I want to prepare mutliple images for press release, that include a small border wtih copyright information. Simply every photo i work on must be submitted with a small border and the same text indicating copyright on all of them.
I import from light room and use a batch action to create the border. Thats simple enough, is it possilbe to create an action or script so that can i drop in a text layer into each of the images without a manually copying the layer text and pasting it into each file ... one at a time .
I usually import several image frames using the 'Open as layers' command. However, I notice that my layer are always ordered in the reverse manner. For instance, when I import 700 images as layers, image number 700 is assigned as layer 1 and image number 1 is assigned as layer 700. Is there a way for me to completely reverse this layer ordering?
But Im trying to watermark my still pictures of a gif i created, and whenever I add text to one image, I dont know how to make the text "bleed through" to the other images so I wont have to replace them in the same place ect. it always looks sloppy and out of place whenever I re-type the text into a different image.
Imagine a layer containing 10 squares, each square is isolated (none are touching). I need a quick way to put each of those squares on its own layer. Is there something already built in, or any plugin or action?
I have a series of pics (approx 80) that I'd like to load into Elements, with each photo going into a single layer. I google'd a series of old posts where somebody used a "script", but the links are no longer working and that trails is dead.
Hi, I am starting a new business making art prints for artists. I have purchased this huge printer ... just got it. I've been studying photoshop for months using "classroom in a book" and am finding out that I've probably studied the wrong thing.
I have three questions and thanks in advance for any of your expertise.
1. I successfully printed out a two foot by two foot photo I took of my husband with my 8.2 megapixel camera. Then, tried to print out another photo.... used the same photoshop settings, but the print was 6 inches by 6 inches...... I did notice that the second print was only 16. %... I wondered if that caused the difference in size? How do I set that to 100 % if that is what is needed?
2. I want to print out multiple small prints using this big paper and printer... I want to tile these various prints (all different) along the top making rows... I want them to be all different. I called Epson support and they said I could do that in photoshop. Do I use the browser?
3. I have a wide format scanner. It does up to 11 x 17 inches. If I have something larger to scan, let's say, I scan the bottom of the image and then scan the top of the image, how do I put them together?
I've been having problems selecting images in the library module when multiple images are in view (not down in the timeline, but in the main window). It seems sporadic with which ones it won't let me select, it somehow manages to be the ones that I need to click....!! I just literally can't click it as if it were an image I already imported or something, but it's not grayed out like that. I've been having to select a nearby image then use my arrow keys to navigate to and click the image I need.
In Lightroom 4.1 when rating (flags, stars or colors) a selected group of images all images selected will have the same flag applied. For instance if I select 10 images to view in the survey mode to compare and select 1 to be flagged as rejected all 10 will be flagged rejected, not just the one. Is there a way to turn this off to select a group of images and flag each differently?
let's say I have a page with 6 images and 6 captions. is there anyway to crop out more than one at a time and save them? Currently I have to crop out all but one, then save that one, then reload the image and crop out another one and save etc over and over. is there a better way?
I would like to make a composite image with source images making up the various layers (so I can work my magic on each layer indepent of the others). The problem I have is that not all of the images I'm using are to the right scale. What I want to do is resize those layers that are too big. Here's an example...
Let's say I have 5 pictures that I want to use to make one composite image from. The main background layer will be made from an image that is, say 800x600.
Another picture (let's call this subject 1) is 600x600 and is already at the right scale if I cut out the portion I want to keep and lay it on top of the background layer.
Yet another picture (subject 2) is huge (think 2000x2000). I would like to cut out the portion I would like to use and drop it in as a new layer and then obviously re-size it down to the correct scale. I'd prefer to do this directly in the composite image I'm making on its own layer to ensure I get the size right (and without manipulating the image guess-work style before I cut/paste it in).And so on...
I've found ways to make the canvas bigger (not what I want to do)... but not anything on how to resize the images on individual layers without impacting the other layers. Is there a way to do this?
I've been using Photoshop to create a series of web pages. I have about 20 such pages right now.Unfortunately, I need to change the navigation menu that is found on all 20 pages.
To make these changes, do I need to change 20 different files? Or is there a way to link one layer group to multiple PSD files so that editing it once results in it changing on all 20 pages?
I am creating shadows for a large file, so my opacity is set to 50%. When I copy and paste shadows (such as or multiple windows to save time) they paste back at 100%. I have to constantly flip layers and change, and its very tedious. Plus, when I get to the point of flattening them all, if they are not all at 100% then whatever opacity they are at BECOMES 100%, so I cant change it again later.
I would like to know if someone can please show me how to use multiple layer masks in an image? For example..I would like to do a curves adjustment layer and also only add contrast to a certain part of the image.
I have 5 images [in PSCS2] I want to subtly blend. I dont have the skills [yet] to get it right. I know how to make a layer mask, the eraser, how to use the lasso with feathering etc but I just cant get it right. What i want is to have one image dissolve [progressive transparency] into the next, not just a bland erasing of the sections, which is all i seem to be able to do.
I've attached 2 frames - one with the original images unprocessed and my attempt at merging in frame 2. I'm nothappy with it. I want some of the images to be moved closer together and have much more partial transparency smoothly merging these images....
I want to know how to add multiple images into one file/one image, both horizontally and/or vertically. Check out : [URL] .........
If you scroll down, you'll see a heading entitled : Screenshots of Comic Story. Notice how there's 3 pictures (divided by borders). 2 of those pictures are side by side, and 1 of them is below the first 2 pictures.
I want to know how to add different pictures/images and put them into one picture.
what im trying to do is open multiple images in Photoshop cs3 and then blend the images together. But the problem that i am facing is that i can only open one image at a time.
I have about 200 PNG's that I need to slice exactly the same way. I know how to slice one image. I'd like to automate slicing all 200 with the same slice positions, sizes and settings.
This is not for web design but rather for iOS game development where I need to cut-up a sequence of images representing an animated sequence into the individual pieces that need to be animated.
For my work, I use a microscope that scans a slide to take an image. It takes around 20 photos and creates a single image, but each one is still clearly visible as an individual image within the overall one, due to shadowing etc. and imperfect alignment of the images. Is there a way to correct this across the whole image, at least to remove the shadowing if not the alignment?
When I scan images for my work I usually scan around 20 and they come out being approximately 25 megs each and at a huge resolution. It takes me a while to format everyone of them at a height of 768 and a visual quality of 3 (while saving). Is there a way to apply this formatting to all the images at once?
I can open an image just fine in Photoshop CS3 by going file-open and clicking on the file, I then want to bring in another image into Photoshop CS3 by using file-open which I can do but then the first image disappears and only the second image is in Photoshop.
I've got all these huge size images taken with a digital camera that I want to shrink down to 640x480 or so for upload to my galleries at pbase.com. I'd hate to do them one by one.