After I import a .3ds model, then select the brush tool, the paint either seems to mirror itself on the model or paints the entire y axis. What is happening: If I dab my brush on the model a dot appears symmetrically on both sides of the model. If I use one small stroke the entire y axis on the model gets painted. However I have not found much discussion of the issue I'm having. Most of what I'm seeing says Import > Paint.I'm using Photoshop CC
When I view an image at full screen a slight ripple effect appears, I thought it was just an issue with my GPU rendering settings and the ripple goes away when I zoom in on the image.
The problem is this ripple effect is showing up on the printed image.
I haven't altered the material, at least not consciously. As you can see in the image the dark areas of the terrain have turned into this nasty black mess. The project as a whole has a long way to go, including the material used for the terrain etc
See the snapshot below. There is a point on the timeline when the screen flips around and the video continues. How to cancel this effect? How this effect might have gotten there so that I can avoid having it happen again? The screen makes a 360 degree revolution. The video consists of on image on the main track with 6 pip tracks.
I designed an image in Photoshop CS6 and brought it in After Effects I wanted to add rain then following CC drizzle effect so that the image I designed looks like the drizzle is hitting the character shoulders and arm area.
As I add the drizzle effect I have some areas around the charcter that the drizzle is also hitting how do I remove the unwanted drizzle effect areas ?I tried eraser tool but that did not work unless Im doing that wrong.
The last thing I'm having touble with, how do I get my audio sound effect ( rain sound ) to play at the same time as the rain fall effect and drizzle effect all at the same time?
When adding a grain pattern effect to an object in Illustrator CS6 I get an odd bevel that surrounds the object. There is nothing in the Appearance window to suggest that there should be a bevel and I didn't add it myself.
Is there some setting I am missing or an easy way to remove the effect? For now I am masking the object with a slightly smaller object but it's starting to drastically increase the size of my file.
Is there a way to defringe the pixels like I've seen in photoshop? (only know this because I was googling how to do this on, and came across this)
So is there a plugin or advanced way to do this that doesn't include me clicking magic wand 5 million times?
I downloaded and installed Service Pack 2 for X4 some time ago. It created havoc with my highly customized workspace and I reverted to the System Restore point set before installing SP2. So, no SP2 on my system.
Corel Guide>Settings>Messages, both messages UN-ticked.
Clicked on Check for updates using the Corel Guide and also under Help>Check for updates, to see what happens.
Nothing happens, they just stop running I then close X4 and (quite a while later, usually when doing something else) a screen appears "An important update is available for PSPX4 Download update now!
What is the easiest and quickest way to remove this section or blur it with the background? I've tried using the dropper to select the background colour nearby and then using the paint brush to cover it up but my "fix up" seems to stand out just as much as the blutac did in the original...
I am using a Nikon D7000 and shooting in RAW format. Recently, I took some time exposures of Niagara Falls at night, to capture the colors and the lighting on the falls.
When I view the files in the media tray, everything looks alright. However, if I select a photograph to look at more closely, , some sort of automatic brightness adjustment is taking place which brightens my foreground and washes out the color on the main part of my image. This process changes the histogram of the photo. When I move to Express Lab or Full Editor and choose "Smart Photo Fix", and reset various settings to "Original", it doesn't bring the photo back to its original appearance, so clearly there are other settings that have been automatically adjusted as well.
I've looked into the Preferences menus, but can't find anything that will turn off this automatic adjustment process.
I can open PSP X4 and edit and process images as desired. My workspace opens to Edit, as I've located that menu selection. I do not have any saved workspace configurations/files. Based on what I've read in the few hundred messages so far, I'd like to avoid a full reset of the program defaults, but if that's the only option, so it goes.
What is happening is that in as-yet undetermined situations, I get an automatic load of an old image. I've been able to recognize that the image that happens to load is the first one in the tray on the Manage tab. I don't use the Manage tab at all and only ventured over there as part of the preliminary diagnostic process to posting this message. Once I discovered that, I renamed the image in the tray and the sequence repeated with the next image in the tray, which repositioned itself to the first location.
I can "force" an auto-load in the edit window simply by starting with an empty edit window, clicking on the Manage tab and then back to the edit window. The first image in the tray magically appears. This magic also happens when I've closed another image that's been loaded. Of course, now that I'm posting this, I can't make it happen other than in the manner described above.
I'd like to have it so when I close the image in the edit window that I'm left with a blank edit window on a consistent basis. If I can determine how the image auto-loads in a manner different than described above, I'll add it here.
I am trying to remove two people from the background of this old B&W photo of my Grandpa and Great Uncle. how to get them out and keep the photo looking realistic? I don't mind changing the background, I just can't figure out and easy way to get this done, aside from zooming in really close, cutting them out, and pasting them on another background. I just don't know how realistic this will look.
i'm using my corelphoto paint x3 for a year now and it is working fyn then on one occassion i don't know but while editing an image, i suddenly discovered that my effect tools, paint tools, clone tools wont work or wont make changes on the image i'm editing... i've already checked the menus and settings but still no work..i also tried reinstalling the program but still it's all the same..
There's a certain movie poster for Pink Floyd: The Wall. Here's that iconic image:I want an image of mine to look like the paint splatters like that. Attached is the regular image.
I need to try and create a swish that looks like it was done with a pointed paintbrush. So it looks like the brush was pushed down at the start of the swish but towards the end the brush was lifted so the swish tapers out to a point.
In the image i have attached below, there is kind of a splattered paint effect in the background to the left, which is all very random with lines and different textures and stuff.
I'm new to this forum but I figured it would be the best place for some help.. there is one effect i love and was wondering how to do it for awhile but no luck.. which is the spilled paint/spraypaint effect. Any advice would help a lot -- I'm trying to create a paint effect to use as a background for an object like the turkuaz image.
Applying the Oil Paint filter (CS6 Windows 7), I get a "halo" effect around certain common objects. Quite a few halos appear and they are not very natural looking. Click on image to get a better look.
Check out this video I put together for this question,
As you can see I'm just playing around w/ the effect/amounts etc.
I had to manually apply this effect at every frame in the Photoshop's Timeline, which takes a to long... I would love to do it to whole clips. What's the best workflow for that?
A way I tried w little success before was to split the clip into individual frames, (forget how to do that) & then apply a batch command to all the pics, I remember trying this method & it not working w/ Oil Paint effect.
making a spray paint/stencil look on one of my photos,
I want to have the spray paint look messy with the spray paint overlapping the edge of the stencil, and I want to have add some paint drool to make it look realistic.
using mac OS 10.6.8 with CS5 Xtnd: I don't get it! When I first began using this app (and I've spent much time swearing at it with no result) and until recently and in either normal or full size mode showing xhairs and whether I use as paint or erase the effect is always considerably less than the diameter of the tip.
What is with this? I require a tip that goes right to the edge of what is supposed to be the tip...
I want to add a 3d effect to a drawing. I have attached a picture with the desired effect on a drawing -- look at the pants, it has like a square shadow. I want to know how to apply the same shadow/3D effect on my drawings.