Photoshop :: Blending Layers
Jan 9, 2009
I am just trying something out on Photoshop and for some reason am not getting the expected result. I have added a new blank layer to an image and have changed the mode to Color. Now I have changed my brush size and colour but when I start to paint my new colour onto the layer I dont see the brush stokes on the background image... If I just very the new layer I can see the strokes but they are not showing up on the background.
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Sep 6, 2013
How to Apply adjustment layers to multiple layers that have different blending modes and keep the colors the same as the adjustment done?
I work in Animation painting Backgrounds. My files are sometimes upwards to 200+ layers.I will use adjustment layers to quickly balance colours and constrast on top of those many many layers.
The only way that I know of how to apply adjustment layers it to every single layer ( by applying I mean I need to get rid of the adjustment layers because we cant use them in production but i need the new colours be applied to all layers underneath ) in a psd is to manually do it By duplicating the adjusment layer 200+ times and then merging each layer to one of those adjustment layers so that that layer can take the adjustment layers effect permanently.
The issue is that Within Those 200 layers I have some layers set to Multiply or OVERLAY. IT obviously wont apply the adjustment layer properly to those layers because those layer blend mode affect the layers under them. The colour wont be the same anymore in the spots that had the multiply blended mode.
I have 2 adjustment layers up top. I need to get rid of them by applying them to each layer! I cannot merge any of the layers. We need all those layers for production.I can apply the adjustment layers manually and this works GREAT for all Layers set to normal. THey take on the colour change just FINE.
However, The issue is that layer 6 and layer 4 are both set to mutiply and this screws up the colour once i apply the adjustment layers to each layer manually...
How can i apply my adjustment layers to a file like this with some layers being set to multiply while keeping the layers exactly the same configuration and The new colour taking effect exactly how i looks before i apply the adjustment layers? Now the simple solution is to merge the multiply layers to the layer that it affects HOWEVER I NEED those multiply layers to be separate!
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May 7, 2012
I recently downloaded the trial version of Photoshop Cs5. I haven't had many problems and I like it a lot except for ONE thing! I cannot figure out how to blend layers! When I upload my first layer (my image) it shows in the layers palette. But when I upload my second layer (texture) it not only jumps on top of my first layer in the layers palette, but it ALSO jumps on top of my first layer (the image) in the work area. I have watched a lot of the Photoshop tutorials and I've noticed that when they upload their second layer it shows SEPARATELY from the first image in the work area.
They then click on the second layer and drag it over onto the first layer and then they are ready to start working on blending. For the fact that my second layer jumps on top of my first layer in the work area like it does, I am not able to follow along with the tutorials! I have also tried and tried to figure out how to manage to blend by trying lots of techniques and options in the program but nothing will work.
I use textures and depend on blending A LOT with my editing so this has been very discouraging! I have used other editing programs and usually with them, after you duplicate your first layer and then upload another you are able to blend with no problem. So I do not understand this at all! You can even blend with no problem by duplicating your first layer in Photoshop Elements 10.
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Jan 22, 2007
I've got two background color swatches that I've inserted into PS file (in different layers). I'm simulating a night sky at dusk. One color is black with stars, the other is pinkish. I'd like to do a gradient where the sky goes from black at the top to pinkish at the bottom.
Is the best way to tackle this by blending a layer or adding a fill and adjustment layer? I've been experimenting with the gradient tool, but don't have the control I want as far as where the color transitions from black to pink.
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Oct 9, 2013
Made some bubbles using Photoshop, the trouble is I can't flatten the layers into one because of the layers blending mode. The reason I want to is to blur some of the bubbles to give a foreground & background perspective.
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Aug 3, 2006
i am using photoshop CS2
i have 2 layers
layer 1 no blend
layer 2 multiply
now when i merge these two layers the blending is gone.
How can i retain blending even after merging.
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Mar 17, 2003
How can i add blending options to all my layers??
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Aug 5, 2007
how do I keep a layer of text from blending into the layers below?
I'm trying to add a layer of white text to a template and it's coming out pale blue.
This is in CS2.
I'm sure there's a layer effect or blend somewhere in there but I don't know how to work with these things.
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Jul 9, 2013
Am I missing something with the apply image command? Couldn't I perform the exact same task just by blending individual layers or images?
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Feb 4, 2013
I want to be able to take a document, that has multiple layers, inside of multiple groups with various layers having various blending modes applied to them and from within that document, select simply two of those layers, one with a Divide blending mode and the other layer Normal, merge those two layers, but have the visual appearance of the merged layer maintain the visual appearance of what the layers looked like before I merged them.
Everytime I attempt this, Ps takes my Divide layer, reverts it back to Normal and then merges the layers, thus changing the appearance of what it was before the merge. This is not the desired result.
I understand that when you flatten an entire series of layers, it applies all the blending modes and maintains the visual appearance. Is there a way to do this with just two layers instead of all the layers?
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Sep 12, 2011
I'm working on some graphics for an iPhone app for which I need to export images to png.
The image has an inner and an outer glow to create a glowing LED effect. The problem I have is the outer glow has the 'screen' blending mode applied and when I export this the blending mode defaults to 'Normal'. The image must have a transparent background because it will be used in different locations on top of a brushed aluminium background effect.
I understand that the blending mode takes the background layer into account when determining the output. Any alternative way of creating this glowing LED effect which I can export with a transparent background?
I have attached an example of this, the first 'light' is how I want it to appear when merged. The second 'light' is how it currently looks when merged.
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Jul 3, 2013
I see that the new default blending mode when you create a Group From Layers is Pass Through. I will never use this configuration, and would prefer to set my default to Normal.
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May 4, 2012
Is there somewhere a list of Adjustments/Modes that the History Brush DOESN'T work with?Perhaps I should re-phrase that.I can get the History Brush to work with say Blur but I can't get it to work with Blending modes or a various adjustment layers.
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Aug 19, 2006
When I blend layers using multiply, and lower the opacity of the top layer (such as to compensate for too much flash), photoshop puts all these vertical lines on the image. The only time they are not visible is when opacity is set to 0% or 100% for the top layer.
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May 31, 2011
Which type of the blending mode is supported by layers that use the Fill With Neutral Color option?
A. Normal
B. Dissolve
C. Luminosity
D. None of the above
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May 2, 2011
I have multiple exposures of the same photo that I'd like to combine into one image showing the specific details of all. I've been messing around with layer modes and opacity sliders but can't quite get exactly what I want.
These are a a couple of the images I'm trying to combine:
What I'd like the final image to show is the pronounced shadow behind the railing in the first exposure and the lit up details of the hallway in the lower left corner of the second exposure, if there's a way to achieve this without having to draw layer masks and such.
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Jan 3, 2014
I recently upped my opinion of Illustrator and was really impressed with how I could change the appearance in the layers panel.
Now unable to find it. Using a mac and CS5.5 when selecting drop down button it is not there any more. Layer options only gives silly basic options like the name of the layer etc. I just don't know what's happened.
Created a brushed metal effect and unable to save as graphic style. This layers blending options was excellent and I can't really use much of the program without it.
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Apr 15, 2013
I am having a problem in CS6 Photoshop where I never experienced this in CS3-5.
I am designing a website and when I apply a drop shadow or inner shadow to a layer through layer style/blending options in the layers tab. It applys the same angle etc.. to all the other layers I have done styles too...
I will have 5 + layers done with styles and I will make a new layer and give it a shape, open up blending options and when I do a drop shadow and change the angle I literally can see everything on my layout change angles also when I move it around for just ONE layers style... What on earth is going on? This makes it impossible to make unique designs unless I keep flattening my PSD and transfering stuff over which destroys workflow.
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Oct 2, 2011
As you might see in layer panel. there is a blending option applying on text. and when i try to applying new blending option i-e drop shadow or inner shadow to layer shape 5. it will mess with also to text layer.
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Jul 26, 2005
I'm working on this illustration and can't figure out how to do what I'm thinking. Looking at the attached image, the two colors signify the shallow outer edge of the pond and the darker part is the deep section. What would be the best way to blend them together? If the pond was round or at least square I could use a gradient, but that doesn't work in this case (at least using my limited knowledge). I'm using PS7 by the way.
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Apr 2, 2009
I have an image I wish to extend from width 800px to width 1024px and possibly beyond this width. I would like to extend the grass on either side of the image to get the required width but Im not sure how to blend the grass to make the image look like a natural shot, how can this be achieved or can anyone help?
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May 3, 2006
way to cut out my pics and blend them together.
I currently use the magnetic lasso and then feather it to 1.
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Aug 1, 2007
I'm trying to blend a skin tone. Basically I have this picture of me and my friend, but somehow the film or something got screwed up and threw this white smudge/ color deformation on my face. I want to take it out and blend my skin color over it. I guess it would be just like replacing a bird in the sky, with the sky... if that makes sense. Im sure its easy, im just half way retarded. I tried searching the forum first and I tried some of the tips, but for some reason, I just cant get it to work.
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Mar 3, 2012
I need to make a picture of a person's face blend seamlessly into the sky. The below shows you what I mean. At the moment the Kenyan Warrior's face has harsh edges and doesn't look properly blended in. My very limited Photoshop ability had me placing an inner glow and bevel and gloss to get something close to what I want, however I suspect the real tool I need for this is completely unknown to me!
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Nov 11, 2012
I have Photoshop CS6, and I just got a Windows 8 computer a couple days ago. I just now have realized that the Screen and Linear Dodge (Add) blending modes are not working at all. They have no effect on my layers. I know that the Overlay blending mode works... I haven't tested all of them.
I understand that others are having problems with Photoshop and Windows 8. Is this a related problem, or is it unrelated and is it something that needs to somehow be fixed?
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Jul 3, 2013
We just upgraded at work to CS6 and overlay blending isn't working like it did in CS5.
Overlay used to multiply values below 50% and add screen above 50% regardless of what the layer underneath looked like. I'm not sure what's going on now.
Am I the only one seeing this? Is there a setting somewhere to get it back to working the way it was? I haven't seen any documentation on the change and a search of the support shows no one else complaining about the same issue. But me and my coworkers are all seeing the same issue.
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Jul 28, 2006
i can do only the basic simple stuff-like anyway, iwant to blend two images. to do it or, how can i put another picture to a new layer(only the image i opened showed up in layers and i dont know how to put anotherone in the layers).
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Dec 16, 2002
how blend the various photos/images. I bought one to see if I could figure it out. There are 2 layers, each with an image. They seem to overlay the images, and the bottom image seems to have a transparency to it, but the opacity is still 100. How can I get 2 images to blend cleanly into one another?
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Jan 2, 2004
if you had 2 pics next to each other and blending them into each other. Some say to user layer masks and a brush, others say they use erasers and fading.
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Jul 30, 2006
how to blend in the image so the contrast is smooth (even).
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Dec 3, 2005
how can i make lets say, a jpg image, not the best quality, and use it as my backghround layer. then i want to add a flame onto it. how do i make the second layer (flame) the same i dont know, contrast? or quality. so it looks real?
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