Lightroom :: Videos And Video Adjustments Supported In 5?
Jul 10, 2013
I'm about to upgrade Lightroom as my version is 2. I've been late in trying to buy version 4, which supported video catalogues and did minor adjustments. Looking through version 5 manual, I've not seen any reference to videos.
I just upgraded to LR 5 mainly because it su[pports videos in slideshows; however in the import dialog box, videos do not show as "supported files". These are AVI files from my camera.
I've shot some video clips with DSLRs, and imported into Lightroom4 along with my stills, with normal Import metadata applied. All looks good in LR.
Videos are generated as .MOV files.If I open a video in Photoshop CS6, and look at File Info, there is nothing there, not even camera info let alone the LR import preset with copyright info etc., nor the keywords and caption that I added in LR? Metadata for videos is also blank if I look at the file with Bridge.
Metadata for stills (including what was added in LR) is visible in both PS File Info and in Bridge.Why doesn't PS or Bridge see any metadata for the video files?
Separate problem, although perhaps related, is that I made some develop edits to the video in LR (using capture frame, develop, save as preset, then apply preset to the video file). All looks good in LR, as well as exported files. However, if I want to use enhanced capability in CS6, there is no "edit in" available as there is with stills. If I open the video directly in CS6, none of the edits show; I get the as-shot file (which I can understand). Is there any way to open the video in CS6 with LR edits applied? At least be presented the option of doing this or opening the as-shot file? If I open the file in Corel's Video Studio Pro, the LR adjustments are there (clipped to length and colour and tonal adjustments applied).
We have a bunch of shots taken using natural light - the shots all have completely different exposure and white balance adjustments.
Now that the shots feel like they've been shot at the same time of day (and on the same day) we'd like to start adjusting the white balance accross multiple shots - but use the current white balance/exposure from each individual shot as the starting point - not reset the adjustments.
Kind of like baking the current settings or making adjustments on top of current adjustments - or make new adjustments relative to the current adjustments.
i would like to know what are the supported video formats that photoshop cs3 can open, i tryed mov and it said couldent open file, avi and nstc and they all said the samething so can anyone tell me the supported video formats?
I have been using Lightroom 3 with a Canon 60d but cannot import/preview RAW files from a new 70D. When attempting to import the messages are "preview not available/supported by this camera".
The GX7 is scheduled to come out at the end of September, and it sounds like MFT is finally getting it just right. I have several Panasonic and Pansonic/Leica lenses I use with the GF1 and have ordered the GX7, but when will I be able to work on its RAW files in LR and ACR? How long does it take to get a camera into an RC version?
I can't seem to find a way to export to Flickr - is this supported in LR4?
Running on OS X Lion
Plugin Manager shows the Flickr plugin as "installed and running'. The status is enabled.
When i click on "Export" in the Library section, I get the Export dialogue. At the top is the "Export to" drop down. The items in the drop down are "Email, Hard Drive, and DVD. and Adobe Revel", but there's nothing about Flickr (or Facebook).
I have been using LR for several years and suddenly today it's saying that the raw file isn't supported. I've never had that problem before. I can see the image thumbnails on the import screen when I"m setting up the subfolder I want to save it to, but then during the import I get this message. I thought maybe I needed to update my software, but it says it is up-to-date.
My Lens(es) are supported according to the official list. But current version of LR (5.3) is not showing my lens for selection. Also for some of my other lenses, where I think I could slelct the right profile in the past, I cannot select it currently.
My (new) lens I want to use is Tamrom 70-200 f/2.8 VC (A009E). The only Tamron lens I can choose is Di 28-75. Also my selections for Canon lenses are fewer than in the past, my 15-85 EF-S is missing now also.
Is D7100 supported for tethered shooting? I can't get mine to work. It's quite essential tool for studio photography.Everything is working fine with my D7000, but as soon as i change to D7100 'No Camera Detected' is all I get.
All necessary services are running and troubleshooting is done by Adobe instructions found for LR 4.3. Yes, the raw's import fine from D7100 via 'Import Photos and Video...' dialog. Lightroom version is 4.4. Computer running on Win 7 64bit.
So is the D7100 support only support for it's NEF's and not for tethered shooting?
I started to get problems with Lightroom not recognizing RAW files from my Fuji XE-1 and Canon 5D Mark 3 cameras but I thought it was a problem with RC. After downloading some files today in 4.4 without a problem I encountered the same error message (unable to inport listed RAW files) again. The files open fine in Bridge.
I have been evalutating LR4 and am stuck on how to import my files from another DAM into LR4.
I am able to write XMP into JPG files, and provide sidecar XMP files for RAW (CR2) and MOV/MP4/MTS files, writing my hierarchical keyword information into the xmp-dc:Subject and xmp-lr:HierarchicalSubject fields.
LR4 seems to read the XMP keywords from the JPG and RAW files just fine and re-creates my keyword hierarchy.
LR4 seems to ignore on import the XMP for the non-image files such as the MOV/MP4/MTS files for which I have provided sidecar files.
LR4 also does not write out XMP files for the non-image files, when I use save Medatada.
Does LR4 just ignore import/writing XMP for these non-image files?
I downloaded all of the updates that I thought were necessary to be able to edit D600 raw files but they are still coming up as "Preview unavailable for this file" and saying it's not supported.
LR has stopped importing my Nikon d600 raw files, first says no preview available then when I click import it says not supported. I have upgraded to ver 4.4 but still have the same problem.
My sigma 18-250 macro canon mount lens is supported by Lightroom 5, but when I go to the lens correction profile list, it is not listed in my lightroom software program. I show a 18-200, but not my 18 - 250 macro.
I don´t know why, but suddenly there seems to be no way, I can get edit in PS with LR adjustments. There used to be an options box in LR when selecting "edit in Photoshop". Now I get no options, and my adjustments from LR does not show in PS. I have tried both the tiff and PSD setting in preferences/external editing, but no luck. I have also used the "Reset Warnings" in LR, hoping this would bring back the external edit dialog box, but no luck.
as I have a lot of urgent work to do, and I go back and forth between LR and PS a lot.
Mac OS 10.8.5 Photoshop CS6 13.0.5 x64 Camera Raw 8.2.094 Lightroom 5.2
I have recently opened a LR catalog from an external hard drive connected to a new mac pro. All the 'user templates' are there and all the images in each respective collection, although I had to re-connect them as the originals had moved to a new external hard drive but... most (not all), but most of the images I had adjusted in 'Develop' have gone. Most of the images I made a virtual copy of before adjusting have reverted back to the original raw image without the adjustments.
If I have to start all over again from scratch or is there a magic 'LR Develop adjustments' file I haven't transfere to the new laptop and hard drive?
Are the modifications that you make during development added consecutively as you make each one or are they all added up and applied once at the end?
In other words: say I have a RAW file, well exposed, but it's flat and boring. So I choose to knock the whole thing down 1 eV in exposure. Then I use the adjustment brush and add 1 eV to just my subject. Is my subject essentially untouched as to exposure, or has the subject been brought down and taken back up and thus would have some inherent noise and whatnot?
And does the same apply for adjustments other than exposure, like clarity or tint?
I am using LR4 and PS-CS5. I just upgraded to LR-4 but now when I select an image to edit in PS, the LR adjustments have been stripped. I have looked at preferences and menu items but cannot find how I can change this.
I have reinstalled LR4.1 to the new hard drive on my computer. Had to import all the images again, and all my LR adjustments seems gone? Mapping, keywords, rating, development adjustments etc... The old catalogues are on the new hard drive. How can I get LR to find my ajustments? Or do I have to do it all over again :S ?
When I use send an image from LR to PS using "Edit in..." Only some of the LR adjustments show up in PS. (E.g. color adjustments are visible while crop and exposure are not). All versions (LR, PS, ACR) are the newest. I am on mac OSX 10.9.1.
I upgraded to LS4 without a hitch, and updated my catalogs. Everything seemed to work fine for a few days. Then I tried to drag my LR catalog onto another drive and open it from there. Afer that, it all went down the tubes, regardless of which copy of the catalog I open.
Normally I'll make adjustments my my imported RAW files in LR, then hit "command-E," and edit original to PS CS5.1 (all software is current release), with LR adjustments rendered to that TIFF file. Now, I don't ever get that dialog box, but I do get another box telling me to update to Camera Raw version 7.0, which I understand is not available yet. So I hit "open anyway," and the image appears in PS but without any adjustments. Furthermore, it appears to be an opened CR2 file, rather than a TIFF. I didn't even know PS could open a CR2 file without the Camera Raw plugin dialogue launching. So, it appears I have a CR2 file opened rather than a TIFF, despite the external editor presets being correct (TIFF, 16bit, etc.).
I can render it using lightroom, but that doesn't work for me because I need to be able to not save a tiff I've created (layers of different adjustment settings I discard), I need to be able to click "don't save" but that way just automatically saves them. Also,
I am running windows vista with lighroom 4.1 and CS4 11.0.2.
If I edit a photo with lighroom and send it to CS4 for final editing I am not getting any lighroom adjustments transfered with the image. I have been using lightroom 2.5 with no problems and now I have upgraded to lightroom 4 I am having problems..
I'm having a problem exporting a DNG file as an original or as DNG with adjustments. All the exports is the original DNG file. I do get a clean export with adjustments when I export to jpg.
here's the details: software is lightroom 4.1 and camera raw 7.1. File was NEF converted to DNG on import. numerous adjustment to tone, w/brushes, etc. xmp written to file. tried dng export preset as well as through the export module. exported to various versions of camera raw. all with no luck. opened in CS 5 and Preview, with the same results: no adjustments to DNG.
I have won a free high-end print and the printer says DNG will be better.
I have upgraded from LR4 to LR5, but my adjustments from developer module, stars, keywords tag etc is missing. I think I moved the catalog from 4 to 5 instead og copied
I've got LR5 and I started with a completely new catalog, so no migration of anything old.I have lots of video clips from my GH3 but every time I try to play one in the Library it doesn't play. I look at Task Manager and dynamiclinkmediaserver.exe is pegged at close to 100% CPU usage and using 500MB of memory.
My Lightroom 4.4 stopped importing videos and I don't know why. My Quicktime is up to date, my Lightroom is up to date, and quitting and opening Lightroom doesn't effect it. I tried purging the cache and it didn't effect it.
When I restart my computer and reopen Lightroom it will import a couple of videos and then stop working again.