Photoshop :: Adding Clip/Animation

Apr 2, 2006

I made my signature for a forum but I wanted to add a little animation. For example something like this. Its a video animation. Just a little clip. I was just wondering I added it to my Signature? The clip I have is a .gif image.

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3ds Max Animation :: Label Animation As A Clip

Mar 23, 2011

i have one 3d object with some animation. i have to export this as MD2 format. statically the object is working but the animation is not working, for that i want to set the name for animation as a clip and i am going to access this object by using this name.

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VideoStudio :: X4 - Adding Sound To A Clip?

Aug 9, 2012

I am a Video studio PROx4 user. Recently, I had some old 8mm films transferred to video and now I'm editing them in Videostudio prox4.

I have a few clips where I want to add sound; HOwever, when I drag the sound clip to the Voice track or the music track, the clip remains silent. The original clip seems to have a audio track already. I can split the audio and the delete the track from the voice track, and then unmute it and re-submit the music track I want to use but it somehow doesn't do the trick.

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VideoStudio :: Adding Title To A Clip?

Aug 29, 2012

I am using VS Pro X4 for quite some time. All of a sudden today, I was not able to "add a title" to a clip. It was working fine yesterday. Whenever I clicked "T" for "add a title to a clip", it switches from "Clip" to "Project" and although the "Double click here to add a title" was shown obviously nothing happened because it was in "Project" view.

After Brian told me that it always go from Clip to Project when clicking "T" or double clicking the Title track, that seems to be normal.. After using VS since VS 9, I have not noticed that before (if something works one usually does not notice anything...).

After re-installing VS Pro X4, per instructions in "How to remove X4 manually", and reinstall it, I am still not able to add text to the clip. Clicking "T" or double clicking the Title track still gave me the "Double click here to add title " notice in the preview window, but nothing happened upon double clicking the Preview window.

Out of curiosity I also ran VS X2 ,that is also in my computer, and with X2 the same problem exists --> no text can be added to a clip.

Back to VS Pro X4, however, I am able to drag a VS pre-set Title clip (Lorem Ipsum) to the Title track and then modify the text. So, if I could not get the problem solved of adding text directly to a clip, I have to add text the long way through the preset Lorem Ipsum clips.

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Premiere Pro :: Crashes When Adding A Clip To The Sequence?

Apr 20, 2014

When i try to drag a clip into the sequence, a prompt comes up saying Adobe Premiere Pro has stopped working!
 i have a project due in a few weeks and i cant rely on windows movie maker!
I am running it on a HP Probook 450 with Windows 8.1 64 bit.

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3ds Max Animation :: Inserting Clip Within Set Of Clips In Motion Mixer

May 31, 2012

I have animated a biped with 10 bip clips in a Transition Track. I need to insert another clip inside of the set of clips. Nothing worked in trying different things in MM, and I couldn't find any tutorials that are comprehensive. Is there a way to insert a clip inside of a mix rather than only at the end?

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Maya Animation :: How To Re-open A Clip In Trax Editor

Feb 19, 2011

how you can re-open a clip in the Trax editor so you can edit the original function curves?

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Maya Animation :: Select Clips In Trax Editor To Turn Them Into Single Clip

Nov 2, 2011

I've used Trax to create a number of animation clips for a character in a video game. I can create more complex animations by arranging several of these in the Trax editor and setting blends.

What I would like to know is: can I select several scheduled clips in the Trax editor and turn those into a single clip? Like if I had two walk cycles that blend into a jump, could I select those and create a single walk-then-jump clip which would appear in the visor, and which I could then drag into the Trax editor as a single unit?

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3ds Max Animation :: Adding Bones Just Won't Work

Apr 17, 2012

So I've come across a simple roadblock, I can't seem to be able to link the bones to the mesh. The bones pretty much move as if they were separate from the rest.

As the dozens of videos I've seen, the process is usually the same: after creating the mesh, go to Helpers > CAT Objects > CAT Parent, choose a RIG(Base Human) and add it.

So I do all that and fit the rig to the character. After that, go to Modifier List, choose Skin, click Add and select Base Human bones. In the videos, that's when everyone always goes to the motion tab, add the CATMotion Layer, and the mesh and bones move together.

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3ds Max Animation :: Adding Collision To Hair Poly

Jan 21, 2014

Quick question: I was able to make a model and her hair is poly. I'm not using the hair and fur plugin. I was able to make the hair flow by using the flex modifier but I want to add collision to it. 

So when the model turns her head, tips of the hair will flow over the shoulder and not through it. I was messing around with the deflectors but I am not getting the results I want. 

Rig: Intel Core Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHZ
8gb RAM
64bit OS
GeForce 660i GTX
3DS Max 2013

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Maya Animation :: Adding Blend Shapes To Existing Rig

Jul 16, 2011

I have a rigged object and I would like to add a blend shape to this rig. Now my blend shape is not for morph animation rather it is for manipulating the original geometry. Put it this way, I modified the original object and I would like to put this new shape in place without changing my rig, or transferring weights or bones. I presume that best would be to put this before the rig deformer so that the bone deformer works on top of it? I am not sure how I should handle or approach this.

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Maya Animation :: Adding Prop Joints To HIK Characterization

Feb 24, 2012

I've been trying to feel out the pipeline for creating HIK rigs and jumping back and forth between Maya and Motion Builder. In Mobu, there is a way to add prop joints to a character's definition, but I haven't found a way to do so in Maya.

What I have done, is created the joints as necessary, and then created custom controls that the prop joints are constrained to. It's a simple parent constraint, so nothing too tricky. However, when I go to File-> Send to Motion Builder, the joints that are constrained are offset from their proper positions by a distance similar to their offset from the origin of the scene. The only way to get them back, is to turn off the effects of the parent constraints.

The controllers, and constraints transferred into Mobu fine, it seems. So I'm not sure where the discrepancy is. It would be ideal to be able to add these joints into the characterization step in Maya, to simply move them about with FK controls. What the best way to set this up would be? Is there a way to add prop definitions to a character in Maya?

While the original question remains, I found that the prop controls I had in my scene, were off from their proper positions, by the exact relative amount from the origin in the maya scene. Even though I froze transformations on the controls, coming into Mobu, they were put back on somehow. After selecting them, and setting their trans values to 0,0,0, they were put back into the correct position.

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Maya Animation :: Adding Mesh Visibility Controls To A Rig?

Feb 23, 2012

how I could go about adding visibility controls to select parts of a single skinned mesh?

I was watching Jeremy Ernst's rigging showreel [URL] and the mesh visibility controls are shown at 4:06..

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3ds Max Animation :: Mixer To Have Characters Walk Curve Without Having Clip Of Curved Walk?

Aug 6, 2013

I am animating with mocap and biped in Max. A character that is walking, the mocap I have is a straight line. Is there a way in the mixer to have the characters walk curve without having a clip of a curved walk?

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3ds Max Animation :: Automatically Moving Time Slider / Adding Keys

Apr 25, 2012

How to make so that when you move any object in scene(3ds max), your time slider is moving, for example to 3 keys and creates the keys.

If its an script option, Give me some code for example of doing something like that, using functions of slider, so i can logically came to solution in this hard stuff(will take time i guess).

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Edge Animate CC :: Adding A Play / Pause Button Into An Animation

May 15, 2013

I have an animation that runs for around 2 minutes. I want to add a button that the user can click to pause/play this animation if they want extra time to read the content on screen. I'm not sure how to tell a button to pause at the current frame and resume when clicked by the user. The button will also need to change states from a pause image to a play image when clicked and vice-versa.

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VideoStudio :: Selecting Clip Goes To Front Of Clip?

Oct 11, 2011

When I select a clip, it then goes to the start of the clip, how can I sop this happening and the clip stays in the same position when selected.

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Premiere Pro :: Turn 15 Fps Clip Into 30 Fps Clip Through Adobe?

Mar 27, 2014

Not sure if this is possible, but is there any way to turn a 15 fps clip into a 30 fps clip?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Put CFX Clip On Top Of The First Clip

Nov 22, 2012

1. I put a clip in a timeline , then i put a cfx clip on top of the first clip. Add axis clip to cfx clip, set transparancy to 100% (fully transparent) , when hit render , this cfx is still calculated.

2. if i have stack of cfx clips, the clips are solid (no matte or transparancy ). one clip is on top of the other. In the top layer , i add a axis fx and cut a very small hole. We can see even a very small hole ( that will exposed small part of the bg ) will trigger smoke to render both of the clip full frame. Actually i only will see small part of the BG so i'm expecting smoke to render only that visible pixel. How to control this ? In some case i will waste my time waiting smoke to render part that i don't need.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Extended Timeline Video Animation - How To Make Rotation Animation

Apr 19, 2013

In the timeline panel in CS6 EXTENDED, you have a video feature, where you can animate three things:

Position Style Opacity
What I would like to know, is: How can I animate rotation of a layer? I want to rotate my layer at an angle and animate it. But when I rotate, the first animation frame is also rotated, resulting in NO animation between the frames.

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Maya Animation :: Unlock The Scaling Attribute In Walk Cycle Animation File?

Feb 17, 2011

I have rigged a character and made it into a character set in which i have locked the scaling attribute , I have then saved this file. I have then referenced this file and and have done a walk cycle animation and saved this file. I have then realised that I needed the scaling attribute when I have added other parts of my scene. Is there a way to unlock the scaling attribute in my walk cycle animation file or will i have to go back and change it in the rigged file, create a new character set and do the walk cycle animation again?

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3ds Max Animation :: Remove Blues Eye Lines And Text When Creating Animation Preview?

Nov 18, 2011

How do I remove the blues eye lines and text when creating a animation preview?


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Maya Animation :: Hide Non-active Animation Layer F-curves In Graph

Apr 18, 2013

My current scene has 10 animation layers for a character, and seeing every f-curve from all layers, although grey and locked, when I only need to see the f-curves in layer I'm working on is really cluttering the graph editor. My current work around is selecting my active layer in the Layer Editor every time I select a rig control. Simple enough, but a pretty inefficient way of working. I can't seem to find a setting that allows me to just see ONLY the fcurves in the active layer. I imagine some of you out there may have hundreds of animations for a single game character.

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Maya Animation :: Setting Up A Rope For Animation Based On Control Panel

Jan 20, 2011

I'm trying to animate a moving rope based on simulation data. I know how to import my motion data for individual objects.I've seen lots of tutorials where one uses simulations or soft bodies with IK in order to create a rope. how to use all these features and I want the rope to follow my coordinates exactly. I was hoping I could do something like the following:

1. create points in Maya which correspond to my data points
2. connect the points with a curve
3. loft a circle using the curve as a path in order to make a rope
4. move the points. due to History, the rope position is updated

Is there a way to do something like this in Maya? I've tried, and it looks like ep points do not have key-able channel data, so I can't create animations for them separately. I'm using .mov data file imports to generate x, y, and z motion keys for the points.

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3ds Max Animation :: Loop Animation - Distance Of Stripes Controlled By Curve

Aug 3, 2012

i need to do a loop animation of several stripes that starts at lets say 2units distance from each other, they separate slowly and by the end they have 15units separation, my problem is that each stripe is a separate object, so i offset their keyframes, but when i want to tweak the keys on curve editor they dont apply to the other copies. Any other way to do this simpler?

quick example on the image attached, real application on the video, video shows the animation(rendered sequential images of 1 loop then applied as texture) but with linear speed, so constant separation, i need to apply the above here, these dont only move on the X axis but on the Y aswell, while keeping the symmetry fixed on the center.

[URL] ....

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3ds Max Animation :: Motion Capture - Hands Closed On Biped Animation

Nov 18, 2013

I have a list of motion capture, those mocap didn't track the fingers so the hands are always opened. In some of these mocap I need the biped hand to be closed. I've been looking for a solution for about a day now. I think I'm in the good way which is to create a biped layer animation where the hands are closed and link the hands of that layer to the original layer. so I would be able to save that layer and apply it to every mocap animation that need to be readjusted. The only problem is that I'm not sure if it's the better way and I don't know the procedure.

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Maya Animation :: Additive Layer Animation For Rapid Prototyping

Dec 11, 2010

I have an assignment for a class where part of the final project is detailing the construction of a mold for a part. The animation that I would like to do would show the build up of the part in a 3D printer layer by layer. The closest method of animating this that I can think of is unfortunately backwards.

As I would have the part and a camera facing up from the bottom of the part and would have a plane that would recede upwards in the y direction. This would reveal the part as the plane translates in the y direction.

This might be okay, but the problem is that I would like to show this from a camera on top facing down instead of a camera on bottom facing up. How I can create the look of a part being built up in this additive method?

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Maya Animation :: Expression To Automate Animation Of Wheels

Oct 10, 2012

I am trying to add an expression to the standard Mudbox car to make the wheels turn when the vehicle moves in both the X & Z dimension. I have found many scripts that let me do this in a single dimension. I have found some others that claim to work for both dimensions, but at certain angles the wheels turn in the wrong direction.

My work flow is as follows:
1 - Export car from Mudbox to Maya
2 - Separate the wheels & center pivot all items
3 - Add NurbsCurves to create a rig
4 - Parenting the elements of the car
5 - Add an expression based on this web post [URL].......
6 - Test the animation

It works great when translating the car in the Z axis, but when the car is rotated 95 degrees in the Y axis the wheel will only go backwards no matter which direction the car is moved.

I have attached an MB (Maya 2013) so you can see the

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Maya Animation :: Blendshape Animation From Motion Capture?

Mar 6, 2012

translate facial motion capturing data (basically 2d point clouds) to blendshape weights. I finished rigging my character and wanted to drive my blendshapes by the relative position of my tracking data, e.g. distance between corners of the mouth drive the "wide" blendshape and so on...

Hope YOU know a solution for this, I believe blendshapes are THE way to create realism in tracked animation but I was not able to find ANY reference to something like that. I'd like it to be customizable and not to expensive, so the imagemetrics faceware service won't do for me

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Maya Animation :: Baking Parts Of Animation Deletes Others

Apr 3, 2011

How come baking some part of animation in graph editor deletes everything before and after the part i bake and how can i bake that part while leaving the rest untouched?

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Maya Animation :: ATOM Animation Transfer Between Different Characters

Oct 23, 2012

I have a character with animation. Another character is the same(same bones, meshes), but with no animation, 100 times larger in size and I resize the head to make the head looks slimmer. They are saved in different fbx files and I imported them into mb scenes. I select the root bone and "select hierarchy", the export options is shown below. Then select in the same way in the larger character's scene, the importer options is shown below. THE PROBLEM is: after I import the atom, the character becomes shrinked to the same size as the former one and the ratio of head becomes the same as the former one too.

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