Lightroom :: Plug-ins For Burning / Dodging / Layers And Filters
May 1, 2013
I have Lightroom 4.4 and I would like to add plugins for burning, dodging, layers and filters. Which plugins would I need to do this things and where would I get them?
I had finished working on a b&w photo when I saw an area that needed to be burned in. However I was unable to do it, I assume because a layer or something was in the way. Is there a way to do burning or dodging sort of after the fact or should I do that very early on when I begin to edit the original photo?
In PS CS3 I had set up something very useful on my Wacom tablet. I had two buttons mapped to two different actions. They would do the following:
1) Load tool preset for Dodge, 25px soft round, 10%, Highlights
2) Load tool preset for Burn, 25px soft round, 10%, Shadows
With PS CS4 this doesn't work because of the new "Protect Tones" checkbox. If Protect Tones is on, the tool preset will not change from "Highlights" to "Shadows" automatically. It just gets stuck on whatever it was on previously. To make matters worse, Protect Tones turns itself ON every time you switch from Dodge to Burn, even if you've saved a Tone Preset with Protect Tones turned off!
I am wondering if it is necessary to fill an empty soft light layer with 50% neutral grey before dodging or burning with a black or white brush? Other than making the brush strokes more visible when viewing the layer by itself does filling the layer first with 50% neutral grey do anything else? If one was to have painted the same black and white brush strokes on an empty layer set to soft light would there be any difference?
Trying to load plug-ins in CS6, on a Mac, but there is no filters file under the Plug-ins folder. It is completely vacant except for a Panels folder. Did the filters folder move to somewhere else?
i've had this problem intermittently with about every version of LR i've had, since 1...but it seems to come and go. when i dodge a face, or a part of the image, i get these wierd blotches on the image.
I'm using CS3 and have a project with many layers. When I have a layer selected (not the background layer) and go to apply a filter, most of the options are grayed out. I can't get to artistic filter or brush strokes or sketch, etc. If I opened the file separately, as in not adding it as a layer to my main project, all the layers work. None of the layers are locked.
I just installed Photoshop CS3 on Win XP Prof and when started using it I could not apply any filters to layers.
Created an 8 bit RGB file went to Filter Gallery, chose a filter, saw the results, pressed OK and nothing happend.
Logged in as Administrator and Filter Galleries worked fine so I assume there is a permission problem but could not find which file to change permission for.
I want to change permissions so a "Users" account can use the filters.
When I try to apply a filter (in this case distort-glass) on a regular RGB 8bit layer(1 or above), it wont work. If however, I draw something on the base (background) layer and apply the filter to that, it works fine. Seems it does not like transparent backgrounds.
Is it possible applying those photoshop filters into After effects layers? I thought the filter worked like layers, so when I import the photoshop files to AE I could drag the filter and apply it on a movie layer! I didn't work! Is it possible?
In our company we use standard layerfilters, so they should be the same name in every drawing (else its gonna be a good idea to do so).
If i know the command on how to turn off of on layers who are set in a filter i can make a macro to do it for me, but i dunno if there is an way to turn of those layers with an command.
My company uses tons of Xrefs - wonderful, however problem comes when having to navigate through 100's of layers to get to the main drawings layers. So I tried using the layer filters to just show my main drawings layers. Here is the problem, I you can select show all layers, not good, can select just the xrefs (show all of them or show just one of them, etc...), or you can show just the used layers - I tried that, but when you create a new layer it is not included in that filter. I tried setting up a custom layer filter, however, I don't know how to right the name or what selection to make that would allow me to exclude a set of layers.
We have a number of standard layer group filters. We also have a utility that allows us to re-create our standard layers with the push of a button, making it easy to use the PURGE command to keep the drawings clean.
We have noticed that once we purge our layers out, the group filters are broken. After reinserting the standard layers, some of them show no layers, and others show all of the layers, neither of which is correct. It seems that once a Group Layer Filter no longer sees the layers it was set to include in the layer list, it forgets all its settings and becomes useless.
How can we continue to use PURGE without losing the functionality of our layer filters?
I have around 500 photos of somebody tagged that I would like to burn to a disc. What is the best way to do this in LR? Just drag the photos to a folder on my Mac to burn them or is there another way?
I am redoing a series of photos using a specific set of layers and filters, it takes quite some time to open all the stuff for each photo. I sthere a way to automate all or part of this process?
I am new to LR 3 , after downloading photo's from 3 CF cards from a wedding then editing I put chosen best shots into a smart collection and all seemed in order numbers wise etc, when I burnt to a disc they are now not in order of the days event, how can I make sure they are of the following : -
1 - All the same size photo's ready to be printed or put in an album. 2 - How can I make sure the order in which I see them in the library smart collection is burnt in the same order onto a disc, as I have burnt from library and they are all out of order of the wedding event when looked at on the disc !!
I have been all over the Adobe website trying to find the camera raw plug for LR. Can't find the page to download. Just purchased LR5 and would to add this plug in
I'm using LR3 (still) with plug-ins for PS and Nik Dfine. Whenever I use either plug-in and return to LR, a "loading" update occurs about every 15 seconds for about a second. This is especially annoying during Brush operations. It not only interrupts what you're doing, but if caught in the middle of a Brush stroke, that stroke is gone when "loading" ends; and if you were in Erase, the brush gets reset to Brush A/B.
My system configuration:
i5 2500K (not overclocked), 2.3 Ghz8 MB RAMWindows 7 64-bit LR3, CS4, Dfine also 64-bitAll programs on SATA drive C (Samsung Spinpoint)Photo files on SATA drive F (Samsung Spinpoint)LR cache and catalog on 64 GB SSD drive G Cache 32 GBDrive space 75% free
This seems to be the one issue my upgrade to a home-built hasn't solved. Having just emptied my cache, I just performed a Dfine noise-reduction on a fresh raw file (Canon 7D), then opened up Brush in LR. Is there anything that can be done to improve performance with plug-ins?
I have Lightroom 4.3 and am using Windows 7, 64 bit, and wanted to use publish services with Facebook. Add photos to Facebook through Lightroom which is stated possible. When I try to utilize it, I am told under the Mozilla Firefox that
" it doesn't know how to open this address, because the protocol (lightroom) isn't associated with any program. You might need to install other software to open this address."
I'm attempting to set up the Facebook plug-in in LR4. I get as far as logging into Facebook, and clicking "allow" on the permissions page. Then LR4 attempts to go to: URL....
which of course, fails and LR complains that it did not receive the authorization token from Facebook.
Is there a lightroom web gallery plug in where it creates a gallery where people can just check the box/like their favorite photos and then I can see what has the top votes?
I have been using Slideshow Pro to export slideshows for the web from Lightroom but these cannot be viewed on apple devices. Are there any slide show plugins that can be publish for apple devices?
When I use either Nik or onOne to edit a RAW file, if I chose to cancel using that plug-in, LR still creates a TIFF. Is there a way to prevent this (other than not using the plug-in)?
My computer was recently repaired to remove a would be virus and my PSE 12 plug in was missing from the external editing drop down? I thought I saved the instructions, but cannot find them. I remember where to go; just don't remember what I am looking for to choose?
Upgraded to 3.6 today. Published services Publish to Photoshelter (URL...) doesn't work. First I get: Your catalog must be updated before it can be used with the following plug-in:
and then: Could not upgrade your catalog for plug-in metadata.The plugin-specific metadata in this catalog is newer than the what the installed version of this plugin supports. That's a deal-breaker for me, unless there's a way around it.
There are three "plug-in extras" menu items in various places (one in file, one in library and one in help) in the library mode. Do they have different functions?
I downloaded and installed GIMP 2.8.8 in Windows XP. The Filters menu option shows only Repeat last, Re-show last and Reset all filters.Nothing else in there. Where are the filters?