Here is the thing. I have implementes several action on Photoshop. SOme of the include several sub actions and different saving locations. For example, I open a file, then I hit my prefered key combo for that action, and I have:
1) convert to cmyk 2)save copy as JPG with 11 quality level 3) save to folder A 4) image size to 72 dpi 5) covert to RGB 6) save as JPG 6 quality level 7) save to folder B 8) close file and discard cahnges.  Everything runs like heaven, but the moment I want to batch several files everything stalls.  I choose file > Batch > Choose my set > choose my action Source > I choose where my files are (usually a PDF) then I use "Supress file open options dialogs" Destination> Since I already have set destinations y my actions, I choose here a "dump" folder On errors > I hit Save As... and put a name for that log.  Then photohop opens my PDF on Photoshop and does nothing! It keeps my file open. I ma about to work with 400 files to batch, and this batch system does not work.
i`m trying to create a repeated circle pattern using an action that i`ve created : (starting with a black circle on a white canvas)press recordduplicate layerpress ctrl Tmove pivot pointrotate circlepress enterstop recording when i press play, the action creates a new layer but no new circle is created.
There is still an issue with making new actions that include saving for web. While recording the action, save for web functions as it should. But once the action is played, regardless of the original format the saved image should be, it gives it an html filename extension. Â [URL] Â I have spoken about this bug with a friend that is a computer programmer. Considering that the action is saving the file correctly, and it's only the name that is not saving properly indicates that this is a superficial error, and not an issue that would require rewriting the code completely. Also consider that this WAS functioning properly in CS5, and that this is a very easily reproducible bug.
i am trying to build an action where the end product is a channel listing that has all the channel (R-G-B-L-C-Y-M-K (forget LAB a-b)). this will allow me to look at all the channels for contrast and subsequent extraction. i'm actually able to do this as i RECORD the action. but when i RUN the action, nothing happens.
in recording the action, i create a DUPLICATE IMAGE, then convert the new image to LAB. i then drag the "L" channel to the original image. it goes into the original image as an alpha channel which i rename to "Lightness." i then convert the duplicate image to CMYK and then one-by-one DRAG the individual channels to the original image. at the end of this process, i have all eight channels visible in the channels palette. this is what i want.
but then, when i RUN the action on a new image, the action fails to RECORD the "drag step and drop" step. the "L," "C," etc. channels are not dragged during the running of the action.
needs to overlay a grid over a photo and then save it as another file. In CS5.5 or earlier, no problem, but in CS6 it is not working for either of us.Â
The batch action (run from either Photoshop or Bridge) stops and prompts at the Save command every time no matter what format we save it in (psd, png, jpg, save for web, etc.).
I have been through the Web and the Adobe Forums and cannot find a work around for this. He cannot just hit enter everytime the popup window comes up because he has over 2700 photos to put this grid on.
In Photoshop CS5 some of the functions on 64 bit do not work, but everything seems to work on 32 bit. I have not searched for all the functions that don't work on 64 bit. I just use the 32 bit program, but I would like to know why the 64 bit program doesn't work right. I would like to be able to use it.
I keep running into a situation where I would like to be able to create an edge or a work axis at the intersection of a work plane and the surface of the part. I figured out a work around if the surface is flat, but I haven't figured out a work around for a curved surface.
How do I create work axis where work plane intersects curved surface?
Or put another way: How do I project intersection of work plane and curved surface onto the work plane in a 2D sketch?
I need to be able to draw a 2D sketch on the work plane, but get a perfectly matching projected line onto the work plane, from the curved surface, at the intersection of the curved surface and the work plane.
The attached jpg shows the intersection in question. I circled it.
All of my block updates work just fine when I use them in MEP 12, but we have a couple of drafters working in vanilla AutoCAD & for some reason the same commands/ blocks/ settings (same exact file even) that work in MEP do not work in regular ACAD.
Now they do "work" - the commands/ block insertion - but the annotative adjustment (i.e. 1/4" to 1/8" to etc) do not work until I select the block and add the desired scale to its annotative object scale list - why is this necessary? it isn't in MEP? The blocks work/ act properly annotatively once inserted and adjusted as mentioned above, but again, why? Why? Why is this necessary? All of the scale are in the block file as it resides in my block folder...?
I have downloaded a free page curl action for Photoshop CS5. Is there an easy way to run it without all the steps i.e. with one click if my image size is constant?
I was running an action on several hundred images and occasionally a notice would pop up saying 'Action Not Available', but it was still working. Anyone seen this and know why?
Last year I made X-mas cards and would put a barcode on the back for a realistic look. I used to have an action that I downloaded before that did the barcodes, but I some how lost it.
Hue/Saturation and Brightnesss/Contrast are steps in my Action. I always pause the action so that i can put in unique paramenters for each image. But before i get to the actual H/S or B/C action, a "New Layer" dialogue box pops up first. I never name the new layer so this is a wasted dialogue. is there a way to skip this step and pause only in the H/S or B/C step itself? I am trying to streamline my workflow by eliminating useless steps.
I have a photoshop file with several layers...about 100. I want to put each layers into it's own group. The name of the group must be the same as the name of the layer. Â I tried creating an action to do this but it did not work right. It only works for one layer selected individually. If I select multiple layers, then it forms nested groups. How do I create this action? I am using adobe photoshop cs6 ( I think) , windows 7.
With CS6 I can use FileImport to initiate a scan but when I create an action and try to run it, I get an error message 'The command "Import" is not currently available'. The action works fine with CS5.5.  I am using Silverfast and the old version works with CS5 & 6 while the new version of Silverfast works with neither. Looks like the problem lies with Silverfast.
Decided to download the trial version of CS6 and create some actions for myself. What I need to create is a 3d canvas wrap image as seen in the pic.I need to be able to control the following. Â 1, The size of the canvas 2, The depth of the frame 3, To have the image mirrored on the sides of the frame. 4, Shadow effect
I need to choose a color from the center of the image. Presently when I use the eyedropper, it selects a color, but when running the action on another file, it just show me the same color as when I recorded my action.
I would like it to select whatever color is situated at 50% width / 50% length of the layer. My preferences are set to percents, rulers ditto.
I've got a big beef with the new action toggling in Photoshop CS6. When an actioin is toggled 'off' this alert appears.  "This will toggle the state of all commands in this action. It is not undoable."  It is not a choice it's just a statement of fact, which I can ask not to be warned about again.  Implicit in this is that the state of the action when I turn it off may have some sub-actions on or off, however in this new version they all get turned off and then 'all' back on again. I want the action left in the state I choose it to be in at the time I disable it and be in the same state when I re-enable it.  This has wrecked my workflow, am I missing a new feature here, this seems broken to me.
I'm currently having problems with the batch feature regarding pdf files which I can't figure out. My main task is to automatically resize several (50+) pdf files in a folder, save them for web as jpg and then close the original file without saving it. I've tried to make an action for this, but I only end up getting errors or Photoshop trying to overwrite the same file all the time when saving the images. I did manage to make a successful action which worked as batch if I had all the files open in Photoshop, but that's not really what I'm after since I then have to open all the 50+ files first manually. What I would want is for Photoshop to go through all the pdf files in my source folder - resize them - save for web - close original image wihtout saving. I'm currently using Photoshop CS2 if that's any help. Is there anyone who can help? A step-by-step solution would be greatly appreciated!
I've downloaded a set of camo actions, and I forgot how to use these actions as a simple pattern. So I would be able to do like a pattern overlay over an image. I've actually figured out how to do it before, but my computer crashed, and I can't remember how I did it.
I'm trying to find a way to incorporate a brush into my action without actually having to stop and using the brush and then continue. More specifically, I would like to apply the art history to the entire image as a step within an action, but I want it to automatically be applied without me having to actually brush it.
Having problems converting about 2000 EPS files to JPGs.
First off when setting up an action to import, colour correct and save as a JPG, it keeps asking for the size and dpi - no matter how I save it, it always wants to import as 72 dpi when I need 600dpi. Is there any way around this so that it remembers that it is 600dpi that I need to save it as?
Also when using the action it keeps asking for the dpi/size - if I was to use the "Override Open" command it loses its shape and imports as RGB which I dont need as it *has* to be CYMK.
I have to retouch 80 pictures with the same black spots in a withe background and all pictures are different, but the spots are in the same place, Probably the sensor was dirty? and I know I?ll have to open them all one by one to check but is much better if some of them are all right yet...