Paint.NET :: Plugin Allows For Creating Right Angle Flows Lines With Arrow Tips?

Jun 5, 2013

Is there a plugin that allows for creating right-angle flows...lines with arrow tips?

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Paint.NET :: Creating Text At An Angle

Jan 24, 2012

Is it possible to create text that lies at an angle other than the horizontal? I have seen plugins with neat tricks like circles and spirals, but what I need is only to write text at an angle but otherwise in the same plane. So "hello" in a straight line, but 45 degrees from true. I've looked at rotational tools, and all I can find are horizontal/vertical flips, which are not the answer.

If there is a command that I'm missing, or a plugin that would allow a text (or anything else) to be rotated along a non-90 degree axis, that would be great.

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Paint.NET :: Creating Chrome - Which Plugin(s)?

Dec 10, 2011

I have watched a tutorial video about creating "Text Chrome" on youtube. I need to create a 128 x 128 flat surface chrome, high gloss texture.

I want to put this texture in my CAD program as a bmp. Is there a particular plug in I need to do this? Using version 3.5.10 and XP.In the said video, some commands were shown that I do not currently have.

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Paint.NET :: Plugin That Adds A Tool To Slowly Slim Lines As Draw

Jul 19, 2013

I have been looking for a plugin that adds a tool to slowly slim lines as you draw. For example, as you draw a line, the line starts off thick, but as you draw the line it gets thinner.

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Xara :: Light Angle Direction Arrow To Drag Around To See Different Effects From Different Angles

Oct 31, 2012

I'm using DP7, and working on a logo with 3 different shapes. They all have bevels applied to them (applied at different times and angles). I like having the light angle direction arrow to drag around to see the different effects from different angles but the arrow isn't always visible. What do I need to do to keep it visible, or make it visible? If I hit Ctl+B or Ctl+F the arrow will appear but the selected object will also move to the front or back at the same time. I've tried selecting the object first, then the bevel icon, and sometimes that works and sometimes not, although the outer bevel arrows will be visible. Even when the rotation arrow isn't visible I can change the light angle with the slider but I would prefer the rotational arrow instead.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Plotting Lines Using Compass Direction For Lines Angle

Apr 25, 2012

i am doing a simple project making a survey plot for a piece of land that will be broken into subdivision. all measurements are of my starting point. after plotting the starting point i try to draw line that is 113 feet long and at a bearing of N 5d W i have no problem entering this data but when i hit enter it draws a straight line. now i know 5 degrees is much of an angle so i thought maybe it just looked straight and tried to plot the next point which was 542 feet from the last point at a bearing of N 39d E but once again after i put the info in and hit enter or space it would plot a line of the proper length but vertical, not the proper angle i need it at. here is how i would put in the info:

first i choose the lne command and choose my "beginning point" as that starting point for my line then i type 113<N 5d W for the length and direction and hit enter. when i do this it plots a vertical line of the proper length but wrong angle. what am i doing wrong? i have ortho set to off and idk what else to mess with

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Photoshop :: Line Tool Always Creating Arrow?

Jan 27, 2008

Im trying to use my "line" tool and every time, its creating an arrow!

I cant get it back to a regular line for the life of me, and im about to throw my monitor out the window.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: View Arrow Instead Of Section Lines

May 30, 2012

inventor 2012. for instance for a aux. view if it is not in-line with the parent view it puts a section line. is there a way to have a single view arrow?

win 7 64 bit sp1
cpu intel xeon E5-2687W0@3.106
eight core
two solid state hard drives
32 gig of ram
Autodesk product design
suite premuim 2014 64bit
Nvida quadro 4000
Space Pilot ver. 1.6.2 2010
slphantom (NNTP handle: scottl)

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AutoCad 2D :: Add Directional Arrow To Middle Of Dimension Lines?

Mar 26, 2013

I'm drawing a setting-out plan for landscape construction purposes and need the dimensions to have an arrow in the middle of the dimension line to indicate to the contractor the route to follow around site.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Angle Between Two Lines?

Aug 10, 2011

II am looking for two things...

1) A good explanation of Vector3d.  I have been unable to find a good explanation in the ARX documentation or on the online .Net developers guide.

2) Need getting the angle between two lines.  The lines in question are in an orientaion similar to the greater than operator ( > ).  I have attempted to use the Vector3d.GetAngleTo method to get the angle, but I do not understand it enough to be successful!

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AutoCad 2D :: Measure Angle Between Two Lines?

Jul 7, 2012

Several people recommended DIMANGULAR. I have some concerns using this method because it is dependent on the precision of angular units in the drawings DIMSTYLE settings. For example, if a drawing file's DIMSTYLE has a precision set to the nearest whole decimal degree or only shows degrees and minutes but not seconds then the angle may appear at a certain angle, let's say perpendicular at 90 degrees. But in reality the angle might be slightly less than 90 degrees, if its off by a few seconds.

I learned an alternative way by selecting both lines and typing the LIST command. The Angle in XY Plane will show the measurement for each segment in bearings, not azimuths. I simply find the difference between the Angles in XY Planes for both lines to determine the angle. I have a few concerns with this method.

1. How do you add subtract bearings measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds? For example, N 76d3'18" W and N 13d56'42"E? I "think" there are websites that can do this? Can this be done directly in AutoCAD through QuickCalc or some other tool?

2. Lines, but not polylines, have Angles in XY Planes in the LIST command. Is this because AutoCAD assumes that polylines will be composed of more than one segment (and each segment with a possible different angle)? Is there anyway to measure the angle of a single one-segment polyline?

Is there a DIFFERENT way between the two methods I just described to measure the angle between two lines (and two polylines) in AutoCAD?

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AutoCad :: Edit Angle Between Two Lines

Jun 10, 2013

I'm really new to AutoCAD and I'm basically trying to learn it by drawing simple things. My question is this: how do I change the angle that is between two meeting lines?

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AutoCad :: Determining Angle Between Two Lines

Mar 24, 2009

I wish to determine the angle between two lines (that meet). I know how to do this manually, although does AutoCAD have a built in command similar the DI command maybe, or a LISP?

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Illustrator :: Measure Angle Between 2 Lines

Oct 28, 2012

How to acurately measure the angle between 2 lines (or defined by 3 points) in illustrator?

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AutoCad :: Creating A Tube With 45 Degree Angle

Jan 3, 2012

I'm trying to draw the following bench in Autocad but I'm getting bogged down trying to figure out how to create the following tube with an angle on it and how to achieve different shapes at the top of tube.

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GIMP :: Add Angle Measure Lines To Image

Feb 6, 2013

I use it to measure angles of micrographs (images taken with a microscope) --- the angle measure tool is great, and easy to use! I would like to be able to save the angle measure "rulers" into the image, for documentation purposes. Is there a way to incorporate the angle "ruler" in a layer or overlay in the image so that I can save a new file with the ruler "burned in" (for lack of a better term).

I will also be adding the text of the resulting angle measurement --- it would be cool if the result of the angle measure could be automatically added as text to the image (preferably in a different layer than the original image). I can type it the result with the text tool.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Creating (arrow) Block With Two Points For Positioning And Orientation

Jul 13, 2013

I'm trying to create a model of arrow with which I could place in drawing in any length and orientation I want with lisp. I was imaging to place two point on this arrow and by placing the two points on my drawing, the length and orientation of the arrow would be define.

I'm trying for hours to create it and my grip for polar stretching don't stay still on my arrow (suppose to be on the peak but go far if I stretch it).

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Maximum Angle Between Adjacent TIN Lines

Sep 12, 2012

I am trying out this option, and am noticing that whenever I close and reopen the drawing with a surface that uses this option, it resets my maximum angle from whatever I have it set to, to 90 degrees. Am I missing some setting that defaults the max angle to 90 degrees on drawing open? Or is something else going on here?

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AutoCAD LT :: Fillet Round Angle - Lines Are Non Coplanar

May 30, 2012

I want to "Fillet" a round angle. If I set the radius and then click the 2 lines then Autocad comes with the message: "Lines are non Coplanar" This problem just started in a drawing i was working in ( 50% were already done by Fillet perfectly ) , I draw only 2D.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Available For Angle Between Two Lines?

Nov 28, 2011

i know DIMANGULAR command will let me draw a dimension to display the angle between two lines, but is there a way for my commandbar to show me what the angle is rather than draw a dimension?

I often want to simply know the angle but not display it in the drawing, and it'd be good if there was a command/lisp which showed me in the command line area, or perhaps a pop up window, similar to what the TLEN lisp does here: URL....

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Calculate Angle Between Two Lines

Apr 10, 2002

I have about 30 profiles with water pipe lines that I need to measure all their vertical angles. since the vetical scale is exaggerated so I can't use the acad angular icon tool bar. Only thing I cant think of is to block each run then import them back in at 1/10 in y direction. How to get this done faster or more direct by any other methods.

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AutoCad :: Unable To Print And Dimension Lines With Angle Reference

May 11, 2011

For some strange reason I can not print and dimension lines with an angle reference. I get the error "Cannot find or create the font AerialMT".

However, I have this font on my machine. Triple checked and installed it again.

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AutoCad :: Angle To Put A Line Of Specific Length Between Parallel Lines

Jun 23, 2012

I am drawing a diagram to describe a mathematical word problem. Since it is easier to visualize with a drawing, I want to draw it using the given dimensions. But angles used in the diagram are unknown and are not needed for the answer to be calculated, so the only way to draw this freehand is to guess at the angle resulting in the correct distances to be off.

Here is the word problem: There are two ladders, one 40 feet and the other 30 feet, each touching the base of one of two buildings and leaning against the other building. If the ladders cross 10 feet above the ground, how far apart are the buildings?

So for my drawing, being rather simple considering what AutoCAD can do, results in this:

Can AutoCAD calculate the angle needed to place a line of a given length between two parallel lines that are a distance apart less than the length of the line to place between them, having the endpoints of this line touching the parallel lines, fitting exactly?

For the word problem, the distance between the two parallel lines is what needs to be solved and the math is quite invloved, having to find the roots or solution of a quartic equation. (I have the solution figured out to be 26.03287754 feet)

What I am afraid of is that this would require to program an AutoLISP routine to create a new command that one can call from the command line. I see it using the the measure command with relative and absolute co-ordinates. This may be far from a "beginner" question. I can do this quite easily on a peice of paper: having two parallel lines drawn, take a ruler and placing the "0" mark on one line, then adjusting the angle until the desired length just reaches the opposite parallel line. I used to use this trick quite often when drafting with pencil and paper to divide a distance into a required number of even amounts, so this can't be that difficult to do with AutoCAD!

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Paint.NET :: Scrolling Using Arrow Keys?

Jul 12, 2012

Is there a way to scroll using arrow keys (or any other keys) because it drives me crazy when Im zoomed in to a picture to edit some small detail and i go to use the arow keys to scroll to another spot and I end up moving my mouse across the screen. It is also tiresome that i have to keep going over to the scroll bar to get to see a different part of my image.

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Illustrator :: Drawing Brush Stroke Lines With Tapered Ends At Any Angle

Jan 31, 2013

I'm trying to match the style of an illustration done by someone outside my company; all the lines taper at both  the ends like an actual brush stroke, but when I used the brush tools I have to change the angle to get the tapered look - is there a trick to this? It's not efficient to have to stop and change the angle of the tool for every stroke -

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: When Creating DBlock - What Does Angle Represent In Rotation Parameter

Jan 9, 2013

Just exactly what does "Angle" represent when placing a "Rotation Parameter" in a DBlock?

I've tried a bunch of diff angles and haven't noticed a difference.  I'm trying to figure out just what effect diff values would have.  I thought that maybe when rotating the block instance, I'd only be able rotate it "so far" (270 degrees in the example I've shown).  But it still went well beyond that.

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AutoCAD LT :: AV Flows To Conduit Risers?

Feb 6, 2013

I work for an A/V company. We use AutoCAD LT 2013. We are looking for a program or a computer script to check our A/V Flow Diagrams and Conduit Riser to make sure that all cables are accounted for.

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Paint Shop Pro :: No Arrow Shows Next To Picture Tube

Dec 25, 2013

I have a problem where no arrow shows next to the picture tube. I went to the PSP folder and they are there in folder 10. How do I get them into the program so the arrow shows up and I can add the picture tube I want to my picture. I am running Windows 7 home premium. x64

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Photoshop :: Adaptive Wide Angle Causing Wavy Lines Even Though Marked As Straight And Vertical

May 24, 2012

I have the beta installed but I also installed the trial of CS6 on another computer.. Both do the exact same thing with the Adaptive Wide Angle filters. I set a line as straight, mark as vertical (2 lines really) and then process.  The lines that are vertical come out wavy... best way to describe it..
I add the 2 control lines to the very outside most windows where the windows meet the brick... This is a closeup of the output...   I don't know when straight lines became waveforms.. but they do with this filter!

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Hydraflow Extension - No Flows

Nov 7, 2013

New user for civil 3d and the hydraflow extension for civil 3d.  I have my pipe network created, all the correct catchments are attached to the correct basin/inlet.  i have opened my network in hydraflow and am ready to run it.   when I click run it says no flow.   Now I know there is another step i need to set my flow wth TOC, I've inputted that, i am using the standard idf curve hydraflow, i have the areas with their coefficients, however it is not calculating my flow rather it is telling me no flow is inputted for certain lines i.e. the ones with MH connections and no inlets. 

I have attached my .stm file to this thread, i changed the extension so it would post, just delete the .doc from the extension and it should work in your hydraflow.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Why Doesn't Arrow Leader Disappear When Flip Arrow Direction To Inside

Dec 11, 2012

why doesn't the arrow leader disappear when I flip my arrow direction to the inside..

see image

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