Maya :: Version Control System For Projects?

Jul 30, 2012

I am new to the graphic modeling etc. world, coming from the C/Java programming world, and I would like to know which VCS do you recommend for Maya.

I haven't seen any way to work in group with it. I am accustomed to git, but it is not appropriated in this case, as doesn't track correctly binary files.

I know about non-distributed VCSs, like SVN. But before learning them, I considered a good choice to ask here how does usually people work with Maya in group, apart from zipping and emailing the projects.

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Photoshop Elements :: Can Send Projects From One Version To Next?

Jan 12, 2014

I have Photo Shop Premiere Elements 7 and just updated to 12 can I transfer my projects from the older version to Photo Shop Premiere Elements 12?

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AutoCad :: Develop A Document Control System For Drawings

Oct 4, 2011

I am trying to develop a document control system for my drawings. I am currently using AutoCAD 2011 but will soon move over to 2012. My previous employer had a great system using an excel spread sheet to input details that would then be updated into the drawings' annotated title block using a .csv file and the 'update' command to complete the job. How can I create this same system.

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Maya Animation :: Custom Rig To Work With HumanIK System

Oct 13, 2012

Custom rig to work with the HumanIK system in Maya 2013. Im currently trying to map my custom skeleton and get the mocap data to retarget but the skeleton freaks out when I try to change the source.

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Maya :: Control Vertex On EP / CV Curves Is Invisible

Nov 4, 2013

I am not in soft select mode. If I go to Soft Select I can see the CV's. But when I right mouse click to select CVs they are invisible. If I drag to select I can grab them, but they are still invisible and it's getting really difficult to manipulate things right now.

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Maya Animation :: HumanIK Control Bending

Jun 28, 2013

I suffer a problem that my arm (rigged with humanIK , Maya 2013) can only bend a little angle but can`t bend anymore.

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Maya Animation :: Control Pivot Axis?

Aug 14, 2011

i am a 3ds max user but had to switch to maya for this project. I am trying to make the ctrl pivot axis to follow the bone axis but I dont know how to do it in Maya.

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Maya Animation :: Bake To Control Rig In HIK Causes Twitching?

Sep 17, 2013

I have made a custom rig, mapped it to HIK and got a set of perfectly working controlers. I have used them to animate by hand before without problem but now I have a skeleton from mocap data that I want to use instead.
So I go back to an older save of my project and import the file that I want to get the animation from. Then I make this new skeleton the source and everything looks good. My model is moving just like the mocap skeleton. Great. Since I need to tweak it somewhat and don't want to loose my controls, I then bake the animation to the control rig. This is where things go weird.
If I bake to every frame, all is well. That would make it a living hell to edit later on though so I only want something like every fifth frame. But if I bake only every fifth frame, the animation gets super twitchy in between some of the frames. And I don't see any trace of those movements in the graph editor.

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Maya Animation :: Skin Not Following Control Rig Anymore

Mar 11, 2013

couple of days ago i finished rigging, positionned my character in a nice pose for a render then closed maya. Foward a couple of days, now when i move my rig the character is not following it, he stays in the same pose as he was like if he was frozen.

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Maya Animation :: How To Constrain A Human IK Control

Dec 5, 2011

imagine you have a HumanIK character and a vehicle like motorbike or similar, and you want the character to drive the vehicle. Ok then: Parent the reference node (your_character_name:Reference) into your vehicle root. Ok, works fine but now you need to constrain or parent the control of the hands to the handlebar. With maya constrains not work fine and don't know why.

How i do? i need to create a Auxiliary Node in the Character Controls?

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Maya Modeling :: Change Control Vertex Type?

Mar 3, 2011

I'm wondering how to change a control vertex on a curve to a bezier corner. It's a corner right now and I need the handles to edit the shape.

Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
3Ds Max 2013
Maya 2013
Mudbox 2013
Core i7 920 Quad Core 2.66 GHz, 6 GB RAM
EVGA GeForce 550 ti (2x)
ROG Rampage II Extreme Motherboard

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Maya Animation :: Constrain HumanIK Control To Object?

Dec 6, 2011

imagine you have a HumanIK character and a vehicle like motorbike or similar, and you want the character to drive the vehicle. Ok then: Parent the reference node (your_character_name:Reference) into your vehicle root. Ok, works fine but now you need to constrain or parent the control of the hands to the handlebar.With maya constrains not work fine and don’t know why.

i need to create a Auxiliary Node in the Character Controls?I’m trying with Parent Constrain, Orient, Aim.. and don’t work properly: Position (tx,ty,tz) work’s fine but X-axis of rotations are inverted… when turn the handlebar to left, rotation turn to right.i trying with offsets or any parameter in the constrain but nothing..

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Maya Animation :: How To Create Human IK Control Rig From Pre-made Skeleton

Aug 20, 2010

How to create a Human IK control rig from a pre-made skeleton? I have matched the hierarchy and naming conventions of the pre-made skeleton to the that of the Human IK Skeleton Generator, but I keep getting an error that says, "Invalid skeleton or no skeleton. Can't create new rig."

Can even gotten the Create Rig function to work? If so, how did you set up your skeleton?

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Maya Animation :: HumanIK Control Rig Not Attached To Original Skeleton?

Sep 1, 2013

i have a model, bound to a skeleton, which is all green-lit in the character controls window.  however, when i create a control rig for it, maya creates a new skeleton which the rig controls (working fine) but that is not attached to the original skeleton.  what do i need to do to get them linked or to get the auto-rig to manipulate the skeleton that is bound to the geometry already?  see attached image as how i can move the bones in the maya created skeleton and its IK, but it doesnt affect the originals (ignore the custom rig panel, that was just me trying another approach to bind the default control rig to a previously made rig that does work)

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Maya Animation :: Control Curves Spontaneously Change When Saved

Aug 20, 2013

I set up my file. I set my controls to where I want them. The Control Curves are in position. I save. Everything is going well.When I reopen the file, control curves have spontaneously moved. Without permission.I've done several experiments with different results, but the same problem: the control curve of my rig are moved from where I had them when I saved the file.

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Maya Animation :: Bind A Facial Control Panel To Rigged Character?

Apr 3, 2013

I am working on (yet another) minecraft character rig xD

So i have set up a facial control panel, using blend shapes and driven keys, but i need it to follow my character. If i parent it to the head, i doesn't follow when i grab the skeleton and move the character around, and if i bind it to the neck joint, i am not able to use the control panel, because the movement of the controls are locked, since they're binded to a joint.


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Maya Modeling :: Control Vertex - Unable To Stop Camera Being Selected?

Jul 7, 2012

Whenever I try to select a Curve to select 'Control Vertex' I get the options for the Camera instead, the only work around I have is to Hide the Camera which also switches off the image planes, then select the curve and select 'Control Vertex, and then re-enable the image planes.

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Maya Animation :: Control Rig Forcing Rotation Key Tangents To Linear Button

May 6, 2011

1. Windows/Animation Editors/HumanIK/Skeleton Generator - Generate Skeleton
2. Create control rig for it.
3. Set keys to rotate shoulder down and back.

Keys are linear by default and cannot be changed, except to "stepped". Clicking Spline, Auto, etc. Doesn't change anything. Works fine on translation curves. URL....I accidentally check the "force FIK curves to linear" button? It's totally killing our animation pipeline.

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Maya :: Opening File In Older Version?

Apr 13, 2011

I can't open the saved files in MAYA 2012 in older versions of MAYA i.e. in 2008,2009,2010,2011..

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Maya :: How To Enable MR Production Node In Version 2012

Jan 5, 2012

I found a way to solve in maya 2009, but it doesn't work in 2012.

I can't find Maya2012scriptsothersmentalrayCustomNodeClass.mel.

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Maya Animation :: Skin Conversion To Muscle System Without Converting Every Single Joint To Polygon Bone Object

Nov 10, 2011

Any way to do the skin conversion to muscle system WITHOUT converting every single joint to a polygon bone object. I'd prefer to manually create the muscle bone objects from only the joints I plan to use for the muscle system, and then do the skin conversion using only those joints already converted. Basically, I only need a few muscles in this system and therefore only need a few polygon bone objects, but as far I can tell, there is only one way to do the skin conversion and it automatically converts every joint that the skin is attached to.

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Maya :: Turn Off Repeated Student Version Notification For Every Single Save / Autosave?

May 15, 2011

Autodesk making a student version of Maya available, it's really a wonderful tool for learning the software, however...

Is there any way to turn off the 'this is a student version' notification that pops up <b><i>every single time you save/autosave the file?</i></b>

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Maya Animation :: Control Curves Rotation Axis Coinciding With Joint Rotation?

Jul 15, 2011

When setting up a simple FK control curve on say the wrist for example, many times the control curve isn't exactly perpendicular to the local rotation axis of the joint movement, so when we position the control curve to be perpendicular to the joint - it has a rotational value added, but the rotational handles are lines up with the rotational handles of the joint that we want to move.

Freeze Transformations: then the control curves rotational handle go back to being skewed (out of alignment with the joints)

We want to Freeze transformations before constraining the curve, but we'd really to keep those rotations control handles to remain aligned with the joints rotational handles. This will make it an exact control when animating - grab the rotational handle of the curve, rotate it, and the joint will move exactly in the proper direction.

how to get the rotational handle of any control curve to run perpendicular to the shape after freezing transformations?

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Maya Animation :: Setting Up A Rope For Animation Based On Control Panel

Jan 20, 2011

I'm trying to animate a moving rope based on simulation data. I know how to import my motion data for individual objects.I've seen lots of tutorials where one uses simulations or soft bodies with IK in order to create a rope. how to use all these features and I want the rope to follow my coordinates exactly. I was hoping I could do something like the following:

1. create points in Maya which correspond to my data points
2. connect the points with a curve
3. loft a circle using the curve as a path in order to make a rope
4. move the points. due to History, the rope position is updated

Is there a way to do something like this in Maya? I've tried, and it looks like ep points do not have key-able channel data, so I can't create animations for them separately. I'm using .mov data file imports to generate x, y, and z motion keys for the points.

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Photoshop :: CS6 Extended / Windows 7 64bit System Compare To 32bit System?

Jan 2, 2013

I have had Window 7 64 bit operating system put on my computer.Will I get the benefits of additional Ram on Photoshop CS6 Extended?

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Maya Animation :: Animation Version For Pipeline?

Nov 30, 2011

i'm actually starting to design and code the animation part of the pipeline for my studio. So if you have a given shot in a given version, you have a bunch of animations for all characters/props, and you can publish a version of your animation and rollback your animation to older versions.I have two kinds animations exported : one "normal" and a geocache version also. For the geocache, I use Alembic and for the moment I'm pretty happy with the results.

For the "normal" version, i was thinking of using animImportExport module from maya. It seems to work fine, but then comes THE issue I remember having to discuss for hours in all the studios I've worked : what about the constraints?i have my character, for example Ogre_chr (group node) and i export all anim below that node and call it Ogre_chr_Shot101_v01.anim. But if there's a constraint outside the ogre, it won't be exported. I could take the anim of the object that is constraining and add it to my .anim, but imagine two characters interact with one same constraint : saving versions of both characters will cause issues when you play around with loading different versions of both characters.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Control Print Line Weights On Feature Control Frames?

Nov 8, 2012

Using AutoCAD 2013 and TOL command to generate feature control frames.  We set our lineweights based on layer assignments.

Problem is that when printing, AutoCAD seems to randomly assign a lineweight to the feature control frames.  It can vary from what it's supposed to be (such as lineweight set for the dimension layer) or thicker than even what the object lines are set at.  Seems to pick a random linewieght at time of printing for these elements (just the boxes, not the symbols/text itself).

Is there a setting we should be defining somewhere to force it to follow the lineweight of the layer that it has been assigned to?  Known bug?

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Photoshop :: Extended Trial Version Launching After Updating CS Design Standard To Version 13.0.2?

Dec 14, 2012

I installed the retina display-optimized update to my purchased (non-Creative Cloud) version of Photoshop Design Standard (via the Adobe Updater app that pops up in my menu bar only when updates are available), but now when Photoshop launches, I get Photoshop Extended (and it's a trial version). Is this a known issue? Will I need to reinstall Photoshop?

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Download Upgrade Version Reverts To Trial Version

May 27, 2012

I downloaded and paid for the upgrade version of CorelDraw X6 because I have X3,X4 and X5.  I have installed it already but I went to reinstall on my desktop PC as I wiped my hard drive back to factory state, CorelDRAW no longer gives the upgrade option.

On start up it gives the following message ( see below ) as a 30 day trial.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Open Higher Version File Into Lower Version

Jun 11, 2012

I am unable open some part  files and assebly files which are made in 2012 version. I have 2011 version.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Move File From Newer Version To Older Version

May 31, 2013

how to move a file in inventor from the 2014 version to last years version which was 2013 because my teacher's computer isn't reading my file.

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