Lightroom :: How To Find Photos With Specified Develop Changes
Sep 20, 2012
How can I found photos with manual lens correction (Lens Correction/Transform) or cointrain crop (Lens Correction/Transform/Constraint Cop) in LR 4.x ? I tried to do this with Smart Collection but I can't.
I just updated Lightroom to version 3.4 and now I can not find the folders panel in the Develop module. It's in the Library module but not in the Develop module. There is not even a right click option for a folders panel under the Develop module. What happened???
I get red and blue splotches on photos in LR5 Develop Module. Seems to be mainly in bright areas of photos. Not there in Library module. I noticed this in the Beta as well but thought it would be fixed before release. In LR4.4 everything is fine.
When i'm editing photos in the develop module they look really clear and good. When i switch to the library, they have a lot of noise and look nothing like how I edited them. I am using lightroom 4 for my mac. It's annoying to have to switch between the develop module and library to see what they are going to look like.
When I start to develop my NEF photo's from my Nikon D7100 some of the pictures have started to develop multicoloured stripes across the bottom. But they seem fine on the external hard drive.
I am using Lightroom 4.4 Dell Ultrasharp monitor is calibrated. I own and have been referring to Scott Kelby's Lightroom4 book for digital photographers. I recently took some photos of my daughters prom. She had on a beautiful reddish orange dress. I notice that the dress appears very red in the develop module, however, appears a bit more orange in the library module. The change is very noticeable between the modules. The dress also appears similar to the library module view (a bit more orange) when viewed on the web via Flickr utilizing Chrome, Firefox, or IPad. It also appears the same when exported to a JPEG file.
I have done some experimenting and have determined that this color change effect appears to be very noticeable utilizing the Adobe Standard Camera Calibration Profile. It does not happen (at least to a noticeable extent) with the others such as Camera Standard where the dress appears a bit more orange in both the library and develop module. I do, however, like the appearance of the Adobe Standard profile better and this happens to be the default profile as well.
I have also noticed that the dress looks more orange when Soft Proofing is enabled. The change happens immediately when the check box is enabled. Checking the box makes the photo appear similar to the Library module view. Enabling Soft Proofing does make noticeable that there is Destination Gamut Warning which mainly involves the dress which is the point of interest, however, there is no warning with the Monitor Gamut Warning. I am intending to place the photos on the web at this time via Flickr. I will be printing several later so will be worrying about the printer gamut at that time. But for now, I would like to get the photos on the web looking as intended.
I have important some photos into the library catalog, but they are not showing up in the filmstrip or develop module, even when I click to select one. I can work on it in the library section, but not the develop section. What do I have to do to make it appear in 'develop'?
When I open the photos in "Library" do not look good. In "Develop" yes... When I go Library to Develop, the screen moves a bit, and then it looks good but does not work because when I export, the photos look, like in Library. I'm climbing the walls from last night (I uninstalled, updated, etc) Now is Lightroom 5.
I managed to get my catalog transferred from Elements 8 and it is now working well. Feeling confident in the Library module I went to move on to the Develop module and now I have another problem, the photos are not showing up to edit. They are visible in the film strip and the top left corner, but not the actual screen. All the metadata is also available.
Possibly a related problem (which may also need a resolution) is:While all the data is there in Library module it is showing metadata conflict for many photos.
BTW some additional information which may be relevant. -I have already upgraded to 4.1. -I have the photos on a network drive. -Photos are Raw DNG format
The only way I can see my photos is if I hit the crop button in develop mode. Otherwise my thumbnails and main screen all come up with just a gray screen and I am unable to use any of the tools.
when I access in Lightroom 4.4 a folder which had been edited originally (and imported) in Lightroom 3, the options and settings for Developing and editing in LR 4 change to appear like the old options in LR3 (Exposure, Recovery, Fill Light and Blacks, instead of Highlights, shadow, whites and blacks etc..). Why is Lightroom 4 doing this. Most of the files I am trying to edit have not been touched before in LR 3 but were simply imported originally into the catalogue from LR3.
And by the way a further question regarding keyword tags remains unanswered...Why is there a difference between the number next to the keyword and the actual index number in the keyword folder?
I may be missing something entirely obvious, (indeed I often do), but I cant discover a way of using filters so I can see a dsiplay of pictures which I have not assigned to a collection?
Does the latest version of Lightroom have the capability to find duplicate photos? I have a bunch of JPGs and no desire to go through all of them to find duplicates. If Lightroom can not find duplicated, any app that is good at finding duplicate photos or near duplicate photos.
I am a relativcely new Lightroom user, and brand new to Lightroom 4. (I just upgraded after a hardware failure forced me to get a new computer.) My photos all came up missing -- mainly because the new computer assigned a different drive path to the external hard drive where most of my photos were stored. I spent much of yesterday locating 5000+ photos in my old catalog. Late in the day I tried to import the "located "photos into the new Lightroom 4 catalog. I am not sure what actually happened, but the photos do not currently appear in either the old catalog or the Lightroom 4 catalog. Fortunately, Lightroom does seem to know how to find them, because if I click "find previous process photos," the re-located photos are displayed. How do I get these photos incorporated safely in a catalog? Do I need to do take appropriate steps before conducting any other processing of photos?
I used Dup Finder (plugin) to find duplicate pictures in my LR catalog. I then erased them through Lightroom. what I didn't realize is that Dup Finder puts both the otiginal file and the duplicate in a smart collection. I errased everything from that folder, so now I have missing photos and I don't know all the file names. Is there any way to recover these photos or at the very least find a history of changed to a catalog or collection (I have online backups of my photos, so if I know the file name, I can get them).
I'm using LR5. Somehow my BASIC panel has disappeared in the DEVELOP module. The only way I can make adjustments now in brightness, etc is using the Tone Curve. How can I get my BASIC panel back?
The main develop module controls have disappeared from the develop window. How do I recover them? I'm working with Lightroom 5.3. The missing controls are the sliders for exposure, contrast, clarity, etc. I must have inadvertantly clicked something that made them disappear but nothing I've tried brings them back. I've never had this experience in the years I've been using Lightroom (since version 1.1).
How can I search and/or filter to find photos which have not been updated to the current Process Version? I would like to get a list of the photos rather than going through them one by one and looking for the lightening bolt.
I had the hard drive replaced on my mac. I did a restore from back up drive to my new hard drive. First LR4 couldn't find the catalog so I pointed to it. Then I opened lightroom 4 and it cannot see ANY of my photos. I don't want to link each folder full of photos it will take hours. Isn't there another way to do this so it finds them all at once? Photos are still located in the same location on the new hard drive after restore. Nothing changed except the hard drive.
When I move photos from the develop module to the web module they get a garish/reddish look . I want the photos in slide shows to look like they do in the Develop module. How do I do that?
'developing' or 'unrolling' or 'finding the true shape' of a 3D surface? Something similar to Robert McNeel's Rhino3D's UnrollSrf command to flatten a surface. (Is a mesh better?)
I am drawing the frames for a wooden surfboard which has curved spars (the surface in question) which need rolling out flat to make a template. The surface is curved in the XY axis only, so in theory it should be developable.
I just bought Photoshop CS5 this weekend, so I'm brand new to everything. I had edited a photo of my sister last night and went to save it by "save as" and I had made a seperate folder in my "pictures" library. Today I went to pull up the photo to show my sister, but the whole folder wasn't even there.
So I went in and re-edited the picture and saved it, recreating the folder and paying closer attention to what the picture was saved as (at the time I first saved it I hadn't realized that it was saved as a .PSD so this time I made sure that I saved it as a .JPEG). Still the folder itself isn't showing up. How can fix it/what am I doing wrong?