I need to batch optimize for the web a big amount of images contained in a two level folder structure.
By using Using Automate - Batch and running an action that exports the images using 'Save for Web & Devices', I can optimize all the images contained in my folder (including all sub folders). The problem is that they have to export into a single folder in my desktop (the path has to be indicated when creating the action and saving the image in 'Save for Web & Devices'.
solution would be to save the files in their original location, replacing the original file with the optimized one, keeping the original folder structure.
While trying to optimize images for my website [URL] .... I used a tool named 'RIOT', but I am not comfortable with that since I am a Photoshop user and likes utilize its potential to the fullest. I tried different preferences while saving processed images, but wasn't satisfied with the result. Some recommended settings that I can use to optimize images using photoshop CS5 ?
optimizing images for my samsung d500 mobile phone, i am looking to save files as 16 or 18 bit JPEGs (the phone can display up to 18 bit images) but i have had trouble with this as my images always seem to be 24 bit when i save them (i have tried 8 bit, but 256 colours reduces the quality too much),
We have just purchased the Adobe Creative Suite 3 Master Collection, but there appears to be no PDF Optimization Settings as per the following link when I save from Photoshop for example: https://createpdf.adobe.com/cgi-feeder.pl/help_cpdf?BP=&LOC=en_US
A previous place of work had these available and proved to be invaluable. Is there any way to enable these?
I've got myself in a bit of a muddle. I was messing around with the optimization settings the other day in Imageready. Now when I save my gifs they go all grainy. I've never had a problem before. I've tried putting it back to the default settings but it's still loosing alot of picture quality on saving. Is there a way to fix this?
URL....On first look it seems like a good way to improve the performance of AutoCAD, and hopefully reduce fatal error or at least recover from them quicker. I had recently suggested an upgrade to the machines by putting our autodesk software on SSD's but I'm hesitant to follow this up due to the read/write limitations SSD's currently suffer from.
Every time I'm working in an Illustrator file with multiple layers and hundreds of objects on those layers that sometimes aren't grouped yet, I find it hard to select click on the objects in the layers panel on the right, selecting them via shift-click (you know, selecting all objects between the first and the last clicked object). Â Is there a way I can select layer objects with the shift-option and afterwards have all of the items selected on the artboard? See the images for illustration.
When Lightroom tries to optimize my catalog (in Windows 7, 64 bit), I repeatedly get the following error message: "Lightroom encountered an error when reading from its preview cache and needs to quit."Â
I am testing PSP X6 (I have all versions since V7) and now I get wrong files with the PNG Optimization. This functions used to write files with the extension png but now it writes png files with the extension pspimage. If you try to open such a file you will get error messages.
PSP seems to be back with version X6 with again destroyed old functions. It seems so as if will not buy the update this time. With each new version I get new bugs in old functions.
I'm running into a problem with a batch processing that I'm hoping somebody can help me out with.
I've got my action to do everything I want it to do, but what I need to do now is add an A at the end of every filename. Does anyone have good way to do that?
Can Photoshop take hundreds if not thousands of images and crop them all in the same specifications? Can I take a thousand images, batch load them into Photoshop and have the program crop each image in the same size? Let's say in each image I have something at the bottom left part of that image and I have to remove that from each image. Is it possible to do this with Photoshop?
advanced batch image processing. I need the following to happen to a folder of images:
1) All images in the folder are resized with constrained proportion to a width of 250px.
2.) They are then combined into one image file placed above each other in a column (literally, not layers). Each image also needs spacing between the other, about 20px
3.) This is then compressed as an 8 quality jpeg and exported as a new image.
So basically I have a folder of images that I want to convert into a long 'gallery' image with spacing between each.
how do I resize a batch of images within photoshop without opening each and every file. I have been told you can do this with actions and batch processeing ??
I tried to build an action to scale a batch of images by 75%, but when I actually run it, it plugs in the inches from the file I built it on. So the image I built the action on ended up 8.25" wide, but it's a portrait. If I run the same action on a picture that was taken in landscape mode, it doesn't scale that image by 75%, it scales it to 8.25" wide.
How do you force a scale by percentage instead of absolute measurement?
1) All images in the folder are resized with constrained proportion to a width of 250px.
2.) They are then combined into one image file placed above each other in a column (literally, not layers). Each image also needs spacing between the other, about 20px
3.) This is then compressed as an 8 quality jpeg and exported as a new image.
So basically I have a folder of images that I want to convert into a long 'gallery' image with spacing between each. I know this isn't explained well, but is it at all possible?
I am a Retoucher and I have a new client that sends me 150 - 200 Real Estate photos per day. They shoot the photos so that I have 1 ambient exposure (Background Layer) and 1 flash exposure (Layer 1) which I then blend together with a recipe I designed for their look. I need to find a way to speed up the processing and although my action executes the look exactly how I need it in a very efficient manner the real time killer is the opening & layering steps. Â I know this a long shot but my ideal solution would be to drag the folder of images which are sorted and/or labelled in the correct order in to a droplet and from there it processes the images one at a time but layering the files (ambient as "Background" and flash as "Layer 1"), running the action, has a stop-action on lens correction, asks me where to save, closes the image and continues to the next image.
i have a large number of pictures, they all have the same background image.
The background image is a white-to-gray vertical gradient and has some text on the top.
I created an action to batch remove the background - I use color ranges (Select the Rectangular Marquee Tool and the Right Click anywhere on the image and click on 'Color Range')
In the Color Range dialogue i selected 'Add to Sample' and started clicking numerous times along the horizontal line of my background - I am reminding you that my background is a gradient.
After selecting all of the colors (samples) that are in my background I clicked 'OK' and deleted the selection which leaved me with my image and a transparent background - GREAT!!
This method works great if my image has a high contrast with the background - which is about 80% of the cases.
When i use this action to remove the background from images that have WHITE / GRAY colors in them it comes out terrible since the Color Range selects the background AND bright areas on my image and deletes them.
I have the background image saved as a separate file, I want the Batch Action to check the original background image against all of my images and:
-Detect which parts of the image are similar to the original background -Delete those similar areas
If that is possible, that would probably be a pretty good way to get rid of the background without deleting anything from my image.
Is it possible to do something like that in Photoshop (maybe using masks?!), or is it possible with any other Image Editing Software?
I am not sure if this is a change in CS4 or something that I am doing incorrectly. But when I run Bridge CS4 < Photoshop < Image Processor (running an action that I have been running since CS2) the files do not close in photoshop after running the action. In all prior versions of PSCS#, photoshop closed the file after finishing the action. The files all save properly. But having hundreds of files opened inside of photoshop causes the scratch disk to go low and slows everything down.
I have approximatly 100 images, well, avatars for my forums, they're all the same size, ( 80 x 80 I think ? ), and I want to apply a border to them... can I do this as a batch job or something in photopshop ? I dont want to / wont apply borders too 100 images !!
I need to batch texturize a ton of image with a clothing fabric I have loaded to get the look I need. I now how to batch image but can't find a way to use the batch image with texturizer and a texture I have loaded. Can this be done? If so, how?
I have an excel list of about 2000 names. I need to add each name text to a image I created and then have it saved as a separate file. Is there any kind of automation/shortcut to do something like this, rather then manaully typing each name?
After assembling the render output of my 3d app in photoshop (32bit) and changing the appearance via several CC layers in different layer modes (e.g. Hue/saturation in Overlay mode) I ended up with my composing for print purposes. The comp is complex, with several masked folders, single masked CC layers and many image layers (some with masks). Now the client wanted me to animate part of the image. No problem I thought. But the trap is of how to assemble the different image sequences (diffuse, specular, reflection, masks, etc, etc). I came up with a PS action which loaded the single images and arranged them in the same fashion as the master file. But now PS doesn't load the incremental images for the batch processing. Images are named in a Diffuse_00001, Specular_00001, ... fashion. Loading the first set works, but from Diffuse_00002 everything goes wrong and PS load the 00001 files (except from one file which loads in the proper incremental way). I can't transfer this stuff to AE as it is much too complex and I do no AE only very little. I guess PS should be capable to solve this batch task, but a simple action via batch seems to fail.
I am not sure about the etiquette of this as I asked the question at NAPP and have as yet gotten nothing. Of course that could be because I'm impatient and more so after I realized I stood a better chance of not just an answer but several variations on the theme.
For years I have stored my images in a folder that is named for the day they were offloaded into the Windows OS computer. I have accepted Nikon, Canon,and Olympus' name for the individual image. So an image would be E:Images20041107DSC_8765.nef.
I wish to go to my files and rename the files with the date ( the image was) actually taken by the camera. I think this is in the EXIF data but how can I access it?
What I want to end up with would have the same format up to the actual image name but the renamed image would be yyyymmdd[taken]DSC_#####.nef where the ##### would be a sequential number generated by the batch or even me.
In my work I use a batch process to run an action that converts EPS files to TIFF files. I have been using this successfully in Photoshop 7 on a Win2000 PC for a number of years. The process is as follows...
Open EPS file Flatten Image Save Close
When I recorded the action I made sure that the resolution was set to 300dpi as we require the TIFF produced at the end to be that resolution.
I am now testing PSCS3 on a WinXP machine as we are upgrading all of our equipment. When I run the action as a batch process the TIFFs that are saved end up being 72dpi - They should be 300dpi. This worked in PS7 on the Win2000 machine and I am using exactly the same process in PSCS3 on the new WinXP machine, but something must be going wrong somewhere for the TIFFs to be saved at 72dpi instead of the required 300dpi. Any ideas?
I'm trying to create an Action that will resize images to a constant and absolute width (600px), and save as a JPEG with a filesize of less than 160kb. I've tried Image>Image size... and Save for web with only partial sucess. Image Size does not allow you to set the filesize as a parameter - you can only set the dimensions and resolution and hope that it comes out under 160kb. Save for Web does have an optimise feature, which does work for an individual image, but not for a batch. The optimisation is done by adjusting the quality of the jpeg, but when you save this as an action, it does not record this as "optimise the image for 160kb". Instead it saves just the quality % used when recording the action. Any other images processed by that action will just be saved at that %, regardless of their filesize. Is there a way to write the action so that Save for Web will dynamically optimise each image? I'm using CS3 Extended.
I have a folder with 300 sub folders with a high res image. (each image is in a folder, with it's part no's name)
Ive created a process to create low res images with a new file name prefix s_ and I have selcted "include all sub folders" in my source folder options.
The problem i have i select a destination folder and all the images are saved to the destination folder root. As opposed to the original location of each image. (its own sub folder)
I want to batch convert some .psd images into jpegs in pse 10 or 11. I know you can batch convert for image resizing,but don"t see the ability to convert images from one format into another.Â
I've been using the batch file - export layers to file script for some time. Right now I'm trying to figure out an easy way to have a locked background and do the same thing, but keep the background the same. Â Background - Layer 1 - Save Background - Layer 2 - Save etc. Â Is there a way to do this? I have around 300 images that need the exact same background.