Paint.NET :: Outlining Text Fills The Whole Image?
Nov 17, 2012
i am currently tryeng to write a title for an image.
I would like to have a outline to each letter, so i searched for a bit to find out i should click outline in the effects bar. this fills the entire image exept the text with white,. i wouldn't be too annoyed if i could change the colour or set the amout of outlining, but it is always white and always fills my image no matter what i do.
I'm working in an Illustrator file that needs to use artwork that is in PDF form. I've been either placing the PDFs into the Illustrator file or opening the PDFs as Illustrator files. Either way, I'm getting a message that says "The document contains PDF objects that have been reinterpreted: To preserve appearance, some text has been outlined."
As you'll see in the attached, what ends up happening are these strange looking white lines that occur around the artwork (you'll notice them most around the CD in the center.) Is there anyway around bringing the PDFs in without having them reinterpreted? I do not want to make them jpegs and then bring them in.
I have created some text that is 100% transparent, and has a 1mm outline. I move the text on top of an image which I want to fill the center of the text with. This achieves exactly what I wish, so I freeze the transparency and move the text back away from the image, however when I move it the outline disappears, and I cant get it back.
If there is an easier way to outline a JPEG image instead of changing the nodes. I am looking at a lot of pictures to do this with and can not possibly change the nodes with all of them.
I am working on a project where I am doing hand drawn rotoscope (think waking life). For larger areas I am drawing the outline and then filling the shape with the paint bucket. The problem is that the fill doesn't go all the way to the edge of the outline. The anti-aliasing on the brush seems to be creating it, but I don't want to turn anti-aliasing off. It will be a huge time saver for me to figure this out.
i just made an outline of a drawing with the pen tool. I finished and i started coloring the image and noticed that the Anti-Aliasing was on during the time i did the outline so now i have a border around where i filled in color that's transparent.
Is there any way (shy from doing the outline all over again with the "anti-aliasing" box un-checked) that i can just turn all those lines to non-anti-aliasing lines?
Here is what I want to do. I have the letters 'XC' which I've played with a bit to look the way I want and due to anti-aliasing has nice edges. Now I want to basically fill those letters with an image. I can't figure out how to do this and keep the nice anti-aliased edges.
Current steps:
1. load image as base layer 2. Create new layer with text in it 3. using magic wand select a threshold that has smoothest edges on text layer 4. select image layer and copy the selection area... notice the hard edges of the finished result in the attached example. I want it nice and smooth and anti-aliased.
How to do this more elegantly? I've attached the basics of what I'm doing and the result.
For some reason I am having issues converting a CDR file to PDF which contains objects/text with fountain fills.
I have looked at some previous posts detailing the same problem, have followed their remedies, i.e. "render complex fills as bitmaps" in the advanced tab in the PDF conversion pane. Despite these best efforts I am still having the problem of my black background; fixed in the "page layout" tab being corrupted, resulting in the background being the fountain fill once converted.
I am wondering about the text in my images. I am compiling images that end up 1000px across and will use them at 300dpi.
Is it better to put large text into the image whilst it's still large (2-3000px) and then resize down to 1000px or is it better to not subject the text to a resize by resizing the image first (down to the 1000px) and then pop the smaller text straight into the finished size image.
Which was will give sharper text (assuming a 2 point sharpen if resizing the text in a large image). I'll attach a sample image to show the kind of thing....
I learned to move over to PNG this week after reading that the JPG I had been using as 'standard' loses quality, looks like I was the last to find out.......
I was just wonder how if at all I would be able to go about taking the white subtext on this image (Japanese lettering) and making it transparent or removing it.
On an image of the sea and sky- I want to Place a wavy line where the sea meets the sky Have the sea beneath the line and the sky above it Place text on the wavy line to follow its path
PSPRo X.I double click on a jpg image in my pics (XP home) and it shows in the workspace.I click on the "A" text tool and then the background title of the image changes to vector 1.A horizontal blue bar at the top shows with "text entry and a x in it.Right clicking on the image does not do anything, the tools on the left are greyed out.I am unable to enter any text on the image.
I'm using an image to try and create a banner ad for a website. I'm trying to add text to the side of the image (not on the image itself) but am struggling to find out how to do this.
With PaintShop Pro x6, is there a way to remove text from a shirt in the image and get the entire shirt one solid color? The shirt in the photo is not flat, it is wavy. has everything I need in an image editor, except for the way it handles text layers. It would be nice if text would be a special kind of layer, which allows you to change it after doing some other work on a different layer. Right now if you want to change text you have to redo it.
I have received an image from someone which has text all over it. I'd like to strip out a little of the text at the bottom of the image. The background is kind of a grainy, paper-looking beige texture. And, in a perfect world, I'd be able to select only text and delete it.
How I can easily remove objects or text from an image. Photoshop has a new feature, which easily recognizes trees or other objects and let you remove them with a click of a button. The same time the background is repairen (like the sky) in a perfect manner...I want that...
I'm hoping there is a way to do this, but I haven't figured it out yet. What I'm trying to do is similar to putting text along a vector line, but I want to use an image that is tiled horizontally instead of text. I don't want the image to be tiled both horizontally & vertical, instead I want it to curve with the vector line like text does so that it looks like lace, either above or below the line, NOT along it. Is this possible in PSPX4?
I open a new background - 1440 x 600. Then import my image (in new layer) - 1350 x 280.
Now I want to put some text or arrows pointing from the background to the image but I can only write/draw on the imported image not the background. Have tried merging to no effect.
I've typed in the text in the color that I want. I've clicked on the magic wand, clicked on the white space and I get the checkered background. But it also covers my text and then when I try to use the saved image, it's all completely transparent.
How do I do this so that the text shows up, but the background remains transparent?