Lightroom :: Load Selected Images Into PS Layers As Smart Objects?
Apr 3, 2014Is there a way to load selected images into PS layers as smart objects?
View 5 RepliesIs there a way to load selected images into PS layers as smart objects?
View 5 RepliesAccording to 'About Lightroom;
this is what I'm running:
<Lightroom 3.6, Camera Raw 6.6>
I used to 'merge to panorama', or 'open as layers' in Photoshop regularly, but today it no longer works. When I try, the message comes up: "This version of Lightroom may require the Photoshop Camera Raw plug-in version 6.6 for full compatibility. Please update the Camera Raw plug-in using the update tool available in the Photoshop help menu."
When I go to Photoshop Help Menu, 'no available updates at this time' is the message that comes up. I manually downloaded the Camera Raw 6.6, but to no avail.
When attempting to edit using PS, the program DOES open, but nothing happens... the files do not appear. They DO open individually when Edit in Photoshop CS4 is selected, but I prefer the 'open in layers' option, and often use the 'merge to panorama'...
I created a smart object with linked adjustment layers. I made them into a group. (I also tried this with the layers just being linked, and not grouped.) I want to move the smart object, with its adjustment layers, into another document. Ideally, I'd like to do this using "replace contents." When I do so, the smart object comes into the destination document flattened with its adjustment layers. Is there some way to keep those adjustment layers linked, not flattened, to move with the smart object layer?
The workflow I'm trying to achieve is to remove blemishes, etc. and make my all changes to my layer that I'd want to have made no matter what size and context I use that layer in. That is, make one smart object I can slot into a postcard, a 14 x 11 print, and other products. I don't sharpen until I have moved the layer/smart object into my target document, so that sharpening is appropriate for the final print size. Depending on the size and context, I may want to make changes to the levels/curves/hue saturation type adjustment layers though, so having these flattened when I bring the smart object in to my target document is disappointing.
While working and when the job was nearly done (Photoshop document with several layers to correct wrinkles, teeth, neck...) , I found out that the document is setup RGB.I have to convert it into CMYK but I don't want to merge it or lose layers since I need them in another Photoshop document too.
While converting the image from RGB to CMYK, I found out that some of the layers (hue/saturation adjustment layers) don't exist anymore when converted to CMYK...How do I get these layers (or at least the effect they give to the design) in CMYK?
I am trying to get photoshop to combine some objects in the stacked photos. I do not understand why after selecting all the various smart objects which are layered, and going to Layers- smart objects - stack mode is greyed out.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm used to open my photos as smart objects. So I open them in Camera Raw, edit and open in Photoshop CS6 as smart objects.
My issue is:
In CS6 when I double click the photo and open it again in Camera Raw, I can't find a way to save the edits. I mean, if I close the photo in CS6 and open it again, Camera Raw keeps only the edits I made the very first time I opened the photo.
so I'm working on a pretty complex image with alot of composites - models on a new backgrounds, new heads, arms, etc. I had to scale these elements down to fit the image and I used smart object b/c i had to go back and forth and get placement approval before moving on to the retouching. I still have to adjust the mask edges in the smart object PSB's but it is really annoying to go back and forth from the composite image to the PSB with layer mask. Is there a way to rasterize the PSB into the final image with the layer mask so I can better blend it? I tried dragging the PSB with layer mask over but of course it is too big (because i scaled the PSB down).
View 31 Replies View RelatedI have finished my works using only one layer( a bad habit I know) and now I need to export them as PSD, and as You know it needs Layers so it can be editable on Photoshop.
I know the fact that I should import all the objects in single Layers, ie creating thousands of Layers for all the work, new layer for each object I import.
But is there any option for easy extraction of objects into single layers, one click option or much easier than going individually through each of them?
If not available, this type of option would work for CorelDRAW or any vector program, be really more effective and stay in touch with the requirements of the industry, especially when it comes, on creating vectors for web or apps.
Having trouble moving objects between layers by simply dragging the right-hand dot to a new layer? CS6 won't let me drag the dot on any kind of selected art from any kind of file I've tried..
Click the name of the desired layer in the Layers panel. Then choose Object > Arrange > Send To Current Layer. Drag the selected-art indicator , located at the right of the layer in the Layers panel, to the layer you want. But method #2 doesn't work at all for me. In fact, the cursor doesn't even change when I mouse over the selected-art indicator dot.
how to import or load batches of images into a single psd file, which each image would be loaded into a layer.
I've been working with the place option.. but its kind of long considering i have over 500 images to load.... which means 500 layers....
(its for editing an animation.)
In Lightroom 4.1 when rating (flags, stars or colors) a selected group of images all images selected will have the same flag applied. For instance if I select 10 images to view in the survey mode to compare and select 1 to be flagged as rejected all 10 will be flagged rejected, not just the one. Is there a way to turn this off to select a group of images and flag each differently?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a smart collection with the only criteria "Is greater than or equal to" 5 stars having changed from "is" 5 stars. I'm gettin 4 copies of each image.
When I go to folder view and all photos I have only one copy each.
How can I make this not-so-smart collection smart?
I'd like to create a smart collection of images that have been printed. Is there any way to do this? If not, is there a way to search for images that have been printed?
Separately, one my smart collections screens by edit date so that I can find out what I have worked on recently. However, it also picks up everything I shot and imported recently, even if I haven't edited the images. Is there any way to filter these out?
I'm using LR 5.3 for Windows.
Is there a way you can create a smart collection in Lightroom 4 for stacked images? I have a bunch of stacked images that I use for Panoramas and HDR merging and I would like to create an automatic smart collection for these stacked images.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'd like a folder that automatically collects any image i have in my library in which i've drawn a vector clipping path in Photoshop.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm wondering if it's possible to create smart previews for images that were imported into the catalog in a prior version of LR. As my catalog continues to increase in size, I'm considering relocating my images to an external drive (currently on the hard drive). I'm obviously concerned about doing any unintended damage to the catalog and workflow.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a series of pics (approx 80) that I'd like to load into Elements, with each photo going into a single layer. I google'd a series of old posts where somebody used a "script", but the links are no longer working and that trails is dead.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI can't reproduce this consistently; but I've had this happen many times now.
Product - Lightroom 5 on OS/X 10.8.4.
I select two images in the develop module filmstrip to pick the best one for export, the images are usually stacked in the Library.I use the side by side compare tool (C) to compare the images.I may go back to the develop module to adjust setting on one or both images.
At some point I will unselect the image I don't want to export in the filmstrip, then press Command + Shift + E to export.
LR will sometimes export both images even though only one is selected in the filmstrip.
If I go back to the Library before exporting then LR will only export the selected image.
I just imported approximately 1500 raw images shot with my Nikon D800. Approximately 75 of the files would not import and I got LR4 unable to import message for those files.
All images were NEFs and most seem to be in clusters among the 1500 files. The images all show up in CS5 Bridge and Camera Raw 6.7 and open just fine in Photoshop CS5. They will show up in LR4 if I convert them to DNGs.
I just figured out that this is happening only with images that were shot at a 16:9 ratio, all other images were shot at the default 2:3 ratio. I would still like to understand why images shot at 16:9 won't show up in LR4.
When I try to open a folder or collection of images (in Library, grid view), some of the images load right away, others take several seconds, and some never load. Instead I see gray boxes, albeit with the proper DSC number in the upper right corner of each. I'm using LR 3.6 on Windows 7.
View 4 Replies View RelatedSince "upgrading" to lightroom 5.2 I've been plauged by it applying whatever I do to the image I'm on as well as the next image. The second image is not chosen - I only have one image selected. Whether I'm trying to do a correction, a crop, give it a number of stars, edit in Photoshop - it always affects two images at once.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI selected just 1/2 images of a folder, yet LR imports them all anyway.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am having 2 problems.
When I am in lightroom's library (3.5), I would like to change the time of capture for multiple photos, and apply keywords.
However, when I perform either of those actions, the changes are only applied to the image shown in the "more brightly highlighted" image, not all that are selected.
Is there a setting I am missing? I just cannot seem to figure out why this is not working.
Also, I aplogize if my searching skills are weak and this has been covered already. I did attempt to see if this question has been answered before posting.
Opening my tracklog in LR4 Map (on a PC) plots it with a -5 hr offset, evidently UTC time (I'm on Central Daylight), so the images I shot on the outing won't load to the map. The points on the map in LR show the UTC time, whereas the same track opened in Google Maps shows the correct, local times. On October 3, b_gossweiler looked at ImageDesign704's tracklog and responded "I've removed the timezone inidications on the trackpoints and loaded the tracklog successfully into LR." how to get into a .gpx file and remove those timezone indicationst? My tracklog won't open in Windows.
View 7 Replies View RelatedImporting images from specific folders is including images from outside selected folders.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm using LR3.6. Haven't upgraded to 4.1 yet. I created a PS droplet that I want to use in my LR Externa Editor. Everything works fine as far as calling the droplet from LR. However, when I select multiple images in LR, then go to external editor and select "Edit In <droplet name>", wait for the "What do Edit" dialogue box, select "Edit a copy with LR adjustments" and hit "edit", it only takes the very first highlighted image in the selection into PS to run the droplet/actions. Even if I just choose the droplet name as an external editor preset (instead of the "Edit in" option), it still only applies to the first image in the highlighed selection.
On occassions I get lucky and get it to work for multiple images but I can never get it to work again. For instace, I tried it from the Library module (instead of the develop module) and it worked flawlessly. On the next set of images, I could not get it to work again.
I really need to be able to run this over night. By the way, I know that I can use the droplet on Export, but I really want to round trip my images from LR to PS and back into LR without having to Export, run droplet and reimport.
I just want rendered TIF files. From Bridge I can open them in ACR and save as TIF but then I have the old rendering rather than the new rendering in LR4.
View 3 Replies View RelatedIs it possible to create a smart collection with a rule allowing only images with a minimum resolution?
View 4 Replies View RelatedUsing LR v5.3 and Windows 8.1
For my particular workflow, I find that loading thumbnails as step 1 of the import process to not be of much value for me.
I would prefer to load all images from the camera CF card directly into my "Import" folder in Lightroom without having to first view and select images for import.
Step 2 for me would then distribute the images into other named folders in LR prior to the development, skipping the thumbnail phase of the process.
So, the Q: Is there any setting that allows importation into a selected folder in LR without first going through the thumbnail process?
All of my image layers have randomly converted to smart object layers and I can no longer resize them in the ps document. Why would it do this and how can I undo it?
View 3 Replies View RelatedLR4 final seems to have a very annoying bug.
When I select a number of images (in the film strip) and either
1) paste settings that I've previously copied from another image or
2) sync settings from one image to the rest
... the settings are not applied to all the selected images. The settings are only applied to a seemingly random subset of the selected images.
I'm going to try to pin down the exact circumstances that make this occur.