Maya Modeling :: How To Create Buildings In A Photograph
Apr 10, 2012How to construct buildings using maya or 3ds max which i have in a photograph?
View 4 RepliesHow to construct buildings using maya or 3ds max which i have in a photograph?
View 4 RepliesI'm an architecture student who has high interest in 3d modeling.I would like to learn how to design something in a very organic form for a change.I can model very accurately and fast what I need on Autocad most of the time, but it seems like autocad 3d modeling is not the best tool to be using for modeling something very curvy and random.
Some Examples: [URL] .....
So Basically, I want to be able to first sculpt the general exterior form I have sketched out or in my mind, and not only that, I would like to model the interior portions so I can have renders from inside the building. (Like the ons from the examples)
Although in architecture, 3D modeling comes into play after the 2d drafting, I don't think it's the same case for organic shapes. I would have a general layout sketched out on paper how the building would be formed, but not necessarily accurately measured. Then I would model the building to cut the sections through, and extract them out along with floor plans thus creating a very accurate orthographic drawings as well as gorgeous renders.or just poly edit with soft selection and other modifiers?
How to craete feathers in maya 2012? Or any good plugin for it for win. 7 x32 bit Maya 2012 ?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to use the Create Polygon tool. My problem is that when I click to create a polygon I don't see anything. I can keep clicking and clicking to create points, which it apparently IS creating, but I don't see anything until I switch through one of the View types (wire frame, shaded, etc.).
I know I'm supposed to see the verts the second I click but that's not what I'm getting, it's more like I need to just go through the motions of blindly creating my shape, change views, and then edit the resulting verts and edges later.
I worked for some time with the free program blender to create my scenes and objects. Because I want to study the subject 'Technical Directing' I started learning how to work with Maya, the more "professional" software.
Although I read through the considered topic of the GettingStarted tutorial, I've still a question to you:
How can I create a face between already existing vertices? This would really improve my workflow.
I am self taught and only using maya for about 3 months now but the situation where an object that needed many small holes has caused me some problems 3 times now.
In the current situation I am essentially modeling a CPU and a CPU socket. there is ~240 pins on the cpu and that will connect with the socket where there should be 240 holes to match.
The only method I know is boolean difference but that causes the entire polygon cube to disappear instead of creating a hole in it.
what is another method for creating many small holes? another example is a piece of formed metal that has small holes in it for air vent.
I m trying to find some intelligent way to drawing a 5 point star in Maya, but don't using complex commands togheter and using some thing like a primitive comand ( maybe distorting some curve , etc ).
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View 2 Replies View Relatedhow i can create a rounded like tubular fonts in maya?kind of like the aspect you get when you apply the mia-roundcorners? but i would like to do it with meshes?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've just extruded a face. I realize I need make a slight adjustment. I don't want to undo the extrudtion nor do I want do an Edit Mesh to create a new extrusion.Is there an easy way to readjust an extrudtion?
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View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm modelling a complex curve for a fashion garment. I've always modelled in polygons in the past but have had more success on this project using nurbs, however I've got to a certain position and I'm wondering which way is the best way to model / create the next section of the garment(see image attached). Is it just the case of creating lots of section lines as lofting?
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In the enclosed image see red arrow. The back/bottom edge of the tail is supposed to be flat. How do I get all vertices to be in one plane?
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View 4 Replies View RelatedI have used Quad Draw to create geometry on the surface of an object, this geometry and its pivot can be seen in picture 1.I then try to mirror this geometry to the other side of the object's surface using the settings shown in picture 2
I get a mirror, but not based on the pivot, but it seems the mirrored geometry wants to be attached to the original drawn polys as shown on picture 3. Could it be a bug or is this how Quad Drawn objects are intended to behave?
when i try to create a beveled tamil language font in maya 2013 sp2 ,it appears as question mark ,is there any way to ,even i changed my windowws 7 display language and key board language to tamil , i inserted the pic
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to create cross sections without cutting up the model similar to applications like Autodesk Inventor? Maybe inserting a poly plane into the object and tell Maya to only render stuff in the normal direction of the plane if that is even possible?
I created a very simple two poly object and then deleted my construction history and now I cannot seem to create a new polygon in the scene unless I turn off interactive creation.
If I choose create>sphere etc the little sign that says drag on grid appears but when I do nothing happens. I made a new scene and did the same thing and I don't have the same problem so Im not sure why in this particular scene.
i Have extruded Half the face of a cylinder. I just need to know how to turn the new extruded face into a perfect Hexagon.
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How to do it?
I have a problem when designing one building in 3d. The thing is i want to create a 3d model made only out of 3d solids. So there is this complex ceiling, I made out of 3 meshes and above it, in the above floor, there's a non complex plate.
[URL] ........
This meshes are made based on the actual dimensions of different sides of the floor, are unique and are good approximation of the actual building's ceiling. So, I want to make 3d solid that would have the same bottom shape and the same - even top as in the picture if the space between the objects would be filled out.
I have a problem when I am modeling my character or rather the character from the animation academy. I have created an NURBS sphere and I want to adjust it to the arm, so I go to the component mode add some isosparms and then it happens!!! I can´t move any vertexes... but in the object mode I can move the hole object.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking to extract natural noise from a photographs material and create a black and white layer out of it, but I am new to photoshop and unsure how to proceed with this.
For example, here is a photograph of a hard plastic gun.
I have seen on forums where users will find a good reference image and use it to create a new black and white noise picture utilizing the reference.
For instance the hard plastic noise from the gun, might look like this once extracted and done correctly.
how to produce something such as this?
Saw this effect in a magazine and wondered how I could go about recreating it in Photoshop. Is it some kind of warped shadow effect?
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View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a bunch of curves that is going to drive nhair. However I'd like to use the "soft modification tool" to do further adjustments to the curves. But I'd want to pin the root of the curves so it doesn't fly off the head when I use soft modification. Is there any way I can lock or pin the root CV of the curve? (its a cubic nurbs curve)
View 1 Replies View RelatedI wish to create a testing surface for simulation from a DSM height data (under a college assignment). I downloaded a height data from [URL]........ in a .dwg file format and want to import in on maya and create a surface out of it.
I am using maya 2013 on windows OS.
This is my model. Simple.
Now the only thing I want to do is to cut out this:
I used the Extrude tool just for visualization. The problem is, working with booleans apparently doesn't work for such objects, it works for freshly created clean polygons, but not for this one, when I try to use "Boolean difference" both objects disappear.
Extruding doesn't work because the faces are still there and I cannot delete them for whatever reason:
My cursor is pointing on the little face, but both are being highlighted. Making a hole through the the "Make a hole" function doesn't work because it only deletes faces as it seems.
i have been having problems with maya where i can't select individual faces vertices or anythign other than the entire model
View 8 Replies View RelatedMy model loses lambert on only certain faces every so often. Might be related to clicking on camera or trying to extrude certain edges. I want to delete the camera but this happens to the model every time i touch the camera. I can't reapply the lambert by pressing 6 or assigning new material. if you know what's happening.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am looking for the same function in Maya that I use alot in 3DS. In 3DS, you can "Merge" (import) models from another scene (file) into your current one. It allows you to pick a single model from the imported scene to be imported into the current scene.
I know Maya has the import function but it seems to import all the objects. I just want to import a particular model.
Is this possible in maya?
3DS Max 6 to 2009, Maya 2010
NVIDIA Quadro 1700, Quad Core 2.67GHz, 4Gb RAM