Lightroom :: Find Photos Without A Keyword Tag?

Apr 25, 2012

How do I find photos without a keyword tag?
And by the way a further question regarding keyword tags remains unanswered...Why is there a difference between the number next to the keyword and the actual index number in the keyword folder?

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Lightroom :: Find Images With Parent Keyword Tag Only?

Mar 2, 2007

I want a keyword hierarchy with "US" as parent keyword of 50 states name keywords. I have many images with state keywords, but I also have some images that are tagged only with "US" but no state tag, as they are not specific to a state.

How do I *easily* find only the images tagged "US" but with no state tags? Clicking on "US" in the keyword panel shows me all images tagged with "US" and all with state tags, but I just want the ones tagged "US".

I can use "Find" to find "US" images NOT CONTAINING "AL AK AR AS AZ..." by enumerating all 50 states, but that's a terribly awkward way filter out images tagged with state names. I can't see a button or filter that shows only the images with a parent tag but without child tags.

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Lightroom :: Keyword To Find A Collection Of Photographs

Jul 31, 2013

When I use a keyword to find a collection of photographs, I then want to be able to select a subset of them based on ratings, say all 4 stars or above.  But when I try to do that, Lightroom displays all photos with 4 stars or above, not just the ones with that keyword.  Earlier versions of lightroom handled this well.  Is this ever going to be fixed or is there another way to do this.

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Lightroom :: Keyword Tags - Why Can't Add Keyword Tags To Multiple Photos

Sep 2, 2013

I have used multiple versions of Lightroom (2, 3, 4, and now 5).  Why can't I add keyword tags to multiple photos?  I know that it can be done while importing, but I usually import a whole day's worth of pictures at one time and they don't require all the same keyword tags. The ones that are common I do add during import.  I used to be able to highlight the photos I wanted to add tags to, go to the metadata and find find the list of keywords applied to those photos.  Tags that were not common to all photos has an * beside them.  If I wished to have one of these tags for all the selected photos I just removed the *, otherwise I added the new tag to the list.

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Lightroom :: How To Keyword Photos With Use Of Space Bar

Apr 7, 2013

I have shot a sport tournament last weekend and when importing the photos, amongst others, I used keywords "Day 1", "Day 2" and "Day 3". I wanted to work on the photos of Day 3. When I entered "Day 3" in the find box, days 1 and 2's photos also appreared. I jumped on the net and read on a site not to use spaces. Question: How would you have tagged Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 in the key words?

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Lightroom :: Apply Keyword To Group Of Photos?

Nov 19, 2012

I am trying to apply a keyword to a group of photos, and am holding down the shift key as instructed. However, only the first picture is getting the keyword attached. I am using Lightroom 4.

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Lightroom :: How To View / Browse Photos By Keyword

Apr 18, 2012

What I can't seem to figure out is how to browse photos by keyword without creating a smart collection for every keyword.

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Lightroom :: Cannot Select Photos From Keyword List

Jun 26, 2012

When I try to select photos in the Library section from the keyword list all goes well until I get to the "R***" words and below - all the way to the "Z***" words.. From "R" words on LR will not allow me to select any keyword.When I ust the Filter, I can select any of the words below the "R****" words. Is it possible that there is a limit to the number of keywords allowed in the keyword list?

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Lightroom :: How To See Full Keyword List When Importing Photos

Feb 19, 2013

While importing photos, I would like to add keywords selected from my full list of keywords. not add new keywords where I can use an existing one.  I think I used to be able to see it but can't remember how I accessed it. 

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Lightroom :: 4.1 - Keyword List / No Photos Match The Filter

Jun 5, 2012

LR4.1 64-bit Windows 7
I have  relatively small (1k), and completely flat (non-hierarchical) keyword list.
for a small number of keywords, I have the following problem:
If I open Library, witht the centre panel in Grid View, then select Keyword List from the RHS panel, and select one these "problem" keywords, On the rhs of the screen it shows a number, indicating the number of images to which this keyword is attached.
I then click the arrow next to the number to display the images with this keyword.
the library filter opens in the centre panel of the screen area, dropping down the Keyword filter and correctly highlighting the selected keyword; however against this, the keyword show 0 matches and the message "No photos match the filter" is displayed.
If I right-click on the keyword in the Keyword List  and select delete, the message is displayed that the keyword will be deleted from n photos
Thus I don't  know if there are photos with the keyword which are just not being displayed, or whether there are a number of "phantom" keywords which are not associated with any images.
It may be that I am lacking understanding of some aspect of LR functionality; or that somehow there is an indexing problem within my LR catalogue.

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Lightroom :: Keyword All Photos In Folder Simultaneously After Import?

Jan 8, 2013

How do you keyword all photos in a folder simultaneously after import?

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Lightroom :: Export Resized Photos As New Catalog With Keyword Hierarchy

Dec 31, 2013

I want a new catalog with small jpgs and the hierarchical keywords. But I seem to be able to get each part of that individually but I can't seem to get them all at the same time.
If I select images and export them with "Write Keywords as Lightroom Hierarchy" checked, then import those new jpgs into a new catalog, my keywords are a flat list without the hierarchy. I tried exporting my keyword hierarchy as *.txt then importing it into an empty catalog so the hierarchy already existed. When I imported the new jpgs into that catalog, the keywords still came in as a flat list appended to the hierarchical keyword list.
I tried selecting the images and importing as a new catalog, which gives me a new catalog, but the new catalog has the original raw images.

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Lightroom :: Focus Jumps To Keyword Filter Box When Clicking A Keyword

Aug 17, 2010

Long, long, keyword hierarchy.  Clicking on a keyword takes the focus back up to the keyword filter box.  Usually happens if I've used the filter box to narrow down the keywords that are visible. Continues even after the filter box has been cleared.  Doesn't happen all the time though.  It is a real pain when trying to double click a keyword to edit it as the first click or the double click causes the list to refresh showing only the top entries.  The second click (of the double click) then causes whatever keyword is now under the pointer to be keyword to be edited - NOT the keyword under the pointer when I started the double click.
I've seen this happen in both LR3.0 and LR3.2RC.
Windows XP, 32bit.

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Lightroom :: Syncing Keyword Changes To LR3 Catalogs Among Different Users (using A Common Keyword Set)

Jul 5, 2012

I'm new to LightRoom and am glad to have found this great resource. Onto the issue at hand:
An ongoing office project is using LR3 to catalog 30 years' worth of images gathered from various media. Some are scans of slides, negatives, or prints; others are images straight from a digital camera. We have three people working on this cataloging project. The lead guy has created keywords on his computer that he uses to tag these images. Is there any way to make sure the keywords he's using on his machine sync with and are available to the other users of the image catalog? If not, is there a file that would have to be shared among the three users to make that functionality happen?

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Lightroom :: 4.4 - Library Filter By Keyword - Unable To Select Keyword

Jan 2, 2014

Lightroom version: 4.4 [891433]
Operating system: Windows 7 Home Premium Edition
Version: 6.1 [7601]
Application architecture: x64
System architecture: x64
Logical processor count: 4
Processor speed: 2.6 GHz
Built-in memory: 6087.8 MB
Real memory available to Lightroom: 6087.8 MB
Real memory used by Lightroom: 523.6 MB (8.6%)
Virtual memory used by Lightroom: 551.5 MB
Memory cache size: 1012.7 MB
Maximum thread count used by Camera Raw: 2
System DPI setting: 106 DPI
Desktop composition enabled: No
Displays: 1) 1600x900
If I am in Library module, select filter Metadata, select Keywords from dropdown (no other filter panels selected), and start to scroll down the list of keywords, I can select keywords by mouseclick, and see the matching photos as thumbs in the main window.
However as I scroll further down, I can no longer select keywords - the mouseclick no longer highlights or selects. This happens rather incosnsistently - by which I mean, the point in the eyword list where the select stops working is not always the same place in the keyword list.
If I click several times on the same non-selecting keyword, LR4.4 jumps to taking 50% (exactly) of processor time (shown in task manager) , and the memory usage climbs steadily until all free RAM is consumed.
This is a small (~8000 image) catalogue, with ~2500 keywords, entirely non-hierarchical.
The catalogue is set to optimise on backup, weekly.
I've tried deleting and recreating the preferences file btw to no avail

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Lightroom :: Creates A Keyword Inside Another Keyword?

Mar 12, 2012

#LR4 catalog:createKeyword creates a keyword inside another keyword even though the 4th parameter (parent) in the call is nil. LR3 API doc says .. 'nil to create at the top level' and thats how it worked. Looking forward to LR4 SDK documentation.

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Lightroom :: How To Find Photos With Specified Develop Changes

Sep 20, 2012

How can I found photos with manual lens correction (Lens Correction/Transform) or cointrain crop (Lens Correction/Transform/Constraint Cop) in LR 4.x ? I tried to do this with Smart Collection but I can't.

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Lightroom :: How To Find Missing Photos In MAC

Mar 2, 2012

Imported file into MAC LR3 and worked great that day, but now the photos are either totally absent or the file is "offline or missing."

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Lightroom :: Filter To Find Photos Not In A Collection

Oct 24, 2012

I may be missing something entirely obvious, (indeed I often do), but I cant discover a way of using filters so I can see a dsiplay of pictures which I have not assigned to a collection?

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Lightroom :: Find Photos In 3 By Date Of Upload?

Nov 14, 2013

How do I find my photos in Lightroom 3 by date of upload???

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Lightroom :: Capability To Find Duplicate Photos?

Jan 6, 2012

Does the latest version of Lightroom have the capability to find duplicate photos?  I have a bunch of JPGs and no desire to go through all of them to find duplicates.  If Lightroom can not find duplicated,  any app that is good at finding duplicate photos or near duplicate photos.

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Lightroom :: Find Previous Process Photos

Dec 2, 2012

I am a relativcely new Lightroom user, and brand new to Lightroom 4.  (I just upgraded after a hardware failure forced me to get a new computer.)  My photos all came up missing -- mainly because the new computer assigned a different drive path to the external hard drive where most of my photos were stored.  I spent much of yesterday locating 5000+ photos in my old catalog.  Late in the day I tried to import the "located "photos into the new Lightroom 4 catalog.  I am not sure what actually happened, but the photos do not currently appear in either the old catalog or the Lightroom 4 catalog.  Fortunately, Lightroom does seem to know how to find them, because if I click "find previous process photos," the re-located photos are displayed.  How do I get these photos incorporated safely in a catalog?  Do I need to do take appropriate steps before conducting any other processing of photos?

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Lightroom :: Recover Erased Photos Or Find History Of Changes?

Oct 20, 2012

I used Dup Finder (plugin) to  find duplicate pictures in my LR catalog.  I then erased them through Lightroom.  what I didn't realize is that Dup Finder puts both the otiginal file and the duplicate in a smart collection.  I errased everything from that folder, so now I have missing photos and I don't know all the file names.  Is there any way to recover these photos or at the very least find a history of changed to a catalog or collection (I have online backups of my photos, so if I know the file name, I can get them). 

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Lightroom :: Can't Find The Basic Panel To Edit Photos

Jan 4, 2014

I'm using LR5.  Somehow my BASIC panel has disappeared in the DEVELOP module.  The only way I can make adjustments now in brightness, etc is using the Tone Curve.  How can I get my BASIC panel back?

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Photoshop Elements :: 9 Delete Keyword Tags Pops Up During Find?

Dec 18, 2012

This has been occurring for a while, and is quite consistent, but I've never bothered to ask.  When I select Find/From History/Imported On, a window pops up with "Delete Keyword Tags" and a progress bar which starts to move.  I always immediately hit cancel, and then the "Select one or more groups you imported" window comes up, so I select the date and things work fine.
So what is going on with the "Delete Keyword Tags" window?  I've not noticed any tags get deleted, but am I risking losing them if I didn't immediately hit cancel?

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Photoshop Elements :: Unable To Find List Of Keyword Tags?

Feb 9, 2014

I have been using keyword tags for years in previous versions of Photoshop Elements.  In version 12 at first I noticed that they were harder to apply.  But now, something has happened that has removed the list of tags.  How do I get them back? (and where do I find out how to use them easily)?

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Lightroom :: How To Find Photos Which Have Not Been Updated To Current Process Version

Dec 13, 2013

How can I search and/or filter to find photos which have not been updated to the current Process Version?  I would like to get a list of the photos rather than going through them one by one and looking for the lightening bolt.

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Lightroom :: Find All Photos In Catalogue After Replacing Hard Drive On Mac?

Dec 5, 2012

I had the hard drive replaced on my mac. I did a restore from back up drive to my new hard drive.  First LR4 couldn't find the catalog so I pointed to it. Then I opened lightroom 4 and it cannot see ANY of my photos. I don't want to link each folder full of photos it will take hours. Isn't there another way to do this so it finds them all at once?  Photos are still located in the same location on the new hard drive after restore.  Nothing changed except the hard drive.

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Lightroom :: When Importing Photos - Can't Find Any Files On Hard Drive

Jan 12, 2014

When I go to import photo's that are on my hard drive, and click on Macintosh HD the arrow moves down but my files are all not showing up.

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Photoshop Elements :: Reattach Keyword Tags To Photos After Switching To 11?

Sep 19, 2013

I recently upgraded from vista to windows 8.
I then upgraded from Photoshop elements 9 (I think) to Photoshop elements 11.  I had catalogs and pictures scattered in different places so one of the options was just too gather all of the photographs on the hard drive and start a new catalog.  It worked, and so all of my pictures are under one catalog name which is perfect.  The key word tag categories are listed as I had sent them up in the previous version, but none of the photos are actually labeled with their keyword tax.  How can I reattach the tags to the pictures.

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Photoshop Elements :: Associate New Photos With Categories - Error Applying Keyword Tags

Oct 22, 2013

re: Adobe Photoshop Elements 12, downloaded to Windows XP in the presence of Photoshop Elements 11 which was then removed.  In Photoshop 12 attempt to associate by dragging a photo in the Organizer Media screen elicits message "Error applying Keyword Tags".  How can I associate new photos with categories, Keywords? on the left derived from Photoshop 11?

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