I want to create a spray paint brush that has the same effect that you get from a spray can within Photoshop. I messed around with various brush effects with the airbrush option enabled, but I cant seem to get a real spray can effect. Another problem that I see is that I don't get enough dispersion, what mean by that is if I have a 50px brush, the maximum dispersion I get is 50px, so I never get a true spray paint effect.
It does it every 4-6 times which is really really often since you brush about 10 times every 3 seconds or so when digital painting especially when shading, lighting, blending, etc with brushing.
Why does it do this? I cant recall when it started doing this but I think it was either when I updated from CS4 to CS6 or maybe it just randomly kicked in. I already updated my drivers and re-installed my tablet.
I am familiar with the operation of the clone tool in previous versions of Photoshop.... However after upgrading to CS6 I am having a problem with the functionality of the clone tool.
Basically when using the clone tool when its set to 100% opacity & flow, it looks as though the clone tool is only set to 50% opacity.I am using the default configuration that came with the program.
My previous version was CS3... clone tool worked perfectly there...why the same tool doesnt perform the same way with the same apparent settings.
In past versions of Photoshop, when using the Clone Stamp, you could change the opacity by hitting the 1 through 0 keys. This shortcut still works with other brush tools - Brush, Spot Healing, etc. But now, when using it with the Clone Stamp it changes the Flow and not the Opacity.
When I was testing out the different features on Photoshop I came across on that was like spray paint, but it allowed me to use set patterns vice regular colors. I can't remember how I did it, but I was wondering if it's possibile to do the same thing...when I find it again...but with a picture I had taken instead of what they give.
making a spray paint/stencil look on one of my photos,
I want to have the spray paint look messy with the spray paint overlapping the edge of the stencil, and I want to have add some paint drool to make it look realistic.
Is there a way to use some of the pre-loaded brushes from Paint in Draw?
My list of pre-loaded brushes in DRAW is much shorter than the list in Paint. I'm specifically hoping to be able to use this brush in my Artistic Media in DRAW. Or do I need to create a new brush in DRAW? I would prefer not to have to work in Paint at all.
I just need a spray can that just sprays dots in DRAW (instead of the clipart type images that are part of the default).
First, I will outline what happens when I open a picture.
1) I open a .raw image with Photoshop. The image appears in the raw plugin. I make adjustments.
2) I click 'Open Image'.
3) Then the image is displayed in Photoshop but the colors are washed out.
Here is my question: I have my color settings the way I want them in Photoshop. They are set for web development. I have color management turned off. The way I see a picture is essentially the same as having color proofing always turned on. How can I sync the raw plugin with my setup? I want the preview in the raw plugin to be what I see when I click 'Open Image'.
I know those colors are possible for a web image because if I take a screenshot of the preview showed in the raw plugin and open it in photoshop it looks exactly the way I want it to. How can I teach photoshop to not change the picture? Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.
i'm using my corelphoto paint x3 for a year now and it is working fyn then on one occassion i don't know but while editing an image, i suddenly discovered that my effect tools, paint tools, clone tools wont work or wont make changes on the image i'm editing... i've already checked the menus and settings but still no work..i also tried reinstalling the program but still it's all the same..
I recently had a computer virus. The hard drive was scrubbed, and we had to reinstall all our programs.
Now, on my CorelDraw X3 graphics suite, the photo paint program is only partially functional. The clone and paint tools do not work anymore. I have uninstalled and reinstalled a couple of times, rebooted the computer, but no progress. We have Windows XP, the same as before.
Sometimes when I am cloning a portion of a single layer, I want to make the copied pixels less opaque. How to I set the clone stamp to make the material I am copying more transparent.?
If I select Layers\Import from File... to import a new image into my current project, then anchor the cloning brush (in the newly imported), then select a location from the existing image...I can successfully clone.
I'm trying to figure out how soften or reduce the opacity of just the brush. In other words, what I'm cloning comes out way to strong. In some other packages, I'm able to set the opacity of the brush to soften what I'm copying.
Newbie looking for tutorial to reduce opacity of selection area. I'm looking to create something similar to the white area behind the text in the attached image.
So, as it says; I'm unable to preserve the apperance of my image as the Layers get Merged.
I have an Object which I intend to slap onto a background, I want the Object to be Faded from one side to the other with 1/4 Solid to the Left and the remaing 3/4 fading out to about 120-140 Opacity in the furthest Right Part.
I've failed to achive this when I use the Rectangle Selction to; select, copy, delete, make new layer, paste.
Repeating that process across the the 3/4 and then changing the Opacity Value of each layer in order to create a Fade effect.
Now here's the issue, when I try to merge the Layers the individual "Strips" change their Opacity Value as the Merge with the other Layers.
I want to Preserve the Appperance the Image have before the Layers are Merged.
I've tired switching Blend Modes but wihtout Success.
I've also tried to without seperating the Image into "Strips" in Layers, using the Gradient to cause a Fade, however it ends up fading all of the Image to some degree (and not just the 3/4), additionally I can't control the exact Opacity Value of the Fade.
A problem has developed in my photoshop CS 6 64 bit on windows 7. I can't paint at full opacity in a layer mask. It is like an 75 % opacity brush. I have gone back to the default brushes soit is not the particular bursh. My brush settings are all at 100%, mask density is 100% , the blend mode is normal,-can't think of where else to look for the solution.The brush works just fine when I am not in a layer mask.I updated the graphic card driver and also the wacom intuos driver. It has to be somewhere in photoshop CS6 as when I go into my older version photoshop, cs5, the mask opacity works works at 100 % opacity.
Windows Vista Home Premium, 2GB RAM, 200GB free HDD space, HP Laptop Adobe Photoshop CS3 (with/without 10.0.1 patch) Epson Stylus Pro 4800 via TCP/IP connection
I am still having the following three problems:
1. When holding down the shift key and clicking near the edge of the screen with a paint/clone/repair brush, the screen jumps to another area of the image (light years away it seems) - PS7 and CS2 moved a fraction of an inch in comparison.
2. When printing to the Epson Stylus Pro 4800, no matter how many copies I indicate that I want, I'll inevitably get more...sometimes many more. From my other PC, a dual P3 with 4GB of RAM running Win2KPro and PSCS2, this does not happen (using same file).
3. If I close a file that is showing full-window (not necessarily full-screen), and another image is still waiting to be worked on in the background, the full-window image does not change when the file closes, but the navigator version of the image changes to the next image waiting in the background. I have to resize the window to force a rewrite of the screen with the correct image.
often while using the clone tool some of what I am trying to remove is placed just above where I am working....is there an alingment that needs to be done?
I just downloaded the trial version of paintshop pro x4. It worked for a while but the opacity sliders were extremely slow to respond. I thought this was my main problem but now every time I open the program it takes me to the register screen. When I register the screen goes white and nothing happens. If I close it the whole program closes. I have three emails confirm me for registering so I don't know why the screen pops up anymore... I was very happy to have more 16bit capabilities.
PaintShop Pro X4 SP1 I've had this happen a few times before, but now it's beyond a joke, in that any time now I attempt to use the Clone tool, an empty script error message presents, and PSP is either frozen dead or just vanishes from the screen.
Win XP Event Viewer reports: Faulting application corel paintshop pro.exe, version, faulting module corecmd.dll, version, fault address 0x0000dd54.
FWIW. PSP X2U on the same machine works its clone tool okay.
Ah well! back to a JASC version of PSP 9 that does actually work for more than part time use.
i have photoshop cs3 running on windows xp. the delete, clone and paint tools do not work on any layer. (other tools do work. susch as red eye removal) . the layers are not locked. i have used these tools on many many occasions. they just stopped working. i have tried: resetting the tool preferences to their defaults, restarted my computer, restarted photoshop. i hope to avoided having to re-install cs3.
I tried searching things like "semi-transparency" and "clone stamp", but was unable to turn up any search results relevant.
Essentially, the problem is that I have a semi-transparent image, and I need to clone some of that image and graft it onto the same image. Unfortunately, when I use the clone stamp, it doesn't seem to properly copy the transparency.
Here is the image in question: [URL] ...........
(Actually, this isn't the REAL image in question - the real image is actually a .dds file, a texture - an inventory screen in particular - for a game I'm trying to edit. Not sure if that makes a difference.)
As you can see, (most of) the (insides of the) boxes are semi-transparent. What I'm trying to do is somewhat extend the very bottom left box to be exactly 33% wider, and also somewhat extend the very bottom right box, (how much, haven't figured out). Those are where items would normally be located, but unfortunately, they are sometimes not big enough for a particular item or particular amount of items that I'm trying to fit in them and they both need to be a little bit longer. However, I am no artist. What I thought I'd try to do was use the clone stamp on them to simply extend them, (and cover up any obvious duplication). But when I attempt to use the clone stamp, all the transparency goes away and I'm left with solid colors, which is not good. I tried using Photoshop to do this, but Photoshop has no official support for texture files and the available plugin for them does not handle transparency correctly and screws up the entire thing as well, even if it looks correct while editing it. I also tried using GIMP, but GIMP doesn't...do something correctly, (what's wrong, I can't remember - doesn't matter). Paint.net displays exactly what you see in game, but unfortunately I can't figure out how to use the proper tools to actually edit it to my needs.
I've been using Paint.NET. I've installed a plugin or two, and I'm very happy with the results I'm getting. But one problem is bugging me, and I can't seem to figure out how/if Paint.NET has a way to meet this need.
I want to be able to use the clone stamp tool with a soft edge rather than a sharp dividing line. I was thinking this might be doable with a custom brush, but after a bit more reading, I don't think it can. Is there a way to clone with a soft/feathered edge?