I also notice that it creates history entries on the history panel like I'm making adjustments? Weird!
There's been a few other noticeable things too. The liquify window now doesn't draw as nice and smoothly as it did with 13.0.1. The cursor jitters a lot and control isn't as smooth.
where the setting for the size of type/font preview drop down is located in CS6, it used to be located under pref->type->type preview - but apparently not anymore. I'm probably "blind", they surely did include this option in CS6?
(A thing I find annoying in CS6 is how short the font drop down list is, only covers 1/3 of the height of my resolution, even though I have hundreds of fonts activated - requires a lot of scrolling! I really hope this gets larger if it is possible to have larger previews)
How can you undo the Photo menu option "Update DNG Preview & Metadata" in the Develop module?
I accidentally hit this at which point Lightroom added a "From Metadata" entry to the history for the file. It also seemed to update the preview for the file (as seen with before / after).
I tried to undo the change, but all Lightroom did was remove history items ("From Metadata" remained at the top, all the edit sliders stayed the same (even though history was being removed) and the "before" image was permenantly changed.
Not even resetting the image from Library -> Photo -> Develop Settings -> Reset, then "Update DNG Preview & Metadata" worked.
Is the only way back from this operation to delete the DNG and reimport? It's not as if Lightroom warns you that the operation cannot be undone as with the "Read Metadata from File" command.
I installed a bunch of fonts and ever since then Photoshop has been crashing when the font preview menu is accessed with the type tool. So I deleted all fonts except for the required system fonts I believe. But it still crashes when I access the font preview menu. I can't provide a crash log now.
Just upgraded to CC on Windows 7 and noticed the font preview is now much smaller than in CS6. I have it set to size large in preferences, but I'm having a terrible time seeing them. Is there anyway to make the preview bigger? I set it to small and medium just to see and I have to wonder what the programmers were thinking when they set previews this small. Why can't they just give us an option to select what point size we want to preview the fonts at?
I've read about the fact that bold fonts (even web safe) may not always display as desired. Does the same apply for font size?
I'm using Arial and find that when I go to preview the font size drops slightly. I'm using Firefox. I realize I have to try it on the real web to be sure but would like a heads-up beforehand. Detail: when the first page loads it's pretty much correct but the next page changes the text and on returning to the first page it's now modified.
It's my understanding that a change made to a disconnected smart preview will automatically update the main database when connected to the drive containing the photo and database. Mine doesn't seem to work automatically. After reconnecting i have to save the metadata for the changed files on the version of Lightroom with the samrt previews and then read the metadata on the primary version of Lightroom. Do both versions of Lightroom need smart previews installed? Should I use a certain procedure of which i'm not aware? I have an iMac for my main computer and a Mac Book Pro for the remote computer.
Once I render and save a project, exit out, and come back in, the rendered files that I "saved" are not rendered. This all happened after the mavericks software update
I have been working in this file for weeks, but now I did the sp2 update and when I try to open the file, the font substitution dialogue box opens. No matter which option I select, it causes the program to crash and close.
we just upgraded from X5 to X6, and I was just wondering if there is a way to preview artwork, in the preview pane, using X6, and I am referring to .cdr files not .eps.
Also how do you go about changing the default font when starting a new document?
I tried Nexus font (finally) and don't see why people have mentioned it. I don't like it and uninstalled it quickly.Which font manager do you think is better than Font Nav?
i just noticed that there is no manual update file for ACR 7.2. most of our company computers are offline.
how should we update them without a manual update file?
adobes says the final ACR 7.2 update is available through the CS6 update.well that is of no use when you have offline computers. This update will be released as manual update file too?! any infos?
A feature notably absent from the Oil Paint filter is any way to temporarily disable the effect (e.g., not preview it).I happen to like using Oil Paint to make refllections in the surface of water smoother and more "liquid" (which involves turning off the "Shine"), and it would really be nice if I could easily gauge the amount of the effect easily by blinking back and forth between original and processed image with a quick "disable preview" functionality.
With most standard filters, one can either uncheck a [ ] Preview box, and/or click the mouse button down on the image to temporarily show what the image is like without the effect.Yes, I know I can turn the Stylization down to 0.1 and see how a very minimal amount of the effect can be applied. And I can look at the original image in Photoshop proper, but of course that can't be zoomed while the Oil Paint filter is active.
Also, the zooming / panning seems kind of stiffly implemented.In summary, the more or less standard and expected filter features I'd like to see added to this (new class of) GPU-accelerated filters are:Preview/No Preview capability. It doesn't have to update Photoshop, just the preview display in the filter itself. I suggest a [ ] Preview checkbox and/or an on-mouse-click temporary effect disable.
Modal click and drag Zooming vs. Panning - i.e., based on a Zoom or Pan function selected (e.g., via an icon along the left) vs. having to hold modifier keys down. I personally would want it set to Zoom by default, not Pan. Since the filter has scroll bars (a Good Thing), I would have thought Zoom would have been a better default as it is. I have implemented these things in my own GPU-accelerated plug-ins, so I know that all the infrastructure Adobe needs to support them is already in there. These changes are controls only and should be trivial to implement.
When transfering images from Lightroom to Photoshop HDR for instance. message says update Camera Raw. Update attempts all come back to 'update server is not in service' --
I recently bought a Nikon D7100. I took some test shots and imported the images to Lightroom 4.4, then generated 1:1 previews for all the images.
Previews zoomed to 1:1 in Library Mode are noticeably soft. The image below is a screen shot of the Library preview:
Moving to Develop View produces a higher-resolution 1:1 preview. The image below is a screen shot of the Develop preview:
Look at the bricks and window screens to see the difference.
This difference occurs immediately after import (with a User Preset applied during import). Once any Develop work is done, the Library preview updates and displays at full resolution.
This problem makes doing initial editing/selection of images time consuming, because I can't determine the sharpness/quality of imported images until I've done some kind of Develop adjustment on each image.
I'm trying to edit a set of titles made in Premiere in After Effects, and after I import the file (as a Premiere file) then load the sequence into the timeline; the preview is just a black screen throughout the entire preview. The titles never show up.