No matter what the image, a sample from PS or a jpeg I know works just fine, they all open solid black! I'm using PS 5, but have upgrades to 7. For years I've used PS to alter images and so on, then suddenly, all images open black!
Just today i noticed that if I zoom out (over 200%) on the blackness, I can start to see my image. If I use the hand tool to move it around, each time the image goes past the border, it starts to braek up and disappear!
Just reinstalled CS6 after a computer crash. Files open black as if there is a mask around them. Is there a setting wrong. Same file opens fine on another computer.
A client has asked a question that seems strange to me regarding rich blacks in images. They want to be able to change blacks in an image that might be 80 80 80 100 to 30 30 30 100. My thought would be that they would just change the ink limit to what the printer has recommended. They could also reduce the black value in curves, but to get their limits would look strange. Before I go back and state my opinion, I would love to hear from some printers to see if they have any other opinions. They are not trying to mix colours to put them into InDesign.
I recently had my desktop computer crash ( it is a gateway ) and had to wipe it clean and re-install everything. I have Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Design Premium. Since re-installing Creative Suite, Ps has begun having issues opening files. Ps will usually open the 'first' file as normal; however, any subsequent files that I ask it to open just open as blank screens that are either black or white. It has also begun freezing on me for no apparent reason. As I mentioned above I have a gateway desktop with a Core Intel i5 processor.
I am editig some images of furniture I have taken. All images are OK apart from green ones? When I open them in PS CS6 they are havily pixelated on screen with black. When I save the image for web, the preview that opens up, then image is fine again. It seems to be just an on screen, in PS problem.
anyone know can give me a action to convert color images to black or sepia?... i know you can use channel mixer but i can't seem to get it right...i guess i don't know much about color.
I've only just started having a problem with Photoshop. I'm running it on Mac OSX
My images will randomly take a chunk out of all layers, and the background will turn black where it was originally white. In one case all the layers on my canvas were distorted by a checker pattern of bright colours. All the images I am currently working on are in RGB mode which were hand drawn black and white images that were scanned.
I'm not sure what is going on but closing the image without saving and the closing photoshop and even restarting my computer doesn't seem to fix the problem.
There's probably a simple explanation, but if I have a file open for a long time in Photoshop the blacks will start to appear oversaturated/blocked up. If I close and reopen file it looks normal again.
I am using OS X Lion, Photoshop 5, Apple 30" Cinema display. My monitor is calibrated with a i1 Display by X-Rite and resets according to amibent light.
I am trying to paste an image into a comic I am making on GIMP. The image I am pasting is just a white face outlined in black. The background of the image before pasting (on the original site) is white (or maybe transparent). However, when I paste the image onto GIMP, the background changes to black, which envelops the black outline and ruins the picture. How can I paste this image so that the background remains white/transparent?
I recently bought new computer and installed windows 7. But now when I try to scan and import images from the internet with Paint Shop Pro the images are fouled with lots of squares of black.
Running Designer pro on Windows 7 Home Premium
I'm probably bumbling around and buggering up the export of png formatted images, but it appears something besides transparency is getting exported as backbround.
I do `Select all' then export to png.The poorly drawn green arrows were added in photoshop to show the area I'm talking about. The xara document which is apparently also getting exported in some way.At least certain other tools see a black background in that area. Not all tools have that problem with the image. For example; photoshop sees only transparency there.
But when I browse the exported *.png files with `Epson print CD', it sees black in that area as illustrated by the screen grab below.The first two images look clean as expected (I'll explain in a moment) but the third (the one that hasn't been cleaned in Photoshop) shows the black background in that area.
The first two were cleaned up in photoshop and now appear clean as expected.So to get a usable image for import into Epson's tool I must:
1) Export as PNG from Xara
2) Open with Photoshop and run thru a procedure where anything outside the outer blue ring in the image is deleted.(Even though PS only sees transparency, if I select everything from the blue ring outward and delete it, saving back to png, then Epson's tool sees transparency there)
3) Import into `Epson Print CD' and print the graphic to a printable DVD.
How can I skip the second step? That is, how can I get a clean export in step one? What is it that some tools are seeing as black background?
I do a lot of timelpase photography and use Adobe software in my post workflow. I would like to master the process of using black images to reduce the digital noise of astral timelapses taken at 3200iso. I work in a RAW workflow then output to DPX image sequesnce.
I started on a timelapse forum with a similar query. I am just wondering if there is a way to do this with Ae in the RAW workflow or something similar. Instead of using other software. Maybe a Ps batch process? URL...
When I open an image it opens in raw first. why? when I need to open an image template say from WHCC it won't show the lines (I'm guessing because of the RAW thing).
I'm using CS5.1-- just installed it. I go to File-->Open--> the image, and no window opens.
It seems the window is hidden because I see an icon in the layers pallet and the icon says it's visible... I can't click anywhere because there is no window to click in "Fit on Screen" doesn't do anything..
We just purchased an Acer laptop computer, picked it up yesterday. Hubby is going to use this strictly for working on his pictures when out of town. He didn't even plan to hook it up to the internet. It has Windows Vista Home Premium, 2G of RAM, 120G of hard drive and a CD/DVD player/recorder. I installed Photoshop CS2, Nik Sharpener, Neatimage noise remover and Huey Pro Calibrater onto the computer last night.
When I opened Photoshop & Bridge, opened a DVD of some RAW images, Bridge would not show the thumbnails and I couldn't open any in Photoshop. In Bridge all that showed was a light blue box with CR2 over it and the file name below for each image. When I tried to open one I got a "Can not complete process due to a program error" message. I did open a jpeg image into Photoshop from the ones included in my documents and had no trouble with that. I didn't acutally try to do anything with it so I'm not sure that any of the options in Photoshop actually work, although they were all active with the jpeg image.
I saw a preference somewhere in PS that told photoshop to open all images at 16.7%. You may be wondering why on earth I would want such an option, but it would come in handy sometimes when opening multiple images of the same size when there is a mix of verticals and horizontals. This way the horizontals would not completely fill the screen, making it easier to navigate through the open images when they are stacked on the screen.
I just learned how to make the background of my images transparent and am learning how to use layers. I am trying to save my pictures to picasa and photoshop so they are backed up and I can easily access them from any computer. I noticed that some of the pics are showing up all black. It's like the colors are inverted almost. I can kinda see the image in white, but mostly the whole thing is black. I noticed the same thing happened when I tried to open some of the images in paint.
I checked to see if they are all the same file type and they are not. Some are gif and some are png.
Also, some of my images won't open in windows photo gallery. They open in a blank web page. I originally go to my pictures and find them there, but when I click on them they open a page in IE instead of windows photo gallery so I can't crop them or anything.
I am trying to work on a project where I print silhouettes or simple images on vintage sheet music to use as art. I need to be able to take them to a print shop to have this done and I can't do that if the images show up black or won't open in a regular program.
I am attaching a pic that saved black like I talked about and a pic of what it is supposed to look like.
I have done a little work and created these images. The blur does not look completely right to me because I just used the free select tool and would copy the coin part of the picture out and paste it back on with a different layer and line it up as well as I could. I would really like to make it look a lot better with no blurred part of the coin in the back ground. I would also like to turn the background of the image B&W and leave the coin in color.