Is there a way within Photoshop CS5 to add Author/photographer details to image. When I save?
I have to macs with photoshop and I need to monitor who is editting what I figure if everything saved on my machine gets tagged I could work it out from there? A bit like how microsoft word will add the author by default.
I'm aware of File info but that would be a long process to do it. Ideally not an action either.
Is it possible to change the registered owner "names" of photoshop cs2 & illustrator CS2 that were defined in the installation process... my partner installed the programs and registered them under his name "Mark" and "home" for organisation, but for my design course we need to submit the original authored ps files with our own name (as the author) to prove we have a "legit software copy".. something like that...
I have photoshop cs4 and I cannot find the Auto smart fix, auto levels, and auto contrast nor the adjustment for each that I had with photoshop elements.
I have my brand new Sony HD 1080 5.1 video camera, I download the video files to my laptop and convert them using PMB to Mpeg2. I create my Ulead Video project then I am a little confused. I can't seem to use the "Create Disk" option without it forcing me to use a menu, but having problems with this in the past I have always used a 3rd party program for this, so presently I am using DVD Flick. I exported my project to a 1080 format Mpeg (I forget the name) and author my DVD-R. The result is poor quality and the sound is at least two seconds out of sync!
Going back to the "Create Video File" option, which option do I export to? Can I assume that I also need HD DVDs for it to remain true HD?
I have previously recieved a drawing which various companies have had an input on. We have a problem with this drawing and we need to find out which company indicated various items. However I believe that the company that sent the drawing to us last has changed all layers to suit their own CAD standards.
What I am asking is. Is there any way to find out the author of the original layers before they were changed? So I could then have proof that such a company set up such a layer and indicated various items on said layer.
I am making a book cover. Given an existing photo for the background, I want to overlay some text (title and author), move it around, resize it, change fonts, choose font color and outline, etc. When I have settled on the text properties, I want to try it on various background photos without redoing the text properties each time. What is the best way to do this?
In the part file I created a table with the 2 different sizes used. I can manipulate the part by editing extrusion 1 and the ribs and slots adjust accordingly. However, I would like to keep track of the wire trough used in a similar fashion as a tube weldment, one part, but multiple lengths used, for BOM tracking.
AS soon as I author the part to structural shapes I get issues with the extrusions and sketches, looks like the initial geometry is lost it's constraints to projected lines. (sketches are full of the pink lines).
I have a programming background but have never used AutoCad nor AutoLISP. I'm walking into a situation where we had a resident AutoLISP expert that has written a routine to output Autocad to PDF using the built-in PDF. I'm told the autolisp goes through a bunch of logic to create folder path, file, etc of the output PDF. I don't have access to the code.
What we need is for that routine to also set the metadata on the output PDF (Title, Author, Subject, Keywords), At the minimum we need to set the PDF Properties Title = to filename and it needs to be done at the time it is generated from Autocad to PDF.
I was using these tool on a lot of images, because they often seemed to vastly improve them, making the colors pop on otherwise somewhat dull ones, and getting rid of unwanted color casts..
Later though I noticed that it is often at the cost of burning out hightlights in some areas beyond salvation.I also find shadow /highlight sometimes does this also.
Then I tried to protect some small areas with a mask before proceeding, but it seems that I can't find information on just painting a mask, but only videos with much more complex adjustment such as the Russel Crow or Lynda ones with maintaing hair detail while superimposing images, which is way beyond what I need in these cases.
If I try the wand to select and inverse I get unnatural looking divisions. Is it a matter of feathering to the right extent?
I have just moved from 7.0 to CS3 (and PC to Mac) and am currently trying to get to grips with the new features! Once which I love is the auto-align and auto-blend feature(s). My question is, is there any way to control how these features work? I have seen on some web sites people talk about 'fuzziness' sliders where you can control that if an object (pixels) appear in X% of the photos they should/shouldn't be included in the final image but I cannot find these.
My intention is to use these features to take photos of monuments and have the people who are moving about removed from the final image (I guess it's the auto-align that would do this.) I tried a test and took a number of photos at home but I kept moving one object around (a pen.) The pen appears in all the images but in a different location so it always appears in the final image. When I tried auto-align with a stack that included one image without the pen, the pen was removed from the final image. Given the first scenario (i.e. the object is in all the images but in a different location) is there any way of automatically removing it using auto-align or would this have to be a manual process? In the real world, it would be possible to take a photo of a monument with people in different locations but it would be much harder (or take a long time) to take one where at least one person was not in all the photos (there's always someone loitering.)
I'm trying to create animations to use with iBooks Author for an ebook. Unfortunately I am not a coder. Is there a way to make an animation in Edge that, when clicked, it plays a song? Or a video? I don't know how to connect Edge and Author in this way. How can I do something in Edge that references something in author?
I see how Photoshop CS3 uses the History Log for actions, but can it be set up to not only record the step but what was done in that step, i.e., a History Log entry shows "curves" but doesn't show that a "darker" preset was used in that step.
Yes, I'm probably the only person on the planet that wants this, but I liked how the Auto Tone auto adjusted the Exposure slider (ONLY!) and left all the other sliders at zero in the Lightroom 4 beta.
Is there a way to write a preset that returns that behavior?
I have created an image by combining 2 images the model and the frame (finished1), because i need this image with a clear background when I save it as a GIF the image degrades (finished2) how can i save the image with a clear background and still maintain the details of the JPG?
My printer has asked for images as follows..Final artwork must be High resolution with a transparent background
High Resolution Vector Image in the following formats All text converted to curves / outlines CorelDraw � to V13 Photoshop V6 Adobe Illustrator CS4 .eps .pdf
We have a detailed drawn image. This has been scanned at 600 dpi and put into Photoshop to enhance the image.We need to know what to do in Photoshop to meet the needs of the printer and get the best possible image for printing.
Photoshop is new to me. I like to paint locomotives for a game, but am wondering how to change the colors from blue to black and keep all the shading and door details. When I use the paint brush I can never seem to get the side panels into the correct color without losing a lot of detail.
I am a Creative Cloud member, and have downloaded all of the products and they are all up to date currently. The issue I have is, I see all these people using a new resampling setting called "Preserve Details". They go Image ------> Image Size, and then the window pops up. Now their window already looks different then mine. Mine looks like it did in CS4, theirs has an image preview inside the window, plus they have another resampling option available to them. Why doesn't my have this option?
I have tried to upload an image to show you what I mean, but I am unable to upload via my computer, and yes it is the correct size (>450 pxs wide by >500 pixels tall, 131 KB).
I downloaded some skin brushes which add more details to the skin after smoothing it..but how can I use it used to mask the blurred layer to keep some details ?
Back with photoshop after some time away and a while back i set up a few macros/batch jobs to add frames to photos and had a few set up depending on the resolution of the photo, portrait/landscape.
I know how to create them again - but obviously would rather not! so question is how do i find out what Function keys I mapped the different batches to?
I'm having trouble modelling smoothed polygon objects in non-destructive ways, meaning editing the poly model often messes up the TurboSmooth applied to it. Example pic below.
Some tips or tricks to add details to objects in a better way? I know about adding details using separate floating objects, but it doesn't look very good close up.
I don't know which version of Illustrator, there was this option where you could see all the details form objects or anchor points. But in CS4 I'm not able to find it. Some weird fuction key combi?
Is it possible to insert a .VSP project timeline details within another project timeline ? My purpose is to be able to edit the various components of an existing timeline project (titles, transitions, some photos and videos deleted or inserted,...) while intergrating it within another .VSP project. I tried the "insert a VS project" feature but it is inserted as one video in the top video/photo timeline, preventing me from modifying any of its components ?
I want to create a library of details. Many of these details are things like ADA Requirement Information and things that may or may not be in each project. So, lets say i have 100 details and 10 to 20 are used in every project, while the remainder depends on Code requirement. How should I store these? Should I make a family for every detail? Is there a way to import just a Drafting View into a project, so that I can create all of my details in 1 project file?